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namespace IdeasOnPurpose\WP;

use Doctrine\Inflector\InflectorFactory;

 * A library for embedding SVGs from the filesystem. Values are returned
 * as strings and must be printed.
 * SVGs can be directly embedded through magic methods like these:
 *      $SVG->name;
 *      $SVG->arrow;
 * SVGs with incompatible names can be embedded like this:
 *      $SVG->embed('kebab-case-name');
 * All discovered files are normalized to camelCase, so this would also work:
 *      $SVG->kebabCaseName;
 * SVGs can be inserted as linked symbols with `$SVG->use('name')`
 * A deprecated legacy method `$SVG->get('name')` is an alias of `use`
class SVG
    use Deprecated\Directory;
    use Deprecated\DumpSymbols;
    use Deprecated\Get;
    use Deprecated\GetSVG;
    use Deprecated\HasSVG;

    public $lib = [];

     * Placeholders for mocking
    public $ABSPATH;
    public $WP_DEBUG = false;

    public $inUse;
    public $libDir;
    public $rest_base;
    public $rest_namespace;
    public $rest_route;
    public $shortcode;
    public $transient;

    public function __construct($libDir = null)
        $this->ABSPATH = defined('ABSPATH') ? ABSPATH : getcwd();
        $this->WP_DEBUG = defined('WP_DEBUG') && WP_DEBUG;

        $this->libDir = $libDir ?? get_template_directory() . '/dist/images/svg';

        //TODO: Can we store the theme version in here to force a refresh when themes are updated?
        $this->transient = get_class($this) . ':' . $this->libDir;

        $this->rest_namespace = 'ideasonpurpose/v1';
        $this->rest_route = 'svg';
        $this->rest_base = "{$this->rest_namespace}/{$this->rest_route}";

        $this->inUse = [];

        $this->shortcode = 'svg';

        add_action('pre_get_posts', [$this, 'registerQueryVar']);
        add_action('wp_footer', [$this, 'dumpSymbols']);

        add_action('rest_api_init', [$this, 'registerRestRoutes']);
        add_action('wp_loaded', [$this, 'init']);

        add_action('init', [$this, 'addShortcode']);

     * Isolate calls to `exit` so we can run PHPUnit without exiting
     * All this does is die.
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function exit($content)

     * Initialization is stored in a transient since this stuff rarely changes and
     * there's no need to burn CPU cycles to re-generate this on every request.
     * The library stored in a transient to reduce server load.
    public function init()
        $startTime = microtime(true);
        $this->lib = get_transient($this->transient);

         * Disable transients when WP_DEBUG is true
        if ($this->WP_DEBUG === true) {
            $this->lib = false;

        if ($this->lib === false) {
            $this->lib = [];
            $this->lib['_from_transient'] = false;

            set_transient($this->transient, $this->lib, 12 * HOUR_IN_SECONDS);
        } else {
            // Note: This is safe because normalized keys will never start with an underscore
            $this->lib['_from_transient'] = true;
        $this->lib['_processing_time'] = sprintf('%04fs', microtime(true) - $startTime);

    public function registerQueryVar()
        if (count($this->lib) > 0) {
            set_query_var('SVG', $this);

     * Checks $dir for SVG files and includes any found using the files' baseName as the storage key.
     * The raw file contents are stored initially, contents are validated and cleaned upon request.
     * NOTE: This uses $file->getPathname instead of basename to accommodate searching subdirectories
    public function loadFromDirectory($dir)
        if (!$dir || !file_exists($dir) || !is_dir($dir)) {

        $iterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
        foreach (new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($iterator) as $file) {
            if (strtolower($file->getExtension()) === 'svg') {
                $key = str_replace($dir, '', $file->getPathname());
                $key = ltrim($key, '/');

                $key = $this->normalizeKey($key);
                $restSelf = get_rest_url(null, "{$this->rest_base}/{$key}");

                $svg = $this->normalizeSvg(file_get_contents($file->getRealPath()));

                $rootRelPath = str_replace($this->ABSPATH, '', $file->getRealPath());
                $srcUrl = site_url($rootRelPath);

                 * NOTE: Keys prefixed with double-underscores are private and will be scrubbed
                 * from non-debug output
                $svg->__srcPath = $file->getRealPath();
                $svg->_links = (object) [
                    'self' => $restSelf, // url pointing to a JSON representation including any query vars
                    'collection' => get_rest_url(null, "{$this->rest_base}"), // Collection of all SVGs, query vars ignored
                    'svg' => add_query_arg(['svg' => 1], $restSelf),
                    'src' => $srcUrl, // direct url to the source file

                $this->lib[$key] = $svg;

     * This re-constructs and re-wraps a normalized SVG object and modifies attributes
     * based on the provided args. This can be used to inject width/height attributes, classes or an ID.
     * $args are generally passed from getAttributesFromRestParams(), where they've already been
     * validated.
    public function rewrapSvg($svg, $attributes = [])
        $esc_atts = array_map('urlencode', $attributes);
        $svg->_links->self = add_query_arg($esc_atts, $svg->_links->self);
        $svg->_links->svg = add_query_arg($esc_atts, $svg->_links->svg);

        $aspect = $svg->aspect;
        $width = $svg->width;
        $height = $svg->height;
        $viewBox = explode(' ', $svg->attributes['viewBox'] ?? '');

        $newWidth = array_key_exists('width', $attributes) ? $attributes['width'] : null;
        $newHeight = array_key_exists('height', $attributes) ? $attributes['height'] : null;

        if (count($viewBox) == 4) {
            $width = $width ?: intval($viewBox[2]);
            $height = $height ?: intval($viewBox[3]);

        if ($newWidth == 'auto' && $newHeight == 'auto') {
            $newWidth = $width;
            $newHeight = $height;

        if ($newWidth) {
            if ($newWidth == 'auto') {
                $h = $newHeight ?: $height;
                $newWidth = round($h * $aspect);
            $width = $newWidth;
            $attributes['width'] = $newWidth;

        if ($newHeight) {
            if ($newHeight == 'auto') {
                $w = $newWidth ?: $width;
                $newHeight = round($w / $aspect);
            $height = $newHeight;
            $attributes['height'] = $newHeight;

         * Restore viewBox width/height
        if (count($viewBox) != 4 && $width && $height) {
            $viewBox = [0, 0, $width, $height];

        if (count($viewBox) === 4) {
            $attributes['viewBox'] = implode(' ', $viewBox);

        if ($svg->attributes != $attributes) {
            $svg->original_attributes = $svg->attributes;
            $svg->attributes = $attributes;
        $svg->svg = $this->wrapSvg($svg->innerContent, $attributes);

        return $svg;

     * Validates and normalizes SVGs. Returns an object
     * @param  string $rawSVGString - A blob of SVG content
     * @return object {
     *              'svg' => String,
     *              'innerContent' => String,
     *              'width' => 'Integer',
     *              'height' => Integer,
     *              'aspect' => Float,
     *              'attributes' => Array,
     *              '__srcPath` => String (Debug only)
     *              '_links' => Object
     *              }
    public function normalizeSvg($rawSVGString)
        $xml = simplexml_load_string(trim($rawSVGString));

         * If we can't parse the SVG, bail early
        if ($xml === false) {
            return (object) ['error' => libxml_get_errors()];

         * NOTE: SimpleXMLElements attributes method returns objects, these
         * need to be coerced to strings, otherwise the variable assignment
         * breaks when the attributes are unset
        $xml_attributes = [];
        foreach ($xml->attributes() as $k => $v) {
            $xml_attributes[strtolower((string) $k)] = (string) $v;

        $width = array_key_exists('width', $xml_attributes) ? $xml_attributes['width'] : null;
        $height = array_key_exists('height', $xml_attributes) ? $xml_attributes['height'] : null;
        $viewBox = array_key_exists('viewbox', $xml_attributes)
            ? explode(' ', $xml_attributes['viewbox'])
            : [];

        $attributes = [];

         * Remember ViewBox is min-x, min-y, WIDTH and HEIGHT, the first two numbers are NOT x,y dimensions
        if (count($viewBox) == 4) {
            $width = $width ?: $viewBox[2];
            $height = $height ?: $viewBox[3];

        $aspect = $width && $height ? $width / $height : 1;

         * Restore viewBox width/height
        if (count($viewBox) != 4 && $width && $height) {
            $viewBox = [0, 0, $width, $height];

        if (count($viewBox) === 4) {
            $attributes['viewBox'] = implode(' ', $viewBox);

        $attributes = array_filter($attributes, 'strlen');

         * Remove the XML Declaration then strip <svg> container
        $svg = preg_replace('/^<\?xml[^<]+/mi', '', $xml->asXML());
        $contents = preg_replace('%</?svg[^>]*>\s*%', '', $svg);

        $output = [
            'svg' => $this->wrapSvg($contents, $attributes),
            'innerContent' => $contents,
            'width' => intval($width),
            'height' => intval($height),
            'aspect' => $aspect,
            'attributes' => $attributes,

        return (object) $output;

     * Wraps $contents with an SVG container. The opening tag is constructed from a restricted
     * list of key=>value $attributes. Attribute order is enforced:
     *     id, class, width, height, viewBox, xmlns
     * CamelCasing of viewBox is NOT enforced, if case doesn't match, it will be omitted.
     * @param string $contents
     * @param array $attributes
     * @return string
    public function wrapSvg($contents, $attributes = [])
        $atts = $this->validateAttributes($attributes);

        $tag = '<svg';
        foreach ($atts as $label => $value) {
            $tag = sprintf('%s %s="%s"', $tag, $label, $value);
        $tag .= ' xmlns="">';
        return $tag . $contents . '</svg>';

     * Returns a REST-safe key name. Can be round-tripped and will always return the correct
     * key, even after directory correction. eg. 'social/icon.svg' and 'social__icon' will
     * return 'social__icon'
     * Normalize keys to camelCase then replace path-separators with double-underscores
     * If the key does not already exist in $this->lib, link the new key to the original
     * Preserves double-underscore directory separators
     * @return string Always returns a string, either modified $key or ""
    public function normalizeKey($key)
        if (!$key) {
            return '';
        $inflector = InflectorFactory::create()->build();

        $newKey = preg_replace('/\.svg$/i', '', $key);
        $newKey = preg_replace('/\//', '__', $newKey);
        $keyParts = explode('__', $newKey);
        $keyParts = array_map([$inflector, 'camelize'], $keyParts);
        $newKey = implode('__', $keyParts);
        return $newKey;

     * Check whether an SVG has been registered to the library
     * @return boolean True if the SVG exists

    public function exists($name)
        $key = $this->normalizeKey($name);

        if (!array_key_exists($key, $this->lib) || !property_exists($this->lib[$key], 'svg')) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public function __get($name)
        return $this->embed($name);

    public function __call($name, $arguments)
        $attributes = $arguments[0] ?? [];
        return $this->embed($name, $attributes);

     * TODO: Alternate name, getSVG().
     * @param string $key
     * @param array $attributes
     * @return object | WP_Error
    public function fetch($key, $attributes = [])
        $name = $this->normalizeKey($key);

        if ($name && $this->exists($name)) {
            $svg = $this->lib[$name];
            $svg = $this->removePrivateKeys($svg);

            $atts = $this->validateAttributes($attributes);
            $svg = $this->rewrapSvg($svg, $atts);
            return $svg;

        // TODO: What happens if there's no entry for this name? -- do this:
        return new \WP_Error(404, 'Invalid SVG identifier', ['status' => 404]);
        // When to suppress errors? When to show? REST should always show errors

     * Inline SVGs directly by name
     * '.svg' extensions are stripped, so 'arrow' and 'arrow.svg' will both return the 'arrow.svg' file
     * NOTE: The magic __get method can only accept a single argument, so embed must be
     * called directly if args are being used.
     * This is now mostly just a wrapper for the fetch method but returns the svg
     * property instead of the entire SVG object.
     * @param string $key
     * @param array $attributes
     * @return mixed
    public function embed($key, $attributes = [])
        $svg = $this->fetch($key, $attributes);
        if (is_WP_Error($svg)) {
            $template = $this->WP_DEBUG
                ? '<text y="20" fill="red">Error: %s</text>'
                : '"\n<!-- Error: %s -->\n"';
            $err = sprintf($template, $svg->get_error_message());
            return $this->wrapSvg($err);
        return $svg->svg;

     * include SVGs as linked symbols
     * This replaces the legacy SVG::get method
     * '.svg' extensions are stripped, so 'arrow' and 'arrow.svg' will both return the 'arrow.svg' file
    public function use($key)
        $name = $this->normalizeKey($key);

        if ($this->exists($name)) {
            array_push($this->inUse, $name);
            return sprintf(
                '<svg class="%1$s"><use xlink:href="#%1$s" href="#%1$s" /></svg>',

     * prints a table of registered SVGs
    public function debug()
        if (count($this->lib) > 0) {
            $id = 'debug-' . md5(microtime(true));
            echo "<style>
            #$id {
                display: grid;
                grid-template-columns: repeat(2, 36px auto);
                align-items: center;
                justify-content: center;
                margin: 1rem auto;
                padding: 1rem;

                color: #c00;
                font-size: 14px;
                font-family: monospace;
                white-space: nowrap;
                column-gap: 6px;

                background: #eee;

                row-gap: 6px;
            #$id svg {
                color: magenta;
                width: 36px;
                height: 36px;
                background: #ccc;
                fill: #555;

            echo '<div id="' . $id . '" >';
            foreach ($this->lib as $key => $svg) {
                printf('<div>%s</div>', $this->use($key));
                echo "<div style='color: #bbb'>\$SVG->get(\"<span style='color:#c00'>$key</span>\")</div>";
            echo '</div>';
        return $this->lib;

     * Register REST routes to return SVG listings and individual files
     * Note that rest_route declaration order matters. Rules with the most specificity should appear first
    public function registerRestRoutes()
        register_rest_route($this->rest_namespace, "/{$this->rest_route}/(?P<name>[^/]*)", [
            'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
            'callback' => [$this, 'restResponse'],
            'permission_callback' => '__return_true',

        register_rest_route($this->rest_namespace, "/{$this->rest_route}", [
            'methods' => \WP_REST_Server::READABLE,
            'callback' => [$this, 'restResponse'],
            'permission_callback' => '__return_true',

     * Check for $this->WP_DEBUG and remove private underscore-prefixed keys when false
     * @param object $svg
     * @return object
    public function removePrivateKeys($svg)
        if ($this->WP_DEBUG) {
            return $svg;
        $clean = (object) [];

        foreach ($svg as $key => $value) {
            if (substr($key, 0, 2) == '__') {
            $clean->$key = $value;

        return $clean;

    public function restResponse(\WP_REST_Request $req)
        $name = $req->get_param('name');

        if (!$name) {
            $lib = (object) [];
            foreach ($this->lib as $name => $svg) {
                $lib->$name = $this->removePrivateKeys($svg);
            return rest_ensure_response($lib);

        $atts = $req->get_params();

        if ($req->get_param('svg') !== null && $req->get_param('svg') !== '0') {
            return $this->returnSvgFile($name, $atts);

        return rest_ensure_response($this->fetch($name, $atts));

    public function returnSvgFile($name, $atts = [])
        // NOTE: Disable header to debug SVG contents in the browser
        header('Content-type: image/svg+xml');
        return $this->exit($this->embed($name, $atts));

     * Validates an input dimension is either a positive integer or the string 'auto'
     * Does not return if $dim is invalid.
     * @param mixed $dim
     * @return integer |  string
    public function validateDimension($dim)
        if (is_numeric($dim) && intval($dim) > 0) {
            return intval($dim);
        } elseif (strtolower($dim) === 'auto') {
            return 'auto';

    public function validateAttributes($attributes)
        $newAtts = [];
        $newAtts['id'] = $attributes['id'] ?? null;
        $newAtts['class'] = $attributes['class'] ?? null;
        $newAtts['width'] = $this->validateDimension($attributes['width'] ?? '');
        $newAtts['height'] = $this->validateDimension($attributes['height'] ?? '');
        $newAtts['viewBox'] = $attributes['viewBox'] ?? null;
        $newAtts = array_filter($newAtts);
        return $newAtts;

     * Register Shortcode
     * @codeCoverageIgnore
    public function addShortcode()
        if (!shortcode_exists($this->shortcode)) {
            add_shortcode($this->shortcode, [$this, 'svgShortcode']);

     * Embed SVG shortcode
     * This is basically just a wrapper for SVG::embed
     * Example 1: [svg file-slug]
     * Example 2: [svg file-slug height="23" width="auto"]
     * Example 3: [svg src="fileSlug" height="23" width="auto" class="hello there"]
     * TODO:  Add test for bad attributes
     *          [svg src="45" ]
     *          [svg file-slug dog="Stella" class=""]
     *          [svg file-slug width="big" height=3.142856]
    public function svgShortcode(array $atts, ?string $content = '')
        $src = $atts['src'] ?? ($atts[0] ?? null);
        if ($src) {
            return $this->embed($src, $atts);