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25 mins
Test Coverage
 * Advanced BBCode Box
 * @copyright (c) 2023 Matt Friedman
 * @license GNU General Public License, version 2 (GPL-2.0)

namespace vse\abbc3\migrations;

class v336_m17_unparse extends \phpbb\db\migration\container_aware_migration
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public static function depends_on()
        return [

     * We don't need to reparse posts if this is a completely fresh install, so
     * this migration will check for that and if it is totally fresh, it will undo
     * the changes from v322_m11_reparse.
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function effectively_installed()
        // Check if very first migration was skipped (proves we're not updating ABBC3 3.0)
        $sql = 'SELECT 1 as no_30
            FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . "migrations
            WHERE migration_name = '\\\\vse\\\\abbc3\\\\migrations\\\\v310_m1_remove_data'
                AND migration_start_time = 0
                AND migration_end_time = 0";
        $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
        $no_30 = (bool) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('no_30');

        // Check if any ABBC3 v310 migrations were installed less than a minute ago (proves we're not updating ABBC3 3.1)
        $sql = 'SELECT 1 as fresh_install
            FROM ' . $this->table_prefix . 'migrations
            WHERE migration_name ' . $this->db->sql_like_expression('\\\\vse\\\\abbc3\\\\migrations\\\\v310' . $this->db->get_any_char()) . '
                AND migration_start_time >= ' . (time() - 60);
        $result = $this->db->sql_query_limit($sql, 1);
        $fresh_install = (bool) $this->db->sql_fetchfield('fresh_install');

        return !($no_30 && $fresh_install);

     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function update_data()
        return [
            ['config.remove', ['abbc3_reparse']],
            ['if', [
                $this->config->offsetExists('text_reparser.pm_text_last_cron') && $this->config->offsetGet('text_reparser.pm_text_last_cron') == 0,
                ['config.remove', ['text_reparser.pm_text_last_cron']],
            ['if', [
                $this->config->offsetExists('text_reparser.post_text_last_cron') && $this->config->offsetGet('text_reparser.post_text_last_cron') == 0,
                ['config.remove', ['text_reparser.post_text_last_cron']],
            ['if', [
                ['config.remove', ['text_reparser.pm_text_cron_interval']],
            ['if', [
                ['config.remove', ['text_reparser.post_text_cron_interval']],
            ['custom', [[$this, 'clear_reparsers']]],

     * Prevent CLI command from wanting to run post and pm re-parsers
     * after ABBC3 installation.
     * @return void
    public function clear_reparsers()
        /** @var \phpbb\textreparser\manager $reparser_manager */
        $reparser_manager = $this->container->get('text_reparser.manager');

        /** @var \phpbb\di\service_collection $reparsers */
        $reparsers = $this->container->get('text_reparser_collection');

        foreach ($reparsers as $name => $reparser)
            if (in_array($name, ['text_reparser.post_text', 'text_reparser.pm_text']))
                $resume_data = $reparser_manager->get_resume_data($name);

                if (!empty($resume_data['range-max']))
                    $reparser_manager->update_resume_data($name, 1, 0, 100);