

0 mins
Test Coverage
#!/usr/bin/env node

"use strict";

const ccc = require("./index.js");
const fs = require("fs");

const long = { assemble: true, assembly: true, help: true, opcode: true, preprocess: true, version: true };
const short = { A: "assembly", a: "assemble", h: "help", O: "opcode", p: "preprocess", v: "version" };

var error;
var filename;
var options = { define: {} };
var output;

function fatal(msg) {
  process.stderr.write(`ccc:fatal error:${msg}\n`);
  error = true;

function dash(option) {
  if(option.length === 1) fatal("unknown command line option: '-'");
  else if(option[1] === "o") {
    if(i + 1 === process.argv.length) fatal("missing output filename after '-o' option");
    else output = process.argv[++i];
  } else if(option[1] === "D") {
    if(option.length === 2) fatal("missing macro name: '-D'");
    else {
      const tokens = option.substr(2).split("=");
      const macro = tokens.shift();

      options.define[macro] = tokens.length ? tokens.join("=") : "";
  } else {
    for(var j = 1; j < option.length; ++j) {
      if(short[option[j]]) options[short[option[j]]] = true;
      else fatal(`unknown command line option: '-${option[j]}'`);

for(var i = 2; i < process.argv.length; ++i) {
  const option = process.argv[i];

  if(! option.length) fatal("unknown command line option: ''");
  else if(option.substr(0, 2) === "--") {
    const attempt = option.substr(2);

    if(long[attempt]) options[attempt] = true;
    else fatal(`unknown command line option: '${option}'`);
  } else if(option.substr(0, 1) === "-") dash(option);
  else if(filename) fatal(`only one input file: '${option}'`);
  else filename = option;

if( {
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
      "Usage: ccc [options] file\n" +
        "Options:\n" +
        "  -A --assembly       Outputs the generated assembly; assumes input is in CCC.\n" +
        "  -a --assemble       Assemble; assumes input is in assembly\n" +
        "  -D<macro>[=<value>] Defines <macro> eventually with its <value>\n" +
        "  -h --help           Prints this help and exits\n" +
        "  -O --opcode         Outputs the generated opcode.\n" +
        "  -o <filename>       The output <filename>; default: stdout\n" +
        "  -p --preprocess     Outputs the preprocessor result; assumes input is in CCC.\n" +
        "  -v --version        Prints the version and exits"

// eslint-disable-next-line no-console
if(options.version) process.exit(console.log("ccc (CC's C - EVM compiler) " + JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync("package.json", "utf8")).version));
if(! error && ! filename) fatal("no input file");
if(error) process.exit(1);

const res = ccc(filename, options);
const write = out => {
  const { contracts, preprocessed } = res;
  const ret = {};

  if(preprocessed) ret.preprocessed = preprocessed;
  if(Object.keys(contracts).length) ret.contracts = contracts;

  out.write(JSON.stringify(ret) + "\n", () => {
    if(res.messages.length) process.stderr.write(res.messages.join("\n") + "\n");
    if(res.errors.length) process.exit(1);

if(output) {
  const out = fs.createWriteStream(output);

  out.on("open", () => write(out));
  out.on("error", err => {
} else write(process.stdout);