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# dammy

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Generate fake/dummy data for any purpose

## Table of contents

* [Introduction](#introduction)
* [Features](#features)
* [Example](#example)
* [Installation](#installation)
* [Release history](#release-history)

## Introduction

dammy is a powerful and simple tool to generate fake data. You can use it to mock classes, populate databases and and much more.
You can check the full documentation [here](

## Features
* Generate anything within the set of prebuilt objects (Person names, country names, car manufacturers and models, random dates...)
* Compose more complex data easily (Full profiles, complete databases, )
* The possibility to expand the previous set with little to no code
* Completely intuitive, you will learn to use it in less than 10 minutes
* Export the generated data to SQL

## Example

If you wanted to generate 1000 random people, just define what a person looks like and dammy will handle the rest

``` python
from dammy import EntityGenerator
from dammy.functions import cast
from dammy.stdlib import RandomName, RandomString, RandomDateTime, RandomInteger, CountryName

class Person(EntityGenerator):
    first_name = RandomName().upper()
    password = RandomString(5)
    birthday = RandomDateTime(start=datetime(1980, 1, 1), end=datetime(2000, 12, 31), date_format='%d/%m/%Y')
    favorite_number = RandomInteger(0, 10)
    age = cast(( - birthday).days / 365.25, int)
    country = CountryName()

# Generate 1000 random people
for i in range(0, 1000):

Which will output:
{'identifier': 1, 'uid': '9XCha', 'first_name': 'ZAYN', 'blood': 'A+', 'birthday': '24/01/1982', 'favorite_number': 5, 'age': 38, 'country': 'Denmark'}
{'identifier': 2, 'uid': 'bbYbw', 'first_name': 'MALIHA', 'blood': 'AB+', 'birthday': '01/12/1981', 'favorite_number': 1, 'age': 38, 'country': 'Syrian Arab Republic'}
{'identifier': 3, 'uid': 'aGF49', 'first_name': 'ANGEL', 'blood': 'AB+', 'birthday': '18/08/1992', 'favorite_number': 1, 'age': 27, 'country': 'Macedonia, the Former Yugoslav Republic of'}
{'identifier': 4, 'uid': 'Lcr0J', 'first_name': 'REUBEN', 'blood': '0-', 'birthday': '07/11/1997', 'favorite_number': 4, 'age': 22, 'country': 'Dominican Republic'}
{'identifier': 5, 'uid': 'P7mD4', 'first_name': 'MAMADOU', 'blood': 'A+', 'birthday': '02/01/1987', 'favorite_number': 7, 'age': 33, 'country': 'Palau'}
{'identifier': 6, 'uid': 'ykdeL', 'first_name': 'BATSHEVA', 'blood': 'A+', 'birthday': '11/01/1983', 'favorite_number': 5, 'age': 37, 'country': 'Seychelles'}
{'identifier': 7, 'uid': 'h9HjQ', 'first_name': 'JIMENA', 'blood': 'A-', 'birthday': '23/10/1985', 'favorite_number': 0, 'age': 34, 'country': 'China'}
{'identifier': 8, 'uid': 'rjt92', 'first_name': 'YERIK', 'blood': 'AB+', 'birthday': '29/10/1991', 'favorite_number': 5, 'age': 28, 'country': 'Libya'}
{'identifier': 9, 'uid': 'vL0DE', 'first_name': 'YISRAEL', 'blood': 'AB+', 'birthday': '25/03/1989', 'favorite_number': 8, 'age': 30, 'country': 'Spain'}
{'identifier': 10, 'uid': 'CsrhX', 'first_name': 'JOSHUA', 'blood': 'AB+', 'birthday': '20/09/1999', 'favorite_number': 1, 'age': 20, 'country': 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen'}

It also supports relationships between tables, so you can generate data to populate databases
``` python
from dammy import EntityGenerator
from dammy.db import AutoIncrement, PrimaryKey, ForeignKey
from dammy.stdlib import RandomName, RandomString, RandomDateTime, RandomInteger, CountryName

# Define what a person looks like
class Person(EntityGenerator):
    id_pk = PrimaryKey(id=AutoIncrement())
    first_name = RandomName().upper()
    password = RandomString(5)
    birthday = RandomDateTime(start=datetime(1980, 1, 1), end=datetime(2000, 12, 31), date_format='%d/%m/%Y')
    favorite_number = RandomInteger(0, 10)
    age = cast(( - birthday).days / 365.25, int)
    country = CountryName()

# Define what a car looks like
class Car(EntityGenerator):
    id_pk = PrimaryKey(id=AutoIncrement())
    manufacturer_name = CarBrand()
    model = CarModel(car_brand=manufacturer_name)
    owner = ForeignKey(Person, 'identifier')

And the data can be exported to SQL
``` python
from dammy import DatasetGenerator

# Generate a dataset with 20000 cars and 94234 people
dataset = DatasetGenerator((Car, 20000), (Person, 94234)).generate()
## Installation
To install the latest stable release of dammy using pip
pip install dammy

You can also install the latest development release by cloning the repository and installing it with pip
git clone dammy
cd dammy
pip install -e .

## Release history
* 1.2.0-alpha
    * dammy.seed() added to seed the random number generator
    * RandomFloat, CreditCard and IPv4Address added to stdlib
    * Localization support enabled
    * Deprecated ForeignKey.get_reference() removed
    * Deprecated DatasetGenerator.get_sql() removed
    * Minor bugs fixed
* 1.1.0
    * Iterators added
    * ForeignKey.get_reference() deprecated. Will be removed the next version
* 1.0.0
    * Semantic versioning used from now on
    * Documentation fixed
    * Minor code changes (duplicated code removed...)

* 0.1.3
    * Code refactored
    * All binary operations made possible between BaseGenerator objects
    * BaseDammy renamed to BaseGenerator
    * EntityGenerator renamed to OperationResult
    * DammyEntity renamed to EntityGenerator
    * Everything inherits from BaseGenerator
    * Removed DatabaseConstraint
    * Added UNIQUE constraint support
    * Datasets can now be exported to JSON
    * Entities can now be exported to JSON and CSV
    * dammy.stdlib expanded with new built-in generators

* 0.1.2
    * Documentation improved
    * DatasetGenerator moved from main to db
    * Minor bugs fixed

* 0.1.1
    * Can get attributes of entities
    * Can call methods on entities
    * Ability to perform operations added
    * Code improved
    * Docstrings added

* 0.0.3
    * Fixed import bug in stdlib

* 0.0.1
    * First release