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![Moving Gopher as GORT](./assets/gort.png)

**GORT** is a simple HTTP handler to receive remote calls to run scripts bundled in Docker containers. Why the name is `gort` -  because the idea is "GO-Run-Things"

**Safety notice:** Until this tool doesn't have the authorization, you need to cover it using any firewalls or use it as internal service in your k8s cluster without exposing it outside.

## Usage

> Refer to [Install](#Install) for getting `gort` binary

To use `gort` in your Docker container download the latest version from [Project Release Page](

$ ./gort
2019/10/30 12:32:06 Gort is started on port 5000

**GORT** uses the following environment variables for a customized run

`PORT` as default will be handled over **5000** port

`SCRIPTS_DIR` by default will search scripts at **./dist** in the same directory where the binary

`GORT_RATE_LIMIT` is a parameter to set Throttle Limit, Throttle is not a rate-limiter per user. Instead, it just puts a ceiling on the number of current in-flight requests

### Endpoints

#### Health

Allows you to check the health of application/container

* **URL**

* **Method**


* **Success Response**

  * **Code:** `200`<br/>
    **Content:** `OK`

#### List

List scripts directory

* **URL**

* **Method**


* **Success Response**

  * **Code:** `200`

#### Start

Allows you to start script from the scripts directory

* **URL**

* **Method**


* **Data**

  Requires JSON data as payload

    "executor": "node",
    "script": "script.js",
    "env_vars": [
    "args": [

* **Success Response**

  * **Code:** `200` <br/>
    **Content:** `The function is executed in the background. Refer to container logs to see the output`

* **Error Responses**

  * **Code:** `400` <br/>
    **Content:** `Required parameters 'executor' and 'script' were not found in the payload`

  * **Code:** `422`<br/>
    **Content:** `Not able to parse data as valid JSON`

  * **Code:** `500` <br>
    **Content:** `Requested executor is not installed`

  * **Code:** `501` <br>
    **Content:** `Requested script is not found in the scripts directory`
* **Sample Call:**

$ curl -X POST -d '{"executor":"python", "script": ""}'
The function will be executed in the background. Refer to container logs to see the output

## Install

### Binary

Binary are available for download on the [Project Release Page](

However, you also able to change something in the source code and build your ``Gort`` for yourself

$ go build ./...

## Use cases

## Dockerfile Example Usage

For instance, we have a few crawlers which should be executed on demand.

They was built by NPM

# STEP ONE: Build scripts
FROM node:10 AS builder
# Create app directory
# Copy our files inside of the docker builder
COPY . .
# Install dependencies
RUN npm install && npm build
# STEP TWO: Build our images bundled with gort and copy scripts from builder
FROM alpine
# Create app directory
# Install dependecies
RUN apk add --no-cache bash nodejs ca-certificates && \
    wget -O gort && \
    chmod +x gort
# Copy our scripts from builder step
COPY --from=builder /app/dist /app/dist
# PORT variable for Gort
# Expose outside

After when we published and executed this docker container elsewhere, we can send requests to start any our function

$ curl -X POST https://address/v1/start -d '{"executor":"python", "script": ""}'
The function will be executed in the background. Refer to container logs to see the output

In `STDOUT` of the container we will be able to see logs

2019/10/30 12:19:01 Just ran subprocess of with PID 52177

For instance, you can schedule this runs using your services or any CI tool like Jenkins, [](

## Contribute

Refer to [](./

## Dependencies

* [](

## TBD

* Authorization method to protect your endpoints
* Subprocesses list
* Cleanup zombie subprocesses