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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<section xmlns:xsi=""
    version="5.0" xmlns:xl="" xmlns:xi=""
  <title>The Apache OFBiz documentation system</title>
          The OFBiz documentation system consist out of a number of DocBook xml
          files. In general the files are stored within the subject
          component either in the 'documents' or data/helpdata
          The docbook schemas are stored in the applications/content/dtd
          directory and the stylesheets are
          stored in the applications/content/templates/docbook directory.
          The definition of the content and dataresource records can be found in
          the application/content/data/ContentType.xml file at the
          bottom. They are in this file because the documentation and
          helpfile are considered 'seed' data: essential for the operation of OFBiz.
          If you are looking for docbook files format examples, please
          look at the following files:
            <listitem><para>An example for a chapter of a component at:
            <listitem><para>An example of a help screen:
            <listitem><para>An example of content creation:

      <title>Contributing a new help screen, a few steps.</title>
          There is a difference between portlets and 'normal' screens. If a
          page contains a portlet, the general help of the myportal component is shown with
          at the bottom a list of the portlets used at that page. Help can be obtained by clicking on
          the relevant portlet.
        <title>Normal pages.</title>
            So if you would like to create a new help menu for a certain
            screen, you need to do the following:
                <para>In the helplink.ftl un-comment the ${helpTopic} variable so it will appear at the
                    top right hand of your screen.
                    In the specific component data/helpData create the HELP_${helpTopic}.xml file. you can find an
                    example in the HELP_ACCOUNTING_main.xml file.
                    Update/create the data/${componentName}HelpData.xml, an example can be found in the
                    AccountingHelpData.xml. If new make also an entry in the scipio-component.xml
                    Load the HelpDataFile and the file should show up when you click on the help button.
                    Submit the change to the svn repository or create a diff file and attach it to a jira issue.
                    If the help text is useful in the ofbiz document include it in the files in the document directory.
        <title>Contributing a new Portlet help screen.</title>
            Portlets are normally defined and explained in the ${component name}PortletData.xml files. An example
            of an portlet with an existing help screen have a look at WorkEffortPortletData.xml
            The content records for the help file is defined together with the portlet definition and the actual help
            file is store in the related component /data/helpdata directory with the name HELP_PORTLET_${portletId}.xml.
        <title><anchor xml:id="helpInternationalization"/>Internationalization of the help system</title>
            Because the help system is making use of the content component, internationalization of the help files is very easy because
            it is a basic function of the content component. If you want to make a translation of an existing help file, make a copy in the same directory
            and make it unique by attaching the "_languageCode" at the end.
            Create, as also was done for the english version a dataresource and content record in the data/${componentName}HelpData.xml file.
            Then create an ContentAssoc record in data/${componentName}HelpData.xml file to associate this new file with the english file with the type
            ALTERNATE_LOCALE. Please find below an example from the ContentHelpData.xml for a Dutch version of the root help file.
    &amp;lt;!-- how to create alternative locales -->
    &amp;lt;DataResource dataResourceId="HELP_ROOT_NL" localeString="nl" dataResourceTypeId="OFBIZ_FILE"
        objectInfo="applications/content/data/helpdata/HELP_ROOT_NL.xml" dataTemplateTypeId="NONE" statusId="CTNT_IN_PROGRESS"
        dataResourceName="Help system root" mimeTypeId="text/xml" isPublic="Y" />
    &amp;lt;Content contentId="HELP_ROOT_NL" contentTypeId="DOCUMENT" templateDataResourceId="HELP_TEMPL"
        dataResourceId="HELP_ROOT_NL" localeString="nl" statusId="CTNT_IN_PROGRESS"
        contentName="Help system root in dutch" mimeTypeId="text/html"/>
    &amp;lt;ContentAssoc contentId="HELP_ROOT" contentIdTo="HELP_ROOT_NL"
        contentAssocTypeId="ALTERNATE_LOCALE" fromDate="2006-01-12 01:01:01"/>
            The switching between locales is from then on completely automatic.