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/* angular-invocation-handler - Version 1.4.4, 25-06-2016
 * Enables general error handling and logging which allows to log errors, e.g for automatically sending back to the backend or for showing to the user
 * Copyright 2016  - Martin Reinhardt <contact@martinreinhardt-online.de>
 * License MIT
(function (angular) {
  'use strict';

  var core = angular.module('ngIH.core', []);
  var ui = angular.module('ngIH.ui', []);

// Core

  core.constant('ngIHConfig', {
    model: {
      alerts: 'alerts'
    httpErrors: {
      0: 'Der Server ist nicht erreichbar..',
      404: 'Dieser Dienst existiert nicht.',
      405: 'Zugriffsfehler.',
      500: 'Unbekannte Serverfehler.'
    httpTimeout: 3000,
    redirect: false,
    customErrorHandler: false,
    template: '<alert ng-repeat=\"alert in alerts\" type=\"{{alert.type}}\" close=\"alerts.splice($index, 1)\">{{::alert.msg}}</alert>',
    feedbackAttach: false

  core.provider('ngIHService', function () {
    'use strict';

    // Wrap a single function [func] in another function that handles both synchronous and asynchonous errors.
    function decorate($injector, obj, func) {
      return angular.extend(function () {
        var handler = $injector.get('ngIHService');
        return handler.call(func, obj, arguments);
      }, func);

    // TODO move to module
    function isFunction(obj) {
      return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply);

    // Decorate all functions of the service [$delegate] with error handling. This function should be used as decorator
    // function in a call to $provide.decorator().
    var decorator = ['$delegate', '$injector', function ($delegate, $injector) {
      // Loop over all functions in $delegate and wrap these functions using the [decorate] functions above.
      for (var prop in $delegate) {
        if (angular.isFunction($delegate[prop])) {
          $delegate[prop] = decorate($injector, $delegate, $delegate[prop]);
      return $delegate;

    // The actual service:
    return {
      // Decorate the mentioned [services] with automatic error handling.
      decorate: function ($provide, services) {
        angular.forEach(services, function (service) {
          $provide.decorator(service, decorator);

      $get: ["$log", "$injector", "$window", "$location", "feedbackUI", "ngIHConfig", function ($log, $injector, $window, $location, feedbackUI, ngIHConfig) {

        var handler = {

          // The list of errors.
          errors: [],

          resolveErrorCode: function (func, err, callback) {
            // This is a very limited error handler... you would probably want to check for user-friendly error messages
            // that were returned by the server, etc, etc, etc. Our original code contains a lot of checks and handling
            // of error messages to create the "perfect" error message for our users, you should probably do the same. :)
            if (err) {
              var errorDetails = {
                error: {
                  message: 'An unknown error occurred.',
                  data: err.data
                timestamp: new Date(),
                browserInfo: {
                  navigatorAppName: navigator.appName,
                  navigatorUserAgent: navigator.userAgent,
                  navigatorPlatform: navigator.platform
                location: angular.toJson($window.location),
                // cause       : cause || null,
                performance: ($window.performance) ? angular.toJson($window.performance) : null

              if (err && !angular.isUndefined(err.status)) {
                errorDetails.status = err.status;
                if (!ngIHConfig.customErrorHandler) {
                  // A lot of errors occur in relation to HTTP calls... translate these into user-friendly msgs.
                  errorDetails.error.message = ngIHConfig.httpErrors[err.status0];
              } else if (err && err.message) {
                // Exceptions are unwrapped.
                var exception = err.message;
                errorDetails.error.exception = exception.toString();
                if (exception.stack) {
                  errorDetails.error.stack = exception.stack.toString();

              // Use the context provided by the service.
              if (func && func.description) {
                errorDetails.descripton = 'Call to ' + func.description + ' had caused errors.';
              $log.error('An error occurred: ' + JSON.stringify(errorDetails));
              if (ngIHConfig.customErrorHandler) {
                $injector.get(ngIHConfig.customErrorHandler).resolve(errorDetails, callback);
              } else {
          // Report the error [err] in relation to the function [func].
          funcError: function (func, err, args) {
            var noCallbackDefined = isFunction(args[args.length - 1]) && !isFunction(args[args.length - 2]);
            // check if error callback exists
            if (!args || args && args.length === 0 || args && noCallbackDefined) {
              handler.resolveErrorCode(func, err, function (msg) {
                if (ngIHConfig.feedbackAttach) {

                if (ngIHConfig.redirect) {
                  $log.info('Redirect to /' + err.status + '.html')
                  $location.path('/' + err.status + '.html');

          // Call the provided function [func] with the provided [args] and error handling enabled.
          call: function (func, self, args) {
            $log.debug('Function called: ', (func.name || func));

            var result;
            try {
              result = func.apply(self, args);
            } catch (err) {
              // Catch synchronous errors.
              handler.funcError(func, err, args);
              throw err;

            // Catch asynchronous errors.
            var promise = result && result.$promise || result;
            if (promise && angular.isFunction(promise.then) && angular.isFunction(promise['catch'])) {
              // promise is a genuine promise, so we call [handler.async].
              handler.async(func, promise, args);

            return result;

          // Automatically record rejections of the provided [promise].
          async: function (func, promise, args) {
            promise['catch'](function (err) {
              handler.funcError(func, err, args);
            return promise;

        return handler;

  core.factory('httpErrorInterceptor', ["ngIHConfig", function (ngIHConfig) {
    'use strict';

    return {
      request: function (config) {
        config.timeout = ngIHConfig.httpTimeout;
        return config;

  core.config(["$provide", "$httpProvider", function ($provide, $httpProvider) {
    'use strict';

    // adding interceptor, e.g. for timeouts ...

    // configure exception logger
    $provide.decorator('$exceptionHandler', ['$delegate', function ($delegate) {
      return function (exception, cause) {
        $delegate(exception, cause);

// UI

  ui.factory('feedbackUI', ["ngIHConfig", "$timeout", "$rootScope", function (ngIHConfig, $timeout, $rootScope) {
      'use strict';

      // PUBLIC API

      return {
        appendErrorMsg: function (msg) {

          if (!$rootScope[ngIHConfig.model.alerts] || ngIHConfig.feedbackClear) {
            $rootScope[ngIHConfig.model.alerts] = [];
            type: 'danger',
            msg: msg
        appendInfoMsg: function (msg) {
          if (!$rootScope[ngIHConfig.model.alerts] || ngIHConfig.feedbackClear) {
            $rootScope[ngIHConfig.model.alerts] = [];
            type: 'info',
            msg: msg

  ui.directive('uiErrorHandler', ["$rootScope", "ngIHConfig", function ($rootScope, ngIHConfig) {
    'use strict';

    var linkFunction = function (scope, elm, attrs) {
      if (ngIHConfig.scrollToError) {
        scope.$watchCollection('val', function (value) {
          $("body").animate({scrollTop: elm.offset().top}, "slow");

    return {
      restrict: 'E',
      scope: {
        val: '='
      compile: function ($element) {
        return linkFunction;

  ui.run(["$rootScope", "$document", "$timeout", "ngIHConfig", "$templateCache", function ($rootScope, $document, $timeout, ngIHConfig, $templateCache) {
    'use strict';

    // register listener to watch route changes
    $rootScope.$on('$locationChangeSuccess', function () {
      // reset alerts with a delay to remove after rendering
      $timeout(function () {
        $rootScope[ngIHConfig.model.alerts] = [];

    if (ngIHConfig.feedbackAttach) {
      // trigger directive
      var html = '<ui-error-handler val="alerts"></ui-error-handler>';
      var selector = ngIHConfig.uiSelector || '.navbar';
      // search for bootstrap classes
      if ($document.find(selector).length) {
      } else {
        // fallback to body

      if (ngIHConfig.template) {
        // Swap the builtin template with the custom template.
        // Create a magic cache key and place the template in the cache.
        ngIHConfig.templateUrl = '$$angular-errorhandler-template$$';
        $templateCache.put(ngIHConfig.templateUrl, ngIHConfig.template);
