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from re import compile as _compile, search as _search, findall as _findall
from collections import OrderedDict
import numpy as np

from .data.atomic_database import AtomicDatabase
from .utils import Utils as _utils

__all__ = ['Diatomic', 'Basis']

class Diatomic:
    """The Diatomic class for setting the general molecule and input data

    def __init__(self, molecule, masses=None, niso=None, refj=None, ref_enr=None):

        self.molecule = molecule
        self.masses = None
        self.atomic_db = []
        self.reduced_masses = []
        self.atomic_symbols = []
        self.atomic_mass_nums = []
        self.referencej = refj

        if molecule:
            for mname in self.molecule:
                rmass = self._calculate_reduced_mass(mname) * _utils.C_massau
            nisot = len(self.molecule)
        elif masses:
            self.masses = [m * _utils.C_massau for m in masses]
            nisot = len(masses)
            raise ValueError(
                "Error: either 'molecule' or 'masses' should be provided!")

        self.niso = niso or list(range(1, nisot+1))
        self.ref_enr = ref_enr / _utils.C_hartree if ref_enr else None
        self.exp_file = None
        self.exp_data = None
        self.wavens_data = None
        self.params_by_labels = {}
        self.labels_inds = {}
        self.fname_data_params = ''
        self.uterms_file = None
        self.uterms_data = None
        self.lterms_file = None
        self.lterms_data = None

    def _calculate_reduced_mass(self, molecule, database=None):

        found = _search(r'^(\d+)(\D+)(\d+)(\D+)\b', molecule.strip())

        err_msg = f'Error: molecule {molecule} is not in the correct format'

        if not found:
            raise ValueError(err_msg)

        molecule_data = found.groups()

        if len(molecule_data) != 4:
            raise ValueError(err_msg)

        atoms = (molecule_data[1].strip(), molecule_data[3].strip())
        mass_numbers = (int(molecule_data[0]), int(molecule_data[2]))

        db_name = AtomicDatabase.database
        atomic_db = database or db_name

        atom_mass1 = self._match_atomic_mass(
            atomic_db, atoms[0], mass_numbers[0])
        atom_mass2 = self._match_atomic_mass(
            atomic_db, atoms[1], mass_numbers[1])

        rmass = atom_mass1 * atom_mass2 / (atom_mass1 + atom_mass2)

        self.atomic_db.append((atom_mass1, atom_mass2))
        self.atomic_symbols.append((atoms[0], atoms[1]))
        self.atomic_mass_nums.append((mass_numbers[0], mass_numbers[1]))

        return rmass

    def _match_atomic_mass(self, atomic_db, symbol, mnumber):

        pattern = _compile(

        atom_data = _findall(pattern, atomic_db)

        if len(atom_data) != 1:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Error: nothing has been found for the symbol {symbol}.')

        return float(atom_data[0].split('\n')[-1].split('=')[-1].strip())

    def set_data_parameters(self, fname):
        """Set the input data parameters

            fname (str): The name of the file containing the values
            of the parameters

            ValueError: If the expected format of the data is wrong
        self.fname_data_params = fname
        labels_pcount = {}
        xparams, yparams, fparams = [], [], []
        label = ''

        with open(fname, encoding='utf-8') as fstream:
            for line in fstream:
                if line.startswith('@'):
                    if label != '':
                        self.params_by_labels[label] = np.column_stack(
                            (xparams, yparams, fparams))
                        xparams, yparams, fparams = [], [], []
                    label = line.strip(' @:\t\n')
                    labels_pcount[label] = 0
                elif line.lstrip()[0].isdigit():
                    labels_pcount[label] += 1
                    sline = line.split('#')[0]  # remove comments
                    sline = sline.strip().split()
                    if len(sline) == 3:
                    elif len(sline) == 2:
                        xparams.append(0.0)  # dummy value
                        raise ValueError(f'Wrong number of columns in {fname}')

            self.params_by_labels[label] = np.column_stack((
                xparams, yparams, fparams))

        vstart = 0
        npar = sum(labels_pcount.values())
        self.params = np.zeros(npar)
        self.fixed = np.zeros(npar)
        for key, value in labels_pcount.items():
            vend = vstart + value
            self.labels_inds[key] = (vstart, vend)
            self.params[vstart:vend] = self.params_by_labels[key][:, 1]
            self.fixed[vstart:vend] = self.params_by_labels[key][:, 2]
            vstart += value

    def get_observed_energies(self):

        return self.exp_data

    def set_observed_energies(self, fname, ndata=None, markers=None):
        """Set the observed energies

            fname (str): The input file name
            ndata (int, optional): The number of data lines to read. Defaults to None.
            markers (list, optional): A set of markers. Defaults to None.
            apply_filters (bool, optional): _description_. Defaults to False.

            SystemExit: _description_
            ValueError: _description_

        self.exp_file = fname

            data = np.genfromtxt(self.exp_file, comments='#', autostrip=True)
            ndata = ndata or data.shape[0]
        except Exception as exc:
            raise SystemExit(exc) from exc

        self.exp_data = self._apply_filter_to_observed_energies(
            ndata, data, markers)

        if self.exp_data.shape[0] == 0 or self.exp_data.shape[1] != 8:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Zero #levels or wrong format of exp energies in file {fname}'
                f'{self.exp_data.shape[0]} x {self.exp_data.shape[1]}\n')

    def _apply_filter_to_observed_energies(self, ndata, data, markers):

        # if data contains only a single line
        if data.ndim == 1:
            data = data[np.newaxis, :]

        # change the total number of levels
        data = data[:ndata, :]

        # filter by marker
        if markers:
            marker_mask = np.in1d(data[:, 6], markers)
            data = data[marker_mask]

        # if apply_filters:
        #     # filter by symmetry
        #     parity_mask = np.in1d(data[:, 4], self.symmetry)
        #     data = data[parity_mask]

        #     # filter by J
        #     rot_mask = np.in1d(data[:, 2], self.jqnumbers)
        #     data = data[rot_mask]

        #     # change numbering
        #     data[:, 0] = np.arange(1.0, data.shape[0]+1)

        return data

    def set_observed_transitions(self, fname, markers=None, ithresh=None):
        """Read the observed transitions data in specific format

            fname (str): The name of the input file containing the data
            markers (list, optional): The list of markers saying which
                transitions to be ignored during the calculations.
                Defaults to None.

            IOError: If the file does not exist or cannot be loaded.
            ValueError: If the format of the file is wrong or
                the file does not contain any data.

            If list of markers is provided, the last column of the data file
            is taken as marker column. The data are then filtered and the
            markers column is removed at the end.

            self.wavens_data = np.loadtxt(fname)
            # self.euterms = np.unique(self.H.wavens_data[:, :4], axis=0)
            # self.elterms = np.unique(self.H.wavens_data[:, 4:8], axis=0)
        except IOError as exc:
            raise IOError(f'Error: The file {fname} does not exist.') from exc

        # if the data contains one line
        if self.wavens_data.ndim == 1:
            self.wavens_data = self.wavens_data[np.newaxis, :]

        rshape = self.wavens_data.shape[0]
        cshape = self.wavens_data.shape[1]

        ncols_no_mark = 12
        ncols_mark = 13

        if rshape == 0 or (cshape != ncols_no_mark and cshape != ncols_mark):
            raise ValueError(
                f'Cannot read the format of the observed transition. '
                f'Wrong shape of the data: {rshape} x {cshape} '
                f'or empty list.\n')

        # filter by marker
        if markers is not None:
            marker_mask = np.in1d(
                self.wavens_data[:, -1], np.fromiter(markers, dtype=np.int64))
            self.wavens_data = self.wavens_data[marker_mask]

            # remove the markers column
            self.wavens_data = self.wavens_data[:, :-1]

        # filter by intensity threshold
        if ithresh is not None:
            max_intensity = np.amax(self.wavens_data[:, -2])
            ithresh_value = (ithresh * max_intensity) / 100
            ithresh_inds = np.where(self.wavens_data[:, -2] > ithresh_value)[0]
            self.wavens_data = self.wavens_data[ithresh_inds, :]

    def set_uppper_term_energies(self, fname, markers=None):

        self.uterms_file = fname
            self.uterms_data = self._read_observed_energies(markers)
        except IOError as exc:
            raise IOError(f'Error: The file {fname} does not exist.') from exc

        if self.uterms_data.shape[0] == 0 or self.uterms_data.shape[1] != 8:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong shape/format of observed energies in file {fname}'
                f'{self.uterms_data.shape[0]} x {self.uterms_data.shape[1]}\n'
                f'Check markers, Js, the format of the data and so on...')

    def set_lower_term_energies(self, fname, markers=None):

        self.lterms_file = fname
            self.lterms_data = self._read_observed_energies(markers)
        except IOError as exc:
            raise IOError(f'Error: The file {fname} does not exist.') from exc

        if self.lterms_data.shape[0] == 0 or self.lterms_data.shape[1] != 8:
            raise ValueError(
                f'Wrong shape/format of observed energies in file {fname}'
                f'{self.lterms_data.shape[0]} x {self.lterms_data.shape[1]}\n'
                f'Check markers, Js, the format of the data and so on...')

    def _read_observed_energies(self, markers):

        data = np.zeros(10, 10)
        return data

class Basis:

    def __init__(self, nstate, Js=None, Je=None, Jvalues=None, symmetry=(0,),
                 _lambda=0, spin=0, sigma=0.0, inuc1=None, inuc2=None, ftot=None):

        self.nstate = nstate

        if Js is None and Je is None and Jvalues is None:
            raise ValueError('Error: Missing range/value for J quantum number')

        if Js is not None and Je is None:
            Je = Js + 1.0

        if Js is None and Je is not None:
            Js = Je - 1.0

        if Js < 0.0 or Je < 0.0:
            raise ValueError('Error: J quantum number should be positive')

        self.jqnumbers = []
        self.jqnumbers = np.arange(Js, Je, dtype=np.float64)

        if Jvalues is not None:
            if any(j < 0 for j in Jvalues):
                raise ValueError('Error: J quantum number should be positive')

            self.jqnumbers = np.unique(np.hstack((self.jqnumbers, Jvalues)))

        self.symmetry = (symmetry,) if isinstance(symmetry, int) else symmetry
        self._lambda = _lambda
        self.spin = spin
        self.sigma = sigma
        self.omega = abs(self._lambda + self.sigma)
        self.mult = 2 * self.spin + 1
        self.inuc1 = inuc1
        self.inuc2 = inuc2
        self.ftot = ftot

    def _format_basis_line(self, j, symm):

        maps = {0: 'f', 1: 'e'}
        out = (f'| \u039B={self._lambda}, S={self.spin}, \u03A3={self.sigma},'
               f' J={j}, \u03A9={self.omega}, symm={maps[symm]} ')

        if None not in [self.inuc1, self.inuc2, self.ftot]:
            out += f'I1={self.inuc1}, I2={self.inuc2}, F={self.ftot}'
        out += '>; '

        return out

    def print_basis_states(self):

        for j in self.jqnumbers:
            basis_str = self._format_basis_line(j, self.symmetry[0])
                basis_str += self._format_basis_line(j, self.symmetry[1])
            except IndexError:

class Potential():

    def __init__(self, model, filep, rotc=0.0, shift_by=0.0, cfunc=None):

        self.model = model.lower()
        self.filep = filep
        self.rot_correction = rotc
        self.shift_by = shift_by
        self.cfunc = cfunc
        self.xunits = 1.0 / _utils.C_bohr
        self.yunits = 1.0 / _utils.C_hartree
        self.npnts = 0
        self.rpoints = None
        self.upoints = None
        self.fixed = None

        # regularization parameters
        self.pregular = 0
        self.plambda = 0

        if self.model == 'pointwise' or self.model == 'cspline':
            rpoints, upoints, fixed = self._read_pointwise_data(self.filep)
            self.xunits = np.full(rpoints.shape[0], self.xunits)
            self.yunits = np.full(upoints.shape[0], self.yunits)
            self.rpoints = rpoints
            self.upoints = upoints + self.shift_by
            self.fixed = fixed

        elif self.model == 'morse':
            self.upoints, self.fixed = self._read_morse_data(self.filep)

        elif self.model == 'emo':
            self.upoints, self.fixed = self._read_emo_data(self.filep)

        elif self.model == 'mlr':
            self.upoints, self.fixed = self._read_mlr_data(self.filep)

        elif self.model == 'custom':
                self.upoints, self.fixed = self._read_custom_data(self.filep)
            except TypeError as exc:
            raise ValueError(f'Invalid potential model {self.model}')

        self.npnts = self.upoints.shape[0]

    def _read_pointwise_data(self, filep):

        points = np.loadtxt(filep)
        rpoints, upoints = points[:, 0], points[:, 1]

        fixed = np.zeros_like(upoints)
        if points.shape[1] == 3:
            fixed = points[:, 2]

        return rpoints, upoints, fixed

    def _read_morse_data(self, filep):

        with open(filep, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fps:
            morse_data = fps.read().strip().split('\n')

        morse_data = dict(map(str.strip, s.split('=')) for s in morse_data)
        npt = len(morse_data)
        for item in morse_data.items():
            morse_data[item[0]] = item[1].split()

        def_fixed = False
        if len(list(morse_data.values())[0]) >= 2:
            def_fixed = True

        mapp = {0: 'Te', 1: 'De', 2: 'a', 3: 're'}
        upoints, fixed = np.zeros(npt), np.zeros(npt, dtype=np.int64)

        upoints[0] = float(morse_data[mapp[0]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[1] = float(morse_data[mapp[1]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[2] = float(morse_data[mapp[2]][0]) * _utils.C_bohr
        upoints[3] = float(morse_data[mapp[3]][0]) / _utils.C_bohr

        if def_fixed:
            for i in range(0, 4):
                fixed[i] = int(morse_data[mapp[i]][1])

        return upoints, fixed

    def _read_emo_data(self, filep):

        with open(filep, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fps:
            emo_data = fps.read().strip().split('\n')

        emo_data = dict(map(str.strip, s.split('=')) for s in emo_data)
        npt = len(emo_data)
        for item in emo_data.items():
            emo_data[item[0]] = item[1].split()

        def_fixed = False
        if len(list(emo_data.values())[0]) >= 2:
            def_fixed = True

        bparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith('b'), emo_data.items()))

        mapp = {0: 'Te', 1: 'De', 2: 'p', 3: 're'}

        upoints, fixed = np.zeros(npt), np.zeros(npt, dtype=np.int64)

        upoints[0] = float(emo_data[mapp[0]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[1] = float(emo_data[mapp[1]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[2] = float(emo_data[mapp[2]][0])
        upoints[3] = float(emo_data[mapp[3]][0]) / _utils.C_bohr

        # all beta coefficients have dimentions 1/distance
        bvalues = list(
            map(lambda x: float(x[0]) * _utils.C_bohr, bparams.values()))
        nic, nbc = 4, len(bvalues)

        upoints[nic:nic+nbc] = bvalues

        if def_fixed:
            bfixed = list(map(lambda x: int(x[1]), bparams.values()))

            for i in range(0, nic):
                fixed[i] = int(emo_data[mapp[i]][1])

            fixed[nic:nic+nbc] = bfixed

        return upoints, fixed

    def _read_mlr_data(self, filep):
        """Get parameters for Morse/Long-Range function.

            filep (string): the name of the potential file

            tuple of numpy arrays: the parameter values and free/fixed values

            1. The coefficients B, C, D are defined from the first up to the
            highest reqired one. The ignored coefficients must be set to zero.
            2. The number of C and D coefficients should be the same
            3. The beta coefficients have dimentions 1/distance

        with open(filep, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fps:
            mlr_data = fps.read().strip().split('\n')

        mlr_data = dict(map(str.strip, s.split('=')) for s in mlr_data)
        npt = len(mlr_data)
        for item in mlr_data.items():
            mlr_data[item[0]] = item[1].split()

        def_fixed = False
        if len(list(mlr_data.values())[0]) >= 2:
            def_fixed = True

        bparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith('b'), mlr_data.items()))
        cparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith('c'), mlr_data.items()))
        dparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower().startswith('d'), mlr_data.items()))
        # remove De
        dparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() != 'de', dparams.items()))
        # remove binf
        bparams = dict(
            filter(lambda x: x[0].lower() != 'binf', bparams.items()))

        mapp = {0: 'Te', 1: 'De', 2: 'p', 3: 'q',
                4: 'rref', 5: 're', 6: 'binf'}

        upoints, fixed = np.zeros(npt), np.zeros(npt, dtype=np.int64)
        upoints[0] = float(mlr_data[mapp[0]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[1] = float(mlr_data[mapp[1]][0]) / _utils.C_hartree
        upoints[2] = float(mlr_data[mapp[2]][0])
        upoints[3] = float(mlr_data[mapp[3]][0])
        upoints[4] = float(mlr_data[mapp[4]][0]) / _utils.C_bohr
        upoints[5] = float(mlr_data[mapp[5]][0]) / _utils.C_bohr
        upoints[6] = float(mlr_data[mapp[6]][0]) * _utils.C_bohr

        # TODO: check dimenstions of C and D parameters - they are not correct!
        bvalues = list(
            map(lambda x: float(x[0]) * _utils.C_bohr, bparams.values()))
        cvalues = list(
            map(lambda x: float(x[0]), cparams.values()))
        dvalues = list(
            map(lambda x: float(x[0]), dparams.values()))

        ni, nb, nc, nd = 7, len(bvalues), len(cvalues), len(dvalues)
        upoints[ni:ni+nb] = bvalues
        upoints[ni+nb:ni+nb+nc] = cvalues
        upoints[ni+nb+nc:ni+nb+nc+nd] = dvalues

        if def_fixed:
            bfixed = list(map(lambda x: int(x[1]), bparams.values()))
            cfixed = list(map(lambda x: int(x[1]), bparams.values()))
            dfixed = list(map(lambda x: int(x[1]), bparams.values()))

            for i in range(0, ni):
                fixed[i] = int(mlr_data[mapp[i]][1])

            fixed[ni:ni+nb] = bfixed
            fixed[ni+nb:ni+nb+nc] = cfixed
            fixed[ni+nb+nc:ni+nb+nc+nd] = dfixed

        # channel.npnts = ni + nb + nc + nd
        return upoints, fixed

    def _read_custom_data(self, filep):
        """Get parameters for a custom potential function.

            filep (string): The name of the potential file

            tuple of two numpy arrays:
                the values of the parameters and the free/fixed values

            1. The custom function should accept exactly 2 input parameters.
            The first one is an array containing the parameters and the
            second one is the grid points and should return one parameter-
            the values of the function on the grid points.
            3. The parameters should be in au units!
            4. Returned array has size equal to the number of grid points.
            5. A column for free/fixed value should alywas be defined
            6. The order in which the parameters are defined does not matter-
            they will be ordered by the number after the keyword 'param'!
        with open(filep, 'r', encoding='utf8') as fps:
            data = fps.read().strip().split('\n')

        data = OrderedDict(map(str.strip, s.split('=')) for s in data)
        data = OrderedDict(sorted(data.items()))

        for item in data.items():
            data[item[0]] = item[1].split()

        npt = len(data)
        upoints, fixed = np.zeros(npt), np.zeros(npt, dtype=np.int64)

        for ind, value in enumerate(data.values()):
            upoints[ind] = float(value[0])
            fixed[ind] = int(value[1])

        return upoints, fixed

        # rpp, upoints, fixed = np.loadtxt(filep)
        # return upoints, fixed

# class Parameters:
#     """A class setting and processing the fitting parameters
#     """

#     def __init__(self, params):

#         # self.set_channels_refs(channels)
#         # channel_pars = self.merge_channel_parameters(channels)

#         # self.set_couplings_refs(couplings)
#         # coupling_pars = self.merge_coupling_parameters(couplings)

#         self.set_initial_parameters(channel_pars, coupling_pars)

#         # total number of channels and coupling parameters
#         self.tot_pars = self.tot_chnls_params + self.tot_cpls_params

#     def set_initial_parameters(self, channel_pars, coupling_pars):

#         self.ypar_init = np.concatenate((channel_pars[0], coupling_pars[0]))
#         self.yfixed_init = np.concatenate((channel_pars[1], coupling_pars[1]))
#         self.xunits = np.concatenate((channel_pars[2], coupling_pars[2]))
#         self.yunits = np.concatenate((channel_pars[3], coupling_pars[3]))
#         self.refs = np.concatenate((channel_pars[4], coupling_pars[4]))
#         # self.refs = channel_pars[4]

#         # this array will change during the fit
#         self.ypar = np.copy(self.ypar_init)
#         self.yfixed = np.copy(self.yfixed_init)

#     def set_channels_refs(self, channels):

#         ids = {}
#         sind, eind = 0, 0
#         for ch in channels:
#             eind += ch.potential.npnts
#             if ch.potential.id in ids:
#                 ch.refs = ids[ch.potential.id].refs
#                 ch.fixed = np.zeros(ch.potential.npnts)
#             else:
#                 ch.refs = np.arange(sind, eind)
#                 ids[ch.potential.id] = ch
#             sind = eind

#     def set_couplings_refs(self, couplings):

#         sind, eind = self.tot_chnls_params, self.tot_chnls_params

#         for cp in couplings:
#             cp.refs = np.zeros(len(cp.interact)*cp.npnts, dtype=int)
#             cp.refs[0:cp.npnts] = np.arange(sind, sind+cp.npnts)
#             cp.yfixed = np.zeros(len(cp.interact)*cp.npnts, dtype=int)
#             cp.yfixed[0:cp.fixed.shape[0]] = cp.fixed
#             eind += cp.npnts

#             for i in range(1, len(cp.interact)):
#                 cp.refs[i*cp.npnts:(i+1)*cp.npnts] = np.arange(sind, eind)
#                 cp.yfixed[i*cp.npnts:(i+1)*cp.npnts] = np.zeros(cp.npnts, dtype=int)

#             sind += len(cp.interact)*cp.npnts
#             eind = sind

#     def merge_channel_parameters(self, channels):

#         ppar = np.concatenate([c.upoints for c in channels])
#         pfixed = np.concatenate([c.fixed for c in channels])

#         pxunits = np.concatenate([c.potential.xunits for c in channels])
#         pyunits = np.concatenate([c.potential.yunits for c in channels])

#         refs = np.concatenate([c.refs for c in channels])
#         # pregular = np.concatenate([c.pregular for c in channels])
#         # plambda = np.concatenate([c.plambda for c in channels])

#         self.tot_chnls_params = ppar.shape[0]

#         return ppar, pfixed, pxunits, pyunits, refs

#     def merge_coupling_parameters(self, couplings):

#         self.tot_cpls_params = 0

#         try:
#             cpar = np.concatenate(
#                 [c.yc for c in couplings for i in c.interact])
#             cfixed = np.concatenate(
#                 [c.yfixed for c in couplings])
#             cxunits = np.concatenate(
#                 [c.xunits for c in couplings for i in c.interact])
#             cyunits = np.concatenate(
#                 [c.yunits for c in couplings for i in c.interact])
#             crefs = np.concatenate(
#                 [c.refs for c in couplings])
#             # self.cregular = np.concatenate([c.cregular for c in couplings])
#             # self.clambda = np.concatenate([c.clambda for c in couplings])
#             self.tot_cpls_params = cpar.shape[0]
#         except ValueError:
#             cpar, cfixed = np.array([]), np.array([], dtype=np.int64)
#             cxunits, cyunits = np.array([]), np.array([])
#             crefs = np.array([], dtype=np.int64)

#         return cpar, cfixed, cxunits, cyunits, crefs

#     def set_dmf_parameters(self, dmfs_init):

#         self.tot_dmfs_params = self.tot_pars

#         for (n, k) in dmfs_init:
#             ypar_shape_old = self.ypar.shape[0]
#             dmf_shape = dmfs_init[(n, k)].shape[0]

#             self.ypar_init = np.concatenate(
#                 (self.ypar_init, dmfs_init[(n, k)][:, 1]))

#             self.yfixed_init = np.concatenate(
#                 (self.yfixed_init, dmfs_init[(n, k)][:, 2]))

#             self.ypar = np.concatenate((self.ypar, dmfs_init[(n, k)][:, 1]))

#             ypar_shape_new = self.ypar.shape[0]

#             self.yfixed = np.concatenate((self.ypar, dmfs_init[(n, k)][:, 2]))
#             self.xunits = np.concatenate((self.xunits, np.full(dmf_shape, 1)))
#             self.yunits = np.concatenate((self.yunits, np.full(dmf_shape, 1)))

#             self.refs = np.concatenate(
#                 (self.refs, np.arange(ypar_shape_old, ypar_shape_new)))

#             self.tot_dmfs_params += dmf_shape