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import uPlot, { Plugin as uPlotPlugin } from 'uplot';

type Point = {
  x: number;
  y: number;
  d?: number;
  dx: number;
  dy: number;

const chartInstances: uPlot[] = [];

const touchZoomPlugin = (): uPlotPlugin => {
  return {
    hooks: {
      init(u, _opts, _data) {
        const { over } = u;

        let rect: DOMRect;
        let oxRange: number;
        let oyRange: number;
        let xVal: number;
        let yVal: number;

        const fr: Point = { x: 0, y: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0 };
        const to: Point = { x: 0, y: 0, dx: 0, dy: 0 };

        const storePos = (t: Point, e: TouchEvent) => {
          const ts = e.touches;

          const t0 = ts[0];
          const t0x = t0.clientX - rect.left;
          const t0y = t0.clientY - rect.top;

          if (ts.length === 1) {
            t.x = t0x;
            t.y = t0y;
            t.d = t.dx = t.dy = 1;
          } else {
            const t1 = e.touches[1];
            const t1x = t1.clientX - rect.left;
            const t1y = t1.clientY - rect.top;

            const xMin = Math.min(t0x, t1x);
            const yMin = Math.min(t0y, t1y);
            const xMax = Math.max(t0x, t1x);
            const yMax = Math.max(t0y, t1y);

            // mid points
            t.y = (yMin + yMax) / 2;
            t.x = (xMin + xMax) / 2;

            t.dx = xMax - xMin;
            t.dy = yMax - yMin;

            // dist
            t.d = Math.sqrt(t.dx * t.dx + t.dy * t.dy);

        let rafPending = false;

        const zoomCharts = () => {
          rafPending = false;

          const left = to.x;
          const top = to.y;

          const xFactor = fr.d! / to.d!;
          const yFactor = fr.d! / to.d!;

          const leftPct = left / rect.width;
          const btmPct = 1 - top / rect.height;

          const nxRange = oxRange * xFactor;
          const nxMin = xVal - leftPct * nxRange;
          const nxMax = nxMin + nxRange;

          const nyRange = oyRange * yFactor;
          const nyMin = yVal - btmPct * nyRange;
          const nyMax = nyMin + nyRange;

          // Loop through all chart instances and apply the same zoom to each of them
          chartInstances.forEach((chartInstance) => {
            chartInstance.batch(() => {
              chartInstance.setScale('x', {
                min: nxMin,
                max: nxMax,

              chartInstance.setScale('y', {
                min: nyMin,
                max: nyMax,

        const touchmove = (e: TouchEvent) => {
          storePos(to, e);

          if (!rafPending) {
            rafPending = true;

        over.addEventListener('touchstart', (e: TouchEvent) => {
          if (e.touches.length > 1) {
            // prevent default pinch zoom

          rect = over.getBoundingClientRect();

          storePos(fr, e);

          oxRange = u.scales.x.max! - u.scales.x.min!;
          oyRange = u.scales.y.max! - u.scales.y.min!;

          const left = fr.x;
          const top = fr.y;

          xVal = u.posToVal(left, 'x');
          yVal = u.posToVal(top, 'y');

          document.addEventListener('touchmove', touchmove, { passive: true });

        over.addEventListener('touchend', (_e: TouchEvent) => {
          document.removeEventListener('touchmove', touchmove);

        chartInstances.push(u); // Add the current chart instance to the list

export default touchZoomPlugin;