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Test Coverage
from random import choice

from .. import CHROMATIC_TYPE

from ..questionbase import QuestionBase
from ..questionbase import register_question_class

from ..interval import Interval
from ..note_and_pitch import get_pitch_by_number

from ..sequence import Sequence
from ..resolution import Resolution
from ..prequestion import PreQuestion

class MelodicDictationQuestion(QuestionBase):
    """Implements a melodic dictation test.

    name = 'dictation'

    def __init__(self, mode='major', max_intervals=3, n_notes=4, tonic='C',
                 octave=4, descending=False, chromatic=False, n_octaves=1,
                 valid_intervals=CHROMATIC_TYPE, user_durations=None,
                 resolution_method='repeat_only', *args, **kwargs):
        """Inits the class.

            mode (str): A string representing the mode of the question.
                Eg., 'major' or 'minor'.
            max_intervals (int): The maximum number of random intervals
                the question will have.
            n_notes (int): The number of notes the melodic dictation will have.
            tonic (str): A string representing the tonic of the question,
                eg.: 'C'; if omitted, it will be selected randomly.
            octave (int): A scienfic octave notation, for example, 4 for 'C4';
                if not present, it will be randomly chosen.
            descending (bool): Is the question direction in descending, ie.,
                intervals have lower pitch than the tonic.
            chromatic (bool): If the question can have (True) or not (False)
                chromatic intervals, ie., intervals not in the diatonic scale
                of tonic/mode.
            n_octaves (int): Maximum number of octaves of the question.
            valid_intervals (list): A list with intervals (int) valid for
                random choice, 1 is 1st, 2 is second etc. Eg. [1, 4, 5] to
                allow only tonics, fourths and fifths.
            user_durations (str): A string with 9 comma-separated `int` or
                `float`s to set the default duration for the notes played. The
                values are respectively for: pre-question duration (1st),
                pre-question delay (2nd), and pre-question pos-delay (3rd);
                question duration (4th), question delay (5th), and question
                pos-delay (6th); resolution duration (7th), resolution
                delay (8th), and resolution pos-delay (9th).
                duration is the duration in of the note in seconds; delay is
                the time to wait before playing the next note, and pos_delay is
                the time to wait after all the notes of the respective sequence
                have been played. If any of the user durations is `n`, the
                default duration for the type of question will be used instead.
            prequestion_method (str): Method of playing a cadence or the
                exercise tonic before the question so to affirm the question
                musical tonic key to the ear. Valid ones are registered in the
                `birdears.prequestion.PREQUESION_METHODS` global dict.
            resolution_method (str): Method of playing the resolution of an
                exercise. Valid ones are registered in the
                `birdears.resolution.RESOLUTION_METHODS` global dict.

        default_durations = {
            'preq': {'duration': 2, 'delay': 0.5, 'pos_delay': 1},
            'quest': {'duration': 2, 'delay': 0.8, 'pos_delay': 0},
            'resol': {'duration': 2.5, 'delay': 0.5, 'pos_delay': 1}

        super(MelodicDictationQuestion, self).\
            __init__(mode=mode, n_notes=n_notes, tonic=tonic, octave=octave,
                     descending=descending, chromatic=chromatic,
                     n_octaves=n_octaves, valid_intervals=valid_intervals,
                     default_durations=default_durations, *args, **kwargs)

        self.is_harmonic = False

        self.random_pitches = [choice(self.allowed_pitches) for note
                               in range(n_notes)]

        self.pre_question = \

        self.question = self.make_question()
        self.resolution = self.make_resolution(method=resolution_method)

    def make_pre_question(self, method):
        prequestion = PreQuestion(method=method, question=self)

        return prequestion()

    def make_question(self):
        return Sequence(self.random_pitches, **self.durations['quest'])

    def make_resolution(self, method):

        resolve = Resolution(method=method, question=self)
        resolution = resolve()

        return resolution

    def play_question(self, callback=None, end_callback=None, *args, **kwargs):
        # Other threads can call a thread’s join() method. This blocks the
        # calling thread until the thread whose join() method is called is
        # terminated.
        # https://docs.python.org/3/library/threading.html#thread-objects

        self.display.update({'main_display': 'Listen to the tonality...'})
        self.pre_question.play(callback=callback, end_callback=end_callback,
                               *args, **kwargs)
        # self.question.play(callback=callback, end_callback=end_callback,
        self.question.play(callback=None, end_callback=end_callback,
                           *args, **kwargs)
        self.display.update({'main_display': ('Now, please type the intervals '
                                              'you\'ve heard.')})

    def play_resolution(self, callback=None, end_callback=None,
                        *args, **kwargs):

        thread = self.resolution.play(callback=callback,
                                      *args, **kwargs)

    def check_question(self, user_input_keys):
        """Checks whether the given answer is correct."""

        # global INTERVALS

        string_offset = 5

        tonic_pitch_number = self.tonic_pitch.pitch_number

        user_semitones = [self.keyboard_index.index(s)
                          for s in user_input_keys]

        user_pitches = [get_pitch_by_number(tonic_pitch_number + semitones)
                        for semitones in user_semitones]

        correct_intervals = [Interval(self.tonic_pitch, pitch)
                             for pitch in self.random_pitches]

        user_intervals = [Interval(self.tonic_pitch, pitch)
                          for pitch in user_pitches]

        user_response_str = "".join([interval['data'][1].center(string_offset)
                                     for interval in user_intervals])

        correct_response_str = "".join([interval['data'][1]
                                       for interval in correct_intervals])

        correct_semitones = list()
        correct_wrong_str = str()

        for position, correct_pitch in enumerate(self.random_pitches):
            if correct_pitch == user_pitches[position]:
                correct_wrong_str += "✓".center(string_offset)  # u2713
                correct_wrong_str += "x".center(string_offset)

        extra_response_str = """\
""".format(correct_wrong_str, correct_response_str)

        is_correct = user_pitches == self.random_pitches

        response = {
            'is_correct': is_correct,
            'user_input': user_input_keys,
            'user_semitones': user_semitones,
            'question_semitones': self.random_pitches,
            'correct_semitones': correct_semitones,
            'user_response_str': user_response_str,
            'correct_response_str': correct_response_str,
            'extra_response_str': extra_response_str

        return response