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Test Coverage
This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the
files 'LICENSE' and 'NOTICE', which are part of this source
code package.

     Standard fields for this template are: cardNumber, pinNumber, amount, previousAmount, processResult, responseCode
     All other fields in this template are designed to work with the values (responses) from surveyId 1001

<#include "component://shop/webapp/shop/common/common.ftl">

<#if cardNumber?has_content><#-- SCIPIO: Cross-support with giftcardpurchase.ftl -->
  <#assign giftCardNumber = cardNumber>
<#if giftCardNumber?has_content>
  <#assign displayNumber = getGiftCardDisplayNumber(giftCardNumber)><#-- SCIPIO: Refactored -->

<#if processResult>
  <#-- success -->
  <br />
  <#-- SCIPIO: Doubled words and bad localization
  ${uiLabelMap.EcommerceYourGiftCard} ${displayNumber} ${uiLabelMap.EcommerceYourGiftCardReloaded}-->
  ${getLabel('EcommerceYourGiftCardHasBeenReloaded', {'cardNumber': raw(displayNumber!)})}
  <br />
  ${uiLabelMap.EcommerceGiftCardNewBalance}: <@ofbizCurrency amount=(amount!) isoCode=(currencyUomId!)/><#rt/>
    <#lt/> (${uiLabelMap.CommonFrom}: <@ofbizCurrency amount=(previousAmount!) isoCode=(currencyUomId!)/>)
  <br />
  <#-- fail -->
  <br />
  ${uiLabelMap.EcommerceGiftCardReloadFailed} [${responseCode!}]
  <br />
  <br />