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0 mins
Test Coverage
 * Advanced BBCode Box
 * @copyright (c) 2020, 2023 Matt Friedman
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)

namespace vse\abbc3\controller;

use phpbb\cache\driver\driver_interface as cache;
use phpbb\config\config;
use phpbb\config\db_text;
use phpbb\db\driver\driver_interface as db;
use phpbb\extension\manager as ext_manager;
use phpbb\language\language;
use phpbb\request\request;
use phpbb\template\template;

class acp_controller
    /** @var cache */
    protected $cache;

    /** @var config */
    protected $config;

    /** @var db_text */
    protected $config_text;

    /** @var db */
    protected $db;

    /** @var ext_manager */
    protected $ext_manager;

    /** @var language */
    protected $language;

    /** @var request */
    protected $request;

    /** @var template */
    protected $template;

    /** @var string */
    protected $parser_key;

    /** @var string */
    protected $renderer_key;

    /** @var string */
    public $u_action;

    /** @var array */
    protected $errors = [];

     * Constructor
     * @param cache $cache
     * @param config $config
     * @param db_text $db_text
     * @param db $db
     * @param ext_manager $ext_manager
     * @param language $language
     * @param request $request
     * @param template $template
     * @param $parser_key
     * @param $renderer_key
    public function __construct(cache $cache, config $config, db_text $db_text, db $db, ext_manager $ext_manager, language $language, request $request, template $template, $parser_key, $renderer_key)
        $this->cache = $cache;
        $this->config = $config;
        $this->config_text = $db_text;
        $this->db = $db;
        $this->ext_manager = $ext_manager;
        $this->language = $language;
        $this->request = $request;
        $this->template = $template;
        $this->parser_key = $parser_key;
        $this->renderer_key = $renderer_key;

     * Main handler for this controller
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    public function handle()
        $this->language->add_lang('acp_abbc3', 'vse/abbc3');

        $form_key = 'vse/abbc3';

        if ($this->request->is_set_post('submit'))
            if (!check_form_key($form_key))
                throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->lang('FORM_INVALID'), E_USER_WARNING);



     * Add settings template vars to the form
    protected function display_settings()
            'S_ABBC3_PIPES'            => $this->config['abbc3_pipes'],
            'S_ABBC3_BBCODE_BAR'    => $this->config['abbc3_bbcode_bar'],
            'S_ABBC3_QR_BBCODES'    => $this->config['abbc3_qr_bbcodes'],
            'S_ABBC3_AUTO_VIDEO'    => $this->config['abbc3_auto_video'],
            'S_ABBC3_ICONS_TYPE'    => build_select(['png' => 'PNG', 'svg' => 'SVG'], $this->config['abbc3_icons_type']),
            'S_ABBC3_GOOGLE_FONTS'    => $this->get_google_fonts(),
            'S_ABBC3_MEDIA_EMBED'    => (int) $this->ext_manager->is_enabled('phpbb/mediaembed'),
            'U_ACTION'                => $this->u_action,

     * Save settings data to the database
     * @throws \RuntimeException
    protected function save_settings()
        $this->config->set('abbc3_bbcode_bar', $this->request->variable('abbc3_bbcode_bar', 0));
        $this->config->set('abbc3_qr_bbcodes', $this->request->variable('abbc3_qr_bbcodes', 0));
        $this->config->set('abbc3_auto_video', $this->request->variable('abbc3_auto_video', 0));
        $this->config->set('abbc3_icons_type', $this->request->variable('abbc3_icons_type', 'png'));


        if (!empty($this->errors))
            throw new \RuntimeException(implode('<br>', $this->errors), E_USER_WARNING);

        throw new \RuntimeException($this->language->lang('CONFIG_UPDATED'), E_USER_NOTICE);

     * Save the Pipes Table setting.
     * - Set the config
     * - Show or hide the Pipes BBCode button
     * - Purge BBCode caches.
    protected function save_pipes()
        $enable_pipes = $this->request->variable('abbc3_pipes', 0);

        $this->config->set('abbc3_pipes', $enable_pipes);

        $sql = 'UPDATE ' . BBCODES_TABLE . '
            SET display_on_posting = ' . (int) $enable_pipes . "
            WHERE bbcode_tag = 'pipes'";

     * Get the Google font setting data and format it for the form.
     * @return string
    protected function get_google_fonts()
        $fonts = json_decode($this->config_text->get('abbc3_google_fonts'), true);
        return $fonts ? implode("\n", $fonts) : '';

     * Save the Google fonts setting.
     * - If field has data, explode it to an array and save as JSON data.
     * - If field is empty, store just an empty string.
    protected function save_google_fonts()
        $fonts = $this->request->variable('abbc3_google_fonts', '');
        $fonts = explode("\n", $fonts);
        $this->config_text->set('abbc3_google_fonts', json_encode($fonts));

     * Validate Google Font names provided link to a CSS file
     * @param array $fonts
    protected function validate_google_fonts(&$fonts)
        foreach ($fonts as $key => $font)
            if (empty($font) || $this->valid_url('' . urlencode($font)))

            $this->errors[] = $this->language->lang('ABBC3_INVALID_FONT', $font);

     * Check for valid URL headers if possible
     * @param string $url
     * @return bool Return false only if URL could be checked and wasn't found, otherwise true.
    protected function valid_url($url)
        $headers = function_exists('get_headers') ? @get_headers($url) : false;
        return !$headers || stripos($headers[0], '200 OK') !== false;

     * Set the u_action variable
     * @param string $u_action
     * @return acp_controller
    public function set_u_action($u_action)
        $this->u_action = $u_action;
        return $this;