# this should be very similar to https://github.com/conda-forge/pannb-feedstock/blob/master/recipe/meta.yaml
# run the following command to create a conda environment that is suitable for testing pannb
# conda env create -f environment.yml
# conda activate pannb
# python -m ipykernel install --user --name pannb --display-name pannb
# and then run this to install pannb in editable mode
# make editable
# update using
# conda env update --name pannb --file environment.yml --prune
name: pannb
- conda-forge
# host:
- pip
- python >=3.8
- poetry >=1,<2
# run:
- panflute >=2.1.3,<3
# run_constrained:
- coloredlogs >=14,<16
- pandoc >=2.17,<2.18
# tests:
- coverage
- coveralls
# - flake8
- pytest
# - pytest-parallel
# - pytest-xdist
# docs:
- sphinx
- sphinx_bootstrap_theme
- sphinxcontrib-apidoc
- nbsphinx >=0.8
- ipykernel
- pandas
# dev:
- isort
- mypy
- bandit
- black
- bump2version
- ghp-import >=2,<3
- nbconvert >=6,<7
- pylint
- rstcheck
- types-pyyaml
- twine