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 * @file node_helper.js
 * @author ianperrin
 * @license MIT
 * @see  http://github.com/ianperrin/MMM-Strava

 * @external node_helper
 * @see https://github.com/MichMich/MagicMirror/blob/master/modules/node_modules/node_helper/index.js
const NodeHelper = require("node_helper");
 * @external moment
 * @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/moment
const moment = require("moment");
 * @external strava-v3
 * @see https://www.npmjs.com/package/strava-v3
const strava = require("strava-v3");

 * @alias fs
 * @see {@link http://nodejs.org/api/fs.html File System}
const fs = require("fs");
 * @module node_helper
 * @description Backend for the module to query data from the API provider.
 * @requires external:node_helper
 * @requires external:moment
 * @requires external:strava-v3
 * @requires alias:fs
module.exports = NodeHelper.create({
     * @function start
     * @description Logs a start message to the console.
     * @override
    start: function () {
        console.log("Starting module helper: " + this.name);
    // Set the minimum MagicMirror module version for this module.
    requiresVersion: "2.2.0",
    // Config store e.g. this.configs["identifier"])
    configs: Object.create(null),
    // Tokens file path
    tokensFile: `${__dirname}/tokens.json`,
    // Token store e.g. this.tokens["client_id"])
    tokens: Object.create(null),
     * @function socketNotificationReceived
     * @description receives socket notifications from the module.
     * @override
     * @param {string} notification - Notification name
     * @param {object.<string, object>} payload - Detailed payload of the notification (key: module identifier, value: config object).
    socketNotificationReceived: function (notification, payload) {
        var self = this;
        this.log("Received notification: " + notification);
        if (notification === "SET_CONFIG") {
            // debug?
            if (payload.config.debug) {
                this.debug = true;
            // Validate module config
            if (payload.config.access_token || payload.config.strava_id) {
                this.log(`Legacy config in use for ${payload.identifier}`);
                this.sendSocketNotification("WARNING", { identifier: payload.identifier, data: { message: "Strava authorisation has changed. Please update your config." } });
            // Initialise and store module config
            if (!(payload.identifier in this.configs)) {
                this.configs[payload.identifier] = {};
            this.configs[payload.identifier].config = payload.config;
            // Check for token authorisations
            if (payload.config.client_id && !(payload.config.client_id in this.tokens)) {
                this.log(`Unauthorised client id for ${payload.identifier}`);
                this.sendSocketNotification("ERROR", { identifier: payload.identifier, data: { message: `Client id unauthorised - please visit <a href="/${self.name}/auth/">/${self.name}/auth/</a>` } });
            // Schedule API calls
            setInterval(function () {
            }, payload.config.reloadInterval);
     * @function createRoutes
     * @description Creates the routes for the authorisation flow.
    createRoutes: function () {
        this.expressApp.get(`/${this.name}/auth/modules`, this.authModulesRoute.bind(this));
        this.expressApp.get(`/${this.name}/auth/request`, this.authRequestRoute.bind(this));
        this.expressApp.get(`/${this.name}/auth/exchange`, this.authExchangeRoute.bind(this));
     * @function authModulesRoute
     * @description returns a list of module identifiers
     * @param {object} req
     * @param {object} res - The HTTP response that an Express app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
    authModulesRoute: function (req, res) {
        try {
            var identifiers = Object.keys(this.configs);
            var text = JSON.stringify(identifiers);
        } catch (error) {
     * @function authRequestRoute
     * @description redirects to the Strava Request Access Url
     * @param {object} req
     * @param {object} res - The HTTP response the Express app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
    authRequestRoute: function (req, res) {
        try {
            const moduleIdentifier = req.query.module_identifier;
            const clientId = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config.client_id;
            const redirectUri = `http://${req.headers.host}/${this.name}/auth/exchange`;
            this.log(`Requesting access for ${clientId}`);
            // Set Strava config
                client_id: clientId,
                redirect_uri: redirectUri
            const args = {
                client_id: clientId,
                redirect_uri: redirectUri,
                approval_prompt: "force",
                scope: "read,activity:read,activity:read_all",
                state: moduleIdentifier
            const url = strava.oauth.getRequestAccessURL(args);
        } catch (error) {
     * @function authExchangeRoute
     * @description exchanges code obtained from the access request and stores the access token
     * @param {object} req
     * @param {object} res - The HTTP response that an Express app sends when it gets an HTTP request.
    authExchangeRoute: function (req, res) {
        try {
            const authCode = req.query.code;
            const moduleIdentifier = req.query.state;
            const clientId = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config.client_id;
            const clientSecret = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config.client_secret;
            this.log(`Getting token for ${clientId}`);
                client_id: clientId,
                client_secret: clientSecret
            var self = this;
            strava.oauth.getToken(authCode, function (err, payload, limits) {
                if (err) {
                // Store tokens
                self.saveToken(clientId, payload.body, (err, data) => {
                    // redirect route
        } catch (error) {
     * @function refreshTokens
     * @description refresh the authenitcation tokens from the API and store
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
    refreshTokens: function (moduleIdentifier) {
        this.log(`Refreshing tokens for ${moduleIdentifier}`);
        var self = this;
        const clientId = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config.client_id;
        const clientSecret = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config.client_secret;
        const token = this.tokens[clientId].token;
        this.log(`Refreshing token for ${clientId}`);
            client_id: clientId,
            client_secret: clientSecret
        try {
            strava.oauth.refreshToken(token.refresh_token).then((result) => {
                token.token_type = result.token_type || token.token_type;
                token.access_token = result.access_token || token.access_token;
                token.refresh_token = result.refresh_token || token.refresh_token;
                token.expires_at = result.expires_at || token.expires_at;
                // Store tokens
                self.saveToken(clientId, token, (err, data) => {
                    if (!err) {
        } catch (error) {
            this.log(`Failed to refresh tokens for ${moduleIdentifier}. Check config or module authorisation.`);
     * @function getData
     * @description gets data from the Strava API based on module mode
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
    getData: function (moduleIdentifier) {
        this.log(`Getting data for ${moduleIdentifier}`);
        const moduleConfig = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config;
        try {
            // Get access token
            const accessToken = this.tokens[moduleConfig.client_id].token.access_token;
            if (moduleConfig.mode === "table") {
                try {
                    // Get athelete Id
                    const athleteId = this.tokens[moduleConfig.client_id].token.athlete.id;
                    // Call api
                    this.getAthleteStats(moduleIdentifier, accessToken, athleteId);
                } catch (error) {
                    this.log(`Athete id not found for ${moduleIdentifier}`);
            } else if (moduleConfig.mode === "chart") {
                // Get initial date based on period
                const afterPeriodMap = {
                    all: moment().year(moduleConfig.firstYear).month(0).date(1).hours(0).minutes(0).seconds(0).milliseconds(0).unix(),
                    ytd: moment().startOf("year").unix(),
                    recent: moment().startOf("week").unix()
                var after = afterPeriodMap[moduleConfig.period];
                // Call api
                this.getAthleteActivities(moduleIdentifier, accessToken, after);
        } catch (error) {
            this.log(`Access token not found for ${moduleIdentifier}`);
     * @function getAthleteStats
     * @description get stats for an athlete from the API
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
     * @param {string} accessToken
     * @param {integer} athleteId
    getAthleteStats: async function (moduleIdentifier, accessToken, athleteId) {
        this.log("Getting athlete stats for " + moduleIdentifier + " using " + athleteId);
        var self = this;
        const errors = require("request-promise/errors");
        const options = {
            access_token: accessToken,
            id: athleteId
        const apiData = await strava.athletes.stats(options).catch(errors.StatusCodeError, function (e) {
            self.handleApiError(moduleIdentifier, e);
        if (apiData) {
            self.sendSocketNotification("DATA", { identifier: moduleIdentifier, data: apiData });
     * @function getAthleteActivities
     * @description get logged in athletes activities from the API
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
     * @param {string} accessToken
     * @param {string} after
    getAthleteActivities: async function (moduleIdentifier, accessToken, after) {
        this.log("Getting athlete activities for " + moduleIdentifier + " after " + moment.unix(after).format("YYYY-MM-DD"));
        const self = this;
        var pageNum = 1;
        var isPaging = true;
        var sendNotification = true;
        const activityList = [];
        const errors = require("request-promise/errors");
        while (isPaging) {
            const options = {
                access_token: accessToken,
                after: after,
                page: pageNum,
                per_page: 200
            const apiData = await strava.athlete.listActivities(options).catch(errors.StatusCodeError, function (e) {
                self.handleApiError(moduleIdentifier, e);
                sendNotification = false;
            if (apiData && apiData.length > 0) {
                this.log("listActivities api returned " + apiData.length + " activities in page " + options.page + " using " + options.per_page + " per page.");
                pageNum += 1;
            } else {
                isPaging = false;
        // Prepare and send notification payload
        if (sendNotification) {
            var data = {
                identifier: moduleIdentifier,
                data: this.summariseActivities(moduleIdentifier, activityList)
            this.sendSocketNotification("DATA", data);
     * @function handleApiError
     * @description handles an error response from the API.
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
     * @param {StatusCodeError} err
    handleApiError: function (moduleIdentifier, err) {
        try {
            // Strava-v3 errors - https://github.com/UnbounDev/node-strava-v3#error-handling
            if (err) {
                if (err.error && err.error.errors && err.error.errors[0].field === "access_token" && err.error.errors[0].code === "invalid") {
                    this.log(`Invalid access token for ${moduleIdentifier}, will try refreshing tokens.`);
                } else {
                    this.log({ module: moduleIdentifier, error: err });
                    this.sendSocketNotification("ERROR", { identifier: moduleIdentifier, data: { message: err.message } });
            } else {
                this.log("No error to handle.");
        } catch (error) {
            // Unknown response
            this.log(`Unable to handle API error for ${moduleIdentifier}.`);
        return false;
     * @function summariseActivities
     * @param activityList
     * @description summarises a list of activities for display in the chart.
     * @param {string} moduleIdentifier - The module identifier.
    summariseActivities: function (moduleIdentifier, activityList) {
        this.log("Summarising athlete activities for " + moduleIdentifier);
        var moduleConfig = this.configs[moduleIdentifier].config;
        var activitySummary = Object.create(null);
        var activityName;
        // Initialise activity summary
        const periodIntervalMap = {
            all: [...Array(moment().year() - moduleConfig.firstYear + 1).keys()].map((i) => i + moduleConfig.firstYear),
            ytd: moment.monthsShort(),
            recent: moment.weekdaysShort()
        var periodIntervals = periodIntervalMap[moduleConfig.period];
        for (var activity in moduleConfig.activities) {
            if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(moduleConfig.activities, activity)) {
                activityName = moduleConfig.activities[activity].toLowerCase().replace("virtual", "");
                activitySummary[activityName] = {
                    total_activity_count: 0,
                    total_distance: 0,
                    total_elevation_gain: 0,
                    total_moving_time: 0,
                    total_elapsed_time: 0,
                    total_achievement_count: 0,
                    max_interval_distance: 0,
                    intervals: Array(periodIntervals.length).fill(0)
        // Summarise activity totals and interval totals
        for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(activityList).length; i++) {
            // Merge virtual activities
            activityName = activityList[i].type.toLowerCase().replace("virtual", "");
            var activityTypeSummary = activitySummary[activityName];
            // Update activity summaries
            if (activityTypeSummary) {
                var distance = activityList[i].distance;
                activityTypeSummary.total_activity_count += 1;
                activityTypeSummary.total_distance += distance;
                activityTypeSummary.total_elevation_gain += activityList[i].total_elevation_gain;
                activityTypeSummary.total_moving_time += activityList[i].moving_time;
                activityTypeSummary.total_elapsed_time += activityList[i].elapsed_time;
                activityTypeSummary.total_achievement_count += activityList[i].achievement_count;
                const activityDate = moment(activityList[i].start_date_local);
                const intervalIndexMap = {
                    all: activityDate.year() - moduleConfig.firstYear,
                    ytd: activityDate.month(),
                    recent: activityDate.weekday()
                const intervalIndex = intervalIndexMap[moduleConfig.period];
                activityTypeSummary.intervals[intervalIndex] += distance;
                // Update max interval distance
                if (activityTypeSummary.intervals[intervalIndex] > activityTypeSummary.max_interval_distance) {
                    activityTypeSummary.max_interval_distance = activityTypeSummary.intervals[intervalIndex];
        return activitySummary;
     * @function saveToken
     * @description save token for specified client id to file
     * @param cb
     * @param {integer} clientId - The application's ID, obtained during registration.
     * @param {object} token - The token response.
    saveToken: function (clientId, token, cb) {
        var self = this;
        // No token for clientId - delete existing
        if (clientId in this.tokens && !token) {
            delete this.tokens[clientId];
        // No clientId in tokens - create stub
        if (!(clientId in this.tokens) && token) {
            this.tokens[clientId] = {};
        // Add token for client
        if (token) {
            this.tokens[clientId].token = token;
        // Save tokens to file
        var json = JSON.stringify(this.tokens, null, 2);
        fs.writeFile(this.tokensFile, json, "utf8", function (error) {
            if (error && cb) {
            if (cb) {
                cb(null, self.tokens);
     * @function readTokens
     * @description reads the current tokens file
    readTokens: function () {
        if (this.tokensFile) {
            try {
                const tokensData = fs.readFileSync(this.tokensFile, "utf8");
                this.tokens = JSON.parse(tokensData);
            } catch (error) {
                this.tokens = {};
            return this.tokens;
     * @function log
     * @description logs the message, prefixed by the Module name, if debug is enabled.
     * @param  {string} msg            the message to be logged
    log: function (msg) {
        if (this.debug) {
            console.log(this.name + ":", JSON.stringify(msg));