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// Copyright ©2017 The ezgliding Authors.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
//     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.

package igc

import (

// Track holds all IGC flight data (header and GPS points).
type Track struct {
    Points        []Point
    K             []K
    Events        []Event
    Satellites    []Satellite
    Logbook       []LogEntry
    Task          Task
    DGPSStationID string
    Signature     string

// NewTrack returns a new instance of Track, with fields initialized to zero.
func NewTrack() Track {
    track := Track{}
    return track

// Header holds the meta information of a track.
// This is the H record in the IGC specification, section A3.2.
type Header struct {
    Manufacturer     string
    UniqueID         string
    AdditionalData   string
    Date             time.Time
    FixAccuracy      int64
    Pilot            string
    Crew             string
    GliderType       string
    GliderID         string
    GPSDatum         string
    FirmwareVersion  string
    HardwareVersion  string
    FlightRecorder   string
    GPS              string
    PressureSensor   string
    CompetitionID    string
    CompetitionClass string
    Timezone         int

// K holds flight data needed less often than Points.
// This is the K record in the IGC specification, section A4.4. Fields
// is a map between a given content type and its value, with the possible
// content types being defined in the J record.
// Examples of content types include heading true (HDT) or magnetic (HDM),
// airspeed (IAS), etc.
type K struct {
    Time   time.Time
    Fields map[string]string

// Satellite holds the IDs of the available satellites at a given Time.
// This is the F record in the IGC specification, section A4.3.
type Satellite struct {
    Time time.Time
    Ids  []string

// Event holds data records triggered at a given time.
// This is the E record in the IGC specification, section A4.2. The events
// can be pilot initiated (with a PEV code), proximity alerts, etc.
type Event struct {
    Time time.Time
    Type string
    Data string

// Task holds all the metadata put in a pre-declared task to be performed.
// This is the C record in the IGC specification, section A3.5.
type Task struct {
    DeclarationDate time.Time
    Date            time.Time
    Number          int
    Takeoff         Point
    Start           Point
    Turnpoints      []Point
    Finish          Point
    Landing         Point
    Description     string

// Distance returns the total distance in kms between the turn points.
// It includes the Start and Finish fields as the first and last point,
// respectively, with the Turnpoints in the middle. The return value is
// sum of all distances between each consecutive point.
func (task *Task) Distance() float64 {
    d := 0.0
    p := []Point{task.Start}
    p = append(p, task.Turnpoints...)
    p = append(p, task.Finish)
    for i := 0; i < len(p)-1; i++ {
        d += p[i].Distance(p[i+1])
    return d

// LogEntry holds a logbook/comment entry, in free format.
// This is the L record in the IGC specification, section A4.5.
type LogEntry struct {
    Type string
    Text string

// Manufacturer holds manufacturer name, short ID and char identifier.
// The list of manufacturers is defined in the IGC specification,
// section A2.5.6. A map Manufacturers is available in this library.
type Manufacturer struct {
    char  byte
    short string
    name  string

// Manufacturers holds the list of available manufacturers.
// This list is defined in the IGC specification, section A2.5.6.
var Manufacturers = map[string]Manufacturer{
    "GCS": {'A', "GCS", "Garrecht"},
    "LGS": {'B', "LGS", "Logstream"},
    "CAM": {'C', "CAM", "Cambridge Aero Instruments"},
    "DSX": {'D', "DSX", "Data Swan/DSX"},
    "EWA": {'E', "EWA", "EW Avionics"},
    "FIL": {'F', "FIL", "Filser"},
    "FLA": {'G', "FLA", "Flarm (Track Alarm)"},
    "SCH": {'H', "SCH", "Scheffel"},
    "ACT": {'I', "ACT", "Aircotec"},
    "CNI": {'K', "CNI", "ClearNav Instruments"},
    "NKL": {'K', "NKL", "NKL"},
    "LXN": {'L', "LXN", "LX Navigation"},
    "IMI": {'M', "IMI", "IMI Gliding Equipment"},
    "NTE": {'N', "NTE", "New Technologies s.r.l."},
    "NAV": {'O', "NAV", "Naviter"},
    "PES": {'P', "PES", "Peschges"},
    "PRT": {'R', "PRT", "Print Technik"},
    "SDI": {'S', "SDI", "Streamline Data Instruments"},
    "TRI": {'T', "TRI", "Triadis Engineering GmbH"},
    "LXV": {'V', "LXV", "LXNAV d.o.o."},
    "WES": {'W', "WES", "Westerboer"},
    "XYY": {'X', "XYY", "Other manufacturer"},
    "ZAN": {'Z', "ZAN", "Zander"},