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Test Coverage
DOC_DIRNAME := 'site'
VIRTUALENVS_DIR := '~/.virtualenvs'

# Quality requirements

# just list available recipes
    just --list
    echo =========================================================================================
    echo NB: Make sure your virtualenv is activated before using recipes.

# just show the Zen of Python, by Tim Peters
    python -m this

# just show the help
    echo "# INSTALL\n"
    echo "## Install using poetry\n"
    echo "    poetry install"
    echo "If you only want to install the project’s runtime dependencies:\n"
    echo "    poetry install --only main"
    echo "Ensure that the locked dependencies in the poetry.lock file are the only ones present in the environment, removing anything that’s not necessary."
    echo "    poetry install --sync"
    echo "Add dependencies to the current project:\n"
    echo "    poetry add <dependency>"
    echo "Add a development dependency:\n"
    echo "    poetry add <dependency> --group dev"
    echo "## Testing and code quality"
    echo "### Type check and quality check of your code\n"
    echo "    just lint"
    echo "### Run tests\n"
    echo "    just test"
    echo "### Run tests with coverage\n"
    echo "    just cov"
    echo "### Perform a complete checkup\n"
    echo "    just check"
    echo "### Run benchmarks\n"
    echo "    just benchmarks"
    echo "### Build documentation\n"
    echo "    just doc"

# rename project and author (please use lowercase for project name)
@rename project author:
    mv src/cleanpython src/{{project}}
    # replace string "Cleanpython" with {{project}} and "iacopy" with {{author}} in files
    sed -i "" -e s/cleanpython/"{{project}}"/g tests/test_app.py
    sed -i "" -e s/cleanpython/"{{project}}"/g tests/test_foobar.py
    sed -i "" -e s/Cleanpython/"{{project}}"/g -e s/cleanpython/"{{project}}"/g -e s/iacopy/"{{author}}"/g pyproject.toml
    sed -i "" s/"Clean code with batteries included."/"Project description placeholder"/g pyproject.toml
    sed -i "" s/iacopy/"{{author}}"/g LICENSE

    # Overwrite the default docs/index.md
    echo "# {{project}}\n" > docs/index.md
    # Overwrite the default README.md
    echo "# {{project}}\n" > README.md

    # Stage all changes and show them
    git add -u  # add modified files
    git add src/{{project}}  # add renamed folder
    git diff --cached --stat  # show staged files

    echo 'Suggestion: git commit -m "Rename project to {{project}}"'

# add github badges to the readme
@badges username reponame:
    # Generate badges
    echo "[![Testing](https://github.com/{{username}}/{{reponame}}/actions/workflows/ci.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/{{username}}/{{reponame}}/actions/workflows/ci.yml)" >> README.md
    echo "[![pages-build-deployment](https://github.com/{{username}}/{{reponame}}/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment/badge.svg)](https://github.com/{{username}}/{{reponame}}/actions/workflows/pages/pages-build-deployment)" >> README.md

# WARNING! Reset git history, add all files and make initial commit
    # Reset git repo (remove all commits)
    # this is useful when Cleanpython is cloned
    rm -rf .git
    git init
    git branch -m main
    git add .
    git commit -m "Initial commit (based on CleanPython template)"

# first time installation to get the new versions of libraries and check everything is ok
    poetry self update
    echo "Get the new versions of libraries and check everything is ok"
    just up
    poetry install
    echo "Complete checkup of code: lint and test coverage"
    just check
    echo "Creating documentation of current codebase"
    just doc
    echo "Done."
    echo "Remember to commit changes."
    echo =========================================================================================
    echo "You can now run 'just' to get a list of available recipes, or 'just help' to get more info."

# install stuff: dependencies (using poetry) and git hooks
    poetry install

# get the latest versions of the installed libraries
    poetry update
    poetry run pylint --generate-rcfile > pylintrc
    @echo "Now you can call `just install`"

# (beta) for VirtualFish: like 'up' but recreate vf virtualenv to remove also old dependencies
vfup projectenv:
    vf deactivate
    vf new {{projectenv}}
    just startup

# install pre-commit hooks (just lint) and pre-push hooks (just test)
    # install pre-commit hook
    echo "just lint" > .git/hooks/pre-commit&&chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-commit

    # install pre-push hook
    echo "just test" > .git/hooks/pre-push&&chmod +x .git/hooks/pre-push

# bootstrap your virtualenv (deprecated)
    @echo Create virtualenv and use it to install requirements
    virtualenv -p python3 {{VIRTUALENVS_DIR}}/{{VIRTUALENV}}
    {{VIRTUALENVS_DIR}}/{{VIRTUALENV}}/bin/python -m pip install -r requirements-dev.txt
    @echo Now please activate the virtualenv, then call \"just doc\".

    poetry run mypy --ignore-missing-imports src

    poetry run flake8 .

    poetry run pylint $(git ls-files '*.py') --ignore conf.py

    poetry run isort --check-only --recursive --quiet . || just _fail "Fix imports by calling \'just fix\'."

    poetry run black --check -q . || just _fail "Fix code formatting by calling \'just fix\'."

# statically check the codebase (mypy, flake8, pylint, isort)
    just _mypy
    echo "mypy  : OK ✅"
    just _flake8
    echo "flake8: OK ✅✅"
    just _pylint
    echo "pylint: OK ✅✅✅"
    just _isort
    echo "isort : OK ✅✅✅ 🍰"
    just _black
    echo "black : OK ✅✅✅ 🍒"

# auto fix imports and pep8 coding style
    poetry run isort .
    poetry run black .
    # Re-check code quality
    just lint

# run tests with coverage
    poetry run pytest --cov --cov-report=xml .

# run tests only (with no coverage and no lint)
    poetry run pytest
    echo "Tests: OK ✅✅✅✅"

# run tests with coverage.py, create html report and open it
    just _test-cov
    poetry run coverage html  # create an HTML report
    just _open-nofail htmlcov/index.html

# check if coverage satisfies requirements
    poetry run coverage report --fail-under {{MIN_COVERAGE}}
    echo "\nTest coverage {{MIN_COVERAGE}}%  : OK ✅✅✅✅✅"

# complete checkup: code analysis, tests and coverage
    just lint
    just _test-cov
    echo "Tests: OK ✅✅✅✅"
    just _check-cov
    echo Global quality check: OK ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

# ensure that working tree is clean
    git diff-index --quiet HEAD -- || just _fail "The working tree is not clean."

# ensure that git repo is clean for commit
# (contains only staged files in the index, not in the worktree)
    # Fail if there are untracked files
    git diff-files --quiet --ignore-submodules -- || just _fail "Unstaged changes in index."
    # Fail if the worktree is totally clean (nothing to commit)
    git status -s | grep '^' || just _fail "Nothing to commit."
    echo git-staged files and clean worktree.

# require quality and no garbage in the repo worktree
@_committable: _index-only
    just check
    echo Your code seems committable.

# git commit (only if your code is committable)
@commit MESSAGE: _committable
    git commit -m "{{MESSAGE}}"
    just clean

# check and git push if everything is OK
@push: _working-tree-clean check clean
    git push

# execute benchmarks tests only, in benchmark mode.
@benchmarks K_SELECTOR="test":
    poetry run pytest --benchmark-enable --benchmark-only -k {{K_SELECTOR}} .

# serve HTML documentation
    poetry run mkdocs serve

# deploy HTML documentation to github pages
    poetry run mkdocs gh-deploy

# WARNING! Remove untracked stuff (git clean -idx)! Useful to clean artifacts.
    # NB: after this, you will need to recompile cython files
    # (\"python setup.py install\" or \"just compile\")
    git clean -idx  # '-i' list untracked files and ask for confirmation

# open a file if possible, else print an alert but do NOT fail
@_open-nofail FILE:
    open {{FILE}} || xdg-open {{FILE}} || just _info "Could not open {{FILE}}"

# open a file if possible, else exit with a fail
@_open FILE:
    open {{FILE}} || xdg-open {{FILE}}

# shortcut to exit with a message and error exit code
@_exit MESSAGE:
    echo {{MESSAGE}} && exit 1

# error exit with fail alert message and error exit code
# TODO: decorate with red
@_fail MESSAGE:
    echo FAIL. {{MESSAGE}} && exit 1

@_info MESSAGE:
    echo {{MESSAGE}} && exit 0