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<services xmlns:xsi=""
    <description>SCIPIO: New Content Image Services</description>
    <vendor>Ilscipio GmbH</vendor>

    <!-- SCIPIO: WARN: some of these services contain security-sensitive parameters
        and should not be called directly as controller events (assume all except where otherwise noted) -->

    <service name="contentImageFileScaleInAllSizeCore" engine="java"
             location="com.ilscipio.scipio.content.image.ContentImageServices" invoke="contentImageFileScaleInAllSizeCore" auth="false" transaction-timeout="1800">
        <description>Scales a content/generic image file according to size types in ImageProperties.xml - core implementation (caller specifies locations/filenames); also supports component:// and file:// prefixes</description>
        <!-- INPUT IMAGE -->
        <attribute name="imageOrigPath" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Full path of original image in filesystem as input (alternative to imageOrigUrl; if neither specified, auto-determines an original filename under imageServerPath)</description>
        <attribute name="imageOrigUrl" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>URL of image relative to server root of original image in filesystem as input; WARN: 2017-07-04: MUST start with imageUrlPrefix else error; no other mount-points supported (alternative to imageOrigPath; if neither specified, auto-determines an original filename under imageServerPath)</description>
        <attribute name="imageOrigFn" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Original filename (no directories) of the image - required only if neither imageOrigPath nor imageOrigUrl specified</description>
        <attribute name="imageOrigFnFmt" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Image filename format string for original only, relative to imageServerPath/imageUrlPrefix, no extension; only useful if copyOrig==true or if imageOrigPath/imageOrigUrl are omitted (default: same as imageFnFmt)</description>
        <!-- TODO: support this alternate input
        <attribute name="imageOrigContentId" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Original image contentId as input (alternative to imageOrigPath)</description>

        <!-- BASE PATHS -->
        <attribute name="imageServerPath" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Full filesystem path of base server image, parameterized with ${tenantId} (default: uses image.server.path /; also supports component:// and file:// prefixes</description>
        <attribute name="imageUrlPrefix" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>URL prefix for generated images, parameterized with ${tenantId} (default: uses image.url.prefix /</description>
        <attribute name="imageFnFmt" mode="IN" type="String" optional="false">
            <description>Image filename format string, relative to imageServerPath/imageUrlPrefix, no extension, parameterized with ${sizetype} (or ${type}), required</description>
        <attribute name="imagePathArgs" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Additional args for parameterized paths</description>

        <!-- IMAGE PROFILE -->
        <attribute name="imageProfile" mode="IN" type="Object" optional="true">
            <description>Image profile, now generally required (name or org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageProfile)</description>
        <attribute name="defaultImageProfile" mode="IN" type="Object" optional="true" default-value="IMAGE_CONTENT">
            <description>Default image profile, for wrapping services (name or org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageProfile)</description>
        <attribute name="imageVariantConfig" mode="IN" type="org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageVariantConfig" optional="true">
            <description>Image variant config, alternative to imagePropXmlPath</description>
        <attribute name="imagePropXmlPath" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Path to ImageProperties.xml file containing size types, from ofbiz home root</description>
        <attribute mode="IN" name="imageWriteOptions" type="Map" optional="true"/>

        <attribute name="sizeTypeList" mode="IN" type="Collection" optional="true">
            <description>List of size types to generate and return (default: all types in file)</description>
        <attribute name="copyOrig" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true">
            <description>If true, also creates copy of the original under the size type "original" (default: false)</description>
        <attribute name="deleteOld" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true">
            <description>[TODO: NOT IMPLEMENTED] If true, also deletes old files in target directory (default: false)</description>
        <!-- SCALING OPTIONS -->
        <attribute name="scalingOptions" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Scaling options, notably the entry: scalerName (algorithm or library name)</description>

        <!-- OUTPUT -->
        <attribute name="imageUrlMap" mode="OUT" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Map of size types to URLs (relative to server root, with imageUrlPrefix); if copyOrig==true, also contains "original"</description>
        <attribute name="imageInfoMap" mode="OUT" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Map of maps describing url, width, height and variantInfo for each sizeType; also contains "original" which contains copyOrig boolean (SCIPIO)</description>
        <attribute name="bufferedImage" mode="OUT" type="java.awt.image.BufferedImage" optional="true">
            <description>Original image contents, for reuse</description>
        <attribute name="successCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="failCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="skipCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/><!-- FIXME: currently always zero for this service -->
        <attribute name="reason" mode="OUT" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Known values: unsupported-colorspace</description>
    <service name="contentImageDbScaleInAllSizeCore" engine="java"
             location="com.ilscipio.scipio.content.image.ContentImageServices" invoke="contentImageDbScaleInAllSizeCore" auth="false" transaction-timeout="1800">
        <description>Scales a content/generic database image according to size types in ImageProperties.xml - core implementation (caller specifies all locations/filenames)</description>    
        <!-- INPUT IMAGE -->
        <attribute name="imageOrigContentId" mode="IN" type="String" optional="false">
            <description>Original image contentId as input (alternative to imageOrigPath)</description>
        <attribute name="imageOrigFn" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Original filename (no directories) to use for the original image; by default tries to get this from DataResource.objectInfo
                NOTE: Only required if the original DataResource.objectInfo did not contain a filename or path to a file (sometimes the case)</description>
        <!-- TODO?
        <attribute name="imageOrigPath" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Full path of original image in filesystem as input (alternative to imageOrigContentId)</description>
        <attribute name="targetFmtExt" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Target format name, same as file extension, e.g. png, jpg, ... (default: inferred from original DataResource.mimeTypeId)</description>

        <!-- IMAGE PROFILE -->
        <attribute name="imageProfile" mode="IN" type="Object" optional="true">
            <description>Image profile, now generally required (name or org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageProfile)</description>
        <attribute name="defaultImageProfile" mode="IN" type="Object" optional="true" default-value="IMAGE_CONTENT">
            <description>Default image profile, for wrapping services (name or org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageProfile)</description>
        <attribute name="imageVariantConfig" mode="IN" type="org.ofbiz.common.image.ImageVariantConfig" optional="true">
            <description>Image variant config, alternative to imagePropXmlPath</description>
        <attribute name="imagePropXmlPath" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Path to ImageProperties.xml file containing size types, from ofbiz home root</description>
        <attribute mode="IN" name="imageWriteOptions" type="Map" optional="true"/>

        <attribute name="sizeTypeList" mode="IN" type="Collection" optional="true">
            <description>List of size types to generate and return (default: all types in file)</description>
        <!-- not supporting this here: I think it will always be a negative
        <attribute name="copyOrig" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true">
            <description>If true, also creates copy of the original under the size type "original" (default: false)</description>
        <attribute name="deleteOld" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true">
            <description>If true, removes all existing related images before creating new ones (default: false)
                2020-11: AVOID USE: recreateExisting should be specified as true instead, which will update records in-place, which is a lot faster
                and more friendly toward frontend behavior.</description>
        <attribute name="recreateExisting" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If false (default), existing files for the size types are ignored and not regenerated; if true, all or give size types are always regenerated (slow)</description>
        <attribute name="createdDate" mode="IN" type="Timestamp" optional="true">
            <description>Optional createdDate for Content and DataResource</description>
        <!-- Content/DataResource  -->
        <attribute name="contentFields" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Fields to use to populate the created Content entities (all sizeTypes)
                NOTE: entries can be FlexibleStringExpander instances. defaults: 
                    contentName (default: "${fields.contentName}_${sizetype}")</description>
        <attribute name="dataResourceFields" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Fields to use to populate the created DataResource entities (all sizeTypes)
                NOTE: entries can be FlexibleStringExpander instances. defaults: 
                    dataResourceName (default: "${fields.dataResourceName}_${sizetype}"),
                    objectInfo (default: "${origfn}_${sizetype}.${ext}" NOTE: origfn comes from objectInfo but may be imageOrigFn w/o ext - if passed)</description>
        <attribute name="contentFieldsMap" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Map of fields to use to populate the duplicated original Content entity, if copyOrig true (map key: sizeType)
                NOTE: entries can be FlexibleStringExpander instances (see contentFields)</description>
        <attribute name="dataResourceFieldsMap" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Map of fields to use to populate the duplicated original DataResource entity, if copyOrig true (map key: sizeType)
                NOTE: entries can be FlexibleStringExpander instances (see dataResourceFields)</description>
        <attribute name="fileSizeDataResAttrName" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>If specified, will add a DataResourceAttribute with this name containing the total filesize</description>
        <!-- ContentAssoc -->
        <attribute name="contentAssocTypeId" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>DEPRECATED: 2020-09: Generally the default is assumed in most circumstances, so setting this to anything else should be avoided.
                Content assoc type, with support for flexible expressions (default: "IMGSZ_${sizetype}")
                NOTE: the entire string is automatically uppercased</description>
        <!-- SCALING OPTIONS -->
        <attribute name="scalingOptions" mode="IN" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Scaling options, notably the entry: scalerName (algorithm or library name)</description>

        <!-- OUTPUT -->
        <attribute name="imageContentIdMap" mode="OUT" type="Map" optional="true">
            <description>Map of size types to image record contentIds</description>
        <attribute name="bufferedImage" mode="OUT" type="java.awt.image.BufferedImage" optional="true">
            <description>Original image contents, for reuse</description>
        <attribute name="successCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="failCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="skipCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="reason" mode="OUT" type="String" optional="true">
            <description>Known values: unsupported-colorspace</description>

    <!-- NOTE: For product images, use productImageAutoRescale -->
    <service name="contentImageAutoRescale" engine="java"
             location="com.ilscipio.scipio.content.image.ContentImageServices" invoke="contentImageAutoRescale" auth="false" transaction-timeout="1800">
        <description>Automatically rescales a content image</description>
        <attribute name="contentId" mode="IN" type="String" optional="false"/>
        <attribute name="contentDataResource" mode="IN" type="GenericValue" optional="true">
            <description>Optional ContentDataResourceRequiredView instance matching contentId, if provided (optimization)</description>
        <attribute name="sizeTypeList" mode="IN" type="Collection" optional="true">
            <description>Optional list of size dimension names to restrict resizing to (e.g.: 320x240, small); unlisted are left unchanged</description>
        <attribute name="createNew" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="true">
            <description>If true, even if the image currently has no variants, attempts to generate new variants;
                if false, only regenerates if variants already created</description>
        <attribute name="recreateExisting" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If false (default), existing files for the size types are ignored and not regenerated; if true, all or give size types are always regenerated (slow)</description>
        <attribute mode="IN" name="deleteOld" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>Not recommended unless corruption: delete the old ContentAssoc/Content/DataResource before creating new ones (old behavior)</description>
        <attribute name="nonFatal" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If true, runs in separate transaction and returns failure on image resize fail;
                if false, runs in current transaction and returns error on on image resize fail</description>
        <attribute name="moment" mode="IN" type="Timestamp" optional="true">
            <description>Specific createdDate for Content and DataResource</description>
        <attribute name="doLog" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false"/>
        <attribute name="progress" mode="IN" type="String" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="reason" mode="OUT" type="String" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="variantSuccessCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="variantFailCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>
        <attribute name="variantSkipCount" mode="OUT" type="Integer" optional="true"/>

    <service name="contentImageVariantsDistributedClearCaches" engine="jms" location="serviceMessenger" invoke="contentImageVariantsClearCaches"
             auth="true" use-transaction="false" log-eca="quiet" log="quiet" hideResultInLog="true">
        <description>Clear ContentImageVariants caches (SCIPIO)</description>
    <service name="contentImageVariantsClearCaches" engine="java" export="true"
             location="com.ilscipio.scipio.content.image.ContentImageVariants" invoke="clearCaches" auth="true" use-transaction="false">
        <description>Clear ContentImageVariants caches (SCIPIO)</description>
        <!--<permission-service service-name="cmsGenericPermission" main-action="UPDATE"/>-->
        <attribute name="distribute" type="Boolean" mode="IN" optional="true" default-value="false"/>