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package com.ilscipio.scipio.setup;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;

import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher;
import org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestAttrPolicy.RequestAttrNamePolicy;
import org.ofbiz.webapp.control.RequestAttrPolicy.RequestSavingAttrPolicy;

import com.ilscipio.scipio.setup.SetupWorker.StaticSetupWorker.StaticStepState;

 * SCIPIO: Setup worker.
 * NOT thread-safe.
 * WARN: due to caching, DB and other exceptions can come from basically any method.
public abstract class SetupWorker implements Serializable {

    private static final Debug.OfbizLogger module = Debug.getOfbizLogger(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

     * *******************************************
     * Static fields
     * *******************************************

    // NOTE: all request attributes should be read/set through SetupWorker instance methods
    // TODO: REVIEW: some of the request/param attributes were implemented before the StaticSetupWorker
    // caching which is superior; maybe some could be eliminated.

     * "Next" setup step that can be requested via req params or attributes (is verified for valid).
    protected static final String REQ_STEP_ATTR = "scpSetupStep";

     * The step we are submitting form for ("last" step).
    protected static final String SUBMIT_STEP_ATTR = "scpSubmitSetupStep";

     * Effective setup step, cached in request after event or first access.
    protected static final String EFF_STEP_ATTR = "scpEffSetupStep";

    protected static final String EFF_STEPSTATES_ATTR = "scpEffSetupStepStates";

    // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
    //protected static final String SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR = "scpSkippedSetupStates";

     * Name of req attribute that holds a StaticSetupWorker for caching.
     * <p>
     * WARN: This must not be stored in the session; the RequestSetupWorker now tries to prevent RequestHandler
     * from doing this. See {@link RequestSetupWorker#getEnsureStaticWorker}.
    protected static final String STATIC_WORKER_ATTR = "scpStaticSetupWorker";

     * Full list of visible steps and their order.
     * NOTE: see Step States further below for specific implementations.
    private static final List<String> stepsList = UtilMisc.unmodifiableArrayList(
            "organization", "accounting", "facility", "store", "catalog", "user"
     * Unordered set of the visible steps.
    private static final Set<String> stepsSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(stepsList));

    public static final String FINISHED_STEP = "finished";
    public static final String ERROR_STEP = "error";

     * If orgPartyId set, it uses that as "orgPartyId". Otherwise falls back on the next.
     * NOTE: in the internal param map,
    private static final List<String> ORGPARTYID_ATTRLIST = UtilMisc.unmodifiableArrayList(
            "orgPartyId", "partyId"
    protected static final String ORGPARTYID_ATTR = "orgPartyId";

     * If orgProductStoreId set, it uses that as "productStoreId". Otherwise falls back on the next.
    private static final List<String> PRODUCTSTOREID_ATTRLIST = UtilMisc.unmodifiableArrayList(
            "orgProductStoreId", "productStoreId"
    protected static final String PRODUCTSTOREID_ATTR = "productStoreId";

    protected static final List<String> ALL_PARAM_ATTR;
    static {
        Set<String> all = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        ALL_PARAM_ATTR = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(all));

    private static final Set<String> specialStepValues = UtilMisc.unmodifiableHashSet(

    private static final Set<String> allStepValues;
    static {
        Set<String> s = new HashSet<>(stepsSet);
        allStepValues = Collections.unmodifiableSet(s);

    private static final List<String> stepsAndFinList;
    static {
        List<String> list = new ArrayList<>(stepsList.size() + 1);
        stepsAndFinList = Collections.unmodifiableList(list);
    private static final Set<String> stepsAndFinSet = Collections.unmodifiableSet(new HashSet<String>(stepsAndFinList));

    private static final String initialStep = stepsList.get(0);

    private static final Set<String> reqAttrNamesToSkip = UtilMisc.unmodifiableHashSet(
            STATIC_WORKER_ATTR, "servletContext");

     * *******************************************
     * Constructors
     * *******************************************

    public static SetupWorker getWorker(HttpServletRequest request, boolean useReqCache) {
        return RequestSetupWorker.getWorker(request, useReqCache);

    public static SetupWorker getWorker(HttpServletRequest request) {
        return RequestSetupWorker.getWorker(request, true);

    public static void clearCached(HttpServletRequest request) {

     * *******************************************
     * Stateless info
     * *******************************************

    public List<String> getSteps() { return stepsList; }
    public Set<String> getStepsSet() { return stepsSet; }
    public int getStepsCount() { return stepsList.size(); }
    public Set<String> getAllStepValues() { return allStepValues; }
    public List<String> getStepsAndFinished() { return stepsAndFinList; }
    public Set<String> getStepsAndFinishedSet() { return stepsAndFinSet; }
    public int getStepsAndFinishedCount() { return stepsAndFinList.size(); }
    public String getInitialStep() { return initialStep; }

    public int getStepIndex(String step) { return stepsList.indexOf(step); }
    public int getStepIndexValid(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        int stepIndex = getStepIndex(step);
        if (stepIndex < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);
        return stepIndex;
    public int getStepIndexWithFinished(String step) { return FINISHED_STEP.equals(step) ? stepsList.size() : stepsList.indexOf(step); }
    public int getStepIndexWithFinishedValid(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        int stepIndex = getStepIndexWithFinished(step);
        if (stepIndex < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);
        return stepIndex;

    public List<String> getStepsBefore(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (FINISHED_STEP.equals(step)) return getSteps();
        return getSteps().subList(0, getStepIndexValid(step));
    public List<String> getStepsBeforeIncluding(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (FINISHED_STEP.equals(step)) return getSteps();
        return getSteps().subList(0, getStepIndexValid(step) + 1);

    public String getStepBefore(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        int index = getStepIndexValid(step) - 1;
        return (index >= 0) ? getSteps().get(index) : null;

     * Returns step after OR "finished".
    public String getStepAfter(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (FINISHED_STEP.equals(step)) return null;
        int index = getStepIndexValid(step) + 1;
        List<String> steps = getSteps();
        return (index < steps.size()) ? steps.get(index) : FINISHED_STEP;

    public boolean isValidStep(String step) { return getStepsSet().contains(step); }
    public boolean isValidStepOrFinished(String step) { return getStepsSet().contains(step) || FINISHED_STEP.equals(step); }

    public void checkValidStep(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (!isValidStep(step)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);
    public void checkValidStepOrFinished(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (!isValidStepOrFinished(step)) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);

    public boolean isStepEqualOrComesAfter(String beforeStep, String step) {
        return getStepIndexWithFinished(step) >= getStepIndexWithFinished(beforeStep);

    public static List<String> getStepsStatic() {
        return stepsList;

     * *******************************************
     * Step state base interfaces
     * *******************************************

     * Step state info.
     * NOT thread-safe.
    public static abstract class StepState implements Serializable {

         * Standard fields (part of toMap)

        public abstract String getName();
        public abstract boolean isSkippable();
        public abstract boolean isCompleted();
        public abstract boolean isCoreCompleted();
        public abstract boolean isAccessible();
        // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
        //public abstract boolean isSkipped();
        public abstract Map<String, Object> getStepData();
         * The params that should be passed to this step to access it.
        public abstract Map<String, Object> getStepParams();

         * Extra fields and helpers (not part of toMap())

        public abstract StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo();
         * Returns true if the step is effectively skippable in context,
         * even if {@link #isSkippable} returns false.
        public abstract boolean isSkippableEffective();

        public abstract String getNextAccessibleStep();

        public void toMap(Map<String, Object> map) {
            map.put("name", getName());
            map.put("stepData", getStepData());
            map.put("skippable", isSkippable());
            map.put("completed", isCompleted());
            // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
            //map.put("skipped", isSkipped());
            map.put("accessible", isAccessible());
            map.put("disabled", !isAccessible());
            map.put("stepParams", getStepParams());
            // can't do this
            //map.put("stepQueryString", getStepQueryString());
            // TODO?: not needed yet...
            //map.put("stepParamInfo", getStepParamInfo().toMap());
        public Map<String, Object> toMap() {
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
            return map;

    public static class StepParamInfo implements Serializable {
        private final Set<String> required;
        private final Set<String> optional;
        private final Set<String> supported;
        private StepParamInfo(Set<String> required, Set<String> optional, Set<String> supported) {
            this.required = required;
            this.optional = optional;
            this.supported = supported;

        public static StepParamInfo fromRequiredAndOptional(Set<String> required, Set<String> optional) {
            return new StepParamInfo(Collections.unmodifiableSet(required),
                    Collections.unmodifiableSet(combineSets(required, optional)));

        public Set<String> getRequired() { return required; }
        public Set<String> getOptional() { return optional; }
        public Set<String> getSupported() { return supported; }

        public static Set<String> combineSets(Set<String>... sets) {
            Set<String> res = new HashSet<>();
            for(Set<String> set : sets) {
            return res;

        public static Set<String> nameSet(String... names) {
            return UtilMisc.toHashSet(names);

        public void toMap(Map<String, Object> map) {
            map.put("required", getRequired());
            map.put("optional", getOptional());
            map.put("supported", getSupported());
        public Map<String, Object> toMap() {
            Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
            return map;

     * *******************************************
     * Stateful queries
     * *******************************************

    public abstract void clearCached();

     * Returns a validated and normalized parameter from request attributes or parameters.
     * Name can be: orgPartyId, productStoreId, ...
    public abstract Object getValidParam(String name);

     * Returns a NON-validated but preprocessed parameter from request attributes or parameters.
     * Name can be: orgPartyId, productStoreId, ...
    public abstract Object getParam(String name);

     * Returns validated orgPartyId, or null if invalid.
     * NOTE: may be empty at first step
    public String getOrgPartyId() {
        return (String) getValidParam("orgPartyId");

     * Returns validated productStoreId, or null if invalid.
     * NOTE: may be empty before first step
    public String getProductStoreId() {
        return (String) getValidParam("productStoreId");

     * Helper to read current org party; only non-null if valid.
    public abstract GenericValue getOrgParty();

     * Helper to read current org party; only non-null if valid.
    public abstract GenericValue getOrgPartyGroup();

     * Helper to read current product store; only non-null if valid.
    public abstract GenericValue getProductStore();

     * Returns last submitted setup step (rather than "current"/"next").
    public abstract String getSubmittedStep();

     * Returns the requested step attrib/param only.
     * WARN: must be verified.
    public abstract String getRequestedStep();

     * Returns the effective step attrib/param only.
     * WARN: must be verified.
    public abstract String getEffectiveStep();

     * WARN: Call before everything else.
     * May trigger cache clear (subject to change - see implementation).
    public abstract void setEffectiveStep(String effectiveStep);

     * Returns the "current"/"next" step.
     * In all cases, if the EFF_SETUP_STEP_ATTR is set, everything else is ignored.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: Upon review, screens don't need to call this (only events); they set a context var and just
     * need to validate it.
     * <p>
     * If submitted step is used, whether to stay or go to next step is controlled by the
     * <code>setupContinue=Y/N</code> request parameter (default: Y).
     * <p>
     * @param useRequested if TRUE check requested and error if invalid; if FALSE ignore requested;
     *                     if null check requested but fallback if invalid
     * @param useSubmitted if TRUE or null check submitted step and return the next step (depending on setupContinue Y/N parameter;
     *                     if FALSE ignore submitted;
     *                     if the next step is not accessible, returns the next auto-determined step that must be filled
     * @param updateEffective if TRUE always update effective even if exception (sets "error"); if FALSE never update;
     *                        if null only update if non-exception
     * @see #getSubmittedStep()
    public abstract String determineStepAndUpdate(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted, Boolean updateEffective);

     * Full-featured determineStepAndUpdate call with write-back to effective,
     * same as <code>determineStep(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE)</code>.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: Upon review, screens don't need to call this (only events); they set a context var and just
     * need to validate it.
    public abstract String determineStepAndUpdate();

     * Read-only
    public abstract String determineStep(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted);

    public abstract String determineStepAuto(boolean useCache);

    public String determineStepAuto() {
        return determineStepAuto(true);

    public String getNextAccessibleStep(String step) {
        return getStepState(step).getNextAccessibleStep();

    // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
//    /**
//     * WARN: Call before everything else.
//     * May trigger cache clear (subject to change - see implementation).
//     */
//    public abstract void markStepSkipped(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException;

    public abstract boolean isStepAllowed(String requestedStep) throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * If the effective is set, checks if the step matches it; if effective is not set, checks if the step is allowed.
     * FOR USE IN SCREENS to prevent bypassing the wizard.
    public abstract boolean isStepEffectiveAllowedSafe(String step);

    public abstract StepState getStepState(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Returns all step states by step name.
     * NOTE: Individual StepStates may lazily resolve values.
    public abstract Map<String, StepState> getStepStateMap() throws IllegalArgumentException;

     * Returns a map of step names to submaps with keys (all pre-resolved values) and caches in request:
     * accessible (Boolean), skippable (Boolean), skipped (Boolean), completed (Boolean)
     * NOTE: Forces all values to resolve.
     * Only for use in screens after all events processed.
    public abstract Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getStepStatePrimitiveMap() throws IllegalArgumentException;

    public abstract boolean isAllStepsCompleted();

    public abstract List<String> getIncompleteSteps();

    // Exact request states

    public abstract boolean isSetupEventError();

     * Returns true if new record form requested - this controls if form should show create or update.
    public abstract boolean isNewRecordRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isActionRecordRequest(String actionName, String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isActionRecordSuccessRequest(String actionName, String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isActionRecordFailedRequest(String actionName, String recordType);
     * Returns true if a create form was submitted.
     * NOTE: when this is true, isNewRecordRequest may return false because only one of these gets
     * passed. You may need check both.
    public abstract boolean isCreateRecordRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isCreateRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isCreateRecordFailedRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isDeleteRecordRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isDeleteRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType);
    public abstract boolean isDeleteRecordFailedRequest(String recordType);

    // Aggregate/high-level states

    public abstract boolean isUnspecificRecordRequest(String recordType);

     * This is basically isNewRecordRequest+isFailedCreateRecordRequest for now.
     * Couldn't find a better name.
    public abstract boolean isEffectiveNewRecordRequest(String recordType);

     * Returns a large map of all the requested states and ORed states, for easier access from screens.
     * <p>
     * NOTE:
     * isNewXxx means request for a new record form.
     * isCreateXxx means a new record form was submitted.
     * isNeweff means either new record form OR failed create submit.
    public Map<String, Object> getRecordRequestStatesMap(Collection<String> specActionNames, boolean aggregatedActions, Collection<String> recordTypes) {
        Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<>();
        boolean isError = isSetupEventError();
        map.put("isError", isError);

        // specific actions
        for(String actionName : specActionNames) {
            boolean isAction = false;
            boolean isActionSuccess = false;
            boolean isActionFailed = false;
            for(String recordType : recordTypes) {
                boolean isActionSpec = isActionRecordRequest(actionName, recordType);
                map.put("is"+actionName+recordType, isActionSpec);
                boolean isActionSpecSuccess = isActionSpec && !isError;
                map.put("is"+actionName+recordType+"Success", isActionSpecSuccess);
                boolean isActionSpecFailed = isActionSpec && isError;
                map.put("is"+actionName+recordType+"Failed", isActionSpecFailed);
                isAction = isAction || isActionSpec;
                isActionSuccess = isActionSuccess || isActionSpecSuccess;
                isActionFailed = isActionFailed || isActionSpecFailed;
            map.put("is"+actionName+"Record", isAction);
            map.put("is"+actionName+"RecordSuccess", isActionSuccess);
            map.put("is"+actionName+"RecordFailed", isActionFailed);

        if (aggregatedActions) {
            boolean isUnspec = false;
            boolean isEffnew = false;
            for(String recordType : recordTypes) {
                boolean isUnspecSpec = isUnspecificRecordRequest(recordType);
                map.put("isUnspec"+recordType, isUnspecSpec);
                boolean isEffnewSpec = isEffectiveNewRecordRequest(recordType);
                map.put("isEffnew"+recordType, isEffnewSpec);
                isUnspec = isUnspec || isUnspecSpec;
                isEffnew = isEffnew || isEffnewSpec;
            map.put("isUnspecRecord", isUnspec);
            map.put("isEffnewRecord", isEffnew);

        return map;

     * *******************************************
     * Static instance worker
     * *******************************************

     * Holds the actual resolved values but NOT HttpServletRequest so that
     * it can be stored and cached inside HttpServletRequest attributes.
     * <p>
     * The {@link RequestSetupWorker} keeps an instance same as one in request attribs
     * and modifies it directly so the one stored in HttpServletRequest is always up to date.
     * TODO?: the UnsupportedOperationException below are because this is not exposed
     * to client code at the moment - implement as-needed.
    protected static class StaticSetupWorker extends SetupWorker {
        private Map<String, StepState> stepStateMap = new HashMap<>();
        private String autoDetStep = null;
         * NON-validated parameters.
        private Map<String, Object> params = null;
         * Validated parameters.
        private Map<String, Object> validParams = null;

        public void clearCached() {
        public Object getValidParam(String name) {
            return validParams.get(name);
        public Object getParam(String name) {
            return params.get(name);
        public GenericValue getOrgParty() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public GenericValue getOrgPartyGroup() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public GenericValue getProductStore() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getSubmittedStep() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getRequestedStep() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String getEffectiveStep() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public void setEffectiveStep(String effectiveStep) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String determineStepAndUpdate(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted, Boolean updateEffective) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String determineStepAndUpdate() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String determineStep(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public String determineStepAuto(boolean useCache) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//        @Override
//        public void markStepSkipped(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
//            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
//        }
        public boolean isStepAllowed(String requestedStep) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isStepEffectiveAllowedSafe(String step) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public StepState getStepState(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return stepStateMap.get(step);
        public Map<String, StepState> getStepStateMap() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(stepStateMap);
        public Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getStepStatePrimitiveMap() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
            for(String step : getStepsAndFinished()) {
                stateMap.put(step, Collections.unmodifiableMap(getStepState(step).toMap()));
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(stateMap);
        public boolean isAllStepsCompleted() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public List<String> getIncompleteSteps() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isSetupEventError() {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isNewRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isActionRecordRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isActionRecordSuccessRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isActionRecordFailedRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isCreateRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isCreateRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isCreateRecordFailedRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isDeleteRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isDeleteRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isDeleteRecordFailedRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isUnspecificRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        public boolean isEffectiveNewRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
        protected static class StaticStepState extends StepState { // WARN: this one MUST be static
            protected String name;
            // NOTE: are boxed types instead of primitives due to reuse for caching
            protected Boolean skippable;
            protected Boolean completed;
            protected Boolean coreCompleted;
            //protected Boolean skipped;
            protected Boolean accessible;
            protected Map<String, Object> stepData;
            protected Map<String, Object> stepParams;
            protected boolean resolved; // FIXME: handle this flag better - it's only set in subset of possible cases, for opt

            protected StaticStepState() { ; }

            public StaticStepState(StepState other) {
       = other.getName();
                this.skippable = other.isSkippable();
                this.completed = other.isCompleted();
                this.coreCompleted = other.isCoreCompleted();
                //this.skipped = other.isSkipped();
                this.accessible = other.isAccessible();
                this.stepData = other.getStepData();
                this.stepParams = other.getStepParams();
                this.resolved = true; // the calls above enforce this

            public StaticStepState(StaticStepState partial, StepState other) {
       = != null ? : other.getName();
                this.skippable = partial.skippable != null ? partial.skippable : other.isSkippable();
                this.completed = partial.completed != null ? partial.completed : other.isCompleted();
                this.coreCompleted = partial.coreCompleted != null ? partial.coreCompleted : other.isCoreCompleted();
                //this.skipped = partial.skipped != null ? partial.skipped : other.isSkipped();
                this.accessible = partial.accessible != null ? partial.accessible : other.isAccessible();
                this.stepData = partial.stepData != null ? partial.stepData : other.getStepData();
                this.stepParams = partial.stepParams != null ? partial.stepParams : other.getStepParams();
                this.resolved = true; // the calls above enforce this

            protected StaticStepState(StaticStepState partial, boolean partialIsComplete) {
                this.skippable = partial.skippable;
                this.completed = partial.completed;
                this.coreCompleted = partial.coreCompleted;
                //this.skipped = partial.skipped;
                this.accessible = partial.accessible;
                this.stepData = partial.stepData;
                this.stepParams = partial.stepParams;
                this.resolved = partial.resolved;

            @Override public String getName() { return name; }
            @Override public boolean isSkippable() { return skippable; }
            @Override public boolean isCompleted() { return completed; }
            @Override public boolean isCoreCompleted() { return coreCompleted; }
            //@Override public boolean isSkipped() { return skipped; }
            @Override public boolean isAccessible() { return accessible; }
            @Override public Map<String, Object> getStepData() { return stepData; }
            @Override public Map<String, Object> getStepParams() { return stepParams; }

            protected boolean isResolved() { return resolved; }
            protected void markResolved() { resolved = true; }

            public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();

            public boolean isSkippableEffective() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot determine from static state");

            public String getNextAccessibleStep() {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Cannot determine from static state");

     * *******************************************
     * Core Worker implementation
     * *******************************************

     * Setup worker that wraps a HttpServletRequest and implements the core logic.
     * It caches some info in a {@link StaticSetupWorker} instance that is also
     * set in request so it transfers from events to screens.
    protected static class RequestSetupWorker extends SetupWorker {

        private StaticSetupWorker staticWorker;
        private HttpServletRequest request;
        private Delegator delegator = null;
        private LocalDispatcher dispatcher = null;
         * NOTE: each entry in this map references an entry in staticWorker.stepStateMap,
         * so it auto-populates the cache.
        private Map<String, StepState> stepStateMap = new HashMap<>();
        private List<StepState> stepStateList = null;
        private boolean useReqCache;

        protected RequestSetupWorker(HttpServletRequest request, StaticSetupWorker staticWorker, boolean useReqCache) {
            this.request = request;
            this.staticWorker = staticWorker;
            this.useReqCache = useReqCache;

        public static RequestSetupWorker getWorker(HttpServletRequest request, boolean useReqCache) {
            return new RequestSetupWorker(request, getEnsureStaticWorker(request, useReqCache), useReqCache);

        protected static StaticSetupWorker getEnsureStaticWorker(HttpServletRequest request, boolean useReqCache) {
            if (useReqCache) {
                StaticSetupWorker staticWorker = (StaticSetupWorker) request.getAttribute(STATIC_WORKER_ATTR);
                if (staticWorker == null) {
                    staticWorker = new StaticSetupWorker();
                    request.setAttribute(STATIC_WORKER_ATTR, staticWorker);

                    // SPECIAL: this prevents the cached data from getting saved into the session
                return staticWorker;
            } else {
                return new StaticSetupWorker();

        public void clearCached() {
            if (useReqCache) SetupWorker.clearCached(request);
            this.staticWorker = getEnsureStaticWorker(request, useReqCache);

        protected Map<String, StepState> getStepStateMapPriv() {
            return stepStateMap;

        public String getSubmittedStep() {
            String lastStep = (String) request.getAttribute(SUBMIT_STEP_ATTR);
            if (lastStep == null) {
                lastStep = request.getParameter(SUBMIT_STEP_ATTR);
            return lastStep;

        public String getRequestedStep() {
            String step = (String) request.getAttribute(REQ_STEP_ATTR);
            if (step == null) {
                step = request.getParameter(REQ_STEP_ATTR);
            return step;

        public String getEffectiveStep() {
            return (String) request.getAttribute(EFF_STEP_ATTR);

        public void setEffectiveStep(String effectiveStep) {
            try {
                request.setAttribute(EFF_STEP_ATTR, effectiveStep);
            } finally {
                // TODO: REVIEW: for now there's no code that appears to require a cache clear.
                // this could change at any time...
                //if (!strEquals(effectiveStep, getEffectiveStep())) {
                //    this.clearCached();

        public String determineStepAndUpdate(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted, Boolean updateEffective) {
            String step = getEffectiveStep();
            if (step == null) {
                try {
                    step = determineStep(useRequested, useSubmitted);
                    if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(updateEffective)) setEffectiveStep(step);
                } catch(Exception e) {
                    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(updateEffective)) setEffectiveStep(ERROR_STEP);
                    throw e;
            return step;

        public String determineStepAndUpdate() {
            return determineStepAndUpdate(Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.TRUE);

        public String determineStep(Boolean useRequested, Boolean useSubmitted) {
            String requestedStep = !Boolean.FALSE.equals(useRequested) ? getRequestedStep() : null;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(requestedStep)) {
                if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(useRequested)) {
                    if (isStepAllowed(requestedStep)) return requestedStep;
                    else throw new IllegalArgumentException("setup step requested cannot be fulfilled (prior steps required): " + requestedStep);
                } else {
                    try {
                        if (isStepAllowed(requestedStep)) return requestedStep;
                    } catch(Exception e) {

            if (!Boolean.FALSE.equals(useSubmitted)) {
                // SUBMIT HANDLING: if a step is submitted, you usually expect to go to the next one,
                // even if prior steps were skipped. so we always move to the next step
                // AS LONG AS it's accessible from here. if not, don't do error like the requestedStep
                // because this is part of the automatic process
                String submittedStep = getSubmittedStep();
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(submittedStep)) {
                    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(UtilMisc.booleanValueVersatile(getParams().get("setupContinue")))) {
                        if (isStepAllowed(submittedStep)) return submittedStep;
                        else {
                            Debug.logWarning("Setup: The submitted setup step (" + submittedStep
                                    + ") is not re-accessible for some reason"
                                    + "; returning auto-determined next step instead", module);
                    } else {
                        String nextStep = getNextAccessibleStep(submittedStep);
                        if (nextStep != null) return nextStep;
                        else {
                            Debug.logInfo("Setup: There is no accessible setup step after the submitted step ("
                                    + submittedStep + "); returning auto-determined next step instead", module);

            return determineStepAuto(true);

        public String determineStepAuto(boolean useCache) {
            String step = staticWorker.autoDetStep;
            if (step == null || !useCache) {
                for(StepState state : getStepStatesInternal()) {
                    // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
                    //if (!state.isCompleted() && !state.isSkipped()) {
                    if (!state.isCompleted()) {
                        step = state.getName();
                if (step == null) step = FINISHED_STEP;
                if (useCache) staticWorker.autoDetStep = step;
            return step;

        // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
//        private Map<String, Boolean> getSkippedSteps() {
//            Map<String, Boolean> skippedSteps = UtilGenerics.checkMap(request.getAttribute(SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR));
//            if (skippedSteps == null) {
//                // NOTE: we only ever read once from session then use request thereafter
//                skippedSteps = UtilGenerics.checkMap(getSession().getAttribute(SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR));
//                if (skippedSteps == null) skippedSteps = Collections.emptyMap();
//                // set in request to avoid sync issues
//                request.setAttribute(SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR, skippedSteps);
//            }
//            return skippedSteps;
//        }

        // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
//        /**
//         * Marks step skipped in session regardless of whether skippable(!).
//         */
//        protected void markStepSkippedForce(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
//            Map<String, Boolean> skippedSteps = getSkippedSteps();
//            if (!Boolean.TRUE.equals(skippedSteps.get(step))) {
//                try {
//                    skippedSteps = new HashMap<>(skippedSteps);
//                    skippedSteps.put(step, Boolean.TRUE);
//                    skippedSteps = Collections.unmodifiableMap(skippedSteps); // immutable/thread-safe
//                    request.setAttribute(SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR, skippedSteps);
//                    getSession().setAttribute(SKIPPEDSTEPS_ATTR, skippedSteps);
//                } finally {
//                    this.clearCached();
//                }
//            }
//        }

//        @Override
//        public void markStepSkipped(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException {
//            // VERIFY
//            if (!getStepState(step).isSkippable()) throw new IllegalStateException("step is not skippable: " + step);
//            if (!isStepAllowed(getStepAfter(step))) throw new IllegalStateException("step cannot be skipped (at this point): " + step);
//            markStepSkippedForce(step);
//        }

        public boolean isStepAllowed(String requestedStep) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            if (ERROR_STEP.equals(requestedStep)) return true;
            if (!getAllStepValues().contains(requestedStep)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step requested: " + requestedStep);
            // SIMPLIFIED: use isAccessible instead
//            for(StepState state : getStepStatesInternal()) {
//                if (state.getName().equals(requestedStep)) {
//                    return true;
//                }
//                if (!state.isSkippable() && !state.isCompleted()) {
//                    return false;
//                }
//            }
//            return FINISHED_STEP.equals(requestedStep);
            return getStepState(requestedStep).isAccessible();

        public boolean isStepEffectiveAllowedSafe(String step) {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(step)) return true;
            try {
                String effStep = getEffectiveStep();
                // if an eff step was set, we have to match it exactly
                if (effStep != null && !effStep.equals(step)) return false;
                return isStepAllowed(step);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, "Setup: Error determining setup step: " + e.getMessage(), module);
                return false;

        private StepState getNewStepState(String step) {
            Class<?> cls = stepStateClsMap.get(step);
            if (cls == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);
            Constructor<?> ctor;
            try {
                StaticStepState partialState = (StaticStepState) staticWorker.stepStateMap.get(step);
                if (partialState == null) {
                    partialState = new StaticStepState();
                    staticWorker.stepStateMap.put(step, partialState);

                ctor = cls.getConstructor(RequestSetupWorker.class, StaticStepState.class);
                return (StepState) ctor.newInstance(this, partialState);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("invalid setup step: " + step);

        public StepState getStepState(String step) throws IllegalArgumentException {
            StepState stepState = getStepStateMapPriv().get(step);
            if (stepState == null) {
                stepState = getNewStepState(step);
                getStepStateMapPriv().put(step, stepState);
            return stepState;

        private Map<String, StepState> getStepStateMapLoaded() {
            if (getStepStateMapPriv().size() < getStepsAndFinished().size()) {
                for(String step : getStepsAndFinished()) {
            return getStepStateMapPriv();

        private List<StepState> getStepStatesInternal() {
            if (stepStateList == null) {
                // WARN: DOES NOT include finished
                List<StepState> stepStateList = new ArrayList<>(getSteps().size());
                for(String step : getSteps()) {
                    StepState stepState = getStepState(step);
                this.stepStateList = Collections.unmodifiableList(stepStateList);
            return stepStateList;

        public Map<String, StepState> getStepStateMap() {
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(getStepStateMapLoaded());

        public Map<String, Map<String, Object>> getStepStatePrimitiveMap() throws IllegalArgumentException {
            Map<String, Map<String, Object>> stateMap = new HashMap<>();
            for(String step : getStepsAndFinished()) {
                stateMap.put(step, Collections.unmodifiableMap(getStepState(step).toMap()));
            return Collections.unmodifiableMap(stateMap);

        public boolean isAllStepsCompleted() {
            for(StepState stepState : getStepStatesInternal()) {
                if (!stepState.isCompleted()) return false;
            return true;
        public List<String> getIncompleteSteps() {
            List<String> missing = new ArrayList<>();
            for(StepState stepState : getStepStatesInternal()) {
                if (!stepState.isCompleted()) missing.add(stepState.getName());
            return Collections.unmodifiableList(missing);

        public boolean isSetupEventError() {
            return SetupEvents.isPreviousEventSavedError(getParams());
        public boolean isNewRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isNewRecordRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isActionRecordRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isActionRecordRequest(getParams(), actionName, recordType);
        public boolean isActionRecordSuccessRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isActionRecordSuccessRequest(getParams(), actionName, recordType);
        public boolean isActionRecordFailedRequest(String actionName, String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isActionRecordFailedRequest(getParams(), actionName, recordType);
        public boolean isCreateRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isCreateRecordRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isCreateRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isCreateRecordSuccessRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isCreateRecordFailedRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isCreateRecordFailedRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isDeleteRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isDeleteRecordRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isDeleteRecordSuccessRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isDeleteRecordSuccessRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isDeleteRecordFailedRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isDeleteRecordFailedRequest(getParams(), recordType);

        public boolean isUnspecificRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isUnspecificRecordRequest(getParams(), recordType);
        public boolean isEffectiveNewRecordRequest(String recordType) {
            return SetupDataUtil.isEffectiveNewRecordRequest(getParams(), recordType);

         * *******************************************
         * Step-specific implementations
         * *******************************************

        private static final Map<String, Class<?>> stepStateClsMap;
        static {
            Map<String, Class<?>> m = new HashMap<>();

            m.put("organization", OrganizationStepState.class);
            m.put("user", UserStepState.class);
            m.put("accounting", AccountingStepState.class);
            m.put("facility", FacilityStepState.class);
            m.put("catalog", CatalogStepState.class);
            m.put("store", StoreStepState.class);

            // pseudo-steps
            m.put(FINISHED_STEP, FinishedStepState.class);

            stepStateClsMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(m);

         * Implements step state logic and populates a StaticStepState instance in parallel.
        protected abstract class CommonStepState extends StepState {

            protected final StaticStepState staticState;

            public CommonStepState(StaticStepState staticState) { this.staticState = staticState; }

            public StaticStepState getPartialStaticState() {
                return staticState;

            public StaticStepState getResolvedStaticState() {
                if (staticState.isResolved()) return staticState;
                else {
                    return staticState;

            public void resolve() {
                // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple

            // delegating implementations

            public boolean isSkippable() {
                if (staticState.skippable == null) {
                    try {
                        staticState.skippable = isSkippableImpl();
                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
                        staticState.skippable = false; // prevents multi-failures
                return staticState.skippable;
            public boolean isCompleted() {
                if (staticState.completed == null) {
                    try {
                        staticState.completed = isCompletedImpl();
                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
                        staticState.completed = false; // prevents multi-failures
                return staticState.completed;
            public boolean isCoreCompleted() {
                if (staticState.coreCompleted == null) {
                    try {
                        staticState.coreCompleted = isCoreCompletedImpl();
                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
                        staticState.coreCompleted = false; // prevents multi-failures
                return staticState.coreCompleted;
//            @Override
//            public boolean isSkipped() {
//                if (staticState.skipped == null) {
//                    try {
//                        staticState.skipped = isSkippedImpl();
//                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
//                        handleEx(e);
//                        staticState.skipped = false; // prevents multi-failures
//                    }
//                }
//                return staticState.skipped;
//            }
            public boolean isAccessible() {
                if (staticState.accessible == null) {
                    try {
                        staticState.accessible = isAccessibleImpl();
                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
                        staticState.accessible = false; // prevents multi-failures
                return staticState.accessible;
            public Map<String, Object> getStepData() {
                if (staticState.stepData == null) {
                    try {
                        staticState.stepData = getStepDataImpl();
                    } catch (GeneralException e) {
                        staticState.stepData = new HashMap<>(); // prevents multi-failures
                return staticState.stepData;
            public Map<String, Object> getStepParams() { // NOTE: some subclasses may need to override this
                if (staticState.stepParams == null) {
                    try {
                        Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>();
                        for(String name : getStepParamInfo().getRequired()) {
                            params.put(name, getValidParam(name));
                        for(String name : getStepParamInfo().getOptional()) {
                            // TODO: REVIEW: not sure about this currently (getParam(name)?)
                            params.put(name, getValidParam(name));
                        staticState.stepParams = params;
                    } catch(Exception e) {
                        staticState.stepParams = new HashMap<>(); // prevents multi-failures
                        throw e;
                return staticState.stepParams;

            public boolean isSkippableEffective() {
                if (!isSkippable()) return false;

                // this was too limited
                // check if the next step is accessible
                //String nextStep = getStepAfter(getName());
                //if (FINISHED_STEP.equals(nextStep)) return true;
                //else return getStepState(nextStep).isAccessible();
                String nextStep = getNextAccessibleStep();
                return nextStep != null;

            public String getNextAccessibleStep() {
                String nextStep = getStepAfter(this.getName());
                if (nextStep == null || FINISHED_STEP.equals(nextStep)) return nextStep;

                StepState nextState = getStepState(nextStep);
                if (nextState.isAccessible()) {
                    return nextStep;
                } else {
                    if (!isSkippable()) {
                        return null;
                    } else {
                        return nextState.getNextAccessibleStep();

            private void handleEx(Exception e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException("Setup: Database error while checking setup step '" + getName() + "': " + e.getMessage(), e);

            // helpers

            protected final StepState getStepBefore() { return getStepState(RequestSetupWorker.this.getStepBefore(getName())); }
            protected final int getStepIndex() { return RequestSetupWorker.this.getStepIndex(getName()); } // TODO: optimize static info

            // overridable and default implementations for subclasses

            protected abstract Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException;

            protected abstract boolean isSkippableImpl() throws GeneralException;

            protected boolean isCompletedImpl() throws GeneralException {
                Map<String, Object> stepData = getStepData();
                return Boolean.TRUE.equals(stepData.get("completed"));

            protected boolean isCoreCompletedImpl() throws GeneralException {
                Map<String, Object> stepData = getStepData();
                if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(stepData.get("completed"))) return true;
                else return (Boolean.TRUE.equals(stepData.get("coreCompleted")));

            // REMOVED: managed to avoid session marks for skipping for now - keeping simple
//            protected boolean isSkippedImpl() throws GeneralException {
//                return Boolean.TRUE.equals(getSkippedSteps().get(getName()));
//            }

            protected boolean isAccessibleImpl() throws GeneralException {
                // SIMPLIFIED: all steps will be accessible as soon as their required parameters are present.
                // this means as soon as the first critical steps are done, all the others open up;
                // this way they can be accessed quickly
                //if (getInitialStep().equals(getName())) return true; // first step is always accessible
                //else if (isCompleted()) return isAllRequiredParamsPresent(); // SPECIAL CASE: if it's been filled-in, trust it can always be re-accessed for view or edit (out of order)
                //else if (getStepIndex() <= getStepIndexWithFinished(determineStepAuto(true))) return isAllRequiredParamsPresent(); // if the natural "next" step is us or a step after us, we should be accessible
                //return false;
                return isAllRequiredParamsPresent();

            // helpers

            protected final boolean isAllRequiredParamsPresent() {
                return isEveryParamValidNonEmpty(getStepParamInfo().getRequired());

            protected final Map<String, Object> getStepDataParamsArg() {
                return getCombinedParamsWithEnsureValid(getStepParamInfo().getRequired());

        private static final StepParamInfo organizationStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet(), nameSet(
                        "productStoreId" // NOTE: this is not used by the screen, it's merely passed around like a session attr, for now
        protected class OrganizationStepState extends CommonStepState {

            public OrganizationStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "organization"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return isCoreCompleted(); }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return organizationStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getOrganizationStepData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), isUseEntityCache());

        private static final StepParamInfo userStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet("orgPartyId", "productStoreId"), nameSet("userPartyId"));
        protected class UserStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public UserStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "user"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return true; }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return userStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getUserStepData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), isUseEntityCache());

        private static final StepParamInfo accountingStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet("orgPartyId"), nameSet("topGlAccountId")); // "productStoreId", "userPartyId"
        protected class AccountingStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public AccountingStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "accounting"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return true; }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return accountingStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getAccountingStepData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), isUseEntityCache());

        private static final StepParamInfo facilityStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet("orgPartyId"), nameSet("facilityId", "productStoreId"));
        protected class FacilityStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public FacilityStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "facility"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return true; }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return facilityStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getFacilityStepData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), isUseEntityCache());

        private static final StepParamInfo catalogStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet("orgPartyId", "productStoreId"), nameSet());
        protected class CatalogStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public CatalogStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "catalog"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return true; }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return catalogStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getCatalogStepStateData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), isUseEntityCache());

        private static final StepParamInfo storeStepParamInfo =
                        "facilityId" // NOTE: 2017-09-27: making this required because too many things require it
                        ), nameSet("productStoreId"));
        protected class StoreStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public StoreStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return "store"; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return isCoreCompleted(); }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return storeStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                return SetupDataUtil.getStoreStepStateData(getDelegator(), getDispatcher(), getStepDataParamsArg(), true, isUseEntityCache());

        // NOTE: this is a "pseudo" step; it typically doesn't get listed as part of the main steps.
        private static final StepParamInfo finishedStepParamInfo =
                StepParamInfo.fromRequiredAndOptional(nameSet("orgPartyId", "productStoreId"), nameSet());
        protected class FinishedStepState extends CommonStepState {
            public FinishedStepState(StaticStepState partial) { super(partial); }

            @Override public String getName() { return FINISHED_STEP; }
            @Override protected boolean isSkippableImpl() { return false; }
            @Override public StepParamInfo getStepParamInfo() { return finishedStepParamInfo; }

            protected Map<String, Object> getStepDataImpl() throws GeneralException {
                Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<>();
                result.put("completed", true);
                return result;

         * *******************************************
         * Param handling (generic)
         * *******************************************

         * Returns the NON-validated params, minimally-preprocessed.
        protected Map<String, Object> getParams() {
            if (staticWorker.params == null) {
                Map<String, Object> params = UtilHttp.getParameterMap(request);
                params.putAll(UtilHttp.getAttributeMap(request, reqAttrNamesToSkip));
                staticWorker.params = params;
            return staticWorker.params;

        protected void preprocessParams(Map<String, Object> params) {

            // TODO: REVIEW: to avoid certain kinds of crashes, for now
            // do not allow collections on some parameters (they come from UtilHttp.getParameterMap)
            preventCollections(params, ALL_PARAM_ATTR, "Setup: preprocessParams: ");

            // if the param is specified but empty ?orgPartyId= then it will not check for ?partyId=
            // If there are issues, fix them in the screen not here.

            // SPECIAL: reads orgPartyId from original params map, but if orgPartyId is null,
            // uses partyId as param instead.
            putFirstNonNull(params, ORGPARTYID_ATTRLIST, params, ORGPARTYID_ATTR);

            // SPECIAL: need to recognize orgProductStoreId as a workaround for screen issues.
            // NOTE: we don't use orgProductStoreId internally (for now...)
            putFirstNonNull(params, PRODUCTSTOREID_ATTRLIST, params, PRODUCTSTOREID_ATTR);

         * Returns the validated params map. No invalid IDs in here, unless they have no {@link ParamValidator}.
         * This map is only populated as-needed by {@link #getValidParam} and {@link #ensureParamsValidated}.
        protected Map<String, Object> getValidParams() {
            if (staticWorker.validParams == null) {
                staticWorker.validParams = new HashMap<>();
            return staticWorker.validParams;

         * Returns params + validParams, and each name in validParamNames receives forced validation
         * (will be null in map if invalid).
        protected Map<String, Object> getCombinedParamsWithEnsureValid(Collection<String> validParamNames) {
            Map<String, Object> combinedParams = new HashMap<>(getParams());
            return combinedParams;

         * Returns NON-validated param; may be straight user input.
        public Object getParam(String name) {
            return getParams().get(name);

         * Returns validated user param OR the straight param as-is if no validation is implemented for it.
        public Object getValidParam(String name) {
            Map<String, Object> validParams = getValidParams();
            if (!validParams.containsKey(name)) {
                Object value = getParam(name);
                ParamValidator validator = ParamValidator.getValidator(name);
                if (validator != null) {
                    value = validator.getValidatedParam(this, name, value);
                validParams.put(name, value);
                return value;
            return validParams.get(name);

        protected void ensureParamsValidated(Collection<String> paramNames) {
            for(String name : paramNames) {

         * Returns true if all the named parameters are 1) non-empty 2) valid values.
         * FIXME: doesn't handle types, only works with Strings.
        protected boolean isEveryParamValidNonEmpty(Collection<String> paramNames) {
            Map<String, Object> validParams = getValidParams();
            for(String name : paramNames) {
                Object val = validParams.get(name);
                if (!(val instanceof String) || UtilValidate.isEmpty((String) val)) {
                    return false;
            return true;

         * This delegates the validation of the params back to the StepStates i.e. SetupDataUtil,
         * so the DB checks only need to run once.
        protected static abstract class ParamValidator implements Serializable {
            private static final Map<String, ParamValidator> paramValidatorMap;
            static {
                Map<String, ParamValidator> map = new HashMap<>();

                map.put("orgPartyId", new ParamValidator() {
                    public Object getValidatedParam(RequestSetupWorker setupWorker, String paramName, Object value) {
                        String partyId = null;

                        // NOTE: the value gets implicitly passed here (confusing), so not using the value arg
                        Map<String, Object> storeStepData = setupWorker.getStepState("organization").getStepData();
                        if (storeStepData.get("partyGroup") != null) {
                            partyId = (String) storeStepData.get("orgPartyId");

                        return partyId;

                map.put("productStoreId", new ParamValidator() {
                    public Object getValidatedParam(RequestSetupWorker setupWorker, String paramName, Object value) {
                        String productStoreId = null;

                        // NOTE: the value gets implicitly passed here (confusing), so not using the value arg
                        Map<String, Object> storeStepData = setupWorker.getStepState("store").getStepData();
                        if (storeStepData.get("productStore") != null) {
                            productStoreId = (String) storeStepData.get("productStoreId");

                        return productStoreId;

                map.put("facilityId", new ParamValidator() {
                    public Object getValidatedParam(RequestSetupWorker setupWorker, String paramName, Object value) {
                        String facilityId = null;

                        // NOTE: the value gets implicitly passed here (confusing), so not using the value arg
                        Map<String, Object> facilityStepData = setupWorker.getStepState("facility").getStepData();
                        if (facilityStepData.get("facility") != null) {
                            facilityId = (String) facilityStepData.get("facilityId");

                        return facilityId;

                map.put("topGlAccountId", new ParamValidator() {
                    public Object getValidatedParam(RequestSetupWorker setupWorker, String paramName, Object value) {
                        String topGlAccountId = null;

                        // NOTE: the value gets implicitly passed here (confusing), so not using the value arg
                        Map<String, Object> accountingStepData = setupWorker.getStepState("accounting").getStepData();
                        if (accountingStepData.get("topGlAccount") != null) {
                            topGlAccountId = (String) accountingStepData.get("topGlAccountId");

                        return topGlAccountId;

                paramValidatorMap = Collections.unmodifiableMap(map);

            public static ParamValidator getValidator(String paramName) {
                return paramValidatorMap.get(paramName);

            public abstract Object getValidatedParam(RequestSetupWorker setupWorker, String paramName, Object value);

        private GenericValue getStepDataValueIfValid(String step, String valueName, String paramName) {
            String paramVal = (String) getValidParam(paramName);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(paramVal)) {
                return getStepDataValue(step, valueName);
            return null;

        private GenericValue getStepDataValue(String step, String valueName) {
            Map<String, Object> storeStepData = getStepState(step).getStepData();
            return (GenericValue) storeStepData.get(valueName);

        public GenericValue getOrgParty() {
            return getStepDataValueIfValid("organization", "party", "orgPartyId");

        public GenericValue getOrgPartyGroup() {
            return getStepDataValueIfValid("organization", "partyGroup", "orgPartyId");

        public GenericValue getProductStore() {
            return getStepDataValueIfValid("store", "productStore", "productStoreId");

         * *******************************************
         * Local Helpers
         * *******************************************

        private Delegator getDelegator() {
            Delegator delegator = this.delegator;
            if (delegator == null) {
                delegator = (Delegator) request.getAttribute("delegator");
                this.delegator = delegator;
            return delegator;

        protected LocalDispatcher getDispatcher() {
            LocalDispatcher dispatcher = this.dispatcher;
            if (dispatcher == null) {
                dispatcher = (LocalDispatcher) request.getAttribute("dispatcher");
                this.dispatcher = dispatcher;
            return dispatcher;

        protected HttpServletRequest getRequest() {
            return request;

        protected HttpSession getSession() {
            return request.getSession();

        protected boolean isUseEntityCache() {
            return false;

     * *******************************************
     * Generic helpers
     * *******************************************

    static String getNonNull(String value) {
        return (value != null) ? value : "";

    static String getNonEmptyOrNull(String value) {
        if (value == null) return null;
        else return (value.length() > 0) ? value : null;

    static Set<String> nameSet(String... values) {
        return StepParamInfo.nameSet(values);

    static boolean strEquals(String first, String second) {
        if (first != null) return first.equals(second);
        else return second == null;

    static boolean containsOneOf(Map<String, Object> params, Iterable<String> names) {
        for(String name : names) {
            if (params.containsKey(name)) return true;
        return false;

    static String getFirstNonNull(Map<String, Object> params, Iterable<String> names) {
        for(String name : names) {
            Object value = params.get(name);
            if (value != null) return null;
        return null;

    static Object putFirstNonNull(Map<String, Object> params, Iterable<String> names, Map<String, Object> destMap, String destName) {
        for(String name : names) {
            Object value = params.get(name);
            if (value != null) {
                destMap.put((destName != null) ? destName : name, value);
                return value;
        return null;

    static void preventCollections(Map<String, Object> params, String... paramNames) {
        preventCollections(params, Arrays.asList(paramNames), null);

    static void preventCollections(Map<String, Object> params, Collection<String> paramNames) {
        preventCollections(params, paramNames, null);

    static void preventCollections(Map<String, Object> params, Collection<String> paramNames, String logPrefix) {
        for(String name : paramNames) {
            if (params.get(name) instanceof Collection) {
                Iterator<?> it = UtilGenerics.checkCollection(params.get(name)).iterator();
                if (logPrefix != null) {
                    Debug.logWarning(logPrefix+"Request parameter/attribute '" + name
                            + "' was found to be a collection (multiple request parameters with same name?); using first value only", module);
                Object firstValue = it.hasNext() ? : null;
                params.put(name, firstValue);

    static String upperFirst(String str) {
        return str.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + str.substring(1);