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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the
files 'LICENSE' and 'NOTICE', which are part of this source
code package.

<!-- FreeMarker template for DHL ShipIT Services. If the DHL ShipIt API ever changes its schema, we only need to change this file. -->


    <DataResource dataResourceId="api.schema.DHL" dataResourceTypeId="ELECTRONIC_TEXT" dataTemplateTypeId="FTL"/>

<ElectronicText dataResourceId="api.schema.DHL">
<textData><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ECommerce action="Request" version="1.1">
    <Shipment action="${action}" version="1.0">
          <#if (dimensions?if_exists) && (dimensions != null) && (dimensions.size() > 0) >
        <SentBy>${sentBy?if_exists}</SentBy> <!-- CDATA (if left out, will default to information stored in our account -->
            <#if (action == "GenerateLabel")>
                <CompanyName>${companyName?if_exists?upper_case?xml}</CompanyName>  <!-- CDATA -->
                <SuiteDepartmentName>${suiteDepartmentName?if_exists?upper_case?xml}</SuiteDepartmentName> <!-- CDATA -->
                <Street>${street?upper_case?xml}</Street> <!-- CDATA -->
                <StreetLine2>${streetLine2?if_exists?upper_case?xml}</StreetLine2> <!-- CDATA -->
                <City>${city?upper_case?xml}</City> <!-- CDATA -->
         <AttnTo>${attnTo?if_exists?upper_case}</AttnTo> <!--CDATA -->
         <#if phoneNbr?exists>
        <#if labelImageType?exists>
        <#if overrideCode?exists>
        <#if notifyEmailAddress?exists>
               <!-- TODO: up to 42 of these -->
               <#if notifyEmailMessage?has_content>
               <!-- CDATA here -->

    <Content contentId="api.schema.DHL" contentTypeId="DOCUMENT" dataResourceId="api.schema.DHL"/>