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> Live demo http://iamisti.github.io/mdDataTable/

Angular material table. Complete implementation of google material design based on angular material components.
This component is optimized for speed, and it's faster then other similar implementations, since it generates a native html table, and browsers are optimized for tables.

> Angular2 and Angular2 Material version of this plugin is under development. 
If you want to be notified for the first release, please star the project here: [`md-data-table2`](https://github.com/iamisti/mdDataTable2)

## Usage statistics


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## Install

1. `bower install md-data-table` or `npm install md-data-table` or [download the source](https://github.com/iamisti/mdDataTable/archive/master.zip).
2. Make sure the `mdDataTable` (notice the camelCase typing) lib is loaded. It's served in three different files: `md-data-table-style.css`, `md-data-table.js`, `md-data-table-templates.js`
3. Add `mdDataTable` as a dependency of your app.

## Load it from CDN (with example of version 1.8.0)



## UI&UX driven by google data table

## Table of contents

[Table attributes](#table-attributes)
 - selectable-rows
 - virtual-repeat
 - delete-row-callback
 - selected-row-callback
 - animate-sort-icon
 - ripple-effect
 - ! title-overflow-handler
 - table-card 
 - paginated-rows
 - alternate-headers
 - mdt-row
 - mdt-row-paginator
 - mdt-row-paginator-error-message
 - mdt-row-paginator-no-results-message
 - mdt-trigger-request
 - mdt-translations
 - mdt-loading-indicator

[Column attributes (`mdt-column`)](#column-attributes)
 - align-rule
 - column-definition
 - column-filter
 - exclude-from-column-selector
 - hide-column-by-default

[Row attributes (`mdt-row`)](#data-row-attributes)
 - table-row-id

[Cell attributes (`mdt-cell`)](#data-cell-attributes)
 - ! inline-menu
 - editable-field
 - html-content
[Custom cell content (`mdt-custom-cell`)](#custom-cell-content)
 - column-key

## Overview
> In its simplest form, a data table contains a top row of column names, and rows for data.

![A selected table row](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhV25CdGNXYzA4cXM/components_datatables_structure_basictable.png)

## Table attributes
> Global attributes for the table

| Available        | Params                                         | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| selectable-rows                                | Boolean       | optional, checkboxes accompany each row if need to select or manipulate data |
|:white_check_mark:| virtual-repeat                                 | Boolean       | optional, when set, virtual scrolling will be applied to the table. You must set a fixed height to the `.md-virtual-repeat-container` class in order to make it work properly. Since virtual scrolling is working with fixed height. |
|:white_check_mark:| delete-row-callback                            | Function      | optional, callback function when deleting rows. The callback will be called with the array of the deleted row ids. Don't forget to specify `table-row-id` for `mdt-row`. If you do, it will return the deleted rows data. |
|:white_check_mark:| selected-row-callback                          | Function      | optional, callback function when selecting rows. The callback will be called with the array of the selected row ids. Don't forget to specify `table-row-id` for `mdt-row`. If you do, it will return the selected rows data. |
![alt tag](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhcWNyQl9xYmRkQnc/components_datatables_interaction_selectedrow.png)

| Available        | Params                                         | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| animate-sort-icon                              | Boolean       | optional, if enabled, sort icon will be animated on change |
|:white_check_mark:| ripple-effect                                  | Boolean       | optional, if enabled, ripple effect will be applied on the column names when clicked |
![Table with an ascending sorted column](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhMW1haUJDRWJKLUk/components_datatables_interaction_sortedcolumn.png)

| Available        | Params                             | ChildParams                     | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:x:               | title-overflow-handler             |                                 | String        | optional, Sometimes, column names don’t fit in a container in between columns. There are two options to handle this |
|:x:               |                                    | _(default)_ truncateColumnNames | -             | Shorten the column name and display it in full on hover |
|:x:               |                                    | useHorizontalScrollingOnTable   | -             | Display the full column name and enable horizontal scrolling in the table container |
![Long column names truncated with an ellipse](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhMkVuNC1Zd3QyZ1k/components_datatables_interaction_longtitle1.png)
![Hovering over a truncated column name](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhclI1SGllZkZQTkE/components_datatables_interaction_longtitle2.png)

| Available        | Params                                     | ChildParams                     | Type          | Details       |
| -----------------| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| table-card                                 |                                 | Object        | optional, tables can be embedded within a card, with table navigation and data manipulation tools available at the top and bottom. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                            | title                           | String        | The title of the table card |
|:x:               |                                            | actionIcons                     | Boolean       | Card action icons (header and footer) |
|:white_check_mark:|                                            | visible                         | Boolean       | The visibility of the table card |
|:white_check_mark:|                                            | columnSelector                  | Boolean       | enables the column selection for the table (you can disable certain columns from the list selection, using `exclude-from-column-selector`, see the related docs) |
![Table card with header and footer](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhUTEwa21JUEtza0k/components_datatables_cards_tablecard.png)

| Available        | Params                                     | ChildParams                     | Type          | Details|
| -----------------| ------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------- | ------------- | ------ |
|:white_check_mark:| paginated-rows                             |                                 | Object        | optional, if set, then basic pagination will applied to the bottom of the table. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                            | isEnabled                       | Boolean       | Optional, if provided then basic pagination will applied to the bottom of the table |
|:white_check_mark:|                                            | rowsPerPageValues               | Array         | Optional, if provided then it will apply the rows per page values from the given arguments. Example: [5,10,20] |
![Table card with header and footer](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhUTEwa21JUEtza0k/components_datatables_cards_tablecard.png)

| Available        | Params                             | ChildParams                     | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- |----------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| alternate-headers                  |                                 | String        | optional, some table cards may require headers with actions instead of titles. Two possible approaches to this are to display persistent actions, or a contextual header that activates when items are selected |
|:x:               |                                    | persistentActions               | -             | Shows persistent action buttons in header |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | contextual                      | -             | Shows contextual content depending on what has been selected |
![persistent and contextual headers](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhemNvbnZOcXNpODQ/components_datatables_cards_altheaders.png)

| Available        | Params                             | ChildParams                     | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- |----------------------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-row                            |                                 | Object        | optional, makes possible to provide row data by passing the information through this attribute. Makes it possible to listen on data changes. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | data                            | Array         | required, The input data |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | table-row-id-key                | String|Integer| optional (same as `table-row-id`), defines the id of the row. Useful if you specified the callback function (`delete-row-callback`) for deleting a row. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | table-row-class-name            | Function      | optional, callback that defines the classname of a row. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | column-keys                     | Array         | required, property names of the passed data array. Makes it possible to configure which property should go in which column. |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-translations                   |                                 | Object        | optional, makes it possible to provide a custom translated texts in the table. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | rowsPerPage                     | String        | When you need to select the amount of rows visible on the page, this label appears next to the dropdown |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | largeEditDialog.saveButtonLabel | String        | When edit mode is on, in the modal you can click on a button which has the 'Save' label. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | largeEditDialog.cancelButtonLabel| String       | When edit mode is on, in the modal you can click on a button which has the : 'Cancel' label. |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-loading-indicator              |                                 | Object        | optional, if set then loading indicator can be customised. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                    | color                           | String        | Passing a css compatible format as a color will set the color for the loading indicator (e.g.: 'red' or '#008bd2', '#000') |
Html support is available for `mdt-row`, see more: [Custom cell content (`mdt-custom-cell`)](#custom-cell-content)

## Example usage for `mdt-row` attribute:
    table-card="{title: Nutrition, actionIcons: true}"
        'data': filteredItems,
        'table-row-id-key': 'id',
        'column-keys': ['name', 'calories', 'fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'sodium', 'calcium', 'iron']

        <mdt-column>Dessert (100g serving)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column sortable-rows-default>Fat (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column>Carbs (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column>Protein (g)</mdt-column>

    <!-- notice we didn't provide mdt-row here -->

| Available        | Params                              | Type          | Details       |
| ---------------- |------------------------------------ | ------------- | ------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-row-paginator                   | Function      | optional, makes possible to provide a callback function which returns a promise, providing the data for the table. Has two parameters: `page` and `pageSize` (an optional parameter is `options` as a third parameter, which can have `columnFilter` property when `column-filter` is used or `columnSort` when you turn on column sorting feature |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-row-paginator-error-message     | String        | optional, overrides default error mesasge when promise gets rejected by the paginator function. |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-row-paginator-no-results-message| String        | optional, overrides default 'no results' message when there are no results in the table. |
|:white_check_mark:| mdt-trigger-request                 | function(loadPageCallback) | optional, if `mdt-row-paginator` set, provides a callback function for manually triggering an ajax request. Can be useful when you want to populate the results in the table manually. (e.g.: having a search field in your page which then can trigger a new request in the table to show the results based on that filter.  |

## Example usage for `mdt-row-paginator` attribute:
    paginated-rows="{isEnabled: true, rowsPerPageValues: [5,10,20,100]}"
    mdt-row-paginator="paginatorCallback(page, pageSize, options)"
    mdt-row-paginator-error-message="Error happened during loading nutritions."
        'table-row-id-key': 'fields.item_id',
        'column-keys': [

        <mdt-column align-rule="left">Dessert (100g serving)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Calories</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Fat (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Carbs (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Protein (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Sodium (mg)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Calcium (%)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column align-rule="right">Iron (%)</mdt-column>

## Column attributes
>`mdt-column` attributes

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildPArams         | Type         | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | --------------------|------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| align-rule                                     |                     |String        | if provided, align the text to the needed direction for the entire column (note, that it aligns the data that belongs to the column) |
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | _(default)_ left    |              | left-align content 
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | right               |              | right-align content 

| Available        | Params                                         | Type          | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| column-definition                              | String        | if provided, display a tooltip on hover. If sorting is enabled, display a light sort icon upon hover, which indicates that the column is sortable. |
![Column definition on hover](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhenh5SWhFdFlyajg/components_datatables_interaction_tooltip.png)

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildPArams    | Type           | Details         |
| -----------------| ---------------------------------------------- | -------------- | -------------- | --------------- |
|:x:               | sortable-rows-default                          | -              |                | When column-sort is applied to the table, it marks the column as the default sorting column |
|:white_check_mark:| column-sort                                    |                | Boolean|Object | if provided, sort data and display a sorted state in the header. Clicking on a column which is already sorted will reverse the sort order and rotate the sort icon. |
|:white_check_mark:| column-sort                                    | true|false     |                | in case of boolean, true value enables the feature, false disables it (default is disabled) |
|:white_check_mark:| column-sort                                    | comparator     |                | in case of object, specifying a 'comparator' property which is a function for sorting the column data's. As every compare function, it gets two parameters and return with the compared result (-1,1,0) |

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildPArams              | Type         | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | -------------------------|------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| column-filter                                  |                          | Object       | if provided, user can activate column filter feature on the selected column. |
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | valuesProviderCallback   | Function     | required, function which provides the values into the column filter. It must return with a promise which resolves an array of strings/objects.| 
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | valuesTransformerCallback| Function     | optional, function which transforms the provided objects into strings to be able to show it visually in the column filter.|
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | placeholderText          | Text         | optional, placeholder which will show up as a default text (available only for `chips` and `dropdown` filter types |
|:white_check_mark:|                                                | filterType               | Text         | optional, defines the type of the filter you want to use. Available options are: `chips`, `checkbox`, `dropdown`. If you don't specify it, the default will be `chips` |
|:white_check_mark:| exclude-from-column-selector                   |                          | Boolean      | optional, excludes the column from the column selection feature |
|:white_check_mark:| hide-column-by-default                         |                          | Boolean      | optional, make column unselected by default in the column selection panel |

> When filters are applied to the columns, a third parameter will be applied to the `mdt-row-paginator` callback function.

# Data-Row attributes 
> `mdt-row` attributes

| Available        | Params                                         | Type          | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| table-row-id                                   | String|Integer| defines the id of the row. Useful if you specified the callback function (`delete-row-callback`) for deleting a row. |

## Custom cell content
>`mdt-custom-cell` attributes

If you are using `mdt-row` attribute to load your data (which is only way of you are dealing with ajax contents), you can now have custom content for each cells you defined.
Important information:
> You can still access your scope variables/functions with accessing `clientScope` within the `mdt-custom-cell` directive. The value of the cell can be accessed by accessing `value` inside the directive.
> Accessing `rowId` also possible if you specified it with `table-row-id-key`.

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildParams        | Type          | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:               | column-key                                     |                    | String        | required, specifies the column in the rows. |
There is only one scope variable that you can use in your template, and it's called `value`. Check the example.

## Example usage for `mdt-custom-cell`:
    <mdt-table mdt-row="{'data': filteredItems,
                      'table-row-id-key': 'id',
                      'column-keys': ['name', 'calories', 'fat', 'carbs', 'protein', 'sodium', 'calcium', 'iron']}">
            <mdt-column align-rule="left">Dessert (100g serving)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Calories</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Fat (g)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Carbs (g)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Protein (g)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Sodium (mg)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Calcium (%)</mdt-column>
            <mdt-column align-rule="right">Iron (%)</mdt-column>

        <!-- here you have your own, customised cell for every 'protein' column -->
        <mdt-custom-cell column-key="protein">
            <span ng-class="{'red': value > 5, 'green': value <= 5}">{{value}}</span>
            <span ng-click="clientScope.myMethodToExecute()">click here</span>
            <span>This is the row id for this column: {{rowId}}</span>

# Data-Cell attributes 
>`mdt-cell` attributes

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildParams        | Type          | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------- | --------------- |
|:x:               | inline-menu                                    |                    | Array         | if provided, users can select from a predefined list of options. In this scenario, a menu component directly embedded in the table |
![A table with inline menus](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhblJlanhBSHYzNWs/components_datatables_interaction_inlinemenus1.png)
![An expanded inline menu](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhV200T3NSWG9TZFU/components_datatables_interaction_inlinemenus2.png)

| Available               | Params                                         | ChildParams        | Type          | Details         |
| ----------------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:                      | editable-field                                 |                    | String        | if provided, provides basic text editing. Include editable fields within a table and denote them using placeholder text(if empty). You can use a simple edit dialog with just a text field, or display a full dialog component on click. |
|:white_check_mark:                      |                                                | smallEditDialog    | -             | A simple, one-field edit dialog on click |
|:white_check_mark:                      |                                                | largeEditDialog    | -             | A complex, flexible edit edit dialog on click |
|:white_check_mark:                      | editable-field-title                           |                    | String        | If set, then it sets the title of the dialog. (only for `largeEditDialog`) |
|:white_check_mark:                      | editable-field-max-length                      |                    | Number        | if set, then it sets the maximum length of the field. |
![An editable table cell with placeholder text](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhZTViOVFXZTNucGs/components_datatables_interaction_editing1.png)
![A simple, one-field edit dialog](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhZHhJSVhoT2JuTkE/components_datatables_interaction_editing2.png)
![A complex, flexible edit dialog](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhZkY4b1VkME5QcXM/components_datatables_interaction_editing3.png)
![Icon-based edit affordance](http://material-design.storage.googleapis.com/publish/material_v_4/material_ext_publish/0B3mOPoJlxiFhazJZa2VmSU5ldTQ/components_datatables_interaction_editing4.png)

| Available        | Params                                         | ChildParams        | Type          | Details         |
| ---------------- | ---------------------------------------------- | ------------------ | ------------- | --------------- |
|:white_check_mark:| html-content                                   |                    | Boolean       | When the cell content is not a simple value (html content) |

## Example usage:
    table-card="{title: Nutrition, actionIcons: true}">

        <!-- defining column descriptions, align content to the left -->
            column-definition="The total amount of food energy in the given serving size.">
            Dessert (100g serving)

        <!-- in case of inline menu (INLINE-MENU FEATURE DOES NOT EXIST YET) -->
        <mdt-column inline-menu="[ {iceCream: 'Ice Cream', pastry: 'Pastry', other: 'Other'} ]">Type</mdt-column>

        <!-- inline text editing (EDITABLE-FIELDS FEATURE DOES NOT EXIST YET) -->
        <mdt-column editable-field="textInput">

        <!-- in case of sortable columns, we can set the defaultly sortable column -->
        <mdt-column sortable-rows-default>
            Fat (g)
        <mdt-column>Carbs (g)</mdt-column>
        <mdt-column>Protein (g)</mdt-column>

    <mdt-row ng-repeat="nutrition in nutritionList">
        <mdt-cell>Frozen Joghurt</mdt-cell>
