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# Report Factory

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*Report Factory* is a storage for your test reports with intuitive API to manage all your projects test results.

The provided API are based on the [JSON API](http://jsonapi.org) convention.
Currently migrating to [GraphQL](https://graphql.org).

## Getting Started

Follow these [instructions](https://github.com/igor-starostenko/report_factory/blob/master/setup/INSTRUCTIONS.md) to get *Report Factory* running with *Docker*. The configuration is ready for production.

The image of this project can be pulled from [Dockerhub](https://hub.docker.com/r/reportfactory/server/):

  docker pull reportfactory/server

## Preconditions

- Add `Content-Type` header with `application/vnd.api+json`
- Add your account's `X-API-KEY` to header

## Available API

### Users

To login and get your `X-API-KEY`:

_POST_ `/api/v1/users/login`



To return your user:

_GET_  `/api/v1/user`


To return all registered users:

_GET_  `/api/v1/users`


To create a user (Admin only):

_POST_ `/api/v1/users/create`



To update a user (Admin only):

_PUT_ `/api/v1/users/:id`

*Note:* You can promote user to Admin by passing `"type":"Admin"`


To get user information:

_GET_  `/api/v1/users/:id`


To get all reports of a user:

_GET_  `/api/v1/users/:id/reports`


To get all RSpec reports of a user:

_GET_  `/api/v1/users/:id/reports/rspec`

To delete a user (Admin only):

_DELETE_  `/api/v1/users/:id`

### Projects

To return all available projects:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects`


To create a new project (Admin only):

_POST_ `/api/v1/projects`



To get project by name:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name`


To update a project:

_PUT_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name`



To delete a project (Admin only):

_DELETE_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name`

### Project Reports

To return all reports within a project:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports`


To get all RSpec reports within a project:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspec`


To submit an RSpec report:

_POST_ `/api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspec`

  "data": {
    "type": "rspec_report",
    "attributes": {
      "version": "3.7.0",
      "examples": [
          "id": "./spec/routing/routes_spec.rb[1:4:1]",
          "description": "routes GET /api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspecto rspec_reports#index",
          "full_description": "routing /api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspec routes GET /api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspecto rspec_reports#index",
          "status": "passed",
          "file_path": "./spec/routing/routes_spec.rb",
          "line_number": 59,
          "run_time": 0.001341,
          "pending_message": null,
          "id": "./spec/requests/rspec_reports_api_spec.rb[1:1:1]",
          "description": "gets all rspec reports within project",
          "full_description": "RspecReports GET index gets all rspec reports within project",
          "status": "failed",
          "file_path": "./spec/requests/rspec_reports_api_spec.rb",
          "line_number": 11,
          "run_time": 0.032876,
          "pending_message": null,
          "exception": {
            "class": "RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError",
            "message": "\nexpected: 200\n     got: 204\n\n(compared using ==)\n",
            "backtrace": [
              "./gems/rspec-support-3.7.0/lib/rspec/support.rb:97:in `block in \u003cmodule:Support\u003e'",
              "./gems/rspec-support-3.7.0/lib/rspec/support.rb:106:in `notify_failure'",
              "./gems/rspec-expectations-3.7.0/lib/rspec/expectations/fail_with.rb:35:in `fail_with'",
              "./gems/rspec-expectations-3.7.0/lib/rspec/expectations/handler.rb:38:in `handle_failure'",
              "./gems/rspec-expectations-3.7.0/lib/rspec/expectations/handler.rb:50:in `block in handle_matcher'",
      "summary": {
        "duration": 0.747558,
        "example_count": 2,
        "failure_count": 1,
        "pending_count": 0,
        "errors_outside_of_examples_count": 0
      "summary_line": "2 examples, 1 failures",


To view an existing RSpec reports within a project:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name/reports/rspec/:id`

### Reports

To return all reports:

_GET_  `/api/v1/reports`


To get all RSpec reports:

_GET_  `/api/v1/reports/rspec`

### Scenarios

To return all scenarios:

_GET_  `/api/v1/scenarios`


To get all scenarios by project:

_GET_  `/api/v1/projects/:project_name/scenarios`

## GraphQL

Clients can fetch data using GraphQL from `/graphql' endpoint. Just make sure you pass `X-API-KEY` header with your user token.
To acccess GraphiQL in development you need to set the token in the environment variable:

  export X_API_KEY={your_x_api_key}

Then youl'll be able to access `/graphiql` on your localhost.

## License

The application is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).