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Dynamic siteblocks

.. _tag-dynamic:

*Dynamic* siteblocks instead of *Static* ones allows complex logic to build siteblock contents.

Siteblocks content in this case is not defined using Django Admin contrib, but generated by an ordinary Python function registered as a siteblock.

Use `register_dynamic_block()` function to register a callable that produces contents for a dynamic block.

Such a callable will get the following kwargs when called:

    * `block_alias` - block alias,
    * `block_context` - template context for block

Let's implement quotes siteblock similar to that from :ref:`Getting started <tag-quickstart>`, but *dynamic* this time.

1. Add `{% siteblock "my_quotes" %}` tag where you need it in templates. Here ``my_quotes`` is the alias of a block.

    .. code-block:: html

        {% extends "_base.html" %}
        {% load siteblocks %}

        {% block sidebar %}
            <div class="quote">
                {% siteblock "my_quotes" %}
        {% endblock %}

2. Define and register a dynamic siteblock.

    .. code-block:: python

        # Put the following code somewhere where it'd be triggered as expected. E.g. in app

        from random import choice
        # Import the register function.
        from siteblocks.siteblocksapp import register_dynamic_block

        # The following function will be used as a block contents producer.
        def get_quote(**kwargs):
            quotes = [  # From Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels.
                'Ripples of paradox spread out across the sea of causality.',
                'Early to rise, early to bed, makes a man healthy, wealthy and dead.',
                'Granny had nothing against fortune-telling provided it was done badly by people with no talent for it.',
                'Take it from me, there\'s nothing more terrible than someone out to do the world a favour.',
                'The duke had a mind that ticked like a clock and, like a clock, it regularly went cuckoo.',
                'Most gods find it hard to walk and think at the same time.',
                'They didn\'t have to be funny - they were father jokes',
                'Speak softly and employ a huge man with a crowbar.',
            return choice(quotes)

        # And we register our siteblock.
        register_dynamic_block('my_quotes', get_quote)