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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package com.redfin.sitemapgenerator;

import java.text.ParseException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.List;

/** Container for optional URL parameters */
//that weird thing with generics is so sub-classed objects will return themselves
//It makes sense, I swear!
abstract class AbstractSitemapUrlOptions<U extends WebSitemapUrl, THIS extends AbstractSitemapUrlOptions<U,THIS>> {
    Date lastMod;
    ChangeFreq changeFreq;
    Double priority;
    URL url;
    Class<U> clazz;
    List<AltLink> altLinks; // SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Added
    public AbstractSitemapUrlOptions(String url, Class<U> clazz) throws MalformedURLException {
        this(new URL(url), clazz);
    public AbstractSitemapUrlOptions(URL url, Class<U> clazz) {
        if (url == null) throw new NullPointerException("URL may not be null");
        this.url = url;
        this.clazz = clazz;
     * The date of last modification of the file. Note that this tag is
     * separate from the If-Modified-Since (304) header the server can
     * return, and search engines may use the information from both sources
     * differently.
    public THIS lastMod(Date lastMod) {
        this.lastMod = lastMod;
        return getThis();
     * The date of last modification of the file. Note that this tag is
     * separate from the If-Modified-Since (304) header the server can
     * return, and search engines may use the information from both sources
     * differently.
     * @throws ParseException if the string isn't a valid W3C date time
     * @see W3CDateFormat
    public THIS lastMod(String lastMod) throws ParseException {
        this.lastMod = new W3CDateFormat().parse(lastMod);
        return getThis();
     * How frequently the page is likely to change. This value provides
     * general information to search engines and may not correlate exactly
     * to how often they crawl the page. The value {@link ChangeFreq#ALWAYS} should be used to
     * describe documents that change each time they are accessed. The value
     * {@link ChangeFreq#NEVER} should be used to describe archived URLs.
     * <p>Please note that the
     * value of this tag is considered a <em>hint</em> and not a command. Even though
     * search engine crawlers may consider this information when making
     * decisions, they may crawl pages marked {@link ChangeFreq#HOURLY} less frequently than
     * that, and they may crawl pages marked {@link ChangeFreq#YEARLY} more frequently than
     * that. Crawlers may periodically crawl pages marked {@link ChangeFreq#NEVER} so that
     * they can handle unexpected changes to those pages.</p>
    public THIS changeFreq(ChangeFreq changeFreq) {
        this.changeFreq = changeFreq;
        return getThis();
     * <p>The priority of this URL relative to other URLs on your site. Valid
     * values range from 0.0 to 1.0. This value does not affect how your
     * pages are compared to pages on other sites-it only lets the search
     * engines know which pages you deem most important for the crawlers.</p>
     * <p>The default priority of a page is 0.5.</p>
     * <p>Please note that the priority you assign to a page is not likely to
     * influence the position of your URLs in a search engine's result
     * pages. Search engines may use this information when selecting between
     * URLs on the same site, so you can use this tag to increase the
     * likelihood that your most important pages are present in a search
     * index.</p>
     * <p>Also, please note that assigning a high priority to all of the URLs
     * on your site is not likely to help you. Since the priority is
     * relative, it is only used to select between URLs on your site.</p>
    public THIS priority(Double priority) {
        if (priority > 1.0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Priority may not be greater than 1.0: " + priority);
        if (priority < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Priority may not be less than 0: " + priority);
        this.priority = priority;
        return getThis();

    public AbstractSitemapUrlOptions<U, THIS> altLinks(List<AltLink> altLinks) {
        this.altLinks = altLinks;
        return this;

    public AbstractSitemapUrlOptions<U, THIS> addAltLink(AltLink altLink) {
        if (altLinks == null) {
            altLinks = new ArrayList<>();
        return this;

    THIS getThis() {
        return (THIS)this;
    /** Return an URL based on these settings */
    public U build() {
        try {
            return clazz.getConstructor(getClass()).newInstance(this);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
