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# ChefLib

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### Library of Sweet Dishes (codes) by Chefs (Coders).

This repository is collection of CodeChef Contest Solutions. 
This is for educational purpose. This may help you to understand problems in better way, and since not all solutions on this repository are AC ![image](img/AC.png) , you can suggest changes by opening an Issue and Send a PR.
You can Discuss about problems (not ones in LIVE contest) at our [Gitter Channel](https://gitter.im/iiitv/ChefLib)

## Index Of Dishes

#### This is Month Wise Index Of Problem.

| Month | Long | Cook-Off | Lunchtime |
| [December 2016](2016/DEC.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2016/DEC.md#long) | COOK77 [![image](img/AC.png)](2016/DEC.md#cook) | LTIME43 [![image](img/AC.png)](2016/DEC.md#ltime) |
| [January 2017](2017/JAN.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JAN.md#long) | COOK78 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JAN.md#cook) | LTIME44 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JAN.md#ltime) |
| [February 2017](2017/FEB.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/FEB.md#long) | COOK79 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/FEB.md#cook) | LTIME45 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/FEB.md#ltime) |
| [March 2017](2017/MAR.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/MAR.md#long) | COOK80 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/MAR.md#cook) | LTIME46 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/MAR.md#ltime) |
| [April 2017](2017/APR.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/APR.md#long) | COOK81 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/APR.md#cook) | LTIME47 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/APR.md#ltime) |
| [May 2017](2017/MAY.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/MAY.md#long) | COOK82 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/MAY.md#cook) | `Unrated` |
| [June 2017](2017/JUN.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JUN.md#long) | COOK83 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JUN.md#cook) | LTIME49 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JUN.md#ltime) |
| [July 2017](2017/JULY.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JULY.md#long) | `Unrated` | LTIME50 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/JULY.md#ltime) |
| [August 2017](2017/AUG.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/AUG.md#long) | COOK85 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/AUG.md#cook) | LTIME51 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/AUG.md#ltime) |
| [September 2017](2017/SEPT.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/SEPT.md#long) | COOK85 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/SEPT.md#cook) | LTIME52 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/SEPT.md#ltime) |
| [October 2017](2017/OCT.md) | [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/OCT.md#long) | COOK86 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/OCT.md#cook) | LTIME53 [![image](img/AC.png)](2017/OCT.md#ltime) |

<a name="ecr"></a>
## Eligible Contributors Rating

ECR section in table above is for checking who are eligible for contributing to this Problem.
This section will contain ★s which will represent CodeChef's ★ Rating.
`For eg: If you have 3★ rating on CodeChef, you can contribute on any problem having 3 or more stars in their respective ECR column.`

## Merging Policy
* Everyone should follow one commit per PR.
* The first Commit message should be like:
    Added {Problem name} in {Contest name with year} [Lang]
    Fixes #{issue number}
  Rest of commit messages should reflect the changes done in respective commit.

## Contributing
#### It is advised to first read how to contribute to this repository before [creating an issue](https://github.com/iiitv/ChefLib/issues/new).
See [CONTRIBUTING.md](https://github.com/iiitv/ChefLib/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md).

## Adding Entry to month README
#### If you are confused over how to add an entry to the month's README you can always read [this](.github/ADD_ME_IN_README.md)

## Project Maintainers

* [Aashutosh Rathi](https://github.com/aashutoshrathi)
* [Monal Shadi](https://github.com/Monal5031)