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Test Coverage
# Display Camera

First, let's import Cylon:

    var Cylon = require('cylon');

Now that we have Cylon imported, we can start defining our robot


Let's define the connections and devices:

      connections: {
        opencv: { adaptor: 'opencv' }

      devices: {
        window: { driver: 'window' },
        camera: {
          driver: 'camera',
          camera: 0,
          haarcascade: __dirname + "/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"

Now that Cylon knows about the necessary hardware we're going to be using, we'll
tell it what work we want to do:

      work: function(my) {
        my.camera.once('cameraReady', function() {
          console.log('The camera is ready!');

          // We listen for frame ready event, when triggered
          // we display the frame/image passed as an argument to
          // the listener function, and we tell the window to wait 40 milliseconds
          my.camera.on('frameReady', function(err, im) {
            my.window.show(im, 40);

          // Here we have two options to start reading frames from
          // the camera feed.
          // 1. 'As fast as possible': triggering the next frame read
          //    in the listener for frameReady, if you need video
          //    as smooth as possible uncomment #my.camera.readFrame()
          //    in the listener above and the one below this comment.
          //    Also comment out the `every 50, my.camera.readFrame`
          //    at the end of the comments.
          // my.camera.readFrame()
          // 2. `Use an interval of time`: to try to get a set amount
          //    of frames per second (FPS), we use an `every 50, myFunction`,
          //    we are trying to get 1 frame every 50 milliseconds
          //    (20 FPS), hence the following line of code.
          every(50, my.camera.readFrame);

Now that our robot knows what work to do, and the work it will be doing that
hardware with, we can start it:
