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Test Coverage
# Commands

## goToRGB(r, g, b, cb)

Sets the color of the BlinkM RGB LED to the specified combination of RGB color provided. 
(red, green and blue values should be between `0` and `255`)

##### Returns 


## fadeToRGB(r, g, b, cb)

Fades the color of the BlinkM RGB LED to the specified combination of RGB color provided. 
(red, green and blue values should be between `0` and `255`)

##### Returns 


## fadeToHSB(h, s, b, cb)

Fades the color of the BlinkM RGB LED to the specified combination of HSB provided.

##### Returns 


## fadeToRandomRGB(r, g, b, cb)

Fades the color of the BlinkM RGB LED to a random combination of RGB color. 
(red, green and blue values should be between `0` and `255`)

##### Returns 


## fadeToRandomHSB(h, s, b, cb)

Fades the color of the BlinkM RGB LED to a random combination of HSB .

##### Returns 


## playLightScript(id, repeats, startAtLine, cb)

Plays a light script for the BlinkM RGB LED.

##### Returns 


## stopScript(cb)

Stops an specific script for the BlinkM RGB LED.

##### Returns 


## setFadeSpeed(time, cb)

Sets a time adjust for the BlinkM RGB LED.

##### Returns 


## getRGBColor()

Returns an array containing the RGB values for the current color
(all integer between `0` and `255`).

##### Returns 

`integer_array` (cb).

## setAddress(address, cb)

Returns an sring describing the I2C addresss being used.

##### Returns 


## getFirmware()

Returns an sring describing the I2C firmware version being used.

##### Returns 
