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# Welcome to IGCFS

IGC For Science is a project to provide an open platform for sharing and processing IGC flight files. [International Gliding Commission](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FAI_Gliding_Commission) is the international governing body for the sport of gliding. It is governed by meetings of delegates from national gliding associations. [IGCFS project website](https://igcfs.github.io/about/) is an effort to make sharing, distributing, and processing of gliding flight files easy.

Check the details about the project on the **[IGCFS website](https://igcfs.github.io)** for more details.

## Project status: in development

There is currently no working build for the distributed file system module.
Stay tuned. 

## Project modules and dependencies

This project uses code from IPFS project with modifications to restrict it to the IGC files only.

This list is work-in-progress:
* libp2p: Go implementation of basic p2p networking stack
* IPFS: Go implementation of IPFS
* IGC: Go library for processing and managing IGC files (originally forked from ezgliding/goigc)

## Contribution

Any contributions are more than welcome. Clone the project, submit pull requests, use the APIs, let us know if you are interested in joining the team to help with the research, or development. If you find the project useful, let us know. 

## License

The project is distributed under open source MIT license. 
See the LICENSE file and AUTHORS for details.