module Goldencobra
# This class offers methods for helping to clean up Golden Cobra settings. They
# can be used all over the project and in some included gems. Some of them are
# not used anymore but still appear in the backend to edit. This produces overhead
# because they suggest to be important and one will fill them.
# If we remove the unused settings, nobody needs to care about them.
class SettingsCleanup
# Checks every single Goldencobra::Setting for presence or if it is still used.
# @param settings_path [string] the path of the settings.yml
# Examples: Goldencobra::Engine.root + "config/settings.yml"
# GoldencobraEvents::Engine.root + "config/settings.yml"
def self.remove_unused_setting_keys(settings_path)
raise "Settings file '#{path_file_name}' does not exist" unless File.exist?(settings_path)
settings = open(settings_path) { |f| YAML.safe_load(f) }
settings_root = settings.each_key.first if settings.present?
return if settings_root.blank?
p "*" * 100
Goldencobra::Setting.roots.where(title: settings_root).first.descendants.each do |setting|
settings_to_fetch = settings
setting.path.pluck(:title).each do |key|
p "Setting key: #{key} - Setting path: #{setting.path.pluck(:title).join(".")}"
# Traverse the setting path hierarchically from the outside into the deep.
# Example:
# setting path = goldencobra.locations.geocoding
# 1. settings_to_fetch = {"goldencobra"=>{"locations"=>{"geocoding"=>"false"}}}
# 2. settings_to_fetch = {"locations"=>{"geocoding"=>"false"}}
# 3. settings_to_fetch = {"geocoding"=>"false"}
settings_to_fetch = settings_to_fetch.fetch(key)
rescue KeyError
# If a 'KeyError' is thrown, the key is not present and the setting can be
# removed from the database.
p "Not present!"
p "Destroy setting: #{setting.title}"
p "-" * 100
rescue Ancestry::AncestryException
# If a `Ancestry::AncestryException` is thrown, than do not quit the
# process because there could be some more settings to check in the loop.
# Return true and go on with the next iteration step.
p "*" * 100
# Searches for usages of settings in a Golden Cobra app source code.
# (!) only complete formats like "root.key1.key2.key3" will be recognized
# The log output in the console is formatted a bit for better readability.
# The results has to be checked manually. Reported non-usages in one app
# needs to be checked in other included golden cobra engines (gems).
# Example:
# "" is not used in Goldencobra::Engine
# 1. check for usages in the app itself
# 2. check for usages in golden cobra events, if the gem is included
# @param settings_path [string] the path of the settings.yml
# Examples: Goldencobra::Engine.root + "config/settings.yml"
# GoldencobraEvents::Engine.root + "config/settings.yml"
# @param search_path [string] the root path of the app to search in
# Example: "../goldencobra-events"
def self.search_in_files(settings_path, search_path)
raise "Settings file '#{path_file_name}' does not exist" unless File.exist?(settings_path)
settings = open(settings_path) { |f| YAML.safe_load(f) }
settings_root = settings.each_key.first
return if settings_root.blank?
Goldencobra::Setting.roots.where(title: settings_root).first.descendants.each do |setting|
complete_setting = setting.path.pluck(:title).join(".")
p "*" * 100
p "Searching for #{complete_setting} in #{search_path}"
p "-" * 100
unless system "grep -Rl '#{complete_setting}' #{search_path}"
p "#{complete_setting} not found in #{search_path}"
p "*" * 100