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Test Coverage
  - Upgrade to using Ruby on Rails 3.0 and Rack 1.2.
  - Complete UI refresh.
  - Improved compatibility with MRI 1.8.7, 1.9.2 and JRuby. Removed support for Ruby 1.8.6.
  - Defaults to using Git as the SCN tool of choice.
  - Added "just do the right thing" support for Bundler (http://gembundler.com).
  - Internal dependencies are now managed using Bundler.
  - Plugins are now versioned and stored in the CruiseControl.rb-contrib project on Github.
  - Added a "kill build" button for killing builds that go astray.
  - Adding a ScheduledBuildTrigger that allows more fine-grained control over build scheduling.
  - Improved documentation for contributors and CC.rb developers.
  - Improved online documentation for end users.
  - Added a site_config option to disable code browsing.
  - Fixed TLS incompatibility with various Ruby versions
  - Improved timezone support for cctray feeds.
  - Use jQuery 1.6.1 instead of prototype.js
  - Storing and passing to plugins a full revision GUID. Displaying in web UI only first 7 characters thereof.
  - Occasionally, cleaning up old builds resulted in phantom unfinished builds. Not anymore.
  - Prevent 'git fetch origin' from hanging by ensuring that it's killed within 5 minutes (see Configuration#git_load_new_changesets_timeout).
  - Allow forcing of builds on a schedule even if there are no SCM changes (Project#scheduler.polling_interval and Project#scheduler.always_build).
  - Added the ability for Git's log parser to handle encoding as part of the commit object. This brings CC.rb into complete compliance with git master's object format.
  - Improved plugin loading.
* 1.4.0
  - support for Git, Bazaar and Mercurial (distributed source control systems) [Ben Burkert, Brett Adam, Biju Philip Chacko, Chris Johnston, johnf(https://cruisecontrolrb.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9150/tickets/236-add-bazaar-support)]
  - 'cruise add' command:
    * -u|--url option is deprecated in favor of -r|--repository - in some cases what goes there is not a URL
    * can be invoked as ./cruise add [project name] [repository name]
    * -s | -source-control option added to specify the source control type
    * infers source control type from repository location if it starts with svn:, svn+ssh: or git:
  - 'cruise stop' command:
    * currently only works for mongrel in daemon ('-d') mode
  - build log parser recognizes errors, failures and example counts produced by RSpec
  - dashboard strips out ANSI colors when displaying a build log
  - added google analytics to the documentation pages (which is effectively the ccrb website)
  - [bugfix] dashboard gracefully handles the situation where there is site.css, but ./public/stylesheets is not a
             writeable directory (prints a warning and keeps going on)
  - [bugfix] Added XmlServerReport.aspx for compatibility with CCTray.NET >= 1.3 [Steve Donie]
  - [bugfix] cruise start --daemon works with Webrick
  - [bugfix] stop builder processes from going zombie by using Process#detach [Kurtis Seebaldt]
  - [bugfix] made image URLS in stylesheets relative [Anselm Helbig]
  - [bugfix] Make dashboard xhtml compliant
  - [bugfix] Recognize OpenBSD as a platform
  - Improve daemon_helper to kill all child processes (don't leave any orphans)
  - [bugfix] Timeout if 'git fetch origin' hangs.  Configurable via git_load_new_changesets_timeout.
             Fixes https://cruisecontrolrb.lighthouseapp.com/projects/9150-cruise-control-rb/tickets/229-sometimes-git-hangs
  - [bugfix] Extensive improvements to the technical accuracy, hopefully, readability of the documentation.

* 1.3.0
  - cruise data (build results, etc) is stored in $HOME/.cruise/ by default
  - builds can now be serialized - with a config option set, CC.rb will only run one build at a time
  - option to auto delete more than N builds
  - [experimental] plugins can be installed w/ script/cruise_plugin script
  - [bugfix] build requested status now stays on dashboard until a build starts
  - [patch] subversion external support - Nathan Wilmes
  - [patch] relative url support - Neal Clark

* 1.2.1
  - [bugfix] fixed some windows specific things to do with running a server
* 1.2.0
  - build chaining implemented w/ triggers
  - recognized NetBSD as a platform
  - some optimizations for dashboard / CCTray performance
  - data version of ./projects directory is stored, and necessary migrations are run automatically if cruise version
    number is bigger than data version
  - setting CC_BUILD_LABEL environment variable before invoking the build
  - [bugfix] no longer passing in 'production' as RAILS_ENV to rake cruise
  - [bugfix] handle Subversion URLs with spaces; generally improved escaping of special characters
             on the command line
  - [bugfix] Email notifier works with non-TLS enabled SMTP servers

* 1.1.0
  - individual RSS feeds for each project
  - documented options configurable through config/site_config.rb
  - added a "from" option to EmailNotifier configuration
  - added Growl notifier to available plugins
  - email notices can contain either full build log, or a link to the dashboard
  - builder does not clear RAILS_ENV environment variable before calling custom tasks
  - builder always sets RAILS_ENV environment to 'test' before calling default tasks
  - "cannot connect to Subversion" situations, plugin errors and other problems that occur outside of a build loop are
    now displayed on the dashboard
  - custom project settings are displayed on the build log page
  - [bugfix] Fixed cruise start --daemon option
  - [bugfix] Removed incomplete builds from RSS feeds
  - [bugfix] CC.rb can now live with localized (non-English) Subversion
  - [bugfix] Fixed problems with CCTray introduced in 1.0 by adding a new build status 'incomplete'
  - [bugfix] Corrected documentation to say "[cruise]/projects/" instead of "[cruise]/builds/"
  - [bugfix] Recognize Solaris as a platform

* 1.0.0
  - IMPORTANT: 'project_config.rb' renamed to 'cruise_config.rb'
  - IMPORTANT: RAILS_ENV is not set to "test" before calling "cruise" or a custom Rake task 
  - checkins (and comments) now show up on dashboard
  - cruise_config.rb can be in either [cruise]/projects/my_project/ or [cruise]/projects/my_project/work/. In other
    words, cruise_config.rb can be placed directly into the version control and obtained from there.
  - Build Now button changes buider state to 'build requested' immediately upon click 
  - long lines on build page are better after putting the build log on the right column, they scroll off the screen,
    but not under build list
  - build artifacts are now in their own section on build page
  - in progress builds are now shown on dashboard
    * if you go to the the in progress build page, build artifacts & build log are visible as they are created / saved
  - new look and feel for http://cruisecontrolrb.thoughtworks.com/
  - comprehensive documentation built into app
    * plugin documentation is dynamic and loaded from plugin file / directory
  - project settings are displayed on the build page
  - Email notifier sends a link to the build page in the message if Configuration.dashboard_url is set, 
    or changeset, build output and project settings otherwise
  - [bugfix] dashboard doesn't load cruise_config.rb, and therefore is not affected by errors in it
  - [bugfix] --username and --password options in add_project didn't work
  - [bugfix] Rendering of long lines in build log on IE
  - [bugfix] RSS feed autodiscovery link was wrong for any action that did not belong to ProjectsController

* 0.5.0
  - IMPORTANT: working directory renamed from 'builds' to 'projects'
  - drill down from error message to to source code  
  - when builder detects a change to cruise_config.rb, it automatically reloads the project (no need to restart
    the builder)
  - 'cruise start' starts dashboard and all project builders (unless -e development or --without-builders option is
  - 'cruise start' starts dashboard in production environment. Use 'cruise start -e development' for development.
  - more, and better, documentation
  - plugin for sending build notices as instant messages via Jabber protocol (should work with IRC, ICQ, Yahoo, MSN,
    Google Talk or anything else that has a Jabber transport).
  - 'build add' does not create cruise_config.rb, and therefore does not write down SVN user/password (relying on
    password caching and/or key-based authentication and/or read-only anonymous access.  
  - builder plugins receive build_broken and build_fixed events when build status goes from green to red and vice versa
  - RSS feed
  - default SVN polling interval changed to 30 seconds  
  - dashboard displays who committed and their comments
  - dashboard displays how much time did it take to perform a build
  - [bugfix] Debug-level messages are logged in development mode
  - [bugfix] Running builder doesn't block the dashboard on Windows
  - [bugfix] Test Failure Parser correctly parses failure messages from Mocha
  - [bugfix] dashboard autorefresh handles adding/deleting a project

* 0.4.0
  - pretty user interface
  - 'Build now' button
  - dashboard displays projects as panels, not table rows
  - monitoring cruisecontrol.rb builds with CCTray.net
  - browser autorefresh - seeing latest build status without hitting 'refresh' on browser
  - builder's current activity (down/sleeping/checking for modifications/building) on the dashboard
  - builder plugin may be packaged as a directory with multiple files. It must have init.rb then.
  - plugin error handler: if a plugin raises an error in response to notification, builder logs the error, 
    notifies all other plugins, then raises an error of its own (thus triggering the build_loop_failed event)
  - improved error handling during builder initialization
  - Bugfix: blocked spaces in project names
* 0.3.0
  - builder is building 'cruise', 'test' or 'default' target, depending on what is defined in the project
  - when build is running, OS variable CC_BUILD_ARTIFACTS is pointing to the build artifacts directory
  - customizable Rake task and build command
  - customizable polling interval
  - Handling of build loop errors (other than 'Build Failed')
  - improved logging
  - if builder is invoked with --trace option, it calls Rake with --trace option, too
  - Bugfix: explicitly require 'rubygems' before trying to require 'rake', do not rely on RUBYOPT=-rubygems to be set.
  - Bugfix: Adding a project a second time deletes the original
  - Bugfix: Parsing SVN log output for a revision made by anonymous author
* 0.2.0
  - Unified command-line interface to web app, builder and add_project script
  - Default port changed to 3333 (to avoid clashing with other Rails apps)
  - Bugfix: builder invoking Rake with RAILS_ENV OS variable set to 'builder'
  - Bugfix: not all Windows installations have rake.cmd
  - Bugfix: CC.rb trying to build itself when a project has no Rakefile
* 0.1.0
  - Initial release.