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NewsItemsController#update has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

SurveysController#create has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/surveys_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ConstructionsController#update has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

DeadlinesController#create has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

NewsItemsController#create has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ToursController#convert_params_for_graphql has the variable name 'mp3'

                  mp3 = set_defaults_and_types(tour_stop["payload"]["mp3"])
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/tours_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ToursController#convert_params_for_graphql has the variable name 'mp4'

                  mp4 = set_defaults_and_types(tour_stop["payload"]["mp4"])
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/tours_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ToursController#update has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/tours_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ToursController#create has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/tours_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

OffersController#update has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/offers_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

StaticContentsController#create has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

ApplicationController#not_found_404 has the name 'not_found_404'

  def not_found_404

An Uncommunicative Method Name is a method name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

EventsController#copy_event_and_set_invisibility has the variable name 'e'

    rescue Graphlient::Errors::GraphQLError => e
Severity: Minor
Found in app/controllers/events_controller.rb by reek

An Uncommunicative Variable Name is a variable name that doesn't communicate its intent well enough.

Poor names make it hard for the reader to build a mental picture of what's going on in the code. They can also be mis-interpreted; and they hurt the flow of reading, because the reader must slow down to interpret the names.

Possible shell escape sequence injection vulnerability in Rack

    rack (2.1.4)
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2022-30123

Criticality: Critical

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/ruby-security-ann/c/LWB10kWzag8

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 2.0.9, >=, ~> 2.1.4, >=

Denial of Service Vulnerability in Rack Multipart Parsing

    rack (2.1.4)
Severity: Critical
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2022-30122

Criticality: High

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/ruby-security-ann/c/L2Axto442qk

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 2.0.9, >=, ~> 2.1.4, >=

Denial of service via header parsing in Rack

    rack (2.1.4)
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2022-44570

URL: https://github.com/rack/rack/releases/tag/v3.0.4.1

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 2.0.9, >=, ~> 2.1.4, >=, ~> 2.2.6, >=

Possible code injection vulnerability in Rails / Active Storage

    activestorage (
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2022-21831

Criticality: Critical

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/rubyonrails-security/c/n-p-W1yxatI

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 5.2.6, >=, ~> 6.0.4, >=, ~> 6.1.4, >=

@import prevents parallel downloads, use <link> instead.

@import url('https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Titillium+Web&display=swap');
Severity: Minor
Found in app/assets/stylesheets/custom.css by csslint

Denial of service via multipart parsing in Rack

    rack (2.1.4)
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2022-44572

URL: https://github.com/rack/rack/releases/tag/v3.0.4.1

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 2.0.9, >=, ~> 2.1.4, >=, ~> 2.2.6, >=

Possible Open Redirect in Host Authorization Middleware

    actionpack (
Severity: Minor
Found in Gemfile.lock by bundler-audit

Advisory: CVE-2021-44528

Criticality: Medium

URL: https://groups.google.com/g/ruby-security-ann/c/vG9gz3nk1pM/m/7-NU4MNrDAAJ

Solution: upgrade to >=, ~> 6.0.4, >=, ~> 6.1.4, >= 7.0.0.rc2
