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/* Copyright (c) 2012 Joshfire - MIT license */
 * @fileoverview Core of the JSON Form client-side library.
 * Generates an HTML form from a structured data model and a layout description.
 * The library may also validate inputs entered by the user against the data model
 * upon form submission and create the structured data object initialized with the
 * values that were submitted.
 * The library depends on:
 *  - jQuery
 *  - the underscore library
 *  - a JSON parser/serializer. Nothing to worry about in modern browsers.
 *  - the JSONFormValidation library (in jsv.js) for validation purpose
 * See documentation at:
 * http://developer.joshfire.com/doc/dev/ref/jsonform
 * The library creates and maintains an internal data tree along with the DOM.
 * That structure is necessary to handle arrays (and nested arrays!) that are
 * dynamic by essence.

 /*global window*/

(function(serverside, global, $, _, JSON) {
  if (serverside && !_) {
    _ = require('underscore');

   * Regular expressions used to extract array indexes in input field names
  var reArray = /\[([0-9]*)\](?=\[|\.|$)/g;

   * Template settings for form views
  var fieldTemplateSettings = {
    evaluate    : /<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,
    interpolate : /<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g

   * Template settings for value replacement
  var valueTemplateSettings = {
    evaluate    : /\{\[([\s\S]+?)\]\}/g,
    interpolate : /\{\{([\s\S]+?)\}\}/g

   * Returns true if given value is neither "undefined" nor null
  var isSet = function (value) {
    return !(_.isUndefined(value) || _.isNull(value));

   * Returns true if given property is directly property of an object
  var hasOwnProperty = function (obj, prop) {
    return typeof obj === 'object' && obj.hasOwnProperty(prop);

   * The jsonform object whose methods will be exposed to the window object
  var jsonform = {util:{}};

  // From backbonejs
  var escapeHTML = function (string) {
    if (!isSet(string)) {
      return '';
    string = '' + string;
    if (!string) {
      return '';
    return string
      .replace(/&(?!\w+;|#\d+;|#x[\da-f]+;)/gi, '&amp;')
      .replace(/</g, '&lt;')
      .replace(/>/g, '&gt;')
      .replace(/"/g, '&quot;')
      .replace(/'/g, '&#x27;')
      .replace(/\//g, '&#x2F;');

 * Escapes selector name for use with jQuery
 * All meta-characters listed in jQuery doc are escaped:
 * http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/
 * @function
 * @param {String} selector The jQuery selector to escape
 * @return {String} The escaped selector.
var escapeSelector = function (selector) {
  return selector.replace(/([ \!\"\#\$\%\&\'\(\)\*\+\,\.\/\:\;<\=\>\?\@\[\\\]\^\`\{\|\}\~])/g, '\\$1');

 * Initializes tabular sections in forms. Such sections are generated by the
 * 'selectfieldset' type of elements in JSON Form.
 * Input fields that are not visible are automatically disabled
 * not to appear in the submitted form. That's on purpose, as tabs
 * are meant to convey an alternative (and not a sequence of steps).
 * The tabs menu is not rendered as tabs but rather as a select field because
 * it's easier to grasp that it's an alternative.
 * Code based on bootstrap-tabs.js, updated to:
 * - react to option selection instead of tab click
 * - disable input fields in non visible tabs
 * - disable the possibility to have dropdown menus (no meaning here)
 * - act as a regular function instead of as a jQuery plug-in.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} tabs jQuery object that contains the tabular sections
 *  to initialize. The object may reference more than one element.
var initializeTabs = function (tabs) {
  var activate = function (element, container) {
      .find('> .active')

  var enableFields = function ($target, targetIndex) {
    // Enable all fields in the targeted tab
    $target.find('input, textarea, select').removeAttr('disabled');

    // Disable all fields in other tabs
      .children(':not([data-idx=' + targetIndex + '])')
      .find('input, textarea, select')
      .attr('disabled', 'disabled');

  var optionSelected = function (e) {
    var $option = $("option:selected", $(this)),
      $select = $(this),
      // do not use .attr() as it sometimes unexplicably fails
      targetIdx = $option.get(0).getAttribute('data-idx') || $option.attr('value'),

    if ($option.hasClass('active')) {

    $target = $(this).parents('.tabbable').eq(0).find('> .tab-content > [data-idx=' + targetIdx + ']');

    activate($option, $select);
    activate($target, $target.parent());
    enableFields($target, targetIdx);

  var tabClicked = function (e) {
    var $a = $('a', $(this));
    var $content = $(this).parents('.tabbable').first()
    var targetIdx = $(this).index();
    var $target = $content.find('[data-idx=' + targetIdx + ']');

    activate($(this), $(this).parent());
    activate($target, $target.parent());
    if ($(this).parent().hasClass('jsonform-alternative')) {
      enableFields($target, targetIdx);

  tabs.each(function () {
    $(this).delegate('select.nav', 'change', optionSelected);
    $(this).find('select.nav').each(function () {
      // do not use .attr() as it sometimes unexplicably fails
      var targetIdx = $(this).find('option:selected').get(0).getAttribute('data-idx') ||
      var $target = $(this).parents('.tabbable').eq(0).find('> .tab-content > [data-idx=' + targetIdx + ']');
      enableFields($target, targetIdx);

    $(this).delegate('ul.nav li', 'click', tabClicked);
    $(this).find('ul.nav li.active').click();

// Twitter bootstrap-friendly HTML boilerplate for standard inputs
jsonform.fieldTemplate = function(inner) {
  return '<div ' +
    '<% for(var key in elt.htmlMetaData) {%>' +
      '<%= key %>="<%= elt.htmlMetaData[key] %>" ' +
    '<% }%>' +
    'class="form-group jsonform-error-<%= keydash %>' +
    '<%= elt.htmlClass ? " " + elt.htmlClass : "" %>' +
    '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required && (node.schemaElement.type !== "boolean") ? " jsonform-required" : "") %>' +
    '<%= (node.readOnly ? " jsonform-readonly" : "") %>' +
    '<%= (node.disabled ? " jsonform-disabled" : "") %>' +
    '">' +
    '<% if (!elt.notitle) { %>' +
      '<label for="<%= node.id %>"><%= node.title ? node.title : node.name %></label>' +
    '<% } %>' +
    '<div class="controls">' +
      '<% if (node.prepend || node.append) { %>' +
      '<div class="<% if (node.prepend) { %>input-group<% } %>' +
        '<% if (node.append) { %> input-group<% } %>">' +
        '<% if (node.prepend) { %>' +
          '<span class="input-group-addon"><%= node.prepend %></span>' +
        '<% } %>' +
      '<% } %>' +
      inner +
      '<% if (node.append) { %>' +
        '<span class="input-group-addon"><%= node.append %></span>' +
      '<% } %>' +
      '<% if (node.prepend || node.append) { %>' +
        '</div>' +
      '<% } %>' +
      '<% if (node.description) { %>' +
        '<span class="help-block"><%= node.description %></span>' +
      '<% } %>' +
      '<span class="help-block jsonform-errortext" style="display:none;"></span>' +

var fileDisplayTemplate = '<div class="_jsonform-preview">' +
  '<% if (value.type=="image") { %>' +
  '<img class="jsonform-preview" id="jsonformpreview-<%= id %>" src="<%= value.url %>" />' +
  '<% } else { %>' +
  '<a href="<%= value.url %>"><%= value.name %></a> (<%= Math.ceil(value.size/1024) %>kB)' +
  '<% } %>' +
  '</div>' +
  '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default _jsonform-delete"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove" title="Remove"></i></a> ';

var inputFieldTemplate = function (type) {
  return {
    'template': '<input type="' + type + '" ' +
      'class=\'form-control<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? " " + fieldHtmlClass : "") %>\'' +
      'name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" id="<%= id %>"' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.readOnly ? " readonly=\'readonly\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.step > 0 ? " step=\'" + node.schemaElement.step + "\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.maxLength ? " maxlength=\'" + node.schemaElement.maxLength + "\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required && (node.schemaElement.type !== "boolean") ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.placeholder? " placeholder=" + \'"\' + escape(node.placeholder) + \'"\' : "")%>' +
      ' />',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true

jsonform.elementTypes = {
  'none': {
    'template': ''
  'root': {
    'template': '<div><%= children %></div>'
  'text': inputFieldTemplate('text'),
  'password': inputFieldTemplate('password'),
  'date': inputFieldTemplate('date'),
  'datetime': inputFieldTemplate('datetime'),
  'datetime-local': inputFieldTemplate('datetime-local'),
  'email': inputFieldTemplate('email'),
  'month': inputFieldTemplate('month'),
  'number': inputFieldTemplate('number'),
  'search': inputFieldTemplate('search'),
  'tel': inputFieldTemplate('tel'),
  'time': inputFieldTemplate('time'),
  'url': inputFieldTemplate('url'),
  'week': inputFieldTemplate('week'),
  'range': {
    'template': '<input type="range" ' +
      '<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? "class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\' " : "") %>' +
      'name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" id="<%= id %>"' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      ' min=<%= range.min %>' +
      ' max=<%= range.max %>' +
      ' step=<%= range.step %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      ' />',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      data.range = {
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        step: 1
      if (!node || !node.schemaElement) return;
      if (node.formElement && node.formElement.step) {
        data.range.step = node.formElement.step;
      if (typeof node.schemaElement.minimum !== 'undefined') {
        if (node.schemaElement.exclusiveMinimum) {
          data.range.min = node.schemaElement.minimum + data.range.step;
        else {
          data.range.min = node.schemaElement.minimum;
      if (typeof node.schemaElement.maximum !== 'undefined') {
        if (node.schemaElement.exclusiveMaximum) {
          data.range.max = node.schemaElement.maximum - data.range.step;
        else {
          data.range.max = node.schemaElement.maximum;
    'template':'<input type="text" ' +
      '<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? "class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\' " : "") %>' +
      'name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" id="<%= id %>"' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      ' />',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onInsert': function(evt, node) {
      $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id)).spectrum({
        preferredFormat: "hex",
        showInput: true
    'template':'<textarea id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" ' +
      '<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? "class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\' " : "") %>' +
      'style="height:<%= elt.height || "150px" %>;width:<%= elt.width || "100%" %>;"' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.readOnly ? " readonly=\'readonly\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.maxLength ? " maxlength=\'" + node.schemaElement.maxLength + "\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.placeholder? " placeholder=" + \'"\' + escape(node.placeholder) + \'"\' : "")%>' +
      '><%= value %></textarea>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true
    'template':'<textarea id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" style="height:<%= elt.height || "300px" %>;width:<%= elt.width || "100%" %>;"' +
      '<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? "class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\' " : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.readOnly ? " readonly=\'readonly\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.maxLength ? " maxlength=\'" + node.schemaElement.maxLength + "\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      '<%= (node.placeholder? " placeholder=" + \'"\' + escape(node.placeholder) + \'"\' : "")%>' +
      '><%= value %></textarea>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var setup = function () {
        //protect from double init
        if ($(node.el).data("wysihtml5")) return;

        $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id)).wysihtml5({
          "html": true,
          "link": true,
          "image": false,
          "events": {
            "load": function () {
              // In chrome, if an element is required and hidden, it leads to
              // the error 'An invalid form control with name='' is not focusable'
              // See http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7168645/invalid-form-control-only-in-google-chrome

      // Is there a setup hook?
      if (window.jsonform_wysihtml5_setup) {

      // Wait until wysihtml5 is loaded
      var itv = window.setInterval(function() {
        if (window.wysihtml5) {
    'template':'<div id="<%= id %>" style="position:relative;height:<%= elt.height || "300px" %>;"><div id="<%= id %>__ace" style="width:<%= elt.width || "100%" %>;height:<%= elt.height || "300px" %>;"></div><input type="hidden" name="<%= node.name %>" id="<%= id %>__hidden" value="<%= escape(value) %>"/></div>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var setup = function () {
        var formElement = node.formElement || {};
        var ace = window.ace;
        var editor = ace.edit($(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id) + '__ace').get(0));
        var idSelector = '#' + escapeSelector(node.id) + '__hidden';
        // Force editor to use "\n" for new lines, not to bump into ACE "\r" conversion issue
        // (ACE is ok with "\r" on pasting but fails to return "\r" when value is extracted)

        if (formElement.aceMode) {

        // Set the contents of the initial manifest file

        //TODO this is clearly sub-optimal
        // 'Lazily' bind to the onchange 'ace' event to give
        // priority to user edits
        var lazyChanged = _.debounce(function () {
        }, 600);
        editor.getSession().on('change', lazyChanged);

        editor.on('blur', function() {
        editor.on('focus', function() {

      // Is there a setup hook?
      if (window.jsonform_ace_setup) {

      // Wait until ACE is loaded
      var itv = window.setInterval(function() {
        if (window.ace) {
    'template': '<div class="checkbox"><label><input type="checkbox" id="<%= id %>" ' +
      '<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? " class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\'": "") %>' +
      'name="<%= node.name %>" value="1" <% if (value) {%>checked<% } %>' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required && (node.schemaElement.type !== "boolean") ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      ' /><%= node.inlinetitle || "" %>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'template':'<input class="input-file" id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" type="file" ' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true
    'template':'<span><% if (value && (value.type||value.url)) { %>'+fileDisplayTemplate+'<% } %><input class="input-file" id="_transloadit_<%= id %>" type="file" name="<%= transloaditname %>" /><input data-transloadit-name="_transloadit_<%= transloaditname %>" type="hidden" id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" value=\'<%= escape(JSON.stringify(node.value)) %>\' /></span>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {

      if (!node.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_public_index) {
      } else {

      data.transloaditname = "_transloadit_jsonform_genericupload_public_"+node.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_public_index;

      if (!node.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_elts) node.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_elts = {};
      node.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_elts[data.transloaditname] = node;
    'onChange': function(evt,elt) {
      // The "transloadit" function should be called only once to enable
      // the service when the form is submitted. Has it already been done?
      if (elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound) {
        return false;
      elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound = true;

      // Call the "transloadit" function on the form element
      var formElt = $(elt.ownerTree.domRoot);
        autoSubmit: false,
        wait: true,
        onSuccess: function (assembly) {
          // Image has been uploaded. Check the "results" property that
          // contains the list of files that Transloadit produced. There
          // should be one image per file input in the form at most.
          // console.log(assembly.results);
          var results = _.values(assembly.results);
          results = _.flatten(results);
          _.each(results, function (result) {
            // Save the assembly result in the right hidden input field
            var id = elt.ownerTree._transloadit_generic_elts[result.field].id;
            var input = formElt.find('#' + escapeSelector(id));
            var nonEmptyKeys = _.filter(_.keys(result.meta), function (key) {
              return !!isSet(result.meta[key]);
            result.meta = _.pick(result.meta, nonEmptyKeys);

          // Unbind transloadit from the form
          elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound = false;

          // Submit the form on next tick
          _.delay(function () {
            console.log('submit form');
          }, 10);
        onError: function (assembly) {
          // TODO: report the error to the user
          console.log('assembly error', assembly);
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      $(node.el).find('a._jsonform-delete').on('click', function (evt) {
        $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id)).val('');
        return false;
    'onSubmit':function(evt, elt) {
      if (elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound) {
        return false;
      return true;

  'file-transloadit': {
    'template': '<span><% if (value && (value.type||value.url)) { %>'+fileDisplayTemplate+'<% } %><input class="input-file" id="_transloadit_<%= id %>" type="file" name="_transloadit_<%= node.name %>" /><input type="hidden" id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" value=\'<%= escape(JSON.stringify(node.value)) %>\' /></span>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'onChange': function (evt, elt) {
      // The "transloadit" function should be called only once to enable
      // the service when the form is submitted. Has it already been done?
      if (elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound) {
        return false;
      elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound = true;

      // Call the "transloadit" function on the form element
      var formElt = $(elt.ownerTree.domRoot);
        autoSubmit: false,
        wait: true,
        onSuccess: function (assembly) {
          // Image has been uploaded. Check the "results" property that
          // contains the list of files that Transloadit produced. Note
          // JSONForm only supports 1-to-1 associations, meaning it
          // expects the "results" property to contain only one image
          // per file input in the form.
          // console.log(assembly.results);
          var results = _.values(assembly.results);
          results = _.flatten(results);
          _.each(results, function (result) {
            // Save the assembly result in the right hidden input field
            var input = formElt.find('input[name="' +
              result.field.replace(/^_transloadit_/, '') +
            var nonEmptyKeys = _.filter(_.keys(result.meta), function (key) {
              return !!isSet(result.meta[key]);
            result.meta = _.pick(result.meta, nonEmptyKeys);

          // Unbind transloadit from the form
          elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound = false;

          // Submit the form on next tick
          _.delay(function () {
            console.log('submit form');
          }, 10);
        onError: function (assembly) {
          // TODO: report the error to the user
          console.log('assembly error', assembly);
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      $(node.el).find('a._jsonform-delete').on('click', function (evt) {
        $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id)).val('');
        return false;
    'onSubmit': function (evt, elt) {
      if (elt.ownerTree._transloadit_bound) {
        return false;
      return true;
    'template':'<select name="<%= node.name %>" id="<%= id %>"' +
      'class=\'form-control<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? " " + fieldHtmlClass : "") %>\'' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      '> ' +
      '<% _.each(node.options, function(key, val) { if(key instanceof Object) { if (value === key.value) { %> <option selected value="<%= key.value %>"><%= key.title %></option> <% } else { %> <option value="<%= key.value %>"><%= key.title %></option> <% }} else { if (value === key) { %> <option selected value="<%= key %>"><%= key %></option> <% } else { %><option value="<%= key %>"><%= key %></option> <% }}}); %> ' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true
  'imageselect': {
    'template': '<div>' +
      '<input type="hidden" name="<%= node.name %>" id="<%= node.id %>" value="<%= value %>" />' +
      '<div class="dropdown">' +
      '<a class="btn<% if (buttonClass && node.value) { %> <%= buttonClass %><% } else { %> btn-default<% } %>" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"<% if (node.value) { %> style="max-width:<%= width %>px;max-height:<%= height %>px"<% } %>>' +
        '<% if (node.value) { %><img src="<% if (!node.value.match(/^https?:/)) { %><%= prefix %><% } %><%= node.value %><%= suffix %>" alt="" /><% } else { %><%= buttonTitle %><% } %>' +
      '</a>' +
      '<div class="dropdown-menu navbar" id="<%= node.id %>_dropdown">' +
        '<div>' +
        '<% _.each(node.options, function(key, idx) { if ((idx > 0) && ((idx % columns) === 0)) { %></div><div><% } %><a class="btn<% if (buttonClass) { %> <%= buttonClass %><% } else { %> btn-default<% } %>" style="max-width:<%= width %>px;max-height:<%= height %>px"><% if (key instanceof Object) { %><img src="<% if (!key.value.match(/^https?:/)) { %><%= prefix %><% } %><%= key.value %><%= suffix %>" alt="<%= key.title %>" /></a><% } else { %><img src="<% if (!key.match(/^https?:/)) { %><%= prefix %><% } %><%= key %><%= suffix %>" alt="" /><% } %></a> <% }); %>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="pagination-right"><a class="btn btn-default">Reset</a></div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      var elt = node.formElement || {};
      var nbRows = null;
      var maxColumns = elt.imageSelectorColumns || 5;
      data.buttonTitle = elt.imageSelectorTitle || 'Select...';
      data.prefix = elt.imagePrefix || '';
      data.suffix = elt.imageSuffix || '';
      data.width = elt.imageWidth || 32;
      data.height = elt.imageHeight || 32;
      data.buttonClass = elt.imageButtonClass || false;
      if (node.options.length > maxColumns) {
        nbRows = Math.ceil(node.options.length / maxColumns);
        data.columns = Math.ceil(node.options.length / nbRows);
      else {
        data.columns = maxColumns;
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      $(node.el).on('click', '.dropdown-menu a', function (evt) {
        var img = (evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'img') ?
          $(evt.target) :
        var value = img.attr('src');
        var elt = node.formElement || {};
        var prefix = elt.imagePrefix || '';
        var suffix = elt.imageSuffix || '';
        var width = elt.imageWidth || 32;
        var height = elt.imageHeight || 32;
        if (value) {
          if (value.indexOf(prefix) === 0) {
            value = value.substring(prefix.length);
          value = value.substring(0, value.length - suffix.length);
          $(node.el).find('input').attr('value', value);
            .attr('style', 'max-width:' + width + 'px;max-height:' + height + 'px')
            .html('<img src="' + (!value.match(/^https?:/) ? prefix : '') + value + suffix + '" alt="" />');
        else {
          $(node.el).find('input').attr('value', '');
            .html(elt.imageSelectorTitle || 'Select...');
  'iconselect': {
    'template': '<div>' +
      '<input type="hidden" name="<%= node.name %>" id="<%= node.id %>" value="<%= value %>" />' +
      '<div class="dropdown">' +
      '<a class="btn<% if (buttonClass && node.value) { %> <%= buttonClass %><% } %>" data-toggle="dropdown" href="#"<% if (node.value) { %> style="max-width:<%= width %>px;max-height:<%= height %>px"<% } %>>' +
        '<% if (node.value) { %><i class="icon-<%= node.value %>" /><% } else { %><%= buttonTitle %><% } %>' +
      '</a>' +
      '<div class="dropdown-menu navbar" id="<%= node.id %>_dropdown">' +
        '<div>' +
        '<% _.each(node.options, function(key, idx) { if ((idx > 0) && ((idx % columns) === 0)) { %></div><div><% } %><a class="btn<% if (buttonClass) { %> <%= buttonClass %><% } %>" ><% if (key instanceof Object) { %><i class="icon-<%= key.value %>" alt="<%= key.title %>" /></a><% } else { %><i class="icon-<%= key %>" alt="" /><% } %></a> <% }); %>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="pagination-right"><a class="btn">Reset</a></div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      var elt = node.formElement || {};
      var nbRows = null;
      var maxColumns = elt.imageSelectorColumns || 5;
      data.buttonTitle = elt.imageSelectorTitle || 'Select...';
      data.buttonClass = elt.imageButtonClass || false;
      if (node.options.length > maxColumns) {
        nbRows = Math.ceil(node.options.length / maxColumns);
        data.columns = Math.ceil(node.options.length / nbRows);
      else {
        data.columns = maxColumns;
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      $(node.el).on('click', '.dropdown-menu a', function (evt) {
        var i = (evt.target.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'i') ?
          $(evt.target) :
        var value = i.attr('class');
        var elt = node.formElement || {};
        if (value) {
          value = value;
          $(node.el).find('input').attr('value', value);
            .html('<i class="'+ value +'" alt="" />');
        else {
          $(node.el).find('input').attr('value', '');
            .html(elt.imageSelectorTitle || 'Select...');
    'template': '<div id="<%= node.id %>"><% _.each(node.options, function(key, val) { %><div class="radio"><label><input<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? " class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\'": "") %> type="radio" <% if (((key instanceof Object) && (value === key.value)) || (value === key)) { %> checked="checked" <% } %> name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= (key instanceof Object ? key.value : key) %>"' +
      '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
      '<%= (node.schemaElement && node.schemaElement.required ? " required=\'required\'" : "") %>' +
      '/><%= (key instanceof Object ? key.title : key) %></label></div> <% }); %></div>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true
  'radiobuttons': {
    'template': '<div id="<%= node.id %>">' +
      '<% _.each(node.options, function(key, val) { %>' +
        '<label class="btn btn-default">' +
        '<input<%= (fieldHtmlClass ? " class=\'" + fieldHtmlClass + "\'": "") %> type="radio" style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;" ' +
        '<% if (((key instanceof Object) && (value === key.value)) || (value === key)) { %> checked="checked" <% } %> name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= (key instanceof Object ? key.value : key) %>" />' +
        '<span><%= (key instanceof Object ? key.title : key) %></span></label> ' +
        '<% }); %>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var activeClass = 'active';
      var elt = node.formElement || {};
      if (elt.activeClass) {
        activeClass += ' ' + elt.activeClass;
      $(node.el).find('label').on('click', function () {
    'template': '<div><%= choiceshtml %></div>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      // Build up choices from the enumeration list
      var choices = null;
      var choiceshtml = null;
      var template = '<div class="checkbox"><label>' +
        '<input type="checkbox" <% if (value) { %> checked="checked" <% } %> name="<%= name %>" value="1"' +
        '<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>' +
        '/><%= title %></label></div>';
      if (!node || !node.schemaElement || !node.schemaElement.items) return;
      choices = node.schemaElement.items['enum'] ||
      if (!choices) return;

      choiceshtml = '';
      _.each(choices, function (choice, idx) {
        choiceshtml += _.template(template, fieldTemplateSettings)({
          name: node.key + '[' + idx + ']',
          value: _.include(node.value, choice),
          title: hasOwnProperty(node.formElement.titleMap, choice) ? node.formElement.titleMap[choice] : choice,
          node: node

      data.choiceshtml = choiceshtml;
  'array': {
    'template': '<div id="<%= id %>"><ul class="_jsonform-array-ul" style="list-style-type:none;"><%= children %></ul>' +
      '<span class="_jsonform-array-buttons">' +
        '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default _jsonform-array-addmore"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign" title="Add new"></i></a> ' +
        '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default _jsonform-array-deletelast"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign" title="Delete last"></i></a>' +
      '</span>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'array': true,
    'childTemplate': function (inner) {
      if ($('').sortable) {
        // Insert a "draggable" icon
        // floating to the left of the main element
        return '<li data-idx="<%= node.childPos %>">' +
          '<span class="draggable line"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-list" title="Move item"></i></span>' +
          inner +
      else {
        return '<li data-idx="<%= node.childPos %>">' +
          inner +
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var $nodeid = $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id));
      var boundaries = node.getArrayBoundaries();

      // Switch two nodes in an array
      var moveNodeTo = function (fromIdx, toIdx) {
        // Note "switchValuesWith" extracts values from the DOM since field
        // values are not synchronized with the tree data structure, so calls
        // to render are needed at each step to force values down to the DOM
        // before next move.
        // TODO: synchronize field values and data structure completely and
        // call render only once to improve efficiency.
        if (fromIdx === toIdx) return;
        var incr = (fromIdx < toIdx) ? 1: -1;
        var i = 0;
        var parentEl = $('> ul', $nodeid);
        for (i = fromIdx; i !== toIdx; i += incr) {
          node.children[i].switchValuesWith(node.children[i + incr]);
          node.children[i + incr].render(parentEl.get(0));

        // No simple way to prevent DOM reordering with jQuery UI Sortable,
        // so we're going to need to move sorted DOM elements back to their
        // origin position in the DOM ourselves (we switched values but not
        // DOM elements)
        var fromEl = $(node.children[fromIdx].el);
        var toEl = $(node.children[toIdx].el);
        if (fromIdx < toIdx) {
          if (fromIdx === 0) parentEl.prepend(fromEl);
          else $(node.children[fromIdx-1].el).after(fromEl);
        else {
          if (toIdx === 0) parentEl.prepend(toEl);
          else $(node.children[toIdx-1].el).after(toEl);

      $('> span > a._jsonform-array-addmore', $nodeid).click(function (evt) {
        var idx = node.children.length;
        if (boundaries.maxItems >= 0) {
          if (node.children.length > boundaries.maxItems - 2) {
            $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-addmore')
          if (node.children.length > boundaries.maxItems - 1) {
            return false;
        node.insertArrayItem(idx, $('> ul', $nodeid).get(0));
        if ((boundaries.minItems <= 0) ||
            ((boundaries.minItems > 0) &&
              (node.children.length > boundaries.minItems - 1))) {
          $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-deletelast')

      //Simulate Users click to setup the form with its minItems
      var curItems = $('> ul > li', $nodeid).length;
      if ((boundaries.minItems > 0) &&
          (curItems < boundaries.minItems)) {
        for (var i = 0; i < (boundaries.minItems - 1) && ($nodeid.find('> ul > li').length < boundaries.minItems); i++) {
          //console.log('Calling click: ',$nodeid);
          //$('> span > a._jsonform-array-addmore', $nodeid).click();
          node.insertArrayItem(curItems, $nodeid.find('> ul').get(0));
      if ((boundaries.minItems > 0) &&
          (node.children.length <= boundaries.minItems)) {
        $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-deletelast')

      $('> span > a._jsonform-array-deletelast', $nodeid).click(function (evt) {
        var idx = node.children.length - 1;
        if (boundaries.minItems > 0) {
          if (node.children.length < boundaries.minItems + 2) {
            $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-deletelast')
          if (node.children.length <= boundaries.minItems) {
            return false;
        else if (node.children.length === 1) {
          $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-deletelast')
        if ((boundaries.maxItems >= 0) && (idx <= boundaries.maxItems - 1)) {
          $nodeid.find('> span > a._jsonform-array-addmore')

      if ($(node.el).sortable) {
        $('> ul', $nodeid).sortable();
        $('> ul', $nodeid).bind('sortstop', function (event, ui) {
          var idx = $(ui.item).data('idx');
          var newIdx = $(ui.item).index();
          moveNodeTo(idx, newIdx);
  'tabarray': {
    'template': '<div id="<%= id %>"><div class="tabbable tabs-left">' +
      '<ul class="nav nav-tabs">' +
        '<%= tabs %>' +
      '</ul>' +
      '<div class="tab-content">' +
        '<%= children %>' +
      '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
      '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default _jsonform-array-addmore"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign" title="Add new"></i></a> ' +
      '<a href="#" class="btn btn-default _jsonform-array-deleteitem"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign" title="Delete item"></i></a></div>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'array': true,
    'childTemplate': function (inner) {
      return '<div data-idx="<%= node.childPos %>" class="tab-pane">' +
        inner +
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      // Generate the initial 'tabs' from the children
      var tabs = '';
      _.each(node.children, function (child, idx) {
        var title = child.legend ||
          child.title ||
          ('Item ' + (idx+1));
        tabs += '<li data-idx="' + idx + '"' +
          ((idx === 0) ? ' class="active"' : '') +
          '><a class="draggable tab" data-toggle="tab">' +
          escapeHTML(title) +
      data.tabs = tabs;
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var $nodeid = $(node.el).find('#' + escapeSelector(node.id));
      var boundaries = node.getArrayBoundaries();

      var moveNodeTo = function (fromIdx, toIdx) {
        // Note "switchValuesWith" extracts values from the DOM since field
        // values are not synchronized with the tree data structure, so calls
        // to render are needed at each step to force values down to the DOM
        // before next move.
        // TODO: synchronize field values and data structure completely and
        // call render only once to improve efficiency.
        if (fromIdx === toIdx) return;
        var incr = (fromIdx < toIdx) ? 1: -1;
        var i = 0;
        var tabEl = $('> .tabbable > .tab-content', $nodeid).get(0);
        for (i = fromIdx; i !== toIdx; i += incr) {
          node.children[i].switchValuesWith(node.children[i + incr]);
          node.children[i + incr].render(tabEl);

      // Refreshes the list of tabs
      var updateTabs = function (selIdx) {
        var tabs = '';
        var activateFirstTab = false;
        if (selIdx === undefined) {
          selIdx = $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs .active', $nodeid).data('idx');
          if (selIdx) {
            selIdx = parseInt(selIdx, 10);
          else {
            activateFirstTab = true;
            selIdx = 0;
        if (selIdx >= node.children.length) {
          selIdx = node.children.length - 1;
        _.each(node.children, function (child, idx) {
          $('> .tabbable > .tab-content > [data-idx="' + idx + '"] > fieldset > legend', $nodeid).html(child.legend);
          var title = child.legend || child.title || ('Item ' + (idx+1));
          tabs += '<li data-idx="' + idx + '">' +
                  '<a class="draggable tab" data-toggle="tab">' +
                  escapeHTML(title) +
        $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs', $nodeid).html(tabs);
        if (activateFirstTab) {
          $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs [data-idx="0"]', $nodeid).addClass('active');
        $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs [data-toggle="tab"]', $nodeid).eq(selIdx).click();

      $('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem', $nodeid).click(function (evt) {
        var idx = $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs .active', $nodeid).data('idx');
        if (boundaries.minItems > 0) {
          if (node.children.length < boundaries.minItems + 1) {
            $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem')
          if (node.children.length <= boundaries.minItems) return false;
        if ((node.children.length < boundaries.minItems + 1) ||
            (node.children.length === 0)) {
          $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem').addClass('disabled');
        if ((boundaries.maxItems >= 0) &&
            (node.children.length <= boundaries.maxItems)) {
          $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-addmore').removeClass('disabled');

      $('> a._jsonform-array-addmore', $nodeid).click(function (evt) {
        var idx = node.children.length;
        if (boundaries.maxItems>=0) {
          if (node.children.length>boundaries.maxItems-2) {
            $('> a._jsonform-array-addmore', $nodeid).addClass("disabled");
          if (node.children.length > boundaries.maxItems - 1) {
            return false;
          $nodeid.find('> .tabbable > .tab-content').get(0));
        if ((boundaries.minItems <= 0) ||
            ((boundaries.minItems > 0) && (idx > boundaries.minItems - 1))) {
          $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem').removeClass('disabled');

      $(node.el).on('legendUpdated', function (evt) {

      if ($(node.el).sortable) {
        $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs', $nodeid).sortable({
          containment: node.el,
          tolerance: 'pointer'
        $('> .tabbable > .nav-tabs', $nodeid).bind('sortstop', function (event, ui) {
          var idx = $(ui.item).data('idx');
          var newIdx = $(ui.item).index();
          moveNodeTo(idx, newIdx);

      // Simulate User's click to setup the form with its minItems
      if (boundaries.minItems >= 0) {
        for (var i = 0; i < (boundaries.minItems - 1); i++) {
          $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-addmore').click();
        $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem').addClass('disabled');

      if ((boundaries.maxItems >= 0) &&
          (node.children.length >= boundaries.maxItems)) {
        $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-addmore').addClass('disabled');
      if ((boundaries.minItems >= 0) &&
          (node.children.length <= boundaries.minItems)) {
        $nodeid.find('> a._jsonform-array-deleteitem').addClass('disabled');
  'help': {
    'template':'<span class="help-block" style="padding-top:5px"><%= elt.helpvalue %></span>',
    'fieldtemplate': true
  'msg': {
    'template': '<%= elt.msg %>'
  'fieldset': {
    'template': '<fieldset class="form-group jsonform-error-<%= keydash %> <% if (elt.expandable) { %>expandable<% } %> <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>" ' +
      '<% if (id) { %> id="<%= id %>"<% } %>' +
      '>' +
      '<% if (node.title || node.legend) { %><legend><%= node.title || node.legend %></legend><% } %>' +
      '<% if (elt.expandable) { %><div class="form-group"><% } %>' +
      '<%= children %>' +
      '<% if (elt.expandable) { %></div><% } %>' +
    onInsert: function (evt, node) {
      $('.expandable > div, .expandable > fieldset', node.el).hide();
  'advancedfieldset': {
    'template': '<fieldset' +
      '<% if (id) { %> id="<%= id %>"<% } %>' +
      ' class="expandable <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>">' +
      '<legend>Advanced options</legend>' +
      '<div class="form-group">' +
      '<%= children %>' +
      '</div>' +
    onInsert: function (evt, node) {
      $('.expandable > div, .expandable > fieldset', node.el).hide();
  'authfieldset': {
    'template': '<fieldset' +
      '<% if (id) { %> id="<%= id %>"<% } %>' +
      ' class="expandable <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>">' +
      '<legend>Authentication settings</legend>' +
      '<div class="form-group">' +
      '<%= children %>' +
      '</div>' +
    onInsert: function (evt, node) {
      $('.expandable > div, .expandable > fieldset', node.el).hide();
    'template':'<input type="submit" <% if (id) { %> id="<%= id %>" <% } %> class="btn btn-primary <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>" value="<%= value || node.title %>"<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>/>'
    'template':' <button type="button" <% if (id) { %> id="<%= id %>" <% } %> class="btn btn-default <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>"><%= node.title %></button> '
    'template':'<div class="<%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>"><%= children %></div>'
    'template':'<input type="hidden" id="<%= id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" />',
    'inputfield': true
  'selectfieldset': {
    'template': '<fieldset class="tab-container <%= elt.htmlClass?elt.htmlClass:"" %>">' +
      '<% if (node.legend) { %><legend><%= node.legend %></legend><% } %>' +
      '<% if (node.formElement.key) { %><input type="hidden" id="<%= node.id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" /><% } else { %>' +
        '<a id="<%= node.id %>"></a><% } %>' +
      '<div class="tabbable">' +
        '<div class="form-group<%= node.formElement.hideMenu ? " hide" : "" %>">' +
          '<% if (!elt.notitle) { %><label for="<%= node.id %>"><%= node.title ? node.title : node.name %></label><% } %>' +
          '<div class="controls"><%= tabs %></div>' +
        '</div>' +
        '<div class="tab-content">' +
          '<%= children %>' +
        '</div>' +
      '</div>' +
    'inputfield': true,
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'childTemplate': function (inner) {
      return '<div data-idx="<%= node.childPos %>" class="tab-pane' +
        '<% if (node.active) { %> active<% } %>">' +
        inner +
    'onBeforeRender': function (data, node) {
      // Before rendering, this function ensures that:
      // 1. direct children have IDs (used to show/hide the tabs contents)
      // 2. the tab to active is flagged accordingly. The active tab is
      // the first one, except if form values are available, in which case
      // it's the first tab for which there is some value available (or back
      // to the first one if there are none)
      // 3. the HTML of the select field used to select tabs is exposed in the
      // HTML template data as "tabs"

      var children = null;
      var choices = [];
      if (node.schemaElement) {
        choices = node.schemaElement['enum'] || [];
      if (node.options) {
        children = _.map(node.options, function (option, idx) {
          var child = node.children[idx];
          child.childPos = idx; // When nested the childPos is always 0.
          if (option instanceof Object) {
            option = _.extend({ node: child }, option);
            option.title = option.title ||
              child.legend ||
              child.title ||
              ('Option ' + (child.childPos+1));
            option.value = isSet(option.value) ? option.value :
              isSet(choices[idx]) ? choices[idx] : idx;
            return option;
          else {
            return {
              title: option,
              value: isSet(choices[child.childPos]) ?
                choices[child.childPos] :
              node: child
      else {
        children = _.map(node.children, function (child, idx) {
          return {
            title: child.legend || child.title || ('Option ' + (child.childPos+1)),
            value: choices[child.childPos] || child.childPos,
            node: child

      var activeChild = null;
      if (data.value) {
        activeChild = _.find(children, function (child) {
          return (child.value === node.value);
      if (!activeChild) {
        activeChild = _.find(children, function (child) {
          return child.node.hasNonDefaultValue();
      if (!activeChild) {
        activeChild = children[0];
      activeChild.node.active = true;
      data.value = activeChild.value;

      var elt = node.formElement;
      var tabs = '<select class="nav"' +
        (node.disabled ? ' disabled' : '') +
      _.each(children, function (child, idx) {
        tabs += '<option data-idx="' + idx + '" value="' + child.value + '"' +
          (child.node.active ? ' class="active"' : '') +
          '>' +
          escapeHTML(child.title) +
      tabs += '</select>';

      data.tabs = tabs;
      return data;
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      $(node.el).find('select.nav').first().on('change', function (evt) {
        var $option = $(this).find('option:selected');
  'optionfieldset': {
    'template': '<div' +
      '<% if (node.id) { %> id="<%= node.id %>"<% } %>' +
      '>' +
      '<%= children %>' +
  'section': {
    'template': '<div' +
      '<% if (node.id) { %> id="<%= node.id %>"<% } %>' +
      '><%= children %></div>'

   * A "questions" field renders a series of question fields and binds the
   * result to the value of a schema key.
  'questions': {
    'template': '<div>' +
      '<input type="hidden" id="<%= node.id %>" name="<%= node.name %>" value="<%= escape(value) %>" />' +
      '<%= children %>' +
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'inputfield': true,
    'getElement': function (el) {
      return $(el).parent().get(0);
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      if (!node.children || (node.children.length === 0)) return;
      _.each(node.children, function (child) {

   * A "question" field lets user choose a response among possible choices.
   * The field is not associated with any schema key. A question should be
   * part of a "questions" field that binds a series of questions to a
   * schema key.
  'question': {
    'template': '<div id="<%= node.id %>"><% _.each(node.options, function(key, val) { %><label class="<%= (node.formElement.optionsType === "radiobuttons") ? "btn btn-default" : "" %><%= ((key instanceof Object && key.htmlClass) ? " " + key.htmlClass : "") %>"><input type="radio" <% if (node.formElement.optionsType === "radiobuttons") { %> style="position:absolute;left:-9999px;" <% } %>name="<%= node.id %>" value="<%= val %>"<%= (node.disabled? " disabled" : "")%>/><span><%= (key instanceof Object ? key.title : key) %></span></label> <% }); %></div>',
    'fieldtemplate': true,
    'onInsert': function (evt, node) {
      var activeClass = 'active';
      var elt = node.formElement || {};
      if (elt.activeClass) {
        activeClass += ' ' + elt.activeClass;

      // Bind to change events on radio buttons
      $(node.el).find('input[type="radio"]').on('change', function (evt) {
        var questionNode = null;
        var option = node.options[$(this).val()];
        if (!node.parentNode || !node.parentNode.el) return;

        $(node.el).nextAll().find('input[type="radio"]').prop('checked', false);

        // Execute possible actions (set key value, form submission, open link,
        // move on to next question)
        if (option.value) {
          // Set the key of the 'Questions' parent
        if (option.next) {
          questionNode = _.find(node.parentNode.children, function (child) {
            return (child.formElement && (child.formElement.qid === option.next));
          $(questionNode.el).nextAll().find('input[type="radio"]').prop('checked', false);
        if (option.href) {
          if (option.target) {
            window.open(option.href, option.target);
          else {
            window.location = option.href;
        if (option.submit) {
          setTimeout(function () {
          }, 0);

//Allow to access subproperties by splitting "."
 * Retrieves the key identified by a path selector in the structured object.
 * Levels in the path are separated by a dot. Array items are marked
 * with [x]. For instance:
 *  foo.bar[3].baz
 * @function
 * @param {Object} obj Structured object to parse
 * @param {String} key Path to the key to retrieve
 * @param {boolean} ignoreArrays True to use first element in an array when
 *   stucked on a property. This parameter is basically only useful when
 *   parsing a JSON schema for which the "items" property may either be an
 *   object or an array with one object (only one because JSON form does not
 *   support mix of items for arrays).
 * @return {Object} The key's value.
jsonform.util.getObjKey = function (obj, key, ignoreArrays) {
  var innerobj = obj;
  var keyparts = key.split(".");
  var subkey = null;
  var arrayMatch = null;
  var prop = null;

  for (var i = 0; i < keyparts.length; i++) {
    if ((innerobj === null) || (typeof innerobj !== "object")) return null;
    subkey = keyparts[i];
    prop = subkey.replace(reArray, '');
    reArray.lastIndex = 0;
    arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
    if (arrayMatch) {
      while (true) {
        if (prop && !_.isArray(innerobj[prop])) return null;
        innerobj = prop ? innerobj[prop][parseInt(arrayMatch[1])] : innerobj[parseInt(arrayMatch[1])];
        arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
        if (!arrayMatch) break;
        // In the case of multidimensional arrays,
        // we should not take innerobj[prop][0] anymore,
        // but innerobj[0] directly
        prop = null;
    } else if (ignoreArrays &&
        !innerobj[prop] &&
        _.isArray(innerobj) &&
        innerobj[0]) {
      innerobj = innerobj[0][prop];
    } else {
      innerobj = innerobj[prop];

  if (ignoreArrays && _.isArray(innerobj) && innerobj[0]) {
    return innerobj[0];
  } else {
    return innerobj;

 * Sets the key identified by a path selector to the given value.
 * Levels in the path are separated by a dot. Array items are marked
 * with [x]. For instance:
 *  foo.bar[3].baz
 * The hierarchy is automatically created if it does not exist yet.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} obj The object to build
 * @param {String} key The path to the key to set where each level
 *  is separated by a dot, and array items are flagged with [x].
 * @param {Object} value The value to set, may be of any type.
jsonform.util.setObjKey = function(obj,key,value) {
  var innerobj = obj;
  var keyparts = key.split(".");
  var subkey = null;
  var arrayMatch = null;
  var prop = null;

  for (var i = 0; i < keyparts.length-1; i++) {
    subkey = keyparts[i];
    prop = subkey.replace(reArray, '');
    reArray.lastIndex = 0;
    arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
    if (arrayMatch) {
      // Subkey is part of an array
      while (true) {
        if (!_.isArray(innerobj[prop])) {
          innerobj[prop] = [];
        innerobj = innerobj[prop];
        prop = parseInt(arrayMatch[1], 10);
        arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
        if (!arrayMatch) break;
      if ((typeof innerobj[prop] !== 'object') ||
        (innerobj[prop] === null)) {
        innerobj[prop] = {};
      innerobj = innerobj[prop];
    else {
      // "Normal" subkey
      if ((typeof innerobj[prop] !== 'object') ||
        (innerobj[prop] === null)) {
        innerobj[prop] = {};
      innerobj = innerobj[prop];

  // Set the final value
  subkey = keyparts[keyparts.length - 1];
  prop = subkey.replace(reArray, '');
  reArray.lastIndex = 0;
  arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
  if (arrayMatch) {
    while (true) {
      if (!_.isArray(innerobj[prop])) {
        innerobj[prop] = [];
      innerobj = innerobj[prop];
      prop = parseInt(arrayMatch[1], 10);
      arrayMatch = reArray.exec(subkey);
      if (!arrayMatch) break;
    innerobj[prop] = value;
  else {
    innerobj[prop] = value;

 * Retrieves the key definition from the given schema.
 * The key is identified by the path that leads to the key in the
 * structured object that the schema would generate. Each level is
 * separated by a '.'. Array levels are marked with []. For instance:
 *  foo.bar[].baz
 * ... to retrieve the definition of the key at the following location
 * in the JSON schema (using a dotted path notation):
 *  foo.properties.bar.items.properties.baz
 * @function
 * @param {Object} schema The JSON schema to retrieve the key from
 * @param {String} key The path to the key, each level being separated
 *  by a dot and array items being flagged with [].
 * @return {Object} The key definition in the schema, null if not found.
var getSchemaKey = function(schema,key) {
  var schemaKey = key
    .replace(/\./g, '.properties.')
    .replace(/\[[0-9]*\]/g, '.items');
  var schemaDef = jsonform.util.getObjKey(schema, schemaKey, true);
  if (schemaDef && schemaDef.$ref) {
    throw new Error('JSONForm does not yet support schemas that use the ' +
      '$ref keyword. See: https://github.com/joshfire/jsonform/issues/54');
  return schemaDef;

 * Truncates the key path to the requested depth.
 * For instance, if the key path is:
 *  foo.bar[].baz.toto[].truc[].bidule
 * and the requested depth is 1, the returned key will be:
 *  foo.bar[].baz.toto
 * Note the function includes the path up to the next depth level.
 * @function
 * @param {String} key The path to the key in the schema, each level being
 *  separated by a dot and array items being flagged with [].
 * @param {Number} depth The array depth
 * @return {String} The path to the key truncated to the given depth.
var truncateToArrayDepth = function (key, arrayDepth) {
  var depth = 0;
  var pos = 0;
  if (!key) return null;

  if (arrayDepth > 0) {
    while (depth < arrayDepth) {
      pos = key.indexOf('[]', pos);
      if (pos === -1) {
        // Key path is not "deep" enough, simply return the full key
        return key;
      pos = pos + 2;
      depth += 1;

  // Move one step further to the right without including the final []
  pos = key.indexOf('[]', pos);
  if (pos === -1) return key;
  else return key.substring(0, pos);

 * Applies the array path to the key path.
 * For instance, if the key path is:
 *  foo.bar[].baz.toto[].truc[].bidule
 * and the arrayPath [4, 2], the returned key will be:
 *  foo.bar[4].baz.toto[2].truc[].bidule
 * @function
 * @param {String} key The path to the key in the schema, each level being
 *  separated by a dot and array items being flagged with [].
 * @param {Array(Number)} arrayPath The array path to apply, e.g. [4, 2]
 * @return {String} The path to the key that matches the array path.
var applyArrayPath = function (key, arrayPath) {
  var depth = 0;
  if (!key) return null;
  if (!arrayPath || (arrayPath.length === 0)) return key;
  var newKey = key.replace(reArray, function (str, p1) {
    // Note this function gets called as many times as there are [x] in the ID,
    // from left to right in the string. The goal is to replace the [x] with
    // the appropriate index in the new array path, if defined.
    var newIndex = str;
    if (isSet(arrayPath[depth])) {
      newIndex = '[' + arrayPath[depth] + ']';
    depth += 1;
    return newIndex;
  return newKey;

 * Returns the initial value that a field identified by its key
 * should take.
 * The "initial" value is defined as:
 * 1. the previously submitted value if already submitted
 * 2. the default value defined in the layout of the form
 * 3. the default value defined in the schema
 * The "value" returned is intended for rendering purpose,
 * meaning that, for fields that define a titleMap property,
 * the function returns the label, and not the intrinsic value.
 * The function handles values that contains template strings,
 * e.g. {{values.foo[].bar}} or {{idx}}.
 * When the form is a string, the function truncates the resulting string
 * to meet a potential "maxLength" constraint defined in the schema, using
 * "..." to mark the truncation. Note it does not validate the resulting
 * string against other constraints (e.g. minLength, pattern) as it would
 * be hard to come up with an automated course of action to "fix" the value.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} formObject The JSON Form object
 * @param {String} key The generic key path (e.g. foo[].bar.baz[])
 * @param {Array(Number)} arrayPath The array path that identifies
 *  the unique value in the submitted form (e.g. [1, 3])
 * @param {Object} tpldata Template data object
 * @param {Boolean} usePreviousValues true to use previously submitted values
 *  if defined.
var getInitialValue = function (formObject, key, arrayPath, tpldata, usePreviousValues) {
  var value = null;

  // Complete template data for template function
  tpldata = tpldata || {};
  tpldata.idx = tpldata.idx ||
    (arrayPath ? arrayPath[arrayPath.length-1] : 1);
  tpldata.value = isSet(tpldata.value) ? tpldata.value : '';
  tpldata.getValue = tpldata.getValue || function (key) {
    return getInitialValue(formObject, key, arrayPath, tpldata, usePreviousValues);

  // Helper function that returns the form element that explicitly
  // references the given key in the schema.
  var getFormElement = function (elements, key) {
    var formElement = null;
    if (!elements || !elements.length) return null;
    _.each(elements, function (elt) {
      if (formElement) return;
      if (elt === key) {
        formElement = { key: elt };
      if (_.isString(elt)) return;
      if (elt.key === key) {
        formElement = elt;
      else if (elt.items) {
        formElement = getFormElement(elt.items, key);
    return formElement;
  var formElement = getFormElement(formObject.form || [], key);
  var schemaElement = getSchemaKey(formObject.schema.properties, key);

  if (usePreviousValues && formObject.value) {
    // If values were previously submitted, use them directly if defined
    value = jsonform.util.getObjKey(formObject.value, applyArrayPath(key, arrayPath));
  if (!isSet(value)) {
    if (formElement && (typeof formElement['value'] !== 'undefined')) {
      // Extract the definition of the form field associated with
      // the key as it may override the schema's default value
      // (note a "null" value overrides a schema default value as well)
      value = formElement['value'];
    else if (schemaElement) {
      // Simply extract the default value from the schema
      if (isSet(schemaElement['default'])) {
        value = schemaElement['default'];
    if (value && value.indexOf('{{values.') !== -1) {
      // This label wants to use the value of another input field.
      // Convert that construct into {{getValue(key)}} for
      // Underscore to call the appropriate function of formData
      // when template gets called (note calling a function is not
      // exactly Mustache-friendly but is supported by Underscore).
      value = value.replace(
    if (value) {
      value = _.template(value, valueTemplateSettings)(tpldata);

  // TODO: handle on the formElement.options, because user can setup it too.
  // Apply titleMap if needed
  if (isSet(value) && formElement && hasOwnProperty(formElement.titleMap, value)) {
    value = _.template(formElement.titleMap[value], valueTemplateSettings)(tpldata);

  // Check maximum length of a string
  if (value && _.isString(value) &&
    schemaElement && schemaElement.maxLength) {
    if (value.length > schemaElement.maxLength) {
      // Truncate value to maximum length, adding continuation dots
      value = value.substr(0, schemaElement.maxLength - 1) + '…';

  if (!isSet(value)) {
    return null;
  else {
    return value;

 * Represents a node in the form.
 * Nodes that have an ID are linked to the corresponding DOM element
 * when rendered
 * Note the form element and the schema elements that gave birth to the
 * node may be shared among multiple nodes (in the case of arrays).
 * @class
var formNode = function () {
   * The node's ID (may not be set)
  this.id = null;

   * The node's key path (may not be set)
  this.key = null;

   * DOM element associated witht the form element.
   * The DOM element is set when the form element is rendered.
  this.el = null;

   * Link to the form element that describes the node's layout
   * (note the form element is shared among nodes in arrays)
  this.formElement = null;

   * Link to the schema element that describes the node's value constraints
   * (note the schema element is shared among nodes in arrays)
  this.schemaElement = null;

   * Pointer to the "view" associated with the node, typically the right
   * object in jsonform.elementTypes
  this.view = null;

   * Node's subtree (if one is defined)
  this.children = [];

   * A pointer to the form tree the node is attached to
  this.ownerTree = null;

   * A pointer to the parent node of the node in the tree
  this.parentNode = null;

   * Child template for array-like nodes.
   * The child template gets cloned to create new array items.
  this.childTemplate = null;

   * Direct children of array-like containers may use the value of a
   * specific input field in their subtree as legend. The link to the
   * legend child is kept here and initialized in computeInitialValues
   * when a child sets "valueInLegend"
  this.legendChild = null;

   * The path of indexes that lead to the current node when the
   * form element is not at the root array level.
   * Note a form element may well be nested element and still be
   * at the root array level. That's typically the case for "fieldset"
   * elements. An array level only gets created when a form element
   * is of type "array" (or a derivated type such as "tabarray").
   * The array path of a form element linked to the foo[2].bar.baz[3].toto
   * element in the submitted values is [2, 3] for instance.
   * The array path is typically used to compute the right ID for input
   * fields. It is also used to update positions when an array item is
   * created, moved around or suppressed.
   * @type {Array(Number)}
  this.arrayPath = [];

   * Position of the node in the list of children of its parents
  this.childPos = 0;

 * Clones a node
 * @function
 * @param {formNode} New parent node to attach the node to
 * @return {formNode} Cloned node
formNode.prototype.clone = function (parentNode) {
  var node = new formNode();
  node.arrayPath = _.clone(this.arrayPath);
  node.ownerTree = this.ownerTree;
  node.parentNode = parentNode || this.parentNode;
  node.formElement = this.formElement;
  node.schemaElement = this.schemaElement;
  node.view = this.view;
  node.children = _.map(this.children, function (child) {
    return child.clone(node);
  if (this.childTemplate) {
    node.childTemplate = this.childTemplate.clone(node);
  return node;

 * Returns true if the subtree that starts at the current node
 * has some non empty value attached to it
formNode.prototype.hasNonDefaultValue = function () {

  // hidden elements don't count because they could make the wrong selectfieldset element active
  if (this.formElement && this.formElement.type=="hidden") {
    return false;

  if (this.value && !this.defaultValue) {
    return true;
  var child = _.find(this.children, function (child) {
    return child.hasNonDefaultValue();
  return !!child;

 * Attaches a child node to the current node.
 * The child node is appended to the end of the list.
 * @function
 * @param {formNode} node The child node to append
 * @return {formNode} The inserted node (same as the one given as parameter)
formNode.prototype.appendChild = function (node) {
  node.parentNode = this;
  node.childPos = this.children.length;
  return node;

 * Removes the last child of the node.
 * @function
formNode.prototype.removeChild = function () {
  var child = this.children[this.children.length-1];
  if (!child) return;

  // Remove the child from the DOM

  // Remove the child from the array
  return this.children.pop();

 * Moves the user entered values set in the current node's subtree to the
 * given node's subtree.
 * The target node must follow the same structure as the current node
 * (typically, they should have been generated from the same node template)
 * The current node MUST be rendered in the DOM.
 * TODO: when current node is not in the DOM, extract values from formNode.value
 * properties, so that the function be available even when current node is not
 * in the DOM.
 * Moving values around allows to insert/remove array items at arbitrary
 * positions.
 * @function
 * @param {formNode} node Target node.
formNode.prototype.moveValuesTo = function (node) {
  var values = this.getFormValues(node.arrayPath);
  node.computeInitialValues(values, true);

 * Switches nodes user entered values.
 * The target node must follow the same structure as the current node
 * (typically, they should have been generated from the same node template)
 * Both nodes MUST be rendered in the DOM.
 * TODO: update getFormValues to work even if node is not rendered, using
 * formNode's "value" property.
 * @function
 * @param {formNode} node Target node
formNode.prototype.switchValuesWith = function (node) {
  var values = this.getFormValues(node.arrayPath);
  var nodeValues = node.getFormValues(this.arrayPath);
  node.computeInitialValues(values, true);
  this.computeInitialValues(nodeValues, true);

 * Resets all DOM values in the node's subtree.
 * This operation also drops all array item nodes.
 * Note values are not reset to their default values, they are rather removed!
 * @function
formNode.prototype.resetValues = function () {
  var params = null;
  var idx = 0;

  // Reset value
  this.value = null;

  // Propagate the array path from the parent node
  // (adding the position of the child for nodes that are direct
  // children of array-like nodes)
  if (this.parentNode) {
    this.arrayPath = _.clone(this.parentNode.arrayPath);
    if (this.parentNode.view && this.parentNode.view.array) {
  else {
    this.arrayPath = [];

  if (this.view && this.view.inputfield) {
    // Simple input field, extract the value from the origin,
    // set the target value and reset the origin value
    params = $(':input', this.el).serializeArray();
    _.each(params, function (param) {
      // TODO: check this, there may exist corner cases with this approach
      // (with multiple checkboxes for instance)
      $('[name="' + escapeSelector(param.name) + '"]', $(this.el)).val('');
    }, this);
  else if (this.view && this.view.array) {
    // The current node is an array, drop all children
    while (this.children.length > 0) {

  // Recurse down the tree
  _.each(this.children, function (child) {

 * Sets the child template node for the current node.
 * The child template node is used to create additional children
 * in an array-like form element. The template is never rendered.
 * @function
 * @param {formNode} node The child template node to set
formNode.prototype.setChildTemplate = function (node) {
  this.childTemplate = node;
  node.parentNode = this;

 * Recursively sets values to all nodes of the current subtree
 * based on previously submitted values, or based on default
 * values when the submitted values are not enough
 * The function should be called once in the lifetime of a node
 * in the tree. It expects its parent's arrayPath to be up to date.
 * Three cases may arise:
 * 1. if the form element is a simple input field, the value is
 * extracted from previously submitted values of from default values
 * defined in the schema.
 * 2. if the form element is an array-like node, the child template
 * is used to create as many children as possible (and at least one).
 * 3. the function simply recurses down the node's subtree otherwise
 * (this happens when the form element is a fieldset-like element).
 * @function
 * @param {Object} values Previously submitted values for the form
 * @param {Boolean} ignoreDefaultValues Ignore default values defined in the
 *  schema when set.
formNode.prototype.computeInitialValues = function (values, ignoreDefaultValues) {
  var self = this;
  var node = null;
  var nbChildren = 1;
  var i = 0;
  var formData = this.ownerTree.formDesc.tpldata || {};

  // Propagate the array path from the parent node
  // (adding the position of the child for nodes that are direct
  // children of array-like nodes)
  if (this.parentNode) {
    this.arrayPath = _.clone(this.parentNode.arrayPath);
    if (this.parentNode.view && this.parentNode.view.array) {
  else {
    this.arrayPath = [];

  // Prepare special data param "idx" for templated values
  // (is is the index of the child in its wrapping array, starting
  // at 1 since that's more human-friendly than a zero-based index)
  formData.idx = (this.arrayPath.length > 0) ?
    this.arrayPath[this.arrayPath.length-1] + 1 :
    this.childPos + 1;

  // Prepare special data param "value" for templated values
  formData.value = '';

  // Prepare special function to compute the value of another field
  formData.getValue = function (key) {
    return getInitialValue(self.ownerTree.formDesc,
      key, self.arrayPath,
      formData, !!values);

  if (this.formElement) {
    // Compute the ID of the field (if needed)
    if (this.formElement.id) {
      this.id = applyArrayPath(this.formElement.id, this.arrayPath);
    else if (this.view && this.view.array) {
      this.id = escapeSelector(this.ownerTree.formDesc.prefix) +
        '-elt-counter-' + _.uniqueId();
    else if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.view &&
      this.parentNode.view.array) {
      // Array items need an array to associate the right DOM element
      // to the form node when the parent is rendered.
      this.id = escapeSelector(this.ownerTree.formDesc.prefix) +
        '-elt-counter-' + _.uniqueId();
    else if ((this.formElement.type === 'button') ||
      (this.formElement.type === 'selectfieldset') ||
      (this.formElement.type === 'question') ||
      (this.formElement.type === 'buttonquestion')) {
      // Buttons do need an id for "onClick" purpose
      this.id = escapeSelector(this.ownerTree.formDesc.prefix) +
        '-elt-counter-' + _.uniqueId();

    // Compute the actual key (the form element's key is index-free,
    // i.e. it looks like foo[].bar.baz[].truc, so we need to apply
    // the array path of the node to get foo[4].bar.baz[2].truc)
    if (this.formElement.key) {
      this.key = applyArrayPath(this.formElement.key, this.arrayPath);
      this.keydash = this.key.replace(/\./g, '---');

    // Same idea for the field's name
    this.name = applyArrayPath(this.formElement.name, this.arrayPath);

    // Consider that label values are template values and apply the
    // form's data appropriately (note we also apply the array path
    // although that probably doesn't make much sense for labels...)
    ], function (prop) {
      if (_.isString(this.formElement[prop])) {
        if (this.formElement[prop].indexOf('{{values.') !== -1) {
          // This label wants to use the value of another input field.
          // Convert that construct into {{jsonform.getValue(key)}} for
          // Underscore to call the appropriate function of formData
          // when template gets called (note calling a function is not
          // exactly Mustache-friendly but is supported by Underscore).
          this[prop] = this.formElement[prop].replace(
        else {
          // Note applying the array path probably doesn't make any sense,
          // but some geek might want to have a label "foo[].bar[].baz",
          // with the [] replaced by the appropriate array path.
          this[prop] = applyArrayPath(this.formElement[prop], this.arrayPath);
        if (this[prop]) {
          this[prop] = _.template(this[prop], valueTemplateSettings)(formData);
      else {
        this[prop] = this.formElement[prop];
    }, this);

    // Apply templating to options created with "titleMap" as well
    if (this.formElement.options) {
      this.options = _.map(this.formElement.options, function (option) {
        var title = null;
        if (_.isObject(option) && option.title) {
          // See a few lines above for more details about templating
          // preparation here.
          if (option.title.indexOf('{{values.') !== -1) {
            title = option.title.replace(
          else {
            title = applyArrayPath(option.title, self.arrayPath);
          return _.extend({}, option, {
            value: (isSet(option.value) ? option.value : ''),
            title: _.template(title, valueTemplateSettings)(formData)
        else {
          return option;

  if (this.view && this.view.inputfield && this.schemaElement) {
    // Case 1: simple input field
    if (values) {
      // Form has already been submitted, use former value if defined.
      // Note we won't set the field to its default value otherwise
      // (since the user has already rejected it)
      if (isSet(jsonform.util.getObjKey(values, this.key))) {
        this.value = jsonform.util.getObjKey(values, this.key);
    else if (!ignoreDefaultValues) {
      // No previously submitted form result, use default value
      // defined in the schema if it's available and not already
      // defined in the form element
      if (!isSet(this.value) && isSet(this.schemaElement['default'])) {
        this.value = this.schemaElement['default'];
        if (_.isString(this.value)) {
          if (this.value.indexOf('{{values.') !== -1) {
            // This label wants to use the value of another input field.
            // Convert that construct into {{jsonform.getValue(key)}} for
            // Underscore to call the appropriate function of formData
            // when template gets called (note calling a function is not
            // exactly Mustache-friendly but is supported by Underscore).
            this.value = this.value.replace(
          else {
            // Note applying the array path probably doesn't make any sense,
            // but some geek might want to have a label "foo[].bar[].baz",
            // with the [] replaced by the appropriate array path.
            this.value = applyArrayPath(this.value, this.arrayPath);
          if (this.value) {
            this.value = _.template(this.value, valueTemplateSettings)(formData);
        this.defaultValue = true;
  else if (this.view && this.view.array) {
    // Case 2: array-like node
    nbChildren = 0;
    if (values) {
      nbChildren = this.getPreviousNumberOfItems(values, this.arrayPath);
    // TODO: use default values at the array level when form has not been
    // submitted before. Note it's not that easy because each value may
    // be a complex structure that needs to be pushed down the subtree.
    // The easiest way is probably to generate a "values" object and
    // compute initial values from that object
    else if (this.schemaElement['default']) {
      nbChildren = this.schemaElement['default'].length;
    else if (nbChildren === 0) {
      // If form has already been submitted with no children, the array
      // needs to be rendered without children. If there are no previously
      // submitted values, the array gets rendered with one empty item as
      // it's more natural from a user experience perspective. That item can
      // be removed with a click on the "-" button.
      nbChildren = 1;
    for (i = 0; i < nbChildren; i++) {

  // Case 3 and in any case: recurse through the list of children
  _.each(this.children, function (child) {
    child.computeInitialValues(values, ignoreDefaultValues);

  // If the node's value is to be used as legend for its "container"
  // (typically the array the node belongs to), ensure that the container
  // has a direct link to the node for the corresponding tab.
  if (this.formElement && this.formElement.valueInLegend) {
    node = this;
    while (node) {
      if (node.parentNode &&
        node.parentNode.view &&
        node.parentNode.view.array) {
        node.legendChild = this;
        if (node.formElement && node.formElement.legend) {
          node.legend = applyArrayPath(node.formElement.legend, node.arrayPath);
          formData.idx = (node.arrayPath.length > 0) ?
            node.arrayPath[node.arrayPath.length-1] + 1 :
            node.childPos + 1;
          formData.value = isSet(this.value) ? this.value : '';
          node.legend = _.template(node.legend, valueTemplateSettings)(formData);
      node = node.parentNode;

 * Returns the number of items that the array node should have based on
 * previously submitted values.
 * The whole difficulty is that values may be hidden deep in the subtree
 * of the node and may actually target different arrays in the JSON schema.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} values Previously submitted values
 * @param {Array(Number)} arrayPath the array path we're interested in
 * @return {Number} The number of items in the array
formNode.prototype.getPreviousNumberOfItems = function (values, arrayPath) {
  var key = null;
  var arrayValue = null;
  var childNumbers = null;
  var idx = 0;

  if (!values) {
    // No previously submitted values, no need to go any further
    return 0;

  if (this.view.inputfield && this.schemaElement) {
    // Case 1: node is a simple input field that links to a key in the schema.
    // The schema key looks typically like:
    //  foo.bar[].baz.toto[].truc[].bidule
    // The goal is to apply the array path and truncate the key to the last
    // array we're interested in, e.g. with an arrayPath [4, 2]:
    //  foo.bar[4].baz.toto[2]
    key = truncateToArrayDepth(this.formElement.key, arrayPath.length);
    key = applyArrayPath(key, arrayPath);
    arrayValue = jsonform.util.getObjKey(values, key);
    if (!arrayValue) {
      // No key? That means this field had been left empty
      // in previous submit
      return 0;
    childNumbers = _.map(this.children, function (child) {
      return child.getPreviousNumberOfItems(values, arrayPath);
    return _.max([_.max(childNumbers) || 0, arrayValue.length]);
  else if (this.view.array) {
    // Case 2: node is an array-like node, look for input fields
    // in its child template
    return this.childTemplate.getPreviousNumberOfItems(values, arrayPath);
  else {
    // Case 3: node is a leaf or a container,
    // recurse through the list of children and return the maximum
    // number of items found in each subtree
    childNumbers = _.map(this.children, function (child) {
      return child.getPreviousNumberOfItems(values, arrayPath);
    return _.max(childNumbers) || 0;

 * Returns the structured object that corresponds to the form values entered
 * by the user for the node's subtree.
 * The returned object follows the structure of the JSON schema that gave
 * birth to the form.
 * Obviously, the node must have been rendered before that function may
 * be called.
 * @function
 * @param {Array(Number)} updateArrayPath Array path to use to pretend that
 *  the entered values were actually entered for another item in an array
 *  (this is used to move values around when an item is inserted/removed/moved
 *  in an array)
 * @return {Object} The object that follows the data schema and matches the
 *  values entered by the user.
formNode.prototype.getFormValues = function (updateArrayPath) {
  // The values object that will be returned
  var values = {};

  if (!this.el) {
    throw new Error('formNode.getFormValues can only be called on nodes that are associated with a DOM element in the tree');

  // Form fields values
  var formArray = $(':input', this.el).serializeArray();

  // Set values to false for unset checkboxes and radio buttons
  // because serializeArray() ignores them
  formArray = formArray.concat(
    $(':input[type=checkbox]:not(:disabled):not(:checked)', this.el).map( function() {
      return {"name": this.name, "value": this.checked}

  if (updateArrayPath) {
    _.each(formArray, function (param) {
      param.name = applyArrayPath(param.name, updateArrayPath);

  // The underlying data schema
  var formSchema = this.ownerTree.formDesc.schema;

  for (var i = 0; i < formArray.length; i++) {
    // Retrieve the key definition from the data schema
    var name = formArray[i].name;
    var eltSchema = getSchemaKey(formSchema.properties, name);
    var arrayMatch = null;
    var cval = null;

    // Skip the input field if it's not part of the schema
    if (!eltSchema) continue;

    // Handle multiple checkboxes separately as the idea is to generate
    // an array that contains the list of enumeration items that the user
    // selected.
    if (eltSchema._jsonform_checkboxes_as_array) {
      arrayMatch = name.match(/\[([0-9]*)\]$/);
      if (arrayMatch) {
        name = name.replace(/\[([0-9]*)\]$/, '');
        cval = jsonform.util.getObjKey(values, name) || [];
        if (formArray[i].value === '1') {
          // Value selected, push the corresponding enumeration item
          // to the data result
        jsonform.util.setObjKey(values, name, cval);

    // Type casting
    if (eltSchema.type === 'boolean') {
      if (formArray[i].value === '0') {
        formArray[i].value = false;
      } else {
        formArray[i].value = !!formArray[i].value;
    if ((eltSchema.type === 'number') ||
      (eltSchema.type === 'integer')) {
      if (_.isString(formArray[i].value)) {
        if (!formArray[i].value.length) {
          formArray[i].value = null;
        } else if (!isNaN(Number(formArray[i].value))) {
          formArray[i].value = Number(formArray[i].value);
    if ((eltSchema.type === 'string') &&
      (formArray[i].value === '') &&
      !eltSchema._jsonform_allowEmpty) {
    if ((eltSchema.type === 'object') &&
      _.isString(formArray[i].value) &&
      (formArray[i].value.substring(0,1) === '{')) {
      try {
        formArray[i].value = JSON.parse(formArray[i].value);
      } catch (e) {
        formArray[i].value = {};
    //TODO is this due to a serialization bug?
    if ((eltSchema.type === 'object') &&
      (formArray[i].value === 'null' || formArray[i].value === '')) {
      formArray[i].value = null;

    if (formArray[i].name && (formArray[i].value !== null)) {
      jsonform.util.setObjKey(values, formArray[i].name, formArray[i].value);
  // console.log("Form value",values);
  return values;

 * Renders the node.
 * Rendering is done in three steps: HTML generation, DOM element creation
 * and insertion, and an enhance step to bind event handlers.
 * @function
 * @param {Node} el The DOM element where the node is to be rendered. The
 *  node is inserted at the right position based on its "childPos" property.
formNode.prototype.render = function (el) {
  var html = this.generate();
  this.setContent(html, el);

 * Inserts/Updates the HTML content of the node in the DOM.
 * If the HTML is an update, the new HTML content replaces the old one.
 * The new HTML content is not moved around in the DOM in particular.
 * The HTML is inserted at the right position in its parent's DOM subtree
 * otherwise (well, provided there are enough children, but that should always
 * be the case).
 * @function
 * @param {string} html The HTML content to render
 * @param {Node} parentEl The DOM element that is to contain the DOM node.
 *  This parameter is optional (the node's parent is used otherwise) and
 *  is ignored if the node to render is already in the DOM tree.
formNode.prototype.setContent = function (html, parentEl) {
  var node = $(html);
  var parentNode = parentEl ||
    (this.parentNode ? this.parentNode.el : this.ownerTree.domRoot);
  var nextSibling = null;

  if (this.el) {
    // Replace the contents of the DOM element if the node is already in the tree
  else {
    // Insert the node in the DOM if it's not already there
    nextSibling = $(parentNode).children().get(this.childPos);
    if (nextSibling) {
    else {

  // Save the link between the form node and the generated HTML
  this.el = node;

  // Update the node's subtree, extracting DOM elements that match the nodes
  // from the generated HTML

 * Updates the DOM element associated with the node.
 * Only nodes that have ID are directly associated with a DOM element.
 * @function
formNode.prototype.updateElement = function (domNode) {
  if (this.id) {
    this.el = $('#' + escapeSelector(this.id), domNode).get(0);
    if (this.view && this.view.getElement) {
      this.el = this.view.getElement(this.el);
    if ((this.fieldtemplate !== false) &&
      this.view && this.view.fieldtemplate) {
      // The field template wraps the element two or three level deep
      // in the DOM tree, depending on whether there is anything prepended
      // or appended to the input field
      this.el = $(this.el).parent().parent();
      if (this.prepend || this.prepend) {
        this.el = this.el.parent();
      this.el = this.el.get(0);
    if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.view &&
      this.parentNode.view.childTemplate) {
      // TODO: the child template may introduce more than one level,
      // so the number of levels introduced should rather be exposed
      // somehow in jsonform.fieldtemplate.
      this.el = $(this.el).parent().get(0);

  _.each(this.children, function (child) {
    child.updateElement(this.el || domNode);

 * Generates the view's HTML content for the underlying model.
 * @function
formNode.prototype.generate = function () {
  var data = {
    id: this.id,
    keydash: this.keydash,
    elt: this.formElement,
    schema: this.schemaElement,
    node: this,
    value: isSet(this.value) ? this.value : '',
    escape: escapeHTML
  var template = null;
  var html = '';

  // Complete the data context if needed
  if (this.ownerTree.formDesc.onBeforeRender) {
    this.ownerTree.formDesc.onBeforeRender(data, this);
  if (this.view.onBeforeRender) {
    this.view.onBeforeRender(data, this);

  // Use the template that 'onBeforeRender' may have set,
  // falling back to that of the form element otherwise
  if (this.template) {
    template = this.template;
  else if (this.formElement && this.formElement.template) {
    template = this.formElement.template;
  else {
    template = this.view.template;

  // Wrap the view template in the generic field template
  // (note the strict equality to 'false', needed as we fallback
  // to the view's setting otherwise)
  if ((this.fieldtemplate !== false) &&
    (this.fieldtemplate || this.view.fieldtemplate)) {
    template = jsonform.fieldTemplate(template);

  // Wrap the content in the child template of its parent if necessary.
  if (this.parentNode && this.parentNode.view &&
    this.parentNode.view.childTemplate) {
    template = this.parentNode.view.childTemplate(template);

  // Prepare the HTML of the children
  var childrenhtml = '';
  _.each(this.children, function (child) {
    childrenhtml += child.generate();
  data.children = childrenhtml;

  data.fieldHtmlClass = '';
  if (this.ownerTree &&
      this.ownerTree.formDesc &&
      this.ownerTree.formDesc.params &&
      this.ownerTree.formDesc.params.fieldHtmlClass) {
    data.fieldHtmlClass = this.ownerTree.formDesc.params.fieldHtmlClass;
  if (this.formElement &&
      (typeof this.formElement.fieldHtmlClass !== 'undefined')) {
    data.fieldHtmlClass = this.formElement.fieldHtmlClass;

  // Apply the HTML template
  html = _.template(template, fieldTemplateSettings)(data);
  return html;

 * Enhances the view with additional logic, binding event handlers
 * in particular.
 * The function also runs the "insert" event handler of the view and
 * form element if they exist (starting with that of the view)
 * @function
formNode.prototype.enhance = function () {
  var node = this;
  var handlers = null;
  var handler = null;
  var formData = _.clone(this.ownerTree.formDesc.tpldata) || {};

  if (this.formElement) {
    // Check the view associated with the node as it may define an "onInsert"
    // event handler to be run right away
    if (this.view.onInsert) {
      this.view.onInsert({ target: $(this.el) }, this);

    handlers = this.handlers || this.formElement.handlers;

    // Trigger the "insert" event handler
    handler = this.onInsert || this.formElement.onInsert;
    if (handler) {
      handler({ target: $(this.el) }, this);
    if (handlers) {
      _.each(handlers, function (handler, onevent) {
        if (onevent === 'insert') {
          handler({ target: $(this.el) }, this);
      }, this);

    // No way to register event handlers if the DOM element is unknown
    // TODO: find some way to register event handlers even when this.el is not set.
    if (this.el) {

      // Register specific event handlers
      // TODO: Add support for other event handlers
      if (this.onChange)
        $(this.el).bind('change', function(evt) { node.onChange(evt, node); });
      if (this.view.onChange)
        $(this.el).bind('change', function(evt) { node.view.onChange(evt, node); });
      if (this.formElement.onChange)
        $(this.el).bind('change', function(evt) { node.formElement.onChange(evt, node); });

      if (this.onClick)
        $(this.el).bind('click', function(evt) { node.onClick(evt, node); });
      if (this.view.onClick)
        $(this.el).bind('click', function(evt) { node.view.onClick(evt, node); });
      if (this.formElement.onClick)
        $(this.el).bind('click', function(evt) { node.formElement.onClick(evt, node); });

      if (this.onKeyUp)
        $(this.el).bind('keyup', function(evt) { node.onKeyUp(evt, node); });
      if (this.view.onKeyUp)
        $(this.el).bind('keyup', function(evt) { node.view.onKeyUp(evt, node); });
      if (this.formElement.onKeyUp)
        $(this.el).bind('keyup', function(evt) { node.formElement.onKeyUp(evt, node); });

      if (handlers) {
        _.each(handlers, function (handler, onevent) {
          if (onevent !== 'insert') {
            $(this.el).bind(onevent, function(evt) { handler(evt, node); });
        }, this);

    // Auto-update legend based on the input field that's associated with it
    if (this.legendChild && this.legendChild.formElement) {
      $(this.legendChild.el).bind('keyup', function (evt) {
        if (node.formElement && node.formElement.legend && node.parentNode) {
          node.legend = applyArrayPath(node.formElement.legend, node.arrayPath);
          formData.idx = (node.arrayPath.length > 0) ?
            node.arrayPath[node.arrayPath.length-1] + 1 :
            node.childPos + 1;
          formData.value = $(evt.target).val();
          node.legend = _.template(node.legend, valueTemplateSettings)(formData);

  // Recurse down the tree to enhance children
  _.each(this.children, function (child) {

 * Inserts an item in the array at the requested position and renders the item.
 * @function
 * @param {Number} idx Insertion index
formNode.prototype.insertArrayItem = function (idx, domElement) {
  var i = 0;

  // Insert element at the end of the array if index is not given
  if (idx === undefined) {
    idx = this.children.length;

  // Create the additional array item at the end of the list,
  // using the item template created when tree was initialized
  // (the call to resetValues ensures that 'arrayPath' is correctly set)
  var child = this.childTemplate.clone();

  // To create a blank array item at the requested position,
  // shift values down starting at the requested position
  // one to insert (note we start with the end of the array on purpose)
  for (i = this.children.length-2; i >= idx; i--) {

  // Initialize the blank node we've created with default values

  // Re-render all children that have changed
  for (i = idx; i < this.children.length; i++) {

 * Remove an item from an array
 * @function
 * @param {Number} idx The index number of the item to remove
formNode.prototype.deleteArrayItem = function (idx) {
  var i = 0;
  var child = null;

  // Delete last item if no index is given
  if (idx === undefined) {
    idx = this.children.length - 1;

  // Move values up in the array
  for (i = idx; i < this.children.length-1; i++) {

  // Remove the last array item from the DOM tree and from the form tree

 * Returns the minimum/maximum number of items that an array field
 * is allowed to have according to the schema definition of the fields
 * it contains.
 * The function parses the schema definitions of the array items that
 * compose the current "array" node and returns the minimum value of
 * "maxItems" it encounters as the maximum number of items, and the
 * maximum value of "minItems" as the minimum number of items.
 * The function reports a -1 for either of the boundaries if the schema
 * does not put any constraint on the number of elements the current
 * array may have of if the current node is not an array.
 * Note that array boundaries should be defined in the JSON Schema using
 * "minItems" and "maxItems". The code also supports "minLength" and
 * "maxLength" as a fallback, mostly because it used to by mistake (see #22)
 * and because other people could make the same mistake.
 * @function
 * @return {Object} An object with properties "minItems" and "maxItems"
 *  that reports the corresponding number of items that the array may
 *  have (value is -1 when there is no constraint for that boundary)
formNode.prototype.getArrayBoundaries = function () {
  var boundaries = {
    minItems: -1,
    maxItems: -1
  if (!this.view || !this.view.array) return boundaries;

  var getNodeBoundaries = function (node, initialNode) {
    var schemaKey = null;
    var arrayKey = null;
    var boundaries = {
      minItems: -1,
      maxItems: -1
    initialNode = initialNode || node;

    if (node.view && node.view.array && (node !== initialNode)) {
      // New array level not linked to an array in the schema,
      // so no size constraints
      return boundaries;

    if (node.key) {
      // Note the conversion to target the actual array definition in the
      // schema where minItems/maxItems may be defined. If we're still looking
      // at the initial node, the goal is to convert from:
      //  foo[0].bar[3].baz to foo[].bar[].baz
      // If we're not looking at the initial node, the goal is to look at the
      // closest array parent:
      //  foo[0].bar[3].baz to foo[].bar
      arrayKey = node.key.replace(/\[[0-9]+\]/g, '[]');
      if (node !== initialNode) {
        arrayKey = arrayKey.replace(/\[\][^\[\]]*$/, '');
      schemaKey = getSchemaKey(
      if (!schemaKey) return boundaries;
      return {
        minItems: schemaKey.minItems || schemaKey.minLength || -1,
        maxItems: schemaKey.maxItems || schemaKey.maxLength || -1
    else {
      _.each(node.children, function (child) {
        var subBoundaries = getNodeBoundaries(child, initialNode);
        if (subBoundaries.minItems !== -1) {
          if (boundaries.minItems !== -1) {
            boundaries.minItems = Math.max(
          else {
            boundaries.minItems = subBoundaries.minItems;
        if (subBoundaries.maxItems !== -1) {
          if (boundaries.maxItems !== -1) {
            boundaries.maxItems = Math.min(
          else {
            boundaries.maxItems = subBoundaries.maxItems;
    return boundaries;
  return getNodeBoundaries(this);

 * Form tree class.
 * Holds the internal representation of the form.
 * The tree is always in sync with the rendered form, this allows to parse
 * it easily.
 * @class
var formTree = function () {
  this.eventhandlers = [];
  this.root = null;
  this.formDesc = null;

 * Initializes the form tree structure from the JSONForm object
 * This function is the main entry point of the JSONForm library.
 * Initialization steps:
 * 1. the internal tree structure that matches the JSONForm object
 *  gets created (call to buildTree)
 * 2. initial values are computed from previously submitted values
 *  or from the default values defined in the JSON schema.
 * When the function returns, the tree is ready to be rendered through
 * a call to "render".
 * @function
formTree.prototype.initialize = function (formDesc) {
  formDesc = formDesc || {};

  // Keep a pointer to the initial JSONForm
  // (note clone returns a shallow copy, only first-level is cloned)
  this.formDesc = _.clone(formDesc);

  // Compute form prefix if no prefix is given.
  this.formDesc.prefix = this.formDesc.prefix ||
    'jsonform-' + _.uniqueId();

  // JSON schema shorthand
  if (this.formDesc.schema && !this.formDesc.schema.properties) {
    this.formDesc.schema = {
      properties: this.formDesc.schema

  // Ensure layout is set
  this.formDesc.form = this.formDesc.form || [
      type: 'actions',
      items: [
          type: 'submit',
          value: 'Submit'
  this.formDesc.form = (_.isArray(this.formDesc.form) ?
    this.formDesc.form :

  this.formDesc.params = this.formDesc.params || {};

  // Create the root of the tree
  this.root = new formNode();
  this.root.ownerTree = this;
  this.root.view = jsonform.elementTypes['root'];

  // Generate the tree from the form description

  // Compute the values associated with each node
  // (for arrays, the computation actually creates the form nodes)

 * Constructs the tree from the form description.
 * The function must be called once when the tree is first created.
 * @function
formTree.prototype.buildTree = function () {
  // Parse and generate the form structure based on the elements encountered:
  // - '*' means "generate all possible fields using default layout"
  // - a key reference to target a specific data element
  // - a more complex object to generate specific form sections
  _.each(this.formDesc.form, function (formElement) {
    if (formElement === '*') {
      _.each(this.formDesc.schema.properties, function (element, key) {
          key: key
      }, this);
    else {
      if (_.isString(formElement)) {
        formElement = {
          key: formElement
  }, this);

 * Builds the internal form tree representation from the requested layout.
 * The function is recursive, generating the node children as necessary.
 * The function extracts the values from the previously submitted values
 * (this.formDesc.value) or from default values defined in the schema.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} formElement JSONForm element to render
 * @param {Object} context The parsing context (the array depth in particular)
 * @return {Object} The node that matches the element.
formTree.prototype.buildFromLayout = function (formElement, context) {
  var schemaElement = null;
  var node = new formNode();
  var view = null;
  var key = null;

  // The form element parameter directly comes from the initial
  // JSONForm object. We'll make a shallow copy of it and of its children
  // not to pollute the original object.
  // (note JSON.parse(JSON.stringify()) cannot be used since there may be
  // event handlers in there!)
  formElement = _.clone(formElement);
  if (formElement.items) {
    if (_.isArray(formElement.items)) {
      formElement.items = _.map(formElement.items, _.clone);
    else {
      formElement.items = [ _.clone(formElement.items) ];

  if (formElement.key) {
    // The form element is directly linked to an element in the JSON
    // schema. The properties of the form element override those of the
    // element in the JSON schema. Properties from the JSON schema complete
    // those of the form element otherwise.

    // Retrieve the element from the JSON schema
    schemaElement = getSchemaKey(
    if (!schemaElement) {
      // The JSON Form is invalid!
      throw new Error('The JSONForm object references the schema key "' +
        formElement.key + '" but that key does not exist in the JSON schema');

    // Schema element has just been found, let's trigger the
    // "onElementSchema" event
    // (tidoust: not sure what the use case for this is, keeping the
    // code for backward compatibility)
    if (this.formDesc.onElementSchema) {
      this.formDesc.onElementSchema(formElement, schemaElement);

    formElement.name =
      formElement.name ||
    formElement.title =
      formElement.title ||
    formElement.description =
      formElement.description ||
    formElement.readOnly =
      formElement.readOnly ||
      schemaElement.readOnly ||
      formElement.readonly ||

    // Compute the ID of the input field
    if (!formElement.id) {
      formElement.id = escapeSelector(this.formDesc.prefix) +
        '-elt-' + formElement.key;

    // Should empty strings be included in the final value?
    // TODO: it's rather unclean to pass it through the schema.
    if (formElement.allowEmpty) {
      schemaElement._jsonform_allowEmpty = true;

    // If the form element does not define its type, use the type of
    // the schema element.
    if (!formElement.type) {
      // If schema type is an array containing only a type and "null",
      // remove null and make the element non-required
      if (_.isArray(schemaElement.type)) {
        if (_.contains(schemaElement.type, "null")) {
          schemaElement.type = _.without(schemaElement.type, "null");
          schemaElement.required = false;
        if (schemaElement.type.length > 1) {
          throw new Error("Cannot process schema element with multiple types.");
        schemaElement.type = _.first(schemaElement.type);

      if ((schemaElement.type === 'string') &&
        (schemaElement.format === 'color')) {
        formElement.type = 'color';
      } else if ((schemaElement.type === 'number' ||
        schemaElement.type === 'integer') &&
        !schemaElement['enum']) {
       formElement.type = 'number';
      } else if ((schemaElement.type === 'string' ||
        schemaElement.type === 'any') &&
        !schemaElement['enum']) {
        formElement.type = 'text';
      } else if (schemaElement.type === 'boolean') {
        formElement.type = 'checkbox';
      } else if (schemaElement.type === 'object') {
        if (schemaElement.properties) {
          formElement.type = 'fieldset';
        } else {
          formElement.type = 'textarea';
      } else if (!_.isUndefined(schemaElement['enum'])) {
        formElement.type = 'select';
      } else {
        formElement.type = schemaElement.type;

    // Unless overridden in the definition of the form element (or unless
    // there's a titleMap defined), use the enumeration list defined in
    // the schema
    if (!formElement.options && schemaElement['enum']) {
      if (formElement.titleMap) {
        formElement.options = _.map(schemaElement['enum'], function (value) {
          return {
            value: value,
            title: hasOwnProperty(formElement.titleMap, value) ? formElement.titleMap[value] : value
      else {
        formElement.options = schemaElement['enum'];

    // Flag a list of checkboxes with multiple choices
    if ((formElement.type === 'checkboxes') && schemaElement.items) {
      var itemsEnum = schemaElement.items['enum'];
      if (itemsEnum) {
        schemaElement.items._jsonform_checkboxes_as_array = true;
      if (!itemsEnum && schemaElement.items[0]) {
        itemsEnum = schemaElement.items[0]['enum'];
        if (itemsEnum) {
          schemaElement.items[0]._jsonform_checkboxes_as_array = true;

    // If the form element targets an "object" in the JSON schema,
    // we need to recurse through the list of children to create an
    // input field per child property of the object in the JSON schema
    if (schemaElement.type === 'object') {
      _.each(schemaElement.properties, function (prop, propName) {
          key: formElement.key + '.' + propName
      }, this);

  if (!formElement.type) {
    formElement.type = 'none';
  view = jsonform.elementTypes[formElement.type];
  if (!view) {
    throw new Error('The JSONForm contains an element whose type is unknown: "' +
      formElement.type + '"');

  if (schemaElement) {
    // The form element is linked to an element in the schema.
    // Let's make sure the types are compatible.
    // In particular, the element must not be a "container"
    // (or must be an "object" or "array" container)
    if (!view.inputfield && !view.array &&
      (formElement.type !== 'selectfieldset') &&
      (schemaElement.type !== 'object')) {
      throw new Error('The JSONForm contains an element that links to an ' +
        'element in the JSON schema (key: "' + formElement.key + '") ' +
        'and that should not based on its type ("' + formElement.type + '")');
  else {
    // The form element is not linked to an element in the schema.
    // This means the form element must be a "container" element,
    // and must not define an input field.
    if (view.inputfield && (formElement.type !== 'selectfieldset')) {
      throw new Error('The JSONForm defines an element of type ' +
        '"' + formElement.type + '" ' +
        'but no "key" property to link the input field to the JSON schema');

  // A few characters need to be escaped to use the ID as jQuery selector
  formElement.iddot = escapeSelector(formElement.id || '');

  // Initialize the form node from the form element and schema element
  node.formElement = formElement;
  node.schemaElement = schemaElement;
  node.view = view;
  node.ownerTree = this;

  // Set event handlers
  if (!formElement.handlers) {
    formElement.handlers = {};

  // Parse children recursively
  if (node.view.array) {
    // The form element is an array. The number of items in an array
    // is by definition dynamic, up to the form user (through "Add more",
    // "Delete" commands). The positions of the items in the array may
    // also change over time (through "Move up", "Move down" commands).
    // The form node stores a "template" node that serves as basis for
    // the creation of an item in the array.
    // Array items may be complex forms themselves, allowing for nesting.
    // The initial values set the initial number of items in the array.
    // Note a form element contains at least one item when it is rendered.
    if (formElement.items) {
      key = formElement.items[0] || formElement.items;
    else {
      key = formElement.key + '[]';
    if (_.isString(key)) {
      key = { key: key };
  else if (formElement.items) {
    // The form element defines children elements
    _.each(formElement.items, function (item) {
      if (_.isString(item)) {
        item = { key: item };
    }, this);

  return node;

 * Computes the values associated with each input field in the tree based
 * on previously submitted values or default values in the JSON schema.
 * For arrays, the function actually creates and inserts additional
 * nodes in the tree based on previously submitted values (also ensuring
 * that the array has at least one item).
 * The function sets the array path on all nodes.
 * It should be called once in the lifetime of a form tree right after
 * the tree structure has been created.
 * @function
formTree.prototype.computeInitialValues = function () {

 * Renders the form tree
 * @function
 * @param {Node} domRoot The "form" element in the DOM tree that serves as
 *  root for the form
formTree.prototype.render = function (domRoot) {
  if (!domRoot) return;
  this.domRoot = domRoot;

  // If the schema defines required fields, flag the form with the
  // "jsonform-hasrequired" class for styling purpose
  // (typically so that users may display a legend)
  if (this.hasRequiredField()) {

 * Walks down the element tree with a callback
 * @function
 * @param {Function} callback The callback to call on each element
formTree.prototype.forEachElement = function (callback) {

  var f = function(root) {
    for (var i=0;i<root.children.length;i++) {


formTree.prototype.validate = function(noErrorDisplay) {

  var values = jsonform.getFormValue(this.domRoot);
  var errors = false;

  var options = this.formDesc;

  if (options.validate!==false) {
    var validator = false;
    if (typeof options.validate!="object") {
      if (global.JSONFormValidator) {
        validator = global.JSONFormValidator.createEnvironment("json-schema-draft-03");
    } else {
      validator = options.validate;
    if (validator) {
      var v = validator.validate(values, this.formDesc.schema);
      if (v.errors.length) {
        if (!errors) errors = [];
        errors = errors.concat(v.errors);

  if (errors && !noErrorDisplay) {
    if (options.displayErrors) {
    } else {

  return {"errors":errors}


formTree.prototype.submit = function(evt) {

  var stopEvent = function() {
    if (evt) {
    return false;
  var values = jsonform.getFormValue(this.domRoot);
  var options = this.formDesc;

  var brk=false;
  this.forEachElement(function(elt) {
    if (brk) return;
    if (elt.view.onSubmit) {
      brk = !elt.view.onSubmit(evt, elt); //may be called multiple times!!

  if (brk) return stopEvent();

  var validated = this.validate();

  if (options.onSubmit && !options.onSubmit(validated.errors,values)) {
    return stopEvent();

  if (validated.errors) return stopEvent();

  if (options.onSubmitValid && !options.onSubmitValid(values)) {
    return stopEvent();

  return false;


 * Returns true if the form displays a "required" field.
 * To keep things simple, the function parses the form's schema and returns
 * true as soon as it finds a "required" flag even though, in theory, that
 * schema key may not appear in the final form.
 * Note that a "required" constraint on a boolean type is always enforced,
 * the code skips such definitions.
 * @function
 * @return {boolean} True when the form has some required field,
 *  false otherwise.
formTree.prototype.hasRequiredField = function () {
  var parseElement = function (element) {
    if (!element) return null;
    if (element.required && (element.type !== 'boolean')) {
      return element;

    var prop = _.find(element.properties, function (property) {
      return parseElement(property);
    if (prop) {
      return prop;

    if (element.items) {
      if (_.isArray(element.items)) {
        prop = _.find(element.items, function (item) {
          return parseElement(item);
      else {
        prop = parseElement(element.items);
      if (prop) {
        return prop;

  return parseElement(this.formDesc.schema);

 * Returns the structured object that corresponds to the form values entered
 * by the use for the given form.
 * The form must have been previously rendered through a call to jsonform.
 * @function
 * @param {Node} The <form> tag in the DOM
 * @return {Object} The object that follows the data schema and matches the
 *  values entered by the user.
jsonform.getFormValue = function (formelt) {
  var form = $(formelt).data('jsonform-tree');
  if (!form) return null;
  return form.root.getFormValues();

 * Highlights errors reported by the JSON schema validator in the document.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} errors List of errors reported by the JSON schema validator
 * @param {Object} options The JSON Form object that describes the form
 *  (unused for the time being, could be useful to store example values or
 *   specific error messages)
$.fn.jsonFormErrors = function(errors, options) {
  $(".error", this).removeClass("error");
  $(".warning", this).removeClass("warning");

  $(".jsonform-errortext", this).hide();
  if (!errors) return;

  var errorSelectors = [];
  for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) {
    // Compute the address of the input field in the form from the URI
    // returned by the JSON schema validator.
    // These URIs typically look like:
    //  urn:uuid:cccc265e-ffdd-4e40-8c97-977f7a512853#/pictures/1/thumbnail
    // What we need from that is the path in the value object:
    //  pictures[1].thumbnail
    // ... and the jQuery-friendly class selector of the input field:
    //  .jsonform-error-pictures\[1\]---thumbnail
    var key = errors[i].uri
      .replace(/.*#\//, '')
      .replace(/\//g, '.')
      .replace(/\.([0-9]+)(?=\.|$)/g, '[$1]');
    var errormarkerclass = ".jsonform-error-" +

    var errorType = errors[i].type || "error";
    $(errormarkerclass, this).addClass(errorType);
    $(errormarkerclass + " .jsonform-errortext", this).html(errors[i].message).show();

  // Look for the first error in the DOM and ensure the element
  // is visible so that the user understands that something went wrong
  errorSelectors = errorSelectors.join(',');
  var firstError = $(errorSelectors).get(0);
  if (firstError && firstError.scrollIntoView) {
    firstError.scrollIntoView(true, {
      behavior: 'smooth'

 * Generates the HTML form from the given JSON Form object and renders the form.
 * Main entry point of the library. Defined as a jQuery function that typically
 * needs to be applied to a <form> element in the document.
 * The function handles the following properties for the JSON Form object it
 * receives as parameter:
 * - schema (required): The JSON Schema that describes the form to render
 * - form: The options form layout description, overrides default layout
 * - prefix: String to use to prefix computed IDs. Default is an empty string.
 *  Use this option if JSON Form is used multiple times in an application with
 *  schemas that have overlapping parameter names to avoid running into multiple
 *  IDs issues. Default value is "jsonform-[counter]".
 * - transloadit: Transloadit parameters when transloadit is used
 * - validate: Validates form against schema upon submission. Uses the value
 * of the "validate" property as validator if it is an object.
 * - displayErrors: Function to call with errors upon form submission.
 *  Default is to render the errors next to the input fields.
 * - submitEvent: Name of the form submission event to bind to.
 *  Default is "submit". Set this option to false to avoid event binding.
 * - onSubmit: Callback function to call when form is submitted
 * - onSubmitValid: Callback function to call when form is submitted without
 *  errors.
 * @function
 * @param {Object} options The JSON Form object to use as basis for the form
$.fn.jsonForm = function(options) {
  var formElt = this;

  options = _.defaults({}, options, {submitEvent: 'submit'});

  var form = new formTree();

  // TODO: move that to formTree.render
  if (options.transloadit) {
    formElt.append('<input type="hidden" name="params" value=\'' +
      escapeHTML(JSON.stringify(options.transloadit.params)) +

  // Keep a direct pointer to the JSON schema for form submission purpose
  formElt.data("jsonform-tree", form);

  if (options.submitEvent) {
    formElt.bind((options.submitEvent)+'.jsonform', function(evt) {

  // Initialize tabs sections, if any

  // Initialize expandable sections, if any
  $('.expandable > div, .expandable > fieldset', formElt).hide();
  formElt.on('click', '.expandable > legend', function () {
    var parent = $(this).parent();
    $('> div', parent).slideToggle(100);

  return form;

 * Retrieves the structured values object generated from the values
 * entered by the user and the data schema that gave birth to the form.
 * Defined as a jQuery function that typically needs to be applied to
 * a <form> element whose content has previously been generated by a
 * call to "jsonForm".
 * Unless explicitly disabled, the values are automatically validated
 * against the constraints expressed in the schema.
 * @function
 * @return {Object} Structured values object that matches the user inputs
 *  and the data schema.
$.fn.jsonFormValue = function() {
  return jsonform.getFormValue(this);

// Expose the getFormValue method to the global object
// (other methods exposed as jQuery functions)
global.JSONForm = global.JSONForm || {util:{}};
global.JSONForm.getFormValue = jsonform.getFormValue;
global.JSONForm.fieldTemplate = jsonform.fieldTemplate;
global.JSONForm.fieldTypes = jsonform.elementTypes;
global.JSONForm.getInitialValue = getInitialValue;
global.JSONForm.util.getObjKey = jsonform.util.getObjKey;
global.JSONForm.util.setObjKey = jsonform.util.setObjKey;

})((typeof exports !== 'undefined'),
  ((typeof exports !== 'undefined') ? exports : window),
  ((typeof jQuery !== 'undefined') ? jQuery : { fn: {} }),
  ((typeof _ !== 'undefined') ? _ : null),