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import { Action, actions, Attribute, base, Constraint, DB, EntryBase, ForeignKeyOptions, Index, loaded, size, Table, Transaction, transaction, Type } from "./db";

export { Action, Attribute, base, DB, deepCopy, deepDiff, EntryBase, ForeignKeyActions, ForeignKeyOptions, Index, loaded, size, Table, Transaction, transaction, Type } from "./db";
export type TypeDefinition<T, E> = (() => Type<T, E>) | Type<T, E>;
export interface AttributeOptions<T, E> {
  defaultValue?: T;
  fieldName?: string;
  notNull?: boolean;
  type: TypeDefinition<T, E>;
  unique?: boolean;

export type AttributeDefinition<T, E> = TypeDefinition<T, E> | AttributeOptions<T, E>;
export type AttributesDefinition = { [key: string]: AttributeDefinition<unknown, unknown> };

const attributes = Symbol("attributes");
const methods = Symbol("methods");

type ForeignKeysAttributes<T, k> = T extends AttributeDefinition<unknown, infer E> ? (E extends EntryBase ? k : never) : never;
type ForeignKeys<A extends AttributesDefinition> = { [a in keyof A]?: ForeignKeysAttributes<A[a], a> }[keyof A];

type Native___<T> = T extends Type<infer N, unknown> ? N : never;
type Native__<T> = T extends () => Type<infer N, infer E> ? Native___<Type<N, E>> : Native___<T>;
type Native_<T, N, E> = T extends { notNull: true } ? Native___<Type<N, E>> : Native___<Type<N, E>> | null;
type Native<T> = T extends AttributeOptions<infer N, infer E> ? Native_<T, N, E> : Native__<T> | null;

export type IndexAttributes = string[] | string;

export interface IndexOptions {
  attributes: IndexAttributes;
  type?: "btree" | "hash";
  unique?: boolean;

export type IndexDefinition = IndexAttributes | IndexOptions;
export type IndexesDefinition = { [key: string]: IndexDefinition };

interface BaseModelOptions {
  indexes?: IndexesDefinition;
  sync?: boolean;
  tableName?: string;

export interface ModelOptions extends BaseModelOptions {
  int8id?: boolean;
  parent?: Attribute<unknown, EntryBase>;
  primaryKey?: string;

const operators = ["=", ">", "<", ">=", "<=", "<>", "IN", "IS NULL", "LIKE", "NOT"];

type ConditionAttribute<T> = T | ["=" | ">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=" | "<>", T] | ["IN", T[]] | ["IS NULL"] | ["LIKE", string] | ["NOT"];
type ConditionBase<A extends AttributesDefinition> = string | { [a in keyof A]?: ConditionAttribute<Native<A[a]>> };
type Condition<A extends AttributesDefinition> = ConditionBase<A> | ["NOT", Condition<A>] | ["AND", ...Condition<A>[]] | ["OR", ...Condition<A>[]];

type Order_<A extends AttributesDefinition> = keyof A | `-${string & keyof A}`;
type Order<A extends AttributesDefinition> = Order_<A> | Order_<A>[];

type UnionToIntersection<U> = (U extends unknown ? (k: U) => void : never) extends (k: infer I) => void ? I : never;
type IsUnion<T> = [T] extends [UnionToIntersection<T>] ? false : true;
type BaseKeyType<B extends boolean> = IsUnion<B> extends true ? number : B extends true ? string : number;
type KeyType<B extends boolean, P extends ModelStd> = P extends new () => EntryBase ? (P extends Attribute<infer T, EntryBase> ? T : never) : BaseKeyType<B>;

type ForeignKey<A> = A extends AttributeDefinition<unknown, infer E> ? () => Promise<E> : never;
type EntryBaseAttributes<A extends AttributesDefinition> = { [a in keyof A]: Native<A[a]> };

type EntryMethodsBase<P extends ModelStd> = P extends new () => EntryBase ? P[typeof methods] : EntryBase;
type EntryMethodsFK<A extends AttributesDefinition> = { [a in ForeignKeys<A> & string as `${a}Load`]: ForeignKey<A[a]> };
type EntryMethods<A extends AttributesDefinition, P extends ModelStd> = keyof EntryMethodsFK<A> extends never ? EntryMethodsBase<P> : EntryMethodsBase<P> & EntryMethodsFK<A>;

type ModelAttributesIf<A extends AttributesDefinition, T> = keyof A extends never ? T : T & A;
type ModelAttributes<A extends AttributesDefinition, B extends boolean, K extends string, P extends ModelStd> = K extends keyof A
  ? A
  : ModelAttributesIf<A, P extends new () => EntryBase ? P[typeof attributes] : { id: { notNull: true; type: Type<BaseKeyType<B>, unknown> } }>;

export interface ModelLoad<A extends AttributesDefinition, E extends EntryBase> {
  load(where: Condition<A>, order?: Order<A>, limit?: number, tx?: Transaction, lock?: boolean): Promise<E[]>;
  load(where: Condition<A>, order?: Order<A>, tx?: Transaction, lock?: boolean): Promise<E[]>;
  load(where: Condition<A>, limit?: number, tx?: Transaction, lock?: boolean): Promise<E[]>;
  load(where: Condition<A>, tx: Transaction, lock?: boolean): Promise<E[]>;
  cancel(where: Condition<A>, tx?: Transaction): Promise<number>;

type ModelBase<T, A extends AttributesDefinition, EA extends Record<string, unknown>, EM extends EntryBase, E extends EntryBase> = (new (from?: Partial<EA>, tx?: Transaction) => E) &
  Attribute<T, E> & { [attributes]: A; foreignKeys: Record<string, boolean>; [methods]: EM; parent?: ModelStd; tableName: string } & { [a in keyof A]: Attribute<Native<A[a]>, E> } & ModelLoad<A, E>;
type Model<T, A extends AttributesDefinition, EM extends EntryBase> = ModelBase<T, A, EntryBaseAttributes<A>, EM, EntryBaseAttributes<A> & EM>;
type ModelStd = Attribute<unknown, EntryBase> & { [attributes]: AttributesDefinition; foreignKeys: Record<string, boolean>; [methods]: EntryBase; parent?: ModelStd };

export type Entry<M> = M extends new () => infer E ? E : never;
export type OrderBy<M> = M extends { load(where: unknown, order?: infer T): void; load(where: unknown, limit?: number): void; load(where: unknown, tx?: Transaction): void }
  ? Exclude<T, undefined>
  : never;
export type Where<M> = M extends { load(where: infer T): void } ? T : never;

export interface SedentaryOptions {
  autoSync?: boolean;
  log?: ((message: string) => void) | null;
  sync?: boolean;

const allowedOption = ["indexes", "int8id", "parent", "primaryKey", "sync", "tableName"];
const reservedNames = [
  ...["attr2field", "attributeName", "cancel", "class", "construct", "constructor", "defaultValue", "fieldName", "foreignKeys", "load", "name"],
  ...["postCommit", "postLoad", "postRemove", "postSave", "preCommit", "preLoad", "preRemove", "preSave", "primaryKey", "prototype", "save", "tableName", "type"]

export class Sedentary<D extends DB<T>, T extends Transaction> {
  protected autoSync: boolean;
  protected db: D;
  protected doSync = true;
  protected log: (message: string) => void;

  private models: { [key: string]: boolean } = {};

  public constructor(options?: SedentaryOptions) {
    if(! options) options = {};
    if(! (options instanceof Object)) throw new Error("new Sedentary: 'options' argument: Wrong type, expected 'Object'");

    for(const k in options) if(! ["autoSync", "log", "sync"].includes(k)) throw new Error(`new Sedentary: 'options' argument: Unknown '${k}' option`);

    const { autoSync, log, sync } = { autoSync: true, sync: true, ...options };

    if(typeof autoSync !== "boolean") throw new Error("new Sedentary: 'autoSync' option: Wrong type, expected 'boolean'");
    if(log !== null && log !== undefined && ! (log instanceof Function)) throw new Error("new Sedentary: 'log' option: Wrong type, expected 'null' or 'Function'");
    if(typeof sync !== "boolean") throw new Error("new Sedentary: 'sync' option: Wrong type, expected 'boolean'");

    this.autoSync = autoSync;
    this.db = null as unknown as D;
    // eslint-disable-next-line no-console
    this.log = log ? log : log === null ? () => {} : console.log;
    this.doSync = sync;

  public Boolean(): Type<boolean, unknown> {
    return new Type({ [base]: Boolean, type: "BOOLEAN" });

  public DateTime(): Type<Date, unknown> {
    return new Type({ [base]: Date, type: "DATETIME" });

  public FKey<T, E extends EntryBase>(attribute: Attribute<T, E>, options?: ForeignKeyOptions): Type<T, E> {
    const { attributeName, fieldName, tableName, type, [base]: _base, [size]: _size } = attribute;

    return new Type({ [base]: _base, foreignKey: { attributeName, fieldName, options, tableName }, [size]: _size, type });

  public Float(_size?: number): Type<number, unknown> {
    const message = "Sedentary.Float: 'size' argument: Wrong value, expected 4 or 8";

    _size = _size ? this.checkSize(_size, message) : 8;

    if(_size !== 4 && _size !== 8) throw new Error(message);

    return new Type({ [base]: Number, [size]: _size, type: "FLOAT" });

  public Int(_size?: number): Type<number, unknown> {
    const message = "Sedentary.Int: 'size' argument: Wrong value, expected 2 or 4";

    _size = _size ? this.checkSize(_size, message) : 4;

    if(_size !== 2 && _size !== 4) throw new Error(message);

    return new Type({ [base]: Number, [size]: _size, type: "INT" });

  public Int8(): Type<bigint, unknown> {
    return new Type({ [base]: BigInt, [size]: 8, type: "INT8" });

  public JSON<T>(): Type<T, unknown> {
    return new Type<T, unknown>({ [base]: Object, type: "JSON" });

  public Number(): Type<number, unknown> {
    return new Type({ [base]: Number, type: "NUMBER" });

  public None<T>(): Type<T, unknown> {
    return new Type({ [base]: undefined, type: "NONE" });

  public VarChar<S extends string>(_size?: number): Type<S, unknown> {
    const message = "Sedentary.VarChar: 'size' argument: Wrong value, expected positive integer";

    _size = _size ? this.checkSize(_size, message) : undefined;

    return new Type({ [base]: String, [size]: _size, type: "VARCHAR" });

  private checkDB() {
    if(! this.db) throw new Error("Package sedentary can't be used directly. Please check: https://www.npmjs.com/package/sedentary#disclaimer");

  private checkOrderBy(order: unknown, attributes: Record<string, string>, modelName: string): order is string[] {
    let array: string[] = [];

    if(! order) return true;
    if(typeof order === "string") array = [order];
    else if(order instanceof Array) array = order;
    else return false;

    const provided: Record<string, boolean> = {};

    for(const attribute of array) {
      if(typeof attribute !== "string") return false;

      const attributeName = attribute.startsWith("-") ? attribute.substring(1) : attribute;

      if(! (attributeName in attributes)) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'order' argument: '${attributeName}' is not an attribute name`);
      if(provided[attributeName]) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'order' argument: Reused '${attributeName}' attribute`);

      provided[attributeName] = true;

    return true;

  private checkSize(size: number, message: string): number {
    const str = size.toString();
    const parsed = parseInt(str, 10);

    if(str !== parsed.toString()) throw new Error(message);

    return parsed;

  private createWhere(modelName: string, attributes: Record<string, string>, where: unknown): [string, boolean, boolean] {
    if(typeof where === "string") return [where, true, true];
    if(typeof where !== "object") throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Wrong type, expected 'Array', 'Object' or 'string'`);
    if(! where) return ["", false, false];

    if(where instanceof Array) {
      const length = where.length;

      if(! length) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Empty Array`);
      if(! ["AND", "NOT", "OR"].includes(where[0])) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Wrong logical operator, expected 'AND', 'OR' or 'NOT'`);
      if(length === 1) return ["", false, false];

      if(where[0] === "NOT") {
        if(length > 2) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: 'NOT' operator is unary`);

        const [res] = this.createWhere(modelName, attributes, where[1]);

        return [res === "" ? "" : `NOT (${res})`, false, false];

      const conditions = where
        .filter((_, i) => i)
        .map(_ => this.createWhere(modelName, attributes, _))
        .filter(([_]) => _);

      if(conditions.length === 1) return conditions[0];

      const isOr = where[0] === "OR";

      return [isOr ? conditions.map(([_, , a]) => (a ? `(${_})` : _)).join(" OR ") : conditions.map(([_, o]) => (o ? `(${_})` : _)).join(" AND "), isOr, false];

    const conditions: string[] = [];

    for(const key in where) {
      const field = attributes[key];

      if(! field) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Unknown '${key}' attribute`);

      const value = (where as Record<string, unknown>)[key];

      if(value instanceof Array) {
        const operator = value[0];
        const length = value.length;

        if(! length) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Missing arithmetic operator, expected one of: ${operators.map(_ => `'${_}'`).join(", ")}`);
        if(! operators.includes(operator)) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: Wrong arithmetic operator, expected one of: ${operators.map(_ => `'${_}'`).join(", ")}`);

        if(operator === "IS NULL") {
          if(length !== 1) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: 'IS NULL' operator is unary`);

          conditions.push(`${field} IS NULL`);
        } else if(operator === "NOT") {
          if(length !== 1) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: 'NOT' operator is unary`);

          conditions.push(`NOT ${field}`);
        } else {
          if(length !== 2) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: '${operator}' operator is binary`);

          if(operator === "IN") {
            if(! (value[1] instanceof Array)) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'where' argument: 'IN' right operand: Wrong type, expected Array`);

            conditions.push(`${field} IN (${value[1].map(_ => this.escape(_)).join(", ")})`);
          } else conditions.push(`${field} ${operator} ${this.escape(value[1])}`);
      } else conditions.push(`${field} = ${this.escape(value)}`);

    return [conditions.length ? conditions.join(" AND ") : "", false, false];

  public async connect(sync?: boolean): Promise<void> {
    try {

      await this.db.connect();

      if(this.autoSync || sync) await this.sync();
    } catch(e) {
      this.log("Connecting: " + (e instanceof Error ? e.message : JSON.stringify(e)));
      throw e;

  public async sync(): Promise<void> {
    await this.db.syncDataBase();

  public async end(): Promise<void> {
    this.log("Closing connection...");
    await this.db.end();
    this.log("Connection closed");

  public begin(): Promise<T> {
    return this.db.begin();

  public escape(value: unknown): string {
    return this.db.escape(value);

  public model<A extends AttributesDefinition, B extends boolean, K extends string, P extends ModelStd, EM extends EntryMethods<A, P>>(
    modelName: string,
    attributes: A,
    options?: BaseModelOptions & { int8id?: B; parent?: P; primaryKey?: K | keyof A }
  ): Model<K extends keyof A ? Native<A[K]> : KeyType<B, P>, ModelAttributes<A, B, K, P>, EM>;
  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
  public model<
    A extends AttributesDefinition,
    B extends boolean,
    K extends string,
    P extends ModelStd,
    EA extends EntryBaseAttributes<ModelAttributes<A, B, K, P>>,
    EM extends EntryMethods<A, P>,
    M extends Record<string, <S extends M>(this: EA & EM & S, ...args: any[]) => void>
    modelName: string,
    attributes: A,
    options: BaseModelOptions & { int8id?: B; parent?: P; primaryKey?: K | keyof A },
    methods: M & Record<keyof M, (this: EA & EM & M, ...args: any[]) => void>
  ): Model<K extends keyof A ? Native<A[K]> : KeyType<B, P>, ModelAttributes<A, B, K, P>, EM & M>;
  /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
  public model<A extends AttributesDefinition, P extends ModelStd, M extends Record<string,() => void>>(
    modelName: string,
    _attributes: A,
    options?: ModelOptions & { parent?: P & (new () => EntryBase) },
    _methods?: M
  ): Model<unknown, A, EntryBase> {

    if(typeof modelName !== "string") throw new Error("Sedentary.model: 'name' argument: Wrong type, expected 'string'");
    if(this.models[modelName]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: Model already defined`);
    if(! _attributes) _attributes = {} as A;
    if(! (_attributes instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'attributes' argument: Wrong type, expected 'Object'`);
    if(! options) options = {};
    if(! (options instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'options' argument: Wrong type, expected 'Object'`);

    for(const k in options) if(! allowedOption.includes(k)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'options' argument: Unknown '${k}' option`);
    if(options.int8id && options.parent) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'int8id' and 'parent' options conflict each other`);
    if(options.int8id && options.primaryKey) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'int8id' and 'primaryKey' options conflict each other`);
    if(options.parent && options.primaryKey) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'parent' and 'primaryKey' options conflict each other`);

    let autoIncrement = true;
    const { indexes, int8id, parent, primaryKey, sync, tableName } = { sync: this.doSync, tableName: modelName, ...options };
    let aArray: Attribute<unknown, unknown>[] = int8id
      ? [new Attribute<bigint, unknown>({ ...this.Int8(), attributeName: "id", fieldName: "id", modelName, notNull: true, tableName, unique: true })]
      : [new Attribute<number, unknown>({ ...this.Int(4), attributeName: "id", fieldName: "id", modelName, notNull: true, tableName, unique: true })];
    let constraints: Constraint[] = [{ attribute: aArray[0], constraintName: `${tableName}_id_unique`, type: "u" }];
    const iArray: Index[] = [];
    let pk = aArray[0];
    let attr2field: Record<string, string> = { id: "id" };

    if(! _methods) _methods = {} as M;
    if(! (_methods instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'methods' option: Wrong type, expected 'Object'`);

    if(parent) if(! parent[attributes]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'parent' option: Wrong type, expected 'Model'`);

    if(primaryKey && typeof primaryKey !== "string") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'primaryKey' option: Wrong type, expected 'string'`);
    if(primaryKey && ! Object.keys(_attributes).includes(primaryKey)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'primaryKey' option: Attribute '${primaryKey}' does not exists`);

    if(parent || primaryKey) {
      // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
      attr2field = parent ? { ...(parent as any).attr2field } : {};
      autoIncrement = false;
      aArray = [];
      constraints = [];

    for(const attributeName of Object.keys(_attributes).sort()) {
      if(reservedNames.includes(attributeName)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: Reserved name`);

      const call = (defaultValue: unknown | undefined, fieldName: string, notNull: boolean, unique: boolean, func: () => Type<unknown, unknown>, message1: string, message2: string) => {
        if(func === this.FKey) throw new Error(`${message1} 'this.FKey' can't be used directly`);
        if(! ([this.Boolean, this.DateTime, this.Float, this.Int, this.JSON, this.Int8, this.None, this.Number, this.VarChar] as unknown[]).includes(func as unknown)) throw new Error(`${message1} ${message2}`);

        return new Attribute({ attributeName, defaultValue, fieldName, modelName, notNull, tableName, unique, ...func() });

      const attributeDefinition = _attributes[attributeName];
      let {
        [base]: _base,
        [size]: _size,
      } = ((): Attribute<unknown, unknown> => {
        const ret = ((): Attribute<unknown, unknown> => {
          if(attributeDefinition instanceof Type) return new Attribute({ attributeName, fieldName: attributeName, modelName, notNull: false, tableName, ...attributeDefinition });
          if(attributeDefinition instanceof Function) return call(undefined, attributeName, false, false, attributeDefinition, `Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute:`, "Wrong type, expected 'Attribute'");
          if(! (attributeDefinition instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: Wrong attribute type, expected 'Attribute'`);

          const attributeDefaults = { defaultValue: undefined, fieldName: attributeName, notNull: false, unique: false, ...attributeDefinition } as AttributeOptions<unknown, unknown>;
          const { defaultValue, fieldName, notNull, unique, type } = attributeDefaults;

          if(defaultValue === null) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'defaultValue' option: Does 'null' default value really makes sense?`);
          if(typeof fieldName !== "string") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'fieldName' option: Wrong type, expected 'string'`);
          if(typeof notNull !== "boolean") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'notNull' option: Wrong type, expected 'boolean'`);
          if(typeof unique !== "boolean") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'unique' option: Wrong type, expected 'boolean'`);
          if(type === undefined) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: Missing 'type' option`);
          if(type instanceof Type) return new Attribute({ attributeName, defaultValue, fieldName, modelName, notNull, tableName, unique, ...type });
          if(type instanceof Function) return call(defaultValue, fieldName, notNull, unique, type, `Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'type' option:`, "Wrong type, expected 'Type'");

          throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'type' option: Wrong type, expected 'Type'`);

        const { [base]: _base, defaultValue } = ret;

        if(defaultValue !== undefined) {
          if(_base === BigInt && typeof defaultValue !== "bigint") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'defaultValue' option: Wrong type, expected 'BigInt'`);
          if(_base === Date && ! (defaultValue instanceof Date)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'defaultValue' option: Wrong type, expected 'Date'`);
          if(_base === Number && typeof defaultValue !== "number") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'defaultValue' option: Wrong type, expected 'number'`);
          if(_base === String && typeof defaultValue !== "string") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: 'defaultValue' option: Wrong type, expected 'string'`);

        return ret;

      if(foreignKey) {
        const options = foreignKey.options || ({} as ForeignKeyOptions);

        if(foreignKey.options !== undefined && ! (foreignKey.options instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.FKey: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: Wrong options type, expected 'Object'`);
        for(const k in options) if(! ["onDelete", "onUpdate"].includes(k)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.FKey: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: Unknown option '${k}'`);

        for(const onChange of ["onDelete", "onUpdate"] as const) {
          const actions = ["cascade", "no action", "restrict", "set default", "set null"];
          let action = options[onChange];

          if(! action) action = options[onChange] = "no action";
          if(action && ! actions.includes(action)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.FKey: '${modelName}' model: '${attributeName}' attribute: '${onChange}' option: Wrong value, expected ${actions.map(_ => `'${_}'`).join(" | ")}`);

        foreignKey.options = options;

      if(primaryKey === (attributeName as never)) {
        notNull = true;
        unique = true;

      if(defaultValue) notNull = true;

      const attribute = new Attribute({ attributeName, [base]: _base, defaultValue, fieldName, foreignKey, modelName, notNull, [size]: _size, tableName, type, unique });

      if(primaryKey === (attributeName as never)) pk = attribute;
      if(type !== "NONE") attr2field[attributeName] = fieldName;
      if(foreignKey) constraints.push({ attribute, constraintName: `fkey_${fieldName}_${foreignKey.tableName}_${foreignKey.fieldName}`, type: "f" });
      if(unique) constraints.push({ attribute, constraintName: `${tableName}_${fieldName}_unique`, type: "u" });

    if(indexes) {
      const originalAttributes = _attributes;

      if(! (indexes instanceof Object)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: 'indexes' option: Wrong type, expected 'Object'`);

      for(const indexName in indexes) {
        if(aArray.some(({ fieldName, unique }) => unique && `${tableName}_${fieldName}_unique` === indexName)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: index name already inferred by the unique constraint on an attribute`);

        const idx = indexes[indexName];
        const checkAttribute = (attribute: string, l: number): void => {
          if(typeof attribute !== "string") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: #${l + 1} attribute: Wrong type, expected 'string'`);
          if(! (attribute in originalAttributes)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: #${l + 1} attribute: Unknown attribute '${attribute}'`);

        let attributes: IndexAttributes;
        let type: "btree" | "hash" = "btree";
        let unique = false;

        if(idx instanceof Array) {
          attributes = idx;
        } else if(typeof idx === "string") {
          checkAttribute(idx, 0);
          attributes = [idx];
        } else if(idx instanceof Object) {
          for(const k in idx) if(! ["attributes", "type", "unique"].includes(k)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: Unknown index option '${k}'`);

          ({ attributes, type, unique } = { type: "btree", unique: false, ...idx });

          if(! attributes) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: Missing 'attributes' option`);
          if(attributes instanceof Array) attributes.forEach(checkAttribute);
          else if(typeof attributes === "string") {
            checkAttribute(attributes, 0);
            attributes = [attributes];
          } else throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: 'attributes' option: Wrong type, expected 'FieldNames'`);

          if(typeof type !== "string") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: 'type' option: Wrong type, expected 'string'`);
          if(! ["btree", "hash"].includes(type)) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: 'type' option: Wrong value, expected 'btree' or 'hash'`);
          if(typeof unique !== "boolean") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: 'unique' option: Wrong type, expected 'boolean'`);
        } else throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${indexName}' index: Wrong type, expected 'Object'`);

        iArray.push({ fields: attributes, indexName, type, unique });

    this.models[modelName] = true;

    const foreignKeys = aArray
      .filter(_ => _.foreignKey)
      .reduce<Record<string, boolean>>((ret, curr) => {
        ret[curr.attributeName] = true;
        return ret;
      }, {});

    for(const foreignKey in foreignKeys) {
      if(foreignKey + "Load" in _attributes) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${foreignKey}' attribute: '${foreignKey}Load' inferred methods conflicts with an attribute`);
      if(foreignKey + "Load" in _methods) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${foreignKey}' attribute: '${foreignKey}Load' inferred methods conflicts with a method`);

    for(const method in _methods) if(method in _attributes) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${method}' method: conflicts with an attribute`);

    const checkParent = (parent?: ModelStd) => {
      if(! parent) return;

      for(const attribute in _attributes) {
        if(attribute in parent[attributes]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attribute}' attribute: conflicts with an attribute of '${parent.modelName}' model`);
        if(attribute in parent[methods]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attribute}' attribute: conflicts with a method of '${parent.modelName}' model`);

        for(const foreignKey in parent.foreignKeys) if(attribute === foreignKey + "Load") throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${attribute}' attribute: conflicts with an inferred methods of '${parent.modelName}' model`);

      for(const foreignKey in foreignKeys) {
        if(foreignKey + "Load" in parent[attributes]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${foreignKey}' attribute: '${foreignKey}Load' inferred methods conflicts with an attribute of '${parent.modelName}' model`);
        if(foreignKey + "Load" in parent[methods]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${foreignKey}' attribute: '${foreignKey}Load' inferred methods conflicts with a method of '${parent.modelName}' model`);

      for(const method in _methods) {
        if(method in parent[attributes]) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${method}' method: conflicts with an attribute of '${parent.modelName}' model`);
        for(const foreignKey in parent.foreignKeys) if(foreignKey + "Load" === method) throw new Error(`Sedentary.model: '${modelName}' model: '${method}' method: conflicts with an inferred methods of '${parent.modelName}' model`);



    const ret = class extends (parent || EntryBase) {
      constructor(from?: EntryBase, tx?: Transaction) {
        if(tx) tx.addEntry(this);
    } as unknown as Model<unknown, A, EntryBase>;
    const table = new Table({ attributes: aArray, autoIncrement, constraints, indexes: iArray, model: ret, parent, pk, sync, tableName });


    const cancel_ = this.db.cancel(tableName);
    const cancel = (where: unknown, tx?: Transaction) => cancel_(this.createWhere(modelName, attr2field, where)[0], tx);
    Object.defineProperty(cancel, "name", { value: modelName + ".cancel" });

    const load_ = this.db.load(tableName, attr2field, pk, ret, table);
    const load = (where: unknown, ...args: unknown[]) => {
      let order: string | string[] | undefined = undefined;
      let limit: number | undefined = undefined;
      let tx: Transaction | undefined = undefined;
      let lock: boolean | undefined = undefined;

      const checkArgs = (first: boolean) => {
        if(! args.length) return;

        if(args[0] instanceof Transaction) {
          if(first) order = undefined;
          limit = undefined;
          [tx, lock] = args as [Transaction, boolean];
        } else if(typeof args[0] === "number") {
          if(first) order = undefined;
          [limit, tx, lock] = args as [number, Transaction, boolean];
        } else {
          if(first) {
            order = args.shift() as string | string[];
          } else throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'limit' argument: Wrong type, expected 'number'`);


      if(! this.checkOrderBy(order, attr2field, modelName)) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'order' argument: Wrong type, expected 'string | string[]'`);
      if(tx && ! ((tx as unknown) instanceof Transaction)) throw new Error(`${modelName}.load: 'tx' argument: Wrong type, expected 'Transaction'`);

      return load_(this.createWhere(modelName, attr2field, where)[0], order, limit, tx, lock);
    Object.defineProperty(load, "name", { value: modelName + ".load" });

    Object.defineProperty(ret, "cancel", { value: cancel });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, "name", { value: modelName });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, "load", { value: load });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, "attr2field", { value: attr2field });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, attributes, { value: _attributes });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, "foreignKeys", { value: foreignKeys });
    Object.defineProperty(ret, methods, { value: _methods });
    Object.assign(ret.prototype, _methods);

    const ensureActions = (entry: { [actions]?: Action[] }) => {
      if(! entry[actions]) Object.defineProperty(entry, actions, { configurable: true, value: [] });

      return entry[actions]!;

    const remove = this.db.remove(tableName, pk);
    ret.prototype.remove = async function(this: EntryBase & Record<string, unknown> & { [actions]?: Action[]; [loaded]: unknown; [transaction]: unknown }) {
      if(! this[loaded]) throw new Error(`${modelName}.remove: Can't remove a never saved Entry`);


      const records = await remove.call(this);

      if(this[transaction]) ensureActions(this).push({ action: "remove", records });

      return records;
    Object.defineProperty(ret.prototype.remove, "name", { value: modelName + ".remove" });

    const save = this.db.save(tableName, attr2field, pk);
    ret.prototype.save = async function(this: EntryBase & Record<string, unknown> & { [actions]?: Action[]; [transaction]: unknown }) {

      const records = await save.call(this);

      if(this[transaction]) ensureActions(this).push({ action: "save", records });

      return records;
    Object.defineProperty(ret.prototype.save, "name", { value: modelName + ".save" });

    for(const attribute of aArray) Object.defineProperty(ret, attribute.attributeName, { value: attribute });
    for(const key of ["attributeName", base, "fieldName", "modelName", size, "tableName", "type", "unique"] as const) Object.defineProperty(ret, key, { value: pk[key] });

    return ret;