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from typing import List, Optional

from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse

from .exceptions import OauthostException
from .models import Client, Scope, RedirectionEndpoint
from .settings import REGISTRY_TOKEN_TYPE

if False:  # pragma: nocover
    from django.contrib.auth.models import User  # noqa

def register_client(
        title: str,
        identifier: str,
        redirect_uri: str,
        registrant: 'User',
        scopes_list: List[str] = None,
        register_unknown_scopes: bool = True,
        token_lifetime: int = 3600,

) -> Client:
    """Registers a client.

    :param title: client title.

    :param identifier: client identifier

    :param redirect_uri: redirect URI to associate with this client

    :param registrant: user who registers this client

    :param scopes_list: a list of scope identifiers or Scope objects to restrict the client to.

    :param register_unknown_scopes: this allows to raise OauthostException if scopes_list
        contains an unregistered item instead of registering it.

    :param token_lifetime: lifetime for tokens that'll issued to this client

    :param public: flag to allow, switching from public client type to confidential

    :param client_params: arbitrary parameters to build a Client object from

    client_kwargs = {}

    if client_params is not None:

        'title': title,
        'identifier': identifier,
        'user': registrant,
        'token_lifetime': token_lifetime,
        'type': Client.TYPE_PUBLIC if public else Client.TYPE_CONFIDENTIAL,

    target_scope_objects = []

    if scopes_list:
        registered_scopes_ = Scope.objects.filter(identifier__in=scopes_list).all()
        registered_scopes = {}
        for scope in registered_scopes_:
            registered_scopes[scope.identifier] = scope
        del registered_scopes_

        for scope in scopes_list:
            scope_obj = scope
            if not isinstance(scope, Scope):

                if scope in registered_scopes:
                    scope_obj = registered_scopes[scope]

                    if register_unknown_scopes:
                        scope_obj = Scope(identifier=scope, title=scope)

                        raise OauthostException(
                            f'Unable to register client to an unknown `{scope}` scope.')


    cl = Client(**client_kwargs)

    for scope_obj in target_scope_objects:

    if redirect_uri is not None:
        RedirectionEndpoint(uri=redirect_uri, client=cl).save()

    return cl

def auth_handler_response(request: HttpRequest, scope: str = None) -> Optional[HttpResponse]:
    """Checks for token data in request using various
    methods depending on token types defined in REGISTRY_TOKEN_TYPE.

    :param request:

    :param scope: scope identifier string to check token has access to the scope.

    token_auth_classes = [item[2] for item in REGISTRY_TOKEN_TYPE]

    for auth_class in token_auth_classes:
        handler = auth_class(request, scope)
        response = handler.response()
        if response is not None:
            return response

    return None

class PistonAuthHelper:
    """Authentication class for Piston resources.

    To be used in a usual piston-auth-way::

        from piston.resource import Resource
        from oauthost.utils import PistonAuthHelper

        my_resource_view = Resource(MyResourceHandler, authentication=PistonAuthHelper('my_resource:my_scope'))

    def __init__(self, target_scope: str):
        self.target_scope = target_scope
        self.auth_response = None

    def is_authenticated(self, request: HttpRequest):
        self.auth_response = auth_handler_response(request, scope=self.target_scope)
        return self.auth_response is None

    def challenge(self):
        return self.auth_response