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# go-igc

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Go library for processing and manipulating [IGC](https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/documents/igc_fr_spec_with_al4a_2016-4-10.pdf) 

## Current version


**Note**: the library status is *alpha*. The API is subject to 
change. No backwards compatibility should be assumed. Use at your own risk.

First stable release will be v1.0.0.

## Usage

package main

import (


func main() {
    s := "http://skypolaris.org/wp-content/uploads/IGS%20Files/Madrid%20to%20Jerez.igc"
    track, err := igc.ParseLocation(s)
    if err != nil {
        fmt.Errorf("Problem reading the track", err)

    fmt.Printf("Pilot: %s, gliderType: %s, date: %s", 
        track.Pilot, track.GliderType, track.Date.String())

## Resources
* [Latest IGC technical spec](https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/documents/igc_fr_spec_with_al4a_2016-4-10.pdf). 
The IGC file specification is provided by FAI and IGC standarization committes and 
should be used as a reference. See section A9 for the example of IGC file.
* An example IGC files can be downloaded from [XContest.org](http://xcontest.org), eg. [a short flight](https://www.xcontest.org/track.php?t=1533585909.37.igc)
* [IGC Waypoint format](https://www.fai.org/sites/default/files/documents/wpformat.pdf) (useful for fields specs)

## Testing

Tests rely on the golden files. To update the golden files, run the tests with the `-update` flag:
go test -update .

## Documentation

    $ godoc github.com/igcfs/go-igc

## Acknowledgements

This is a fork from original project by [Ricardo Rocha](https://github.com/rochaporto) 

## Contributing

Any form of contribution is more than welcome. Please create pull requests, contribute to the Wiki pages, or gives us heads up about ongoing projects that make use of this library. Any suggestions or feedback through email or issue tracker.