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Test Coverage
# Changelog

Uses http://keepachangelog.com/ as a guideline.

## [0.3.6] - 2015-12-05

### Fixed

  * Last release was a mis-release

## [0.3.5] - 2015-12-05

Thanks to Brian Callahan (@ibara) for pointing out
that their fix for making Hypatia Engine more
distributable got lost in the clutter. Specifically,
this helps Brian with packaging on OpenBSD, but this
certainly will help with packaging on various platforms
as well!

### Fixed

  * Make distrib.sh POSIX compliant

### Changed

  * `CONTRIBUTING.md` has been updated to reflect our
    new workflow!

## [0.3.4] - 2015-11-16

### Added

  * New demo GIF.
  * `scripts/install`, a new script for bootstrapping the engine, which is a simplified version of the now-removed `scripts/bootstrap`.
  * FreeBSD, NetBSD, and OpenBSD installation support.
  * Linux Mint support.
  * "Scenes" which the engine can `render()`.
  * A new anchor system for animated sprites.
  * Sprite-groups have walkabout information to help animate NPCs.
  * Windows test script supports Python 2 and 3.
  * Script that generates documentation using Sphinx uses the developer's preferred browser.
  * Shell environment variables to control which version of Python the engine uses:
  * The test script uses `$PAGER`.

### Fixed

  * All unit tests pass.
  * Multiple bugs preventing Python 3.5 from running Hypatia.
  * Doctests and PEP8 style errors in many modules.
  * Actors cannot `talk()` if they do not have the necessary properties.
  * `setup.py` correctly handles the `enum34` package as a dependency based on the version of Python used to install Hypatia.
  * README has correct URLs for images.
  * `Direction.from_velocity()` works for directions with zero values for position coordinates.
  * Hypatia reads UTF-8 encoded text resource files properly.
  * Math on `Anchor` objects is associative and commutative.
  * Various typos in documentation.

### Changed

  * Contribution guidelines.
  * All exceptions related to the `Actor` class have a new parent, `ActorException`, instead of deriving directly from `Exception`.
  * Running the (non-Windows) test script forcibly reinstalls all dependencies.
  * Installation script learned the `--travis` flag for better Travis-CI configuration.
  * The demo has a new viewport and resolution, along with new sprites.

### Removed

  * `scripts/bootstrap`, replaced by `scripts/install`.  See above for details.
  * The requirements for Travis-CI no longer include `requirements/python2.txt` as they are no longer necessary.
  * Outdated references to PygAnimation.
  * The old anchor system, replaced in the module for animating sprites.

## [0.3.3] - 2015-11-01

### Added

  * More detailed platform-specific pygame install instructions in `README.md`

## [0.3.2] - 2015-11-01

Lily Lemmer

### Fixed

  * PyPi package description

### Added

  * `requirements/distrib.txt` for installing dependencies for `distrib.sh`
  * `etc/EXAMPLE-PYPIRC` to be copied to `~/.pypirc` and edited if you want to distribute/use `distrib.sh`

### Changed

  * `setup.py` uses the `setuptools-markdown` package to use `README.md` as the package description, which is much more reliable than the old `distrib.sh`
  * `distrib.sh` has one argument which must be either: _test_ or _live_. If the arg is _test_, it will distribute to the PyPi test site, otherwise, if the arg is __live__ it will publish to the main PyPi website.
  * `CONTRIBUTING.md` to mention `distrib.txt` and why you would use it.

## [0.3.1] - 2015-11-01

Lily Lemmer

### Added

  * `setup.cfg` file used to specify the package description as `README.md` for PyPi distributing (see: `distrib.sh`).

### Changed

  * `AnimatedSprite.total_duration()` renamed to `AnimatedSprite.get_total_duration()`

### Fixed

  * `AnimatedSprite.total_duration()` renamed to `AnimatedSprite.get_total_duration()`, because there is an attribute of the same name, i.e., `AnimatedSprite.total_duration`.

### Removed

  * Lines from `distrib.sh` which converts `README.md` for the package description for PyPi distributing.

## [0.3.0] - 2015-10-31

Halloween release! "Oops, I waited too long to release" edition!

Please forgive me if I missed anything or err, there's just *so many* changes.

Lily Lemmer

### Added

  * Python 3.5 support
  * Platform-specific pre-requisite instructions in `README.md`
  * Anchor maths, type-checking
  * Base class for all TMX-related exceptions
  * Windows test script
  * animatedsprite module: AnimatedSprite class replaces pyganim
  * New demo sprites, tilemap, settings
  * Add `all()` method to Action enum, which returns all available actions
  * Add `cardinals_and_ordinals()` static method to Direction
  * Add Scene.render()
  * Allow loading of resources from an unpacked directory.
  * Create new Direction method, disposition
  * tests
  * more comments!
  * better docstrings

### Changed

  * `README.md`
  * Revamped `CONTRIBUTING.md`
  * Replace AnimatedSprite.current_frame() with a property of the same function; AnimatedSprite.current_frame is updated with the current frame every time AnimatedSprite.update() is called.
  * Update `AUTHORS.md`
  * tests
  * Change debug walkabout
  * Change game/demo's viewport dimensions
  * Change debug TMX scene
  * Rename LabeledSurfaceAnchors to FrameAnchors
  * FrameAnchors.__init__() now only takes a dictionary. To load with config see new method FrameAnchors.from_config(). Reflecting changes where required. 
  * Rename AnimatedSpriteFrame to Frame
  * Changed dialogbox font size
  * Modify Walkabout to inherit pygame.sprite.Sprite. Add image attribute; set by the update method. Blit method split into and uses update method.

### Fixed

  * `test.sh` uses the `$PAGER` environmental variable instead of `more`
  * `test.sh` allows for different python versions
  * `README.md` repo install instructions
  * Anchor math
  * Docstrings
  * `.gitignore` PKG-INFO
  * Bug #80: python 3 unicode issues when reading files in resources.py. Resource files read as binary/rb
  * Fix/implement support for Walkabouts which use ONE sprite for ALL action/direction combinations (only)
  * Fix Walkabout `update()` method so Walkabout's `image` attribute is set to the active animation image, thereafter updating said active animation
  * tests
  * Resolved bug in Direction.from_velocity(): it previously only worked for generating ordinal products whereas there are nonzero values for both axis. This allows for NO direction as well as cardinal directions. Now when a velocity is (0, 0) the returned direction is None.

### Removed

  * pyganim as dependency
  * Anchor.add_ints()
  * Remove "encoding" as an argument from AnimatedSprite.pil_image_to_pygame_surface()
  * Remove `hat` walkabout 

## [0.2.29] - 2015-07-23

### Changed

  * README.md syntax error for PyPI

## [0.2.28] - 2015-07-23

### Changed

  * I put the directory and file notes from `README.md` to `CONTRIBUTING.md`. I did this because the directory and file notes don't pertain to the PyPi page.

## [0.2.27] - 2015-07-23

You can now use tiled editor to edit/create scenes. Things are still kinda a mess from just implementing this feature. There may be some bugs I'm not aware of. I rushed this out-the-door. The next update will probably be a cleanup.

### Added

  * Support for assembling a `Scene` from a Tiled map editor TMX file. See: `Scene.from_tmx_resource()`.
  * `objectproperties.xml` for tiled map editor
  * a lot more comments for clarity!
  * A new contributor: William D. Jones
  * Exceptions related to TMX data
  * Example TMX/Tiled editor map for showing off the new TMX support
  * `Scene.create_human_player()` static method
  * "AbsolutePosition" scaffolding in physics
  * More scaffolding to sound
  * various script notes
  * `Scene.from_resource()` class method
  * `Scene.from_tmx_resource()` class method
  * `TMX` object to represent supported data from a TMX file.
  * `install-netbsd-python2.sh` for installing on NetBSD. Thanks William D. Jones!
  * Instructions for the files and directories of the Hypatia project in `README.md`
  * `README.md` for scene resource directory
  * Example debugging tileset `tilesheet-for-tmx-example.png` especially for editing the TMX/Tiled map (Tiled will crash without it)
  * Static method for scenes to create a human player.

### Changed

  * Walkabouts should hopefully be optional for npcs, actors now
  * Code cleanup
  * `AUTHORS.md`, just changing the "a big thanks" section and my bit, plus
    adding William D. Jones as a contributor.
  * `CONTRIBUTING.md` is more thorough
  * Demo loads scene from TMX, a newly constructed scene
  * Default scene constructor only takes its attributes as arguments.
  * Game constructor takes a scene object, not a scene name.
  * `demo/game.py` reflects new construction argument for scene
  * Docstrings are be better
  * Actor.say() will return True if it has something to say, False if not.

## [0.2.26] - 2015-07-16

### Added

  * `controllers.py` module-level docstring which elaborates on the module. General docstring updates in this module.
  * `controllers.MenuController` scaffolding

### Fixed

  * decreased cyclomatic complexity in `controllers.WorldController.handle_input()`.

### Changed

  * `AUTHORS.md` file updated to include more info, including emails, and includes our new community managers!
  * Icon xfc and png files in `media/icons`

## [0.2.25] - 2015-07-14

### Added

  * coverage/tests for actor, constants, and physics modules
  * `controllers` module, related to human input control for controlling stuff in the game
  * `constants.Direction.cardinal()` class method returns the cardinal directions: north, east, south, and west.
  * `constants.Direction.x_plus()` class method associated with the moving x+
  * `constants.Direction.x_minus()` class method associated with the moving x-
  * `constants.Direction.y_plus()` class method associated with the moving y+
  * `constants.Direction.y_minus()` class method associated with the moving y-
  * `constants.Direction.from_velocity()` class method which returns the direction infered from velocity

### Changed

  * `game` module changed a lot--moved move player to humanplayer and handle input to the controllers module
  * reordered walk, stand enums in `constants.Action`
  * Improved `AUTHORS.md` file.
  * `distrib.sh` now checks validity of rst generated by pandoc.
  * `actor.Actor` uses `physics.Velocity` as a keyword argument and attribute
  * `actor.Actor` now has the `say()` and `talk()` methods (moved from players)
  * moved `game` module's collide check to `Scene` class

### Fixed

  * Removed duplicate `palette_cycle()` function in the animations module.
  * made actor use velocity, made the instance of human player start with a default velocity of 20

### Removed

  * The following attributes were removed from `constants.Direction`: x, y, cardinal. See: the addition of new Direction class methods in this update.
  * The doctest code (for testing the module) at the bottom of some hypatia modules

## [0.2.24] - 2015-07-13

### Added

  * `readme` Python module for testing PyPI rst readme/PKG-INFO

### Fixed

  * `readme` for PyPI, according to `readme` module

## [0.2.23] - 2015-07-12

### Changed

  * `README.md` can now be auto-converted to rst for upload to PyPi. PyPi doesn't allow internal or relative links.

### Fixed

  * `test.sh` will generate `PKG-INFO` for `setup.py`

## [0.2.22] - 2015-07-12

### Added

  * `distrib.sh`: for PyPI distribution automation
  * `setup.py` long description, which works in combination of above

### Changed

  * `AUTHORS.md`: brief description of user contributions and James Leung
  * sphinx setup; using a more standard "docs" and "docs/build" approach
  * `make-sphinx.sh` for the above reason

## [0.2.21] - 2015-07-12

### Added

  * `etc/` directory with pre-push test script, thanks @ejmr! See pull request #49.

### Fixed

  * doctest for python 3 in `util.Resource`

## [0.2.20] - 2015-07-12

More cleanup/fixes.

### Changed

  * Docstrings for `util.Resource`, they're a lot better now
  * Cleanup

### Fixed

  * Was using basename to set filename for files in Resource

## [0.2.19] - 2015-07-12

Cleaning up!

### Chanegd

  * `Velocity.get_diretion` simplified, made modular
  * `util.Resource.__init__` has a new way of loading files, each file extension is associated with a callback function for providing a desired object based on file string or bytes.

### Added

  * properties added to Direction class: x, y, cardinal
  * `util.configparser_fromfp()`

### Fixed

  * `Direction.__add__`, `load_gif()`, `pil_to_pygame()` docstrings

## [0.2.18] - 2015-07-12

Scenes now read through Resource class.

### Changed

  * debug scene now a zip as per Resource class
  * game.Scene uses Resource class to load the debug zip from the scenes resources directory.
  * Resources will hold non-configuration text files as strings, rather than StringIO
  * test_tiles.py needed to be updated to use new Resource system so it could read a tilemap from a scene zip archive/resource.

## [0.2.17] - 2015-07-10

### Fixed

  * Whoops! Merged #51: emums not unique! Thanks, @ejmr.

## 0.2.16 - 2015-07-09

Whoops! How did I not notice the indentation problem in actors.py before?

### Fixed

  * Spacebar caused 0.2.15 to crash. This was because of an indentation error in actors.Actors.

## [0.2.15] - 2015-07-09

### Added

  * Yet more badges to the readme
  * Velocity
  * Velocity to Actor class, defaulting to 20
  * `__contains_` magic method to Resource
  * logo notes

### Changed

  * Misc. corrections to documents, e.g., readme
  * `test.sh` to launch the game demo after running tests
  * completely changed the Direction Enum, renamed class atributes of Action to
  * demo game resource walkabouts repackaged to support new directions. changed
    from up to north, etc.
  * moved the say method from npc to the Actor class
  * updated all docstrings to reflect changes, updated all code to support new
    Direction and Velocity.

### Removed

  * speed from Walkabout class. added velocity to Actor class.

### Fixed

  * Resolved issue #50 where walkabout children would not render, because
    anchors_ini never got loaded, due to incorrectly looking for the associated
    ini file. Noteworthy: this issue had been present for several releases
    without notice!

## [0.2.14] - 2015-07-07

Hey sweet stuff,

I've been sitting on this update for a little bit. It's mostly documentation-oriented. Although, I did a fair amount of reworking of the requirements and install system.

With Love,
Lillian Lynn Lemmer

### Added

  * Added media directory, and put some logos in it. New, updated logos, icons. Put xfc and pngs.

### Changed

  * Fancier changelog
  * minimal rest markup in docstrings, sphinx-source changes
  * travis ci config
  * requirements setup
  * repo document filenames (changed)
  * converting documents to markdown
  * Actor module docstrings enhanced

### Fixed

  * Fixed install scripts to use new requirements location

## [0.2.13] - 2015-07-05

Hello Lovelies,

Here's what's new in 0.2.13:

  * Introduced "Contributor Code of Conduct" as code-of-conduct.adoc.
  * All resources are kept in a zip and managed through the Resource class now. Well, except for scene. I'll get to that next update.
  * Renamed "sprites" to "animations," and reflected that change in all modules.
  * Organization--moved the cycle palette and load gif from file functions to the animations module, reflected changes in various files
  * General cleaning, massive docstring updates
  * sphinx-source for auto-building api docs, also sphinx build script +make-sphinx.sh+.
  * new util module
  * fixing test.sh (was installing from pypi, not local!)
  * resolved current directory issue with tests

And who knows what else!

With Love,