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# Hypatia 0.3.6 (alpha)

![Hypatia 0.3.6](media/logos/logotype-blacktext-transparentbg.png)

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Make 2D action adventure games. For programmers and nonprogrammers alike.

Create games like
[_Legend of Zelda: Oracle of Ages_ and _Oracle of Seasons_](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Legend_of_Zelda:_Oracle_of_Seasons_and_Oracle_of_Ages).

The included demo game (`demo/game.py`) in action:

![The demo game in action.](media/demo-2015-11-07.gif)

## What makes this project special?

  * Each release tested in FreeBSD, Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows
  * Built and tested in FreeBSD first
  * A labor of love,
    [permissively (MIT) licensed](./LICENSE),
    meaning you Hypatia for commercial or non-commercial purposes and
    not worry about legalese--it's really free for any purpose without
    strings attached.

Hypatia stricly enforces the `CODE-OF-CONDUCT.md`. We strive for a
safe, healthy social environment for all women, whether
[cis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cisgender) or trans.

Trans women have access to mentorships, funding, team chat,
and more! For more information please see the
[Hypatia Software Organization website](http://hypatia.software).

## Resources

  * [Hypatia Software Organization](http://hypatia.software): The
    organization which made this fine product.
  * [The official Hypatia website](http://engine.hypatia.software)
  * Official IRC support chat:
    [#hypatia on Freenode (webui!)](http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=hypatia)
  * You can contact the author via email: lillian.lynn.lemmer@gmail.com,
    [@LilyLemmer](https:/twitter.com/LilyLemmer) on Twitter.

To know your way around the project, I strongly recommend reading the
file. It covers everything you need to know about contributing to
Hypatia, as well as navigating the project.

## Getting Started

If you have just one version of Python installed, simply use:


Otherwise, if you want to install for a
specific version of Python, use something like:

python3.3 scripts/bootstrap

If the bootstrap fails, you can try to install yourself:

  1. Install Pygame (platform-specific). Installing Pygame is
     a different process on various systems. See the
     *Installing Pygame* section below.
  2. `pip install --user .`

### Checkout the Demo

$ cd demo
$ python game.py

### Installing Pygame

**You can skip this section if the bootstrap worked for you.**

Installing Pygame on various platforms. I assume you have Python
installed and know how to use `pip`.

#### FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD, PC-BSD, etc.

The easiest thing to do is use Python 2.7. You can simply:

sudo pkg install py27-game

#### OpenBSD

sudo pkg_add pygame

#### Debian, Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install python-pygame

#### Mac OS X

Install pygame through Homebrew. You may want to install
Python through Homebrew as well.

# install homebrew
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
# install pygame through homebrew
brew install homebrew/python/pygame

#### Windows

For Python 2.x I recommend using
[Pygame's official Windows installers](http://www.pygame.org/download.shtml).

If you're using Python 3.x, I recommend using Christoph Gohlke's
*unofficial* Pygame binaries. Make sure to download the `whl` specific
to your Python version and architecture (win32 vs win_amd64). To
install the `whl` do the following in command prompt (in the directory
containing the `whl`):

pip install wheel
pip install pygame-*.whl