* cylon sphero commands
* Copyright (c) 2013 The Hybrid Group
* Licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
"use strict";
module.exports = [
* The Abort Macro command aborts any executing macro, and returns both it's
* ID code and the command number currently in progress.
* An exception is a System Macro executing with the UNKILLABLE flag set.
* A returned ID code of 0x00 indicates that no macro was running, an ID code
* of 0xFFFF as the CmdNum indicates the macro was unkillable.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.abortMacro(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" id:",;
* console.log(" cmdNum:", data.cmdNum);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Abort orbBasic Program command aborts execution of any currently
* running orbBasic program.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.abortOrbBasicProgram(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The add XP command increases XP by adding the supplied number of minutes
* of drive time, and immediately commits the SSB to flash.
* If the password is not accepted, this command fails without consequence.
* @private
* @param {Number} pw 32-bit password
* @param {Number} qty 8-bit number of minutes of drive time to add
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.addXp(pwd, 5, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Append Macro Chunk project stores the attached macro definition into
* the temporary RAM buffer for later execution.
* It's similar to the Save Temporary Macro command, but allows building up
* longer temporary macros.
* Any existing Macro ID can be sent through this command, and executed
* through the Run Macro call using ID 0xFF.
* If this command is sent while a Temporary or Stream Macro is executing it
* will be terminated so that its storage space can be overwritten. As with
* all macros, the longest chunk that can be sent is 254 bytes.
* You must follow this with a Run Macro command (ID 0xFF) to actually get it
* to go and it is best to prefix this command with an Abort call to make
* certain the larger buffer is completely initialized.
* @param {Array} chunk of bytes to append for macro execution
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.appendMacroChunk(, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Append orbBasic Fragment command appends a patch of orbBasic code to
* existing ones in the specified storage area (0x00 for RAM, 0x01 for
* persistent).
* Complete lines are not required. A line begins with a decimal line number
* followed by a space and is terminated with a <LF>.
* See the orbBasic Interpreter document for complete information.
* Possible error responses would be ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EPARAM if an illegal
* storage area is specified or ORBOTIX_RSP_CODE_EEXEC if the specified
* storage area is full.
* @param {Number} area which area to append the fragment to
* @param {String} code orbBasic code to append
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.appendOrbBasicFragment(0x00, OrbBasicCode, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Assign Time command sets a specific value to Sphero's internal 32-bit
* relative time counter.
* @param {Number} time the new value to set
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.assignTime(0x00ffff00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Boost command executes Sphero's boost macro.
* It takes a 1-byte parameter, 0x01 to start boosting, or 0x00 to stop.
* @param {Number} boost whether or not to boost (1 - yes, 0 - no)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.boost(1, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Buy Consumable command attempts to spend cores on consumables.
* The consumable ID is given (0 - 7), as well as the quantity requested to
* purchase.
* If the purchase succeeds, the consumable count is increased, the cores are
* spent, and a success response is returned with the increased quantity and
* lower balance.
* If there aren't enough cores available to spend, or the purchase would
* exceed the max consumable quantity of 255, Sphero responds with an EEXEC
* error (0x08)
* @private
* @param {Number} id what consumable to buy
* @param {Number} qty how many consumables to buy
* @param {Function} callback function to be called with response
* @example
* orb.buyConsumable(0x00, 5, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Clear Counters command is a developer-only command to clear the various
* system counters created by the L2 diagnostics.
* It is denied when the Sphero is in Normal mode.
* @private
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.clearCounters(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Color command wraps Sphero's built-in setRgb command, allowing for
* a greater range of possible inputs.
* @param {Number|String|Object} color what color to change Sphero to
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.color("#00ff00", function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "Color Changed!");
* });
* @example
* orb.color(0xff0000, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "Color Changed!");
* });
* @example
* orb.color({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 255 }, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "Color Changed!");
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Commit To Flash command copies the current orbBasic RAM program to
* persistent flash storage.
* It will fail if a program is currently executing out of flash.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.commitToFlash(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Configure Collisions command configures Sphero's collision detection
* with the provided parameters.
* These include:
* - **meth** - which detection method to use. Supported methods are 0x01,
* 0x02, and 0x03 (see the collision detection document for details). 0x00
* disables this service.
* - **xt, yt** - 8-bit settable threshold for the X (left, right) and
* y (front, back) axes of Sphero. 0x00 disables the contribution of that
* axis.
* - **xs, ys** - 8-bit settable speed value for X/Y axes. This setting is
* ranged by the speed, than added to `xt` and `yt` to generate the final
* threshold value.
* - **dead** - an 8-bit post-collision dead time to prevent re-triggering.
* Specified in 10ms increments.
* @param {Object} opts object containing collision configuration opts
* @param {Function} cb function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* var opts = {
* meth: 0x01,
* xt: 0x0F,
* xs: 0x0F,
* yt: 0x0A,
* ys: 0x0A,
* dead: 0x05
* };
* orb.configureCollisions(opts, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Configure Locator command configures Sphero's streaming location data
* service.
* The following options must be provided:
* - **flags** - bit 0 determines whether calibrate commands auto-correct the
* yaw tare value. When false, positive Y axis coincides with heading 0.
* Other bits are reserved.
* - **x, y** - the current (x/y) coordinates of Sphero on the ground plane in
* centimeters
* - **yawTare** - controls how the x,y-plane is aligned with Sphero's heading
* coordinate system. When zero, yaw = 0 corresponds to facing down the
* y-axis in the positive direction. Possible values are 0-359 inclusive.
* @param {Object} opts object containing locator service configuration
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* var opts = {
* flags: 0x01,
* x: 0x0000,
* y: 0x0000,
* yawTare: 0x0
* };
* orb.configureLocator(opts, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Control UART Tx command enables or disables the CPU's UART transmit
* line so another client can configure the Bluetooth module.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after write
* @example
* orb.controlUartTx(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Detect Collisions command sets up Sphero's collision detection system,
* and automatically parses asynchronous packets to re-emit collision events
* to 'collision' event listeners.
* @param {Function} callback (err, data) to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.detectCollisions();
* orb.on("collision", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" x:", data.x);
* console.log(" y:", data.y);
* console.log(" z:", data.z);
* console.log(" axis:", data.axis);
* console.log(" xMagnitud:", data.xMagnitud);
* console.log(" yMagnitud:", data.yMagnitud);
* console.log(" speed:", data.timeStamp);
* console.log(" timeStamp:", data.timeStamp);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Enable SSB Async Messages command turns on/off soul block related
* asynchronous messages.
* These include shield collision/regrowth messages, boost use/regrowth
* messages, XP growth, and level-up messages.
* This feature defaults to off.
* @private
* @param {Number} flag whether or not to enable async messages
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after write
* @example
* orb.enableSsbAsyncMsg(0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Erase orbBasic Storage command erases any existing program in the
* specified storage area.
* Specify 0x00 for the temporary RAM buffer, or 0x01 for the persistent
* storage area.
* @param {Number} area which area to erase
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.eraseOrbBasicStorage(0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Execute orbBasic Program command attempts to run a program in the
* specified storage area, beginning at the specified line number.
* This command will fail if there is already an orbBasic program running.
* @param {Number} area which area to run from
* @param {Number} slMSB start line
* @param {Number} slLSB start line
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.executeOrbBasicProgram(0x00, 0x00, 0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Finish Calibration command ends Sphero's calibration mode, by setting
* the new heading as current, turning off the back LED, and re-enabling
* stabilization.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.finishCalibration();
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Auto Reconnect command returns the Bluetooth auto reconnect values
* as defined above in the Set Auto Reconnect command.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with reconnect data
* @example
* orb.getAutoReconnect(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" flag:", data.flag);
* console.log(" time:", data.time);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Triggers the callback with a structure containing
* - Sphero's ASCII name
* - Sphero's Bluetooth address (ASCII)
* - Sphero's ID colors
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with Bluetooth info
* @example
* orb.getBluetoothInfo(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" name:",;
* console.log(" btAddress:", data.btAddress);
* console.log(" separator:", data.separator);
* console.log(" colors:", data.colors);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Chassis ID command returns the 16-bit chassis ID Sphero was
* assigned at the factory.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with a response
* @example
* orb.getChassisId(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" chassisId:", data.chassisId);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Passes the color of the sphero Rgb LED to the callback (err, data)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.getColor(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" color:", data.color);
* console.log(" red:",;
* console.log(" green:",;
* console.log(" blue:",;
* }
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Configuration Block command retrieves one of Sphero's configuration
* blocks.
* The response is a simple one; an error code of 0x08 is returned when the
* resources are currently unavailable to send the requested block back. The
* actual configuration block data returns in an asynchronous message of type
* 0x04 due to its length (if there is no error).
* ID = `0x00` requests the factory configuration block
* ID = `0x01` requests the user configuration block, which is updated with
* current values first
* @param {Number} id which configuration block to fetch
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.getConfigBlock(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Device Mode command gets the current device mode of Sphero.
* Possible values:
* - **0x00**: Normal mode
* - **0x01**: User Hack mode.
* @param {Function} callback function to be called with response
* @example
* orb.getDeviceMode(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" mode:", data.mode);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Macro Status command returns the ID code and command number of the
* currently executing macro.
* If no macro is running, the 0x00 is returned for the ID code, and the
* command number is left over from the previous macro.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.getMacroStatus(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" idCode:", data.idCode);
* console.log(" cmdNum:", data.cmdNum);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Permanent Option Flags command returns Sphero's permanent option
* flags, as a bit field.
* Here's possible bit fields, and their descriptions:
* - `0`: Set to prevent Sphero from immediately going to sleep when placed in
* the charger and connected over Bluetooth.
* - `1`: Set to enable Vector Drive, that is, when Sphero is stopped and
* a new roll command is issued it achieves the heading before moving along
* it.
* - `2`: Set to disable self-leveling when Sphero is inserted into the
* charger.
* - `3`: Set to force the tail LED always on.
* - `4`: Set to enable motion timeouts (see DID 02h, CID 34h)
* - `5`: Set to enable retail Demo Mode (when placed in the charger, ball
* runs a slow rainbow macro for 60 minutes and then goes to sleep).
* - `6`: Set double tap awake sensitivity to Light
* - `7`: Set double tap awake sensitivity to Heavy
* - `8`: Enable gyro max async message (NOT SUPPORTED IN VERSION 1.47)
* - `6-31`: Unassigned
* @param {Function} callback function triggered with option flags data
* @example
* orb.getPermOptionFlags(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" sleepOnCharger:", data.sleepOnCharger);
* console.log(" vectorDrive:", data.vectorDrive);
* console.log(" selfLevelOnCharger:", data.selfLevelOnCharger);
* console.log(" tailLedAlwaysOn:", data.tailLedAlwaysOn);
* console.log(" motionTimeouts:", data.motionTimeouts);
* console.log(" retailDemoOn:", data.retailDemoOn);
* console.log(" awakeSensitivityLight:", data.awakeSensitivityLight);
* console.log(" awakeSensitivityHeavy:", data.awakeSensitivityHeavy);
* console.log(" gyroMaxAsyncMsg:", data.gyroMaxAsyncMsg);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Power State command returns Sphero's current power state, and some
* additional parameters:
* - **RecVer**: record version code (following is for 0x01)
* - **Power State**: high-level state of the power system
* - **BattVoltage**: current battery voltage, scaled in 100ths of a volt
* (e.g. 0x02EF would be 7.51 volts)
* - **NumCharges**: Number of battery recharges in the life of this Sphero
* - **TimeSinceChg**: Seconds awake since last recharge
* Possible power states:
* - 0x01 - Battery Charging
* - 0x02 - Battery OK
* - 0x03 - Battery Low
* - 0x04 - Battery Critical
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with power state data
* @example
* orb.getPowerState(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" recVer:", data.recVer);
* console.log(" batteryState:", data.batteryState);
* console.log(" batteryVoltage:", data.batteryVoltage);
* console.log(" chargeCount:", data.chargeCount);
* console.log(" secondsSinceCharge:", data.secondsSinceCharge);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get RGB LED command fetches the current "user LED color" value, stored
* in Sphero's configuration.
* This value may or may not be what's currently displayed by Sphero's LEDs.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.getRgbLed(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" color:", data.color);
* console.log(" red:",;
* console.log(" green:",;
* console.log(" blue:",;
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get SSB command retrieves Sphero's Soul Block.
* The response is simple, and then the actual block of soulular data returns
* in an asynchronous message of type 0x0D, due to it's 0x440 byte length
* @private
* @param {Function} callback function to be called with response
* @example
* orb.getSsb(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Temporary Option Flags command returns Sphero's temporary option
* flags, as a bit field:
* - `0`: Enable Stop On Disconnect behavior
* - `1-31`: Unassigned
* @param {Function} callback function triggered with option flags data
* @example
* orb.getTempOptionFlags(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" stopOnDisconnect:", data.stopOnDisconnect);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Get Voltage Trip Points command returns the trip points Sphero uses to
* determine Low battery and Critical battery.
* The values are expressed in 100ths of a volt, so defaults of 7V and 6.5V
* respectively are returned as 700 and 650.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with trip point data
* @example
* orb.getVoltageTripPoints(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" vLow:", data.vLow);
* console.log(" vCrit:", data.vCrit);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Grant Cores command adds the supplied number of cores.
* If the first bit in the flags byte is set, the command immediately commits
* the SSB to flash. Otherwise, it does not.
* All other bits are reserved.
* If the password is not accepted, this command fails without consequence.
* @private
* @param {Number} pw 32-bit password
* @param {Number} qty 32-bit number of cores to add
* @param {Number} flags 8-bit flags byte
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.grantCores(pwd, 5, 0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Jump To Bootloader command requests a jump into the Bootloader to
* prepare for a firmware download.
* All commands after this one must comply with the Bootloader Protocol
* Specification.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.jumpToBootLoader(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Level Up Attribute command attempts to increase the level of the
* specified attribute by spending attribute points.
* The IDs are:
* - **0x00**: speed
* - **0x01**: boost
* - **0x02**: brightness
* - **0x03**: shield
* If successful, the SSB is committed to flash, and a response packet
* containing the attribute ID, new level, and remaining attribute points is
* returned.
* If there are not enough attribute points, this command returns an EEXEC
* error (0x08).
* If the password is not accepted, this command fails without consequence.
* @private
* @param {Number} pw 32-bit password
* @param {Number} id which attribute to level up
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.levelUpAttr(pwd, 0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Ping command verifies the Sphero is awake and receiving commands.
* @param {Function} callback triggered when Sphero has been pinged
* @example
*, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Poll Packet Times command helps users profile the transmission and
* processing latencies in Sphero.
* For more details, see the Sphero API documentation.
* @param {Number} time a timestamp to use for profiling
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.assignTime(0x00ffff, function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" t1:", data.t1);
* console.log(" t2:", data.t2);
* console.log(" t3:", data.t3);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Random Color command sets Sphero to a randomly-generated color.
* @param {Function} callback (err, data) to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.randomColor(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "Random Color!");
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Reinit Macro Executive command terminates any running macro, and
* reinitializes the macro system.
* The table of any persistent user macros is cleared.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.reInitMacroExec(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Read Locator command gets Sphero's current position (X,Y), component
* velocities, and speed-over-ground (SOG).
* The position is a signed value in centimeters, the component velocities are
* signed cm/sec, and the SOG is unsigned cm/sec.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with data
* @example
* orb.readLocator(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" xpos:", data.xpos);
* console.log(" ypos:", data.ypos);
* console.log(" xvel:", data.xvel);
* console.log(" yvel:", data.yvel);
* console.log(" sog:", data.sog);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Refill Bank command attempts to refill either the Boost bank (0x00) or
* the Shield bank (0x01) by attempting to deduct the respective refill cost
* from the current number of cores.
* If it succeeds, the bank is set to the maximum obtainable for that level,
* the cores are spent, and a success response is returned with the lower core
* balance.
* If there aren't enough cores available to spend, Sphero responds with an
* EEXEC error (0x08)
* @private
* @param {Number} type what bank to refill (0 - Boost, 1 - Shield)
* @param {Function} callback function to be called with response
* @example
* orb.refillBank(0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Roll command tells Sphero to roll along the provided vector.
* Both a speed and heading are required, the latter is considered relative to
* the last calibrated direction.
* Permissible heading values are 0 to 359 inclusive.
* @param {Number} speed what speed Sphero should roll at
* @param {Number} heading what heading Sphero should roll towards (0-359)
* @param {Number} [state] optional state parameter
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setbackLed(180, 0, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Perform Level 1 Diagnostics command is a developer-level command to
* help diagnose aberrant behaviour in Sphero.
* Most process flags, system counters, and system states are decoded to
* human-readable ASCII.
* For more details, see the Sphero API documentation.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with diagnostic data
* @example
* orb.runL1Diags(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Perform Level 2 Diagnostics command is a developer-level command to
* help diagnose aberrant behaviour in Sphero.
* It's much less informative than the Level 1 command, but is in binary
* format and easier to parse.
* For more details, see the Sphero API documentation.
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with diagnostic data
* @example
* orb.runL2Diags(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" recVer:", data.recVer);
* console.log(" rxGood:", data.rxGood);
* console.log(" rxBadId:", data.rxBadId);
* console.log(" rxBadDlen:", data.rxBadDlen);
* console.log(" rxBadCID:", data.rxBadCID);
* console.log(" rxBadCheck:", data.rxBadCheck);
* console.log(" rxBufferOvr:", data.rxBufferOvr);
* console.log(" txMsg:", data.txMsg);
* console.log(" txBufferOvr:", data.txBufferOvr);
* console.log(" lastBootReason:", data.lastBootReason);
* console.log(" bootCounters:", data.bootCounters);
* console.log(" chargeCount:", data.chargeCount);
* console.log(" secondsSinceCharge:", data.secondsSinceCharge);
* console.log(" secondsOn:", data.secondsOn);
* console.log(" distancedRolled:", data.distancedRolled);
* console.log(" sensorFailures:", data.sensorFailures);
* console.log(" gyroAdjustCount:", data.gyroAdjustCount);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Run Macro command attempts to execute the specified macro.
* Macro IDs are split into groups:
* 0-31 are System Macros. They are compiled into the Main Application, and
* cannot be deleted. They are always available to run.
* 32-253 are User Macros. They are downloaded and persistently stored, and
* can be deleted in total.
* 255 is the Temporary Macro, a special user macro as it is held in RAM for
* execution.
* 254 is also a special user macro, called the Stream Macro that doesn't
* require this call to begin execution.
* This command will fail if there is a currently executing macro, or the
* specified ID code can't be found.
* @param {Number} id 8-bit Macro ID to run
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.runMacro(0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
/** Save macro
* The Save Macro command stores the attached macro definition into the
* persistent store for later execution. This command can be sent even if
* other macros are executing.
* You will receive a failure response if you attempt to send an ID number in
* the System Macro range, 255 for the Temp Macro and ID of an existing user
* macro in the storage block.
* As with all macros, the longest definition that can be sent is 254 bytes.
* @param {Array} macro array of bytes with the data to be written
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.saveMacro(0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Save Temporary Macro stores the attached macro definition into the
* temporary RAM buffer for later execution.
* If this command is sent while a Temporary or Stream Macro is executing it
* will be terminated so that its storage space can be overwritten. As with
* all macros, the longest definition that can be sent is 254 bytes.
* @param {Array} macro array of bytes with the data to be written
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.saveTempMacro(0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Self Level command controls Sphero's self-level routine.
* This routine attempts to achieve a horizontal orientation where pitch/roll
* angles are less than the provided Angle Limit.
* After both limits are satisfied, option bits control sleep, final
* angle(heading), and control system on/off.
* An asynchronous message is returned when the self level routine completes.
* For more detail on opts param, see the Sphero API documentation.
* opts:
* - angleLimit: 0 for defaul, 1 - 90 to set.
* - timeout: 0 for default, 1 - 255 to set.
* - trueTime: 0 for default, 1 - 255 to set.
* - options: bitmask 4bit e.g. 0xF;
* };
* @param {Object} opts self-level routine options
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* var opts = {
* angleLimit: 0,
* timeout: 0, ,
* trueTime: 0,
* options: 0x7
* };
* orb.selfLevel(opts, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Accelerometer Range command tells Sphero what accelerometer range
* to use.
* By default, Sphero's solid-state accelerometer is set for a range of ±8Gs.
* You may wish to change this, perhaps to resolve finer accelerations.
* This command takes an index for the supported range, as explained below:
* - `0`: ±2Gs
* - `1`: ±4Gs
* - `2`: ±8Gs (default)
* - `3`: ±16Gs
* @param {Number} idx what accelerometer range to use
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setAccelRange(0x02, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Auto Reconnect command tells Sphero's BT module whether or not it
* should automatically reconnect to the previously-connected Apple mobile
* device.
* @param {Number} flag whether or not to reconnect (0 - no, 1 - yes)
* @param {Number} time how many seconds after start to enable auto reconnect
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after write
* @example
* orb.setAutoReconnect(1, 20, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Back LED command allows brightness adjustment of Sphero's tail
* light.
* This value does not persist across power cycles.
* @param {Number} brightness brightness to set to Sphero's tail light
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setbackLed(255, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Chassis ID command assigns Sphero's chassis ID, a 16-bit value.
* This command only works if you're at the factory.
* @param {Number} chassisId new chassis ID
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setChassisId(0xFE75, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Config Block command accepts an exact copy of the configuration
* block, and loads it into the RAM copy of the configuration block.
* The RAM copy is then saved to flash.
* The configuration block can be obtained by using the Get Configuration
* Block command.
* @private
* @param {Array} block - An array of bytes with the data to be written
* @param {Function} callback - To be triggered when done
* @example
* orb.setConfigBlock(dataBlock, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Data Streaming command configures Sphero's built-in support for
* asynchronously streaming certain system and sensor data.
* This command selects the internal sampling frequency, packet size,
* parameter mask, and (optionally) the total number of packets.
* These options are provided as an object, with the following properties:
* - **n** - divisor of the maximum sensor sampling rate
* - **m** - number of sample frames emitted per packet
* - **mask1** - bitwise selector of data sources to stream
* - **pcnt** - packet count 1-255 (or 0, for unlimited streaming)
* - **mask2** - bitwise selector of more data sources to stream (optional)
* For more explanation of these options, please see the Sphero API
* documentation.
* @param {Object} opts object containing streaming data options
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* var opts = {
* n: 400,
* m: 1,
* mask1: 0x00000000,
* mask2: 0x01800000,
* pcnt: 0
* };
* orb.setDataStreaming(opts, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Device Mode command assigns the operation mode of Sphero based on
* the supplied mode value.
* - **0x00**: Normal mode
* - **0x01**: User Hack mode. Enables ASCII shell commands, refer to the
* associated document for details.
* @param {Number} mode which mode to set Sphero to
* @param {Function} callback function to be called after writing
* @example
* orb.setDeviceMode(0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Device Name command assigns Sphero an internal name. This value is
* then produced as part of the Get Bluetooth Info command.
* Names are clipped at 48 characters to support UTF-8 sequences. Any extra
* characters will be discarded.
* This field defaults to the Bluetooth advertising name of Sphero.
* @param {String} name what name to give to the Sphero
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when the name is set
* @example
* orb.setDeviceName("rollingOrb", function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Heading command tells Sphero to adjust it's orientation, by
* commanding a new reference heading (in degrees).
* If stabilization is enabled, Sphero will respond immediately to this.
* @param {Number} heading Sphero's new reference heading, in degrees (0-359)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setHeading(180, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Inactivity Timeout command sets the timeout delay before Sphero
* goes to sleep automatically.
* By default, the value is 600 seconds (10 minutes), but this command can
* alter it to any value of 60 seconds or greater.
* @param {Number} time new delay before sleeping
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.setInactivityTimeout(120, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Macro Parameter command allows system globals that influence
* certain macro commands to be selectively altered from outside of the macro
* system itself.
* The values of Val1 and Val2 depend on the parameter index.
* Possible indices:
* - **00h** Assign System Delay 1: Val1 = MSB, Val2 = LSB
* - **01h** Assign System Delay 2: Val1 = MSB, Val2 = LSB
* - **02h** Assign System Speed 1: Val1 = speed, Val2 = 0 (ignored)
* - **03h** Assign System Speed 2: Val1 = speed, Val2 = 0 (ignored)
* - **04h** Assign System Loops: Val1 = loop count, Val2 = 0 (ignored)
* For more details, please refer to the Sphero Macro document.
* @param {Number} index what parameter index to use
* @param {Number} val1 value 1 to set
* @param {Number} val2 value 2 to set
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.setMacroParam(0x02, 0xF0, 0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Motion Timeout command gives Sphero an ultimate timeout for the
* last motion command to keep Sphero from rolling away in the case of
* a crashed (or paused) application.
* This defaults to 2000ms (2 seconds) upon wakeup.
* @param {Number} time timeout length in milliseconds
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.setMotionTimeout(0x0FFF, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Permanent Option Flags command assigns Sphero's permanent option
* flags to the provided values, and writes them immediately to the config
* block.
* See below for the bit definitions.
* @param {Array} flags permanent option flags
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* // Force tail LED always on
* orb.setPermOptionFlags(0x00000008, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Power Notification command enables sphero to asynchronously notify
* the user of power state periodically (or immediately, when a change occurs)
* Timed notifications are sent every 10 seconds, until they're disabled or
* Sphero is unpaired.
* @param {Number} flag whether or not to send notifications (0 - no, 1 - yes)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.setPowerNotification(1, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Raw Motors command allows manual control over one or both of
* Sphero's motor output values.
* Each motor (left and right requires a mode and a power value from 0-255.
* This command will disable stabilization is both mode's aren't "ignore", so
* you'll need to re-enable it once you're done.
* Possible modes:
* - `0x00`: Off (motor is open circuit)
* - `0x01`: Forward
* - `0x02`: Reverse
* - `0x03`: Brake (motor is shorted)
* - `0x04`: Ignore (motor mode and power is left unchanged
* @param {Object} opts object with mode/power values (e.g. lmode, lpower)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* var opts = {
* lmode: 0x01,
* lpower: 180,
* rmode: 0x02,
* rpower: 180
* }
* orb.setRawMotors(opts, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set RGB LED command sets the colors of Sphero's RGB LED.
* An object containaing `red`, `green`, and `blue` values must be provided.
* If `opts.flag` is set to 1 (default), the color is persisted across power
* cycles.
* @param {Object} opts object containing RGB values for Sphero's LED
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setRgbLed({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 255 }, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Rotation Rate command allows control of the rotation rate Sphero
* uses to meet new heading commands.
* A lower value offers better control, but with a larger turning radius.
* Higher values yield quick turns, but Sphero may lose control.
* The provided value is in units of 0.784 degrees/sec.
* @param {Number} rotation new rotation rate (0-255)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setRotationRate(180, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set SSB command sets Sphero's Soul Block.
* The actual payload length is 0x404 bytes, but if you use the special DLEN
* encoding of 0xff, Sphero will know what to expect.
* You need to supply the password in order for it to work.
* @private
* @param {Number} pwd a 32 bit (4 bytes) hexadecimal value
* @param {Array} block array of bytes with the data to be written
* @param {Function} callback a function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setSsb(pwd, block, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Set SSB Modifier Block command allows the SSB to be patched with a new
* modifier block - including the Boost macro.
* The changes take effect immediately.
* @param {Number} pwd a 32 bit (4 bytes) hexadecimal value
* @param {Array} block array of bytes with the data to be written
* @param {Function} callback a function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setSsbModBlock(0x0000000F, data, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Set Stabilization command turns Sphero's internal stabilization on or
* off, depending on the flag provided.
* @param {Number} flag stabilization setting flag (0 - off, 1 - on)
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered after writing
* @example
* orb.setStabilization(1, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Temporary Option Flags command assigns Sphero's temporary option
* flags to the provided values. These do not persist across power cycles.
* See below for the bit definitions.
* @param {Array} flags permanent option flags
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* // enable stop on disconnect behaviour
* orb.setTempOptionFlags(0x01, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Set Voltage Trip Points command assigns the voltage trip points for Low
* and Critical battery voltages.
* Values are specified in 100ths of a volt, and there are limitations on
* adjusting these from their defaults:
* - vLow must be in the range 675-725
* - vCrit must be in the range 625-675
* There must be 0.25v of separation between the values.
* Shifting these values too low can result in very little warning before
* Sphero forces itself to sleep, depending on the battery pack. Be careful.
* @param {Number} vLow new voltage trigger for Low battery
* @param {Number} vCrit new voltage trigger for Crit battery
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.setVoltageTripPoints(675, 650, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Sleep command puts Sphero to sleep immediately.
* @param {Number} wakeup the number of seconds for Sphero to re-awaken after.
* 0x00 tells Sphero to sleep forever, 0xFFFF attemps to put Sphero into deep
* sleep.
* @param {Number} macro if non-zero, Sphero will attempt to run this macro ID
* when it wakes up
* @param {Number} orbBasic if non-zero, Sphero will attempt to run an
* orbBasic program from this line number
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered when done writing
* @example
* orb.sleep(10, 0, 0, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Start Calibration command sets up Sphero for manual heading
* calibration.
* It does this by turning on the tail light (so you can tell where it's
* facing) and disabling stabilization (so you can adjust the heading).
* When done, call #finishCalibration to set the new heading, and re-enable
* stabilization.
* @param {Function} callback (err, data) to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.startCalibration();
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Stops sphero the optimal way by setting flag 'go' to 0
* and speed to a very low value.
* @param {Function} callback triggered on complete
* @example
* sphero.stop(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data" + data);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Stop On Disconnect command sends a flag to Sphero. This flag tells
* Sphero whether or not it should automatically stop when it detects
* that it's disconnected.
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] whether or not to stop on disconnect
* @param {Function} callback triggered on complete
* @example
* orb.stopOnDisconnect(function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data" + data);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of accelOne data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `accelOne` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamAccelOne();
* orb.on("accelOne", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" accelOne:", data.accelOne);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of accelerometer data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `accelerometer` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamAccelerometer();
* orb.on("accelerometer", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" xAccel:", data.xAccel);
* console.log(" yAccel:", data.yAccel);
* console.log(" zAccel:", data.zAccel);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Generic Data Streaming setup, using Sphero's setDataStraming command.
* Users need to listen for the `dataStreaming` event, or a custom event, to
* get the data.
* @private
* @param {Object} args event, masks, fields, and sps data
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of gyroscope data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `gyroscope` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamGyroscope();
* orb.on("gyroscope", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" xGyro:", data.xGyro);
* console.log(" yGyro:", data.yGyro);
* console.log(" zGyro:", data.zGyro);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of IMU angles data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `imuAngles` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamImuAngles();
* orb.on("imuAngles", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" pitchAngle:", data.pitchAngle);
* console.log(" rollAngle:", data.rollAngle);
* console.log(" yawAngle:", data.yawAngle);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of motor back EMF data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `motorsBackEmf` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamMotorsBackEmf();
* orb.on("motorsBackEmf", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" rMotorBackEmf:", data.rMotorBackEmf);
* console.log(" lMotorBackEmf:", data.lMotorBackEmf);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of odometer data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `odometer` event to get the data.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamOdometer();
* orb.on("odometer", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" xOdomoter:", data.xOdomoter);
* console.log(" yOdomoter:", data.yOdomoter);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* Starts streaming of velocity data
* It uses sphero's data streaming command. User needs to listen
* for the `dataStreaming` or `velocity` event to get the velocity values.
* @param {Number} [sps=5] samples per second
* @param {Boolean} [remove=false] forces velocity streaming to stop
* @example
* orb.streamVelocity();
* orb.on("velocity", function(data) {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" xVelocity:", data.xVelocity);
* console.log(" yVelocity:", data.yVelocity);
* });
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Submit value To Input command takes the place of the typical user
* console in orbBasic and allows a user to answer an input request.
* If there is no pending input request when this API command is sent, the
* supplied value is ignored without error.
* Refer to the orbBasic language document for further information.
* @param {Number} val value to respond with
* @param {Function} callback function to be triggered with response
* @example
* orb.submitValuetoInput(0x0000FFFF, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish
* The Use Consumable command attempts to use a consumable if the quantity
* remaining is non-zero.
* On success, the return message echoes the ID of this consumable and how
* many of them remain.
* If the associated macro is already running, or the quantity remaining is
* zero, this returns an EEXEC error (0x08).
* @private
* @param {Number} id what consumable to use
* @param {Function} callback function to be called with response
* @example
* orb.useConsumable(0x00, function(err, data) {
* console.log(err || "data: " + data);
* }
* @return {void}
* @private
* The Version command returns a batch of software and hardware information
* about Sphero.
* @param {Function} callback triggered with version information
* @example
* orb.version(function(err, data) {
* if (err) {
* console.log("error: ", err);
* } else {
* console.log("data:");
* console.log(" recv:", data.recv);
* console.log(" mdl:", data.mdl);
* console.log(" hw:", data.hw);
* console.log(" msaVer:", data.msaVer);
* console.log(" msaRev:", data.msaRev);
* console.log(" bl:",;
* console.log(" bas:", data.bas);
* console.log(" macro:", data.macro);
* console.log(" apiMaj:", data.apiMaj);
* console.log(" apiMin:", data.apiMin);
* }
* }
* @return {void}
* @publish