import { useContext } from 'react';
import { getI18n, I18nContext } from './context.js';
export const useSSR = (initialI18nStore, initialLanguage, props = {}) => {
const { i18n: i18nFromProps } = props;
const { i18n: i18nFromContext } = useContext(I18nContext) || {};
const i18n = i18nFromProps || i18nFromContext || getI18n();
// opt out if is a cloned instance, eg. created by i18next-http-middleware on request
// -> do not set initial stuff on server side
if (i18n.options?.isClone) return;
// nextjs / SSR: getting data from next.js or other ssr stack
if (initialI18nStore && !i18n.initializedStoreOnce) { = initialI18nStore;
// add namespaces to the config - so a languageChange call loads all namespaces needed
i18n.options.ns = Object.values(initialI18nStore).reduce((mem, lngResources) => {
Object.keys(lngResources).forEach((ns) => {
if (mem.indexOf(ns) < 0) mem.push(ns);
return mem;
}, i18n.options.ns);
i18n.initializedStoreOnce = true;
i18n.isInitialized = true;
if (initialLanguage && !i18n.initializedLanguageOnce) {
i18n.initializedLanguageOnce = true;