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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <display-name>SCIPIO ERP - Preview Backend Site Component</display-name>
    <description>Preview CMS Component of the Scipio ERP Project - used as a simple container for an empty backend site</description>

        <description>A unique ID used to look up the WebSite entity
        <description>A unique name used to identify/recognize the local
            dispatcher for the Service Engine</description>
        <description>The Name of the Entity Delegator to use, defined in
        <description>The location of the main-decorator screen to use for this
            webapp; referred to as a context variable in screen def XML files.
        <description>The main application menu name</description>
        <description>The main application menu location</description>
        <description>Enable widget boundary comments. See
        <description>Remove unnecessary whitespace from HTML output.

    <!-- SCIPIO: CMS parameters -->
        <description>If true, Cms always sets browser no-cache response for all CMS page renders through its view handler (default: false)</description>
        <description>If true, Cms always sets browser no-cache response for all non-CMS screen renders that go through its view handler,
            whether Cms targets, fallbacks or pass-throughs (default: false)</description>
        <description>If true, the Cms filter always sets browser no-cache response for all webapp requests, whether Cms-related or not,
            through view handler or not; provided mainly as convenience for development purposes (default: false)</description>
        <description>If true, any controller view rendered through the Cms screen view handler that does not resolve to a CMS page
            through any mapping will result in a default CMS page being rendered (cmsDefaultCmsPageReqPath); if false, any such controller view will instead 
            trigger rendering of its associated Ofbiz screen as defined in the controller, using the regular Ofbiz screen view handler (default: false)</description>
        <description>Page ID of the CMS page to use as default CMS page when cmsUseDefaultCmsPage is true (default: none; 
            must be specified if cmsUseDefaultCmsPage true)</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2016: new -->
        <description>Whether to allow CMS preview mode on this webapp (default: false). 
            Preview mode is identified by the request parameter "cmsPreviewMode", which
            (as of 2018-05-06) holds a generated access token.
            NOTE: On production webapps that require tight security, this should be set to false.</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2018: new -->
        <description>Whether the live/preview links to this webapp should use externalLoginKey (default: false). 
            In other words, whether it should be accessed using the CMS UI user login or not.
            This should usually only be true if this is a backend webapp or a dedicated preview webapp.</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2018: new -->
        <description>If true, live links (in addition to preview links) require an access token (default: false).
            This is mainly for implementing preview webapps.</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2016: new -->
        <description>Boolean (true/false) value used to control whether primary paths for this webapp
            are from context root by default or not (default: global from, or true)</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2016: new -->
        <description>If set to true, the value of cmsPrimaryPathFromContextRootDefault (above) is applied
            to entities before they are stored, such that each newly-created 
            page's primary mapping gets "hardcoded" with sourceFromContextRoot=Y/N, instead of leaving
            the default marker (sourceFromContextRoot=D) and consulting the website default in realtime. (default: true)
            TODO: REVIEW: still unclear which should be the default for Scipio</description>
        <description>Default (control) servlet path for any situation where one is implied (default: the ControlServlet mapping is used)</description>
        <description>Default source (control) servlet path for any mappings that do not specify it and are set to match against one (default: value of cmsDefaultServletPath or the ControlServlet mapping)</description>
        <description>Default forward (control) servlet path for any mappings that do not specify it and are set to forward with one (default: value of cmsDefaultServletPath or the ControlServlet mapping)</description>
        <description>Default target (control) servlet path for any mappings that do not specify it (default: value of cmsDefaultServletPath or the ControlServlet mapping)</description>
    <context-param><!-- 2016: new -->
        <description>Default request servlet path, mainly used in backend (default: value of cmsDefaultServletPath or the ControlServlet mapping)
            This can be overridden here (rather than rely on ControlServlet lookup) in case the webapp uses a custom filter to map around the regular control path</description>
        <description>If true, process mapping forwards where mappings do not specify a forwardPath will use
            defaultForwardServletPath context-param instead of the mapping's targetServletPath (default: false)</description>
        <description>If true, process mappings source path matches that are only partial will append
            the trailing portion of the URI that did not match to the forwarded path; does not 
            include or affect parameters (default: true)</description>
        <description>If true, by default (for any mappings where not explicitly specified) process mapping source
            paths match from context root; otherwise by default the default source servlet path is prepended to the
            source path and the result is matched (default: true)</description>
        <description>If true, by default (for any mappings where not explicitly specified) process mappings forward paths
            will be used as-is when forwarding, i.e. from context root; otherwise by default the default forward servlet
            path is prepended to the forward path prior to the forward. Note this has no effect on process mappings
            that fall back on target(Servlet)Path as default, i.e. when forwardPath empty (default: true)</description>
        <description>When true, provides a hint to CMS to indicate that the controller URIs under the (non-root)
            ControlServlet path (usually /control) are being aliases/forwarded/rewritten to also appear
            as root requests to the webapp context. Currently (2017-11) this is mainly used as a UI hint.
            If the value is left empty, CMS will try to figure it out on its own from ContextFilter forwardRootControllerUris init-param.
            NOTE: The actual implementation of this aliasing may be done using ContextFilter forwardRootControllerUris init-param
                combined with urlrewrite.xml outbound-rules (see Scipio Shop web.xml/urlrewrite.xml). (default: false)</description>
        <description>If true, process mappings (pages) by default may be indexed in sitemap generation.
            If false, only indexed if CmsProcessMapping.indexable explicit set to Y.</description>

    <!-- simple filter to redirect top address to /control/main -->
            <description>If true, matches full path with query string (WARN: currently not URL-decoded); 
                if false, matches only context path</description>

    <!-- SCIPIO: CMS Process filter -->
    <!-- SCIPIO: CMS Process filter mapping -->
        <dispatcher>FORWARD</dispatcher><!-- NOTE: FORWARD is required -->
        <!-- SCIPIO: Need dispatchers -->

    <!-- NOTE: not all app servers support mounting implementations of the HttpSessionActivationListener 
        interface -->
    <!-- <listener><listener-class>org.ofbiz.webapp.control.ControlActivationEventListener</listener-class></listener> -->

        <description>Main Control Servlet</description>

        <session-timeout>60</session-timeout> <!-- in minutes -->
