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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.ofbiz.base.util;

import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.InvalidPropertiesFormatException;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingResourceException;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.ResourceBundle;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

import com.ilscipio.scipio.ce.util.PathUtil;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.ofbiz.base.component.ComponentConfig;
import org.ofbiz.base.location.FlexibleLocation;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.cache.UtilCache;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.ResourceBundleMapWrapper;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.string.FlexibleStringExpander;
import org.w3c.dom.Document;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

/** Generic Property Accessor with Cache - Utilities for working with properties files.
 * <p>UtilProperties divides properties files into two classes: non-locale-specific -
 * which are used for application parameters, configuration settings, etc; and
 * locale-specific - which are used for UI labels, system messages, etc. Each class
 * of properties files is kept in its own cache.</p>
 * <p>The locale-specific class of properties files can be in any one of three
 * formats: the standard text-based key=value format (*.properties file), the Java
 * XML properties format, and the OFBiz-specific XML file format
 * (see the <a href="#xmlToProperties(,%20java.util.Locale,%20java.util.Properties)">xmlToProperties</a>
 * method).</p>
 * <p>
 * SCIPIO: 2020-03-09: Now supports command-line overrides for simple *.properties file in the format:
 * <code>[resource]#[property-name]=[property-value]</code>
 * (Example: <code></code>)
 * </p>
public final class UtilProperties implements Serializable {

    private static final Debug.OfbizLogger module = Debug.getOfbizLogger(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

     * Virtual name of global resource bundle/label property file.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
    public static final String GLOBAL_RESOURCE = "global";

    private UtilProperties() {}

     * A cache for storing Properties instances. Each Properties instance is keyed by its URL.
    private static final UtilCache<String, Properties> urlCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.UtilPropertiesUrlCache");

     * SCIPIO: A lightweight cache for storing Properties instances. Each Properties instance is keyed by its resource name.
     * Mainly intended for *.properties files (not localized resource bundles). This is a lightweight second-layer cache
     * around the instances already stored in {@link #urlCache}, so as to not duplicate the Properties instances.
     * Improves access for the many individual property lookups.
     * Added 2018-07-18.
    private static final UtilCache<String, Properties> propResourceCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.UtilPropertiesPropResourceCache");

     * SCIPIO: A cache for Properties instances loaded with {@link #getMergedPropertiesFromAllComponents(String)}.
    private static final UtilCache<String, Properties> allComponentsPropResourceCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.UtilPropertiesAllComponentsPropResourceCache");

     * SCIPIO: A read-only empty properties instance.
    private static final Properties emptyProperties = new ExtendedProperties();

    // SCIPIO: 2018-07-18: HashSet is not thread-safe! Use an immutable collection copy pattern instead.
    // NOTE: Here even omitting volatile because this does not appear to be critical or one-time information (mainly performance?).
    //private static final Set<String> propertiesNotFound = new HashSet<String>();
    private static Set<String> propertiesNotFound = Collections.emptySet();
    private static final int propertiesNotFoundMax = 300;

    /** Compares the specified property to the compareString, returns true if they are the same, false otherwise
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param compareString The String to compare the property value to
     * @return True if the strings are the same, false otherwise
    public static boolean propertyValueEquals(String resource, String name, String compareString) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(resource, name);

        return value.trim().equals(compareString);

    /** Compares Ignoring Case the specified property to the compareString, returns true if they are the same, false otherwise
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param compareString The String to compare the property value to
     * @return True if the strings are the same, false otherwise
    public static boolean propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(String resource, String name, String compareString) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(resource, name);

        return value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(compareString);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultValue is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property is not found
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file, or if not found then the defaultValue
    public static String getPropertyValue(String resource, String name, String defaultValue) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(resource, name);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return defaultValue;
        return value;

    /** SCIPIO: Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultValue is returned.
     * Added 2018-07-12.
     * @param properties The properties
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property is not found
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file, or if not found then the defaultValue
    public static String getPropertyValue(Properties properties, String name, String defaultValue) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(properties, name);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return defaultValue;
        return value;

     * getPropertyNumber, as double.
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: <strong>WARN:</strong> This method is inconsistent; you should use {@link #getPropertyAsDouble(String, String, double)} instead.
    public static double getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name, double defaultValue) {
        String str = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(str)) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't try/warn if empty
            return defaultValue;
        try {
            return Double.parseDouble(str);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Debug.logWarning("Error converting String \"" + str + "\" to double; using defaultNumber: " + defaultValue + ".", module); // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't swallow
            return defaultValue;

     * getPropertyNumber, as double, with default value 0.00000.
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: <strong>WARN:</strong> This method is inconsistent; you should use {@link #getPropertyAsDouble(String, String, double)} instead.
    public static double getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name) {
        return getPropertyNumber(resource, name, 0.00000);

     * Returns the Number as a Number-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultObject is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Number to return if the property is not found.
     * @param type A String of the the Object the Number is converted to (like "Integer").
     * @return A Number-Object of the property as the defined type; or if not found the defaultObject
    private static Number getPropertyNumber(String resource, String name, Number defaultNumber, String type) {
        String str = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(str)) {
            // SCIPIO: 2017-07-15: should not be a warning nor error
            //Debug.logWarning("Error converting String \"" + str + "\" to " + type + "; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber + ".", module);
            Debug.logInfo("Property [" + resource + "/" + name + "] empty; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber + ".", module);
            return defaultNumber;
        try {
            return (Number)(ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(str, type, null, null));
        } catch (Exception e) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: use Exception here, because there may be unexpected RuntimeExceptions thrown here
            Debug.logWarning("Error converting String \"" + str + "\" to " + type + "; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber + ".", module);
        return defaultNumber;

     * Returns a Boolean-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultValue is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultValue Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found or not the correct format.
     * @return A Boolean-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultValue
    public static Boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String resource, String name, boolean defaultValue) {
        String str = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            return defaultValue;

     * Returns a Boolean-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultValue is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultValue Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found or not the correct format. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return A Boolean-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultValue
    public static Boolean getPropertyAsBoolean(String resource, String name, Boolean defaultValue) {
        String str = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            return defaultValue;

     * Returns an Integer-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return An Integer-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Integer getPropertyAsInteger(String resource, String name, int defaultNumber) {
        return (Integer)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Integer");

     * Returns an Integer-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return An Integer-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Integer getPropertyAsInteger(String resource, String name, Integer defaultNumber) {
        return (Integer)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Integer");

     * SCIPIO: Returns an Integer-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * If value is not between the given minValue and maxValue (where null means unbounded), the defaultValue is returned.
     * Added 2017-07-12.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return An Integer-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Integer getPropertyAsIntegerInRange(String resource, String name, Integer minValue, Integer maxValue, Integer defaultNumber) {
        return UtilNumber.getInRange((Integer)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Integer"), minValue, maxValue, defaultNumber);

     * Returns a Long-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return A Long-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Long getPropertyAsLong(String resource, String name, long defaultNumber) {
        return (Long)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Long");

     * SCIPIO: Returns a Long-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * If value is not between the given minValue and maxValue (where null means unbounded), the defaultValue is returned.
     * Added 2017-07-12.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return A Long-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Long getPropertyAsLongInRange(String resource, String name, Long minValue, Long maxValue, Long defaultNumber) {
        return UtilNumber.getInRange((Long)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Long"), minValue, maxValue, defaultNumber);

     * Returns a Long-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return A Long-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Long getPropertyAsLong(String resource, String name, Long defaultNumber) {
        return (Long)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Long");

     * Returns a Float-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return A Long-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Float getPropertyAsFloat(String resource, String name, float defaultNumber) {
        return (Float)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Float");

     * Returns a Float-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return A Long-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Float getPropertyAsFloat(String resource, String name, Float defaultNumber) {
        return (Float)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Float");

     * Returns a Double-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return A Double-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Double getPropertyAsDouble(String resource, String name, double defaultNumber) {
        return (Double)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Double");

     * Returns a Double-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: boxed-type overload]
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found. [SCIPIO: 2017-08-29: now boxed type]
     * @return A Double-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static Double getPropertyAsDouble(String resource, String name, Double defaultNumber) {
        return (Double)getPropertyNumber(resource, name, defaultNumber, "Double");

     * Returns a BigInteger-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return A BigInteger-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static BigInteger getPropertyAsBigInteger(String resource, String name, BigInteger defaultNumber) {
        String strValue = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(strValue)) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't warn if empty
            return defaultNumber;
        BigInteger result = defaultNumber;
        try {
            result = new BigInteger(strValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Debug.logWarning("Couldn't convert String \"" + strValue + "\" to BigInteger; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber.toString() + ".", module);
        return result;

     * Returns a BigDecimal-Object of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultNumber is returned.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - if the properties file is '', the resource name is 'webevent'
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultNumber Optional: The Value to return if the property is not found.
     * @return A BigDecimal-Object of the property; or if not found the defaultNumber
    public static BigDecimal getPropertyAsBigDecimal(String resource, String name, BigDecimal defaultNumber) {
        String strValue = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(strValue)) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't warn if empty
            return defaultNumber;
        BigDecimal result = defaultNumber;
        try {
            result = new BigDecimal(strValue);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Debug.logWarning("Couldn't convert String \"" + strValue + "\" to BigDecimal; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber.toString() + ".", module);
        return result;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getPropertyValue(String resource, String name) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
            return "";

        Properties properties = getProperties(resource);
        if (properties == null) {
            return "";

        String value = null;

        try {
            value = properties.getProperty(name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logInfo(e, module);
        return value == null ? "" : value.trim();

    /** SCIPIO: Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file
     * Added 2018-07-12.
     * @param properties The properties
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getPropertyValue(Properties properties, String name) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
            return "";
        if (properties == null) {
            return "";

        String value = null;

        try {
            value = properties.getProperty(name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logInfo(e, module);
        return value == null ? "" : value.trim();

    /** SCIPIO: Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file,
     * or null if it is absent or empty.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getPropertyValueOrNull(String resource, String name) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(resource, name);
        return value.isEmpty() ? null : value;

    /** SCIPIO: Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file,
     * or null if it is absent or empty.
     * Added 2018-07-12.
     * @param properties The properties
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getPropertyValueOrNull(Properties properties, String name) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(properties, name);
        return value.isEmpty() ? null : value;

     * Returns a new <code>Properties</code> instance created from <code>fileName</code>.
     * <p>This method is intended for low-level framework classes that need to read
     * properties files before OFBiz has been fully initialized.</p>
     * @param fileName The full name of the properties file ("")
     * @return A new <code>Properties</code> instance created from <code>fileName</code>, or
     * <code>null</code> if the file was not found
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if <code>fileName</code> is empty
     * @throws IllegalStateException if there was a problem reading the file
    public static Properties createProperties(String fileName) {
        Assert.notEmpty("fileName", fileName);
        InputStream inStream = null;
        try {
            URL url = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(fileName);
            if (url == null) {
                return null;
            inStream = url.openStream();
            Properties properties = new Properties();
            return properties;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Exception thrown while reading " + fileName + ": " + e);
        } finally {
            if (inStream != null) {
                try {
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, "Exception thrown while closing InputStream", module);

    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: MERGED PROPERTIES (2018-07-18):
     * This method now supports merged properties
     * by combining several resource names in the resource string.
     * Format: "+resource1+resource2+resource3"
     * In other words, a starting "+" indicates merged properties mode,
     * and the rest of the string is resource names separated by "+".
     * This is equivalent to calling {@code getMergedProperties("resource1", "resource2", "resource3")}.
     * The merged properties are cached and the result must not be modified.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @return The properties file
    public static Properties getProperties(String resource) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
            return null;
        // SCIPIO: 2018-07-18: Now uses an extra lightweight cache around the URL cache.
        // The two-layer caching ensures reuse of the Properties instances.
        //URL url = resolvePropertiesUrl(resource, null);
        //return getProperties(url);
        Properties properties = propResourceCache.get(resource);
        if (properties == null) {
            String realResource = resource;
            if (resource.charAt(0) == '+') {
                // SCIPIO: 2018-07-18: MERGED PROPERTIES
                String[] resources = StringUtils.split(resource.substring(1), '+');
                String[] realResources = ResourceNameAliases.substituteResourceNameAliases(resources); // SCIPIO: 2018-10-02: resource name aliases
                realResource = "+" + StringUtils.join(realResources, '+');
                properties = getMergedPropertiesFromUrlCache(realResources);
            } else {
                realResource = ResourceNameAliases.substituteResourceNameAlias(resource); // SCIPIO: 2018-10-02: resource name aliases
                URL url = resolvePropertiesUrl(realResource, null);
                properties = getProperties(url);
            if (properties != null) {
                properties = propResourceCache.putIfAbsentAndGet(realResource, properties);
                if (!resource.equals(realResource)) {
                    propResourceCache.put(resource, properties);
        return properties;

     * SCIPIO: Returns an immutable empty Properties instance, which can
     * be used to avoid null checks in code constructs. WARN: Must not be modified!
     * Added 2018-07-18.
    public static Properties getEmptyProperties() {
        return emptyProperties;

     * SCIPIO: Returns a Properties instance composed of the given resources merged together.
     * The entries in the last resource override the previous ones.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: Like {@link #getProperties(String)}, the resulting properties are cached and
     * should not be modified.
     * <p>
     * If one or more of the resources are missing, they are skipped. If all of them
     * are missing, returns null.
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-07-18.
    public static Properties getMergedProperties(String... resources) {
        String cacheKey = "+" + StringUtils.join(resources, '+');
        Properties properties = propResourceCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (properties == null) {
            String[] realResources = ResourceNameAliases.substituteResourceNameAliases(resources); // SCIPIO: 2018-10-02: resource name aliases
            String realCacheKey = "+" + StringUtils.join(realResources, '+');
            properties = getMergedPropertiesFromUrlCache(realResources);
            if (properties != null) {
                properties = propResourceCache.putIfAbsentAndGet(realCacheKey, properties);
                if (!cacheKey.equals(realCacheKey)) {
                    propResourceCache.put(cacheKey, properties);
        return properties;

     * SCIPIO: Returns a Properties instance composed of the given resources merged together.
     * The entries in the last resource override the previous ones.
     * <p>
     * NOTE: Like {@link #getProperties(String)}, the resulting properties are cached and
     * should not be modified.
     * <p>
     * If one or more of the resources are missing, they are skipped. If all of them
     * are missing, returns null.
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-07-18.
    public static Properties getMergedProperties(Collection<String> resources) {
        return getMergedProperties(resources.toArray(new String[resources.size()]));

    private static Properties getMergedPropertiesFromUrlCache(String[] resources) {
        if (resources.length == 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("No resources specified for merged properties");

        // Make cache key for urlCache, which is "+url1+url2+url3"
        StringBuilder urlCacheKeySb = new StringBuilder();
        URL[] urlList = new URL[resources.length];
        for(int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
            URL url = resolvePropertiesUrl(resources[i], null);
            urlList[i] = url;
            if (url != null) {
        String urlCacheKey = urlCacheKeySb.toString();

        Properties mergedProperties = (urlCacheKey.length() > 0) ? urlCache.get(urlCacheKey) : null;
        if (mergedProperties == null) {
            // DEV NOTE: This log message is only printed if the string resources map
            // to a different set of URLs after filtering for normalization and missing ones,
            // so less than you might expect; clear the cache using admin UI for testing properly.
            StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder("Merged properties: Resources: [");
            for(int i = 0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                URL url = urlList[i];
                if (url != null) {
                    Properties properties = getProperties(url);
                    if (properties != null) {
                        if (mergedProperties == null) { // for now: require at least one valid Properties
                            mergedProperties = new ExtendedProperties();
                        log.append("->merged] + ");
                    } else {
                        log.append("->not merged (file not loaded)] + ");
                } else {
                    log.append("->not merged (url not resolved)] + ");
            if (log.length() > 0) log.setLength(log.length() - " + ".length());
            if (mergedProperties != null) {
                urlCache.put(urlCacheKey, mergedProperties);
            } else {
                log.append(" (no resources could be loaded)");
            if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
                log.append("; resolved URLs: [");
            Debug.logInfo(log.toString(), module);
        return mergedProperties;

     * SCIPIO: Returns a merged Properties instance composed of the named resource from all components.
     * Uses cache.
     * <p>
     * See for example.
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-10-26.
    public static Properties getMergedPropertiesFromAllComponents(String resource) {
        String cacheKey = resource;
        if (cacheKey.endsWith(".properties")) {
            cacheKey = cacheKey.substring(0, cacheKey.length() - ".properties".length());
        Properties props = allComponentsPropResourceCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (props == null) {
            props = readMergedPropertiesFromAllComponents(resource); // no need for synchronization here
            props = allComponentsPropResourceCache.putIfAbsentAndGet(cacheKey, props);
        return props;

     * SCIPIO: Returns a merged Properties instance composed of the named resource from all components.
     * No caching.
     * <p>
     * See for example.
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-10-26.
    public static Properties readMergedPropertiesFromAllComponents(String resource) {
        if (!resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
            resource = resource + ".properties";
        Properties mergedProps = new ExtendedProperties();
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        Enumeration<URL> resources;
        try {
            resources = loader.getResources(resource);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            Debug.logError(e, "Could not load list of property files from all components for resource: " + resource, module);
            return mergedProps;
        while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
            URL propertyURL = resources.nextElement();
            Properties props = UtilProperties.getProperties(propertyURL);
            if (props == null) {
                Debug.logError("Unable to load properties file: " + propertyURL, module);
            } else {
        return mergedProps;
    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file
     * @param url The URL to the resource
     * @return The properties file
    public static Properties getProperties(URL url) {
        if (url == null) {
            return null;
        String cacheKey = url.toString();
        Properties properties = urlCache.get(cacheKey);
        if (properties == null) {
            try {
                properties = new ExtendedProperties(url, null);
                urlCache.put(cacheKey, properties);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logInfo(e, module);
        if (properties == null) {
            Debug.logInfo("[UtilProperties.getProperties] could not find resource: " + url, module);
            return null;
        return properties;

    // ========= URL Based Methods ==========

    /** Compares the specified property to the compareString, returns true if they are the same, false otherwise
     * @param url URL object specifying the location of the resource
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param compareString The String to compare the property value to
     * @return True if the strings are the same, false otherwise
    public static boolean propertyValueEquals(URL url, String name, String compareString) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(url, name);

        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        return value.trim().equals(compareString);

    /** Compares Ignoring Case the specified property to the compareString, returns true if they are the same, false otherwise
     * @param url URL object specifying the location of the resource
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param compareString The String to compare the property value to
     * @return True if the strings are the same, false otherwise
    public static boolean propertyValueEqualsIgnoreCase(URL url, String name, String compareString) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(url, name);

        if (value == null) {
            return false;
        return value.trim().equalsIgnoreCase(compareString);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file.
     * If the specified property name or properties file is not found, the defaultValue is returned.
     * @param url URL object specifying the location of the resource
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param defaultValue The value to return if the property is not found
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file, or if not found then the defaultValue
    public static String getPropertyValue(URL url, String name, String defaultValue) {
        String value = getPropertyValue(url, name);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return defaultValue;
        return value;

    public static double getPropertyNumber(URL url, String name, double defaultValue) {
        String str = getPropertyValue(url, name);
        if (str == null) {
            return defaultValue;

        try {
            return Double.parseDouble(str);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            return defaultValue;

    public static double getPropertyNumber(URL url, String name) {
        return getPropertyNumber(url, name, 0.00000);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file
     * @param url URL object specifying the location of the resource
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getPropertyValue(URL url, String name) {
        if (url == null) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
            return "";
        Properties properties = getProperties(url);

        if (properties == null) {
            return null;

        String value = null;

        try {
            value = properties.getProperty(name);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logInfo(e, module);
        return value == null ? "" : value.trim();

    /** Returns the value of a split property name from the specified resource/properties file
     * Rather than specifying the property name the value of a name.X property is specified which
     * will correspond to a value.X property whose value will be returned. X is a number from 1 to
     * whatever and all values are checked until a name.X for a certain X is not found.
     * @param url URL object specifying the location of the resource
     * @param name The name of the split property in the properties file
     * @return The value of the split property from the properties file
    public static String getSplitPropertyValue(URL url, String name) {
        if (url == null) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
            return "";

        Properties properties = getProperties(url);

        if (properties == null) {
            return null;

        String value = null;

        try {
            int curIdx = 1;
            String curName = null;

            while ((curName = properties.getProperty("name." + curIdx)) != null) {
                if (name.equals(curName)) {
                    value = properties.getProperty("value." + curIdx);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logInfo(e, module);
        return value == null ? "" : value.trim();

    /** Sets the specified value of the specified property name to the specified resource/properties file
     * @param resource The name of the resource - must be a file
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param value The value of the property in the properties file */
     public static void setPropertyValue(String resource, String name, String value) {
         if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
         if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {

         Properties properties = getProperties(resource);
         if (properties == null) {

        try (
                FileOutputStream propFile = new FileOutputStream(resource);) {
             properties.setProperty(name, value);
             if ("XuiLabels".equals(name)) {
                     +"# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one                   \n"
                     +"# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file                 \n"
                     +"# distributed with this work for additional information                        \n"
                     +"# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file                   \n"
                     +"# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the                            \n"
                     +"# \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance                 \n"
                     +"# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                   \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"#                                   \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,                   \n"
                     +"# software distributed under the License is distributed on an                  \n"
                     +"# \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY                     \n"
                     +"# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the                    \n"
                     +"# specific language governing permissions and limitations                      \n"
                     +"# under the License.                                                           \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"# Dynamically modified by OFBiz Framework (org.ofbiz.base.util : UtilProperties.setPropertyValue)\n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"# By default the screen is 1024x768 wide. If you want to use another screen size,\n"
                     +"# you must create a new directory under specialpurpose/pos/screens, like the 800x600.\n"
                     +"# You must also set the 3 related parameters (StartClass, ClientWidth, ClientHeight) accordingly.\n"
             } else {
                     +"# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one                   \n"
                     +"# or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file                 \n"
                     +"# distributed with this work for additional information                        \n"
                     +"# regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file                   \n"
                     +"# to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the                            \n"
                     +"# \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance                 \n"
                     +"# with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                   \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"#                                   \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,                   \n"
                     +"# software distributed under the License is distributed on an                  \n"
                     +"# \"AS IS\" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY                     \n"
                     +"# KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the                    \n"
                     +"# specific language governing permissions and limitations                      \n"
                     +"# under the License.                                                           \n"
                     +"#                                                                              \n"
                     +"# Dynamically modified by OFBiz Framework (org.ofbiz.base.util : UtilProperties.setPropertyValue)\n"
                     +"# The comments have been removed, you may still find them on the OFBiz repository... \n"

             //propFile.close(); // SCIPIO: 2018-08-30: covered by try-with-resources
         } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
             Debug.logInfo(e, "Unable to located the resource file.", module);
         } catch (IOException e) {
             Debug.logError(e, module);

     /** Sets the specified value of the specified property name to the specified resource/properties in memory, does not persist it
      * @param resource The name of the resource
      * @param name The name of the property in the resource
      * @param value The value of the property to set in memory */
      public static void setPropertyValueInMemory(String resource, String name, String value) {
          if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
          if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {

          Properties properties = getProperties(resource);
          if (properties == null) {
          properties.setProperty(name, value);

    // ========= Locale & Resource Based Methods ==========

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns null if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        // SCIPIO: This whole method can delegate to NoTrim version.
        String value = getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, locale, optional);
        return value.isEmpty() ? value : value.trim();

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Locale locale) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, locale, false);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the global
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String name, Locale locale) {
        return getMessage(null, name, locale, false);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 1.x.x: Version that guarantees there be no trim() operation.</p>
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        // SCIPIO: Fall back to global map
        //if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
        //    return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(name)) {
            return "";
        if (locale == null) {
            // SCIPIO: 2018-11-13: getResourceBundle throws exception if locale null.
            // Locale should always be specified so it is an error, but we can log instead of crashing.
            locale = Locale.getDefault();
            Debug.logWarning("getMessage: locale (required) is null; using default [" + locale + "] for label ["
                    + (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resource) ? resource : GLOBAL_RESOURCE) + "#" + name + "]", module);

        // SCIPIO: NOTE: getResourceBundle automatically returns the global bundle for us here.
        ResourceBundle bundle = getResourceBundle(resource, locale);
        if (bundle == null) {
            return optional ? "" : name;
        try {
            return bundle.getString(name);
        } catch(MissingResourceException e) {
            if (optional) {
                return "";
            Debug.logInfo("Property [" +  (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(resource) ? resource : GLOBAL_RESOURCE) +
                    "#" + name + "] for locale [" + locale + "]", module);
            return name;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 1.x.x: Version that guarantees there be no trim() operation.</p>
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, Locale locale) {
        return getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the global
     *  resource/properties file corresponding to the given locale.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 1.x.x: Version that guarantees there be no trim() operation.</p>
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessageNoTrim(String name, Locale locale) {
        return getMessageNoTrim(null, name, locale, false);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments An array of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Object[] arguments, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        String value = getMessage(resource, name, locale, optional);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return "";
        if (arguments != null && arguments.length > 0) {
            value = MessageFormat.format(value, arguments);
        return value;
    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments An array of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Object[] arguments, Locale locale) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, arguments, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments A List of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static <E> String getMessage(String resource, String name, List<E> arguments, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        String value = getMessage(resource, name, locale, optional);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(arguments)) {
            value = MessageFormat.format(value, arguments.toArray());
        return value;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments A List of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static <E> String getMessage(String resource, String name, List<E> arguments, Locale locale) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, arguments, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: Version that guarantees there to be no trim() operation.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments A List of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static <E> String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, List<E> arguments, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        String value = getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, locale, optional);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(arguments)) {
            value = MessageFormat.format(value, arguments.toArray());
        return value;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the MessageFormat class
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: Version that guarantees there to be no trim() operation.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param arguments A List of Objects to insert into the message argument place holders
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static <E> String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, List<E> arguments, Locale locale) {
        return getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, arguments, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate

    public static String getMessageList(String resource, String name, Locale locale, Object... arguments) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, arguments, locale);

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the FlexibleStringExpander class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param context A Map of Objects to insert into the message place holders using the ${} syntax of the FlexibleStringExpander
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Map<String, ? extends Object> context, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        String value = getMessage(resource, name, locale, optional);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(context)) {
            value = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(value, context, locale);
        return value;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the FlexibleStringExpander class
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param context A Map of Objects to insert into the message place holders using the ${} syntax of the FlexibleStringExpander
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessage(String resource, String name, Map<String, ? extends Object> context, Locale locale) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, context, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate
    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the FlexibleStringExpander class
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: Version that guarantees there to be no trim() operation.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param context A Map of Objects to insert into the message place holders using the ${} syntax of the FlexibleStringExpander
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional If true, returns "" if no message for given locale and does not log; if false, missing returns key name (SCIPIO)
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, Map<String, ? extends Object> context, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        String value = getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, locale, optional);

        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return "";
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(context)) {
            value = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(value, context, locale);
        return value;

    /** Returns the value of the specified property name from the specified resource/properties file corresponding
     * to the given locale and replacing argument place holders with the given arguments using the FlexibleStringExpander class
     * <p>
     * SCIPIO: Version that guarantees there to be no trim() operation.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param name The name of the property in the properties file
     * @param context A Map of Objects to insert into the message place holders using the ${} syntax of the FlexibleStringExpander
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The value of the property in the properties file
    public static String getMessageNoTrim(String resource, String name, Map<String, ? extends Object> context, Locale locale) {
        return getMessageNoTrim(resource, name, context, locale, false); // SCIPIO: delegate

    public static String getMessageMap(String resource, String name, Locale locale, Object... context) {
        return getMessage(resource, name, UtilGenerics.toMap(String.class, context), locale);

    private static Set<String> resourceNotFoundMessagesShown = new HashSet<>();

    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file as a ResourceBundle
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2018-11-29: Added optional support.</p>
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param optional (SCIPIO) If true, no error if missing and generates empty instead (default is usually false)
     * @return The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String resource, Locale locale, boolean optional) {
        // SCIPIO: May now be null for global
        //if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
        //    throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource cannot be null or empty");
        if (locale == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("locale cannot be null");

        // SCIPIO: Check if the Global map suffices first - allows hot-deploy applications to override framework labels
        GlobalResourceBundle globalBundle = (GlobalResourceBundle) getGlobalResourceBundle(locale);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource) || GLOBAL_RESOURCE.equals(resource)) {
            return globalBundle;
        resource = normResourceName(resource);
        if (globalBundle.hasResource(resource)) {
            return globalBundle;

        ResourceBundle bundle;
        try {
            bundle = UtilResourceBundle.getBundle(resource, locale, (ClassLoader) null, optional); // SCIPIO: optional
        } catch (MissingResourceException e) {
            String resourceCacheKey = createResourceName(resource, locale, false);
            if (!resourceNotFoundMessagesShown.contains(resourceCacheKey)) {
                Debug.logInfo("[UtilProperties.getPropertyValue] could not find resource: " + resource + " for locale " + locale, module);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not find resource bundle [" + resource + "] in the locale [" + locale + "]");
        return bundle;

    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file as a ResourceBundle
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundle getResourceBundle(String resource, Locale locale) {    
        return getResourceBundle(resource, locale, false);
    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file as a Map with the original
     *  ResourceBundle in the Map under the key _RESOURCE_BUNDLE_
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return Map containing all entries in The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getResourceBundleMap(String resource, Locale locale) {
        return new ResourceBundleMapWrapper(getResourceBundle(resource, locale));

    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file as a Map with the original
     *  ResourceBundle in the Map under the key _RESOURCE_BUNDLE_
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param context The screen rendering context
     * @return Map containing all entries in The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getResourceBundleMap(String resource, Locale locale, Map<String, Object> context) {
        return new ResourceBundleMapWrapper(getResourceBundle(resource, locale), context);
    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file as a Map with the original
     *  ResourceBundle in the Map under the key _RESOURCE_BUNDLE_
     * SCIPIO: 2018-11-29: Added 2018-11-29 for optional flag.
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param context The screen rendering context
     * @param optional (SCIPIO) If true, no error if missing and generates empty instead (default is usually false)
     * @return Map containing all entries in The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getResourceBundleMap(String resource, Locale locale, Map<String, Object> context, boolean optional) {
        return new ResourceBundleMapWrapper(getResourceBundle(resource, locale, optional), context);

    /** Returns the global resource/properties of all combined global="true" config/*Labels.xml files as a ResourceBundle.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @return The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundle getGlobalResourceBundle(Locale locale) {
        if (locale == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("locale cannot be null");
        return GlobalResourceBundle.getGlobalBundle(locale, (ClassLoader) null, true);

    /** Returns the global resource/properties file as a Map with the original
     *  ResourceBundle in the Map under the key _RESOURCE_BUNDLE_
     *  <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
     * @param locale The locale that the given resource will correspond to
     * @param context The screen rendering context
     * @return Map containing all entries in The ResourceBundle
    public static ResourceBundleMapWrapper getGlobalResourceBundleMap(Locale locale, Map<String, Object> context) {
        return new ResourceBundleMapWrapper(getGlobalResourceBundle(locale), context);

    /** Returns the specified resource/properties file.<p>Note that this method
     * will return a Properties instance for the specified locale <em>only</em> -
     * if you need <a href="">I18n</a> properties, then use
     * <a href="#getResourceBundle(java.lang.String,%20java.util.Locale)">
     * getResourceBundle(String resource, Locale locale)</a>. This method is
     * intended to be used primarily by the UtilProperties class.</p>
     * @param resource The name of the resource - can be a file, class, or URL
     * @param locale The desired locale
     * @return The Properties instance, or null if no matching properties are found
    public static Properties getProperties(String resource, Locale locale) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource cannot be null or empty");
        if (locale == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("locale cannot be null");
        Properties properties = null;
        URL url = resolvePropertiesUrl(resource, locale);
        if (url != null) {
            try {
                properties = new ExtendedProperties(url, locale);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(e.getMessage())) {
                    Debug.logInfo(e.getMessage(), module);
                } else {
                    Debug.logInfo("Exception thrown: " + e.getClass().getName(), module);
                properties = null;
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(properties)) {
            if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
                Debug.logVerbose("getProperties: Loaded [" + properties.size() + "] properties for resource [" + resource + "] locale [" + locale + "]", module);
        return properties;

    // ========= Classes and Methods for expanded Properties file support ========== //

    // Private lazy-initializer class
    private static class FallbackLocaleHolder {
        private static final Locale fallbackLocale = getFallbackLocale();

        private static Locale getFallbackLocale() {
            Locale fallbackLocale = null;
            String locale = getPropertyValue("general", "");
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(locale)) {
                fallbackLocale = UtilMisc.parseLocale(locale);
            if (fallbackLocale == null) {
                fallbackLocale = Locale.ENGLISH;
            return fallbackLocale;

    /** Returns the configured fallback locale. UtilProperties uses this locale
     * to resolve locale-specific XML properties.<p>The fallback locale can be
     * configured using the <code></code> property in
     * <code></code>.
     * @return The configured fallback locale
    public static Locale getFallbackLocale() {
        return FallbackLocaleHolder.fallbackLocale;

    /** Converts a Locale instance to a candidate Locale list. The list
     * is ordered most-specific to least-specific. Example:
     * <code>localeToCandidateList(Locale.US)</code> would return
     * a list containing <code>en_US</code> and <code>en</code>.
     * @return A list of candidate locales.
    public static List<Locale> localeToCandidateList(Locale locale) {
        return UtilMisc.makeLocaleCandidateList(locale); // SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Delegated to UtilMisc

     * Converts a Locale instance to a candidate Locale list. The list
     * is ordered most-specific to least-specific. Example:
     * <code>localeToCandidateList(Locale.US)</code> would return
     * a list containing <code>en_US</code> and <code>en</code>.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Added overload.</p>
     * @return A list of candidate locales.
    public static List<Locale> localeToCandidateList(Locale locale, boolean includeSelf) {
        return UtilMisc.makeLocaleCandidateList(locale, includeSelf); // SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Delegated to UtilMisc

     * Converts a Locale instance to a candidate Locale list. The list
     * is ordered most-specific to least-specific. Example:
     * <code>localeToCandidateList(Locale.US)</code> would return
     * a list containing <code>en_US</code> and <code>en</code>.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Added overload.</p>
     * @return A list of candidate locales.
    public static List<Locale> localeToCandidateList(Locale locale, boolean includeSelf, List<Locale> outList) {
        return UtilMisc.makeLocaleCandidateList(locale, includeSelf, outList); // SCIPIO: 3.0.0: Delegated to UtilMisc

    // Private lazy-initializer class
    private static class CandidateLocalesHolder {
        private static Set<Locale> defaultCandidateLocales = getDefaultCandidateLocales();

        private static Set<Locale> getDefaultCandidateLocales() {
            Set<Locale> defaultCandidateLocales = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            return Collections.unmodifiableSet(defaultCandidateLocales);

    /** Returns the default candidate Locale list. The list is populated
     * with the JVM's default locale, the OFBiz fallback locale, and
     * the <code>LOCALE_ROOT</code> (empty) locale - in that order.
     * @return A list of default candidate locales.
    public static Set<Locale> getDefaultCandidateLocales() {
        return CandidateLocalesHolder.defaultCandidateLocales;

    /** Returns a list of candidate locales based on a supplied locale.
     * The returned list consists of the supplied locale and the
     * <a href="#getDefaultCandidateLocales()">default candidate locales</a>
     * - in that order.
     * @param locale The desired locale
     * @return A list of candidate locales
    public static List<Locale> getCandidateLocales(Locale locale) {
        // Java 6 conformance
        if (Locale.ROOT.equals(locale)) {
            return UtilMisc.toList(locale);
        Set<Locale> localeSet = new LinkedHashSet<>();
        List<Locale> localeList = new ArrayList<>(localeSet);
        return localeList;

    /** Create a localized resource name based on a resource name and
     * a locale.
     * @param resource The desired resource
     * @param locale The desired locale
     * @param removeExtension Remove file extension from resource String
     * @return Localized resource name
    public static String createResourceName(String resource, Locale locale, boolean removeExtension) {
        String resourceName = resource;
        if (removeExtension) {
            if (resourceName.endsWith(".xml")) {
                // SCIPIO: Bad logic
                //resourceName = resourceName.replace(".xml", "");
                resourceName = resourceName.substring(0, resourceName.length() - ".xml".length());
            } else if (resourceName.endsWith(".properties")) {
                // SCIPIO: Bad logic
                //resourceName = resourceName.replace(".properties", "");
                resourceName = resourceName.substring(0, resourceName.length() - ".properties".length());
        if (locale != null) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(locale.toString())) {
                resourceName = resourceName + "_" + locale;
        return resourceName;

    public static String normResourceName(String resource) { // SCIPIO
        if (resource == null) {
            return null;
        resource = PathUtil.getFileNameFromPath(resource);
        if (resource.endsWith(".xml")) {
            return resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".xml".length());
        } else if (resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
            return resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".properties".length());
        } else {
            return resource;

    public static String normResourceName(URL resourceURL) { // SCIPIO
        return normResourceName(resourceURL.toString());

    public static boolean isPropertiesResourceNotFound(String resource, Locale locale, boolean removeExtension) {
        return propertiesNotFound.contains(createResourceName(resource, locale, removeExtension));

     * Resolve a properties file URL.
     * <p>This method uses the following strategy:</p>
     * <ul>
     *   <li>Locate the XML file specified in <code>resource (MyProps.xml)</code></li>
     *   <li>Locate the file that starts with the name specified in
     *     <code>resource</code> and ends with the locale's string and
     *     <code>.xml (MyProps_en.xml)</code>
     *   </li>
     *   <li>Locate the file that starts with the name specified in
     *     <code>resource</code> and ends with the locale's string and
     *     <code>.properties (</code>
     *   </li>
     *   <li>Locate the file that starts with the name specified in
     *     <code>resource and ends with the locale's string (MyProps_en)</code>
     *   </li>
     * </ul>
     * The <code>component://</code> protocol is supported in the
     * <code>resource</code> parameter.
     * @param resource The resource to resolve
     * @param locale The desired locale
     * @return A URL instance or null if not found.
    public static URL resolvePropertiesUrl(String resource, Locale locale) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("resource cannot be null or empty");
        String resourceName = createResourceName(resource, locale, false);
        if (propertiesNotFound.contains(resourceName)) {
            return null;
        boolean containsProtocol = resource.contains(":");
        ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
        URL url = null;
        try {
            // Check for complete URL first
            if (resource.endsWith(".xml") || resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
                if (containsProtocol) {
                    url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resource, loader);
                } else {
                    url = UtilURL.fromResource(resource, loader);
                if (url != null) {
                    return url;
            // Check for *.properties file
            if (containsProtocol) {
                url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resourceName + ".properties", loader);
            } else {
                url = UtilURL.fromResource(resourceName + ".properties", loader);
            if (url != null) {
                return url;
            // Check for Java XML properties file
            if (containsProtocol) {
                url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resourceName + ".xml", loader);
            } else {
                url = UtilURL.fromResource(resourceName + ".xml", loader);
            if (url != null) {
                return url;
            // Check for Custom XML properties file
            if (containsProtocol) {
                url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resource + ".xml", loader);
            } else {
                url = UtilURL.fromResource(resource + ".xml", loader);
            if (url != null) {
                return url;
            if (containsProtocol) {
                url = FlexibleLocation.resolveLocation(resource, loader);
            } else {
                url = UtilURL.fromResource(resource, loader);
            if (url != null) {
                return url;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logInfo("Properties resolver: invalid URL - " + e.getMessage(), module);
        if (propertiesNotFound.size() <= propertiesNotFoundMax) {
            // Sanity check - list could get quite large
            // SCIPIO: 2018-07-18: HashSet is not thread-safe, so can't do this.
            // However, also want to avoid locking globally on this, so use an immutable collection copy.
            // Even omitting volatile since this does not appear critical to record.
            Set<String> newPropertiesNotFound = new HashSet<>(propertiesNotFound);
            propertiesNotFound = Collections.unmodifiableSet(newPropertiesNotFound);
        return null;

     * Convert XML property file to Properties instance. This method will convert
     * both the Java XML properties file format and the OFBiz custom XML
     * properties file format.
     * SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Prefer using {@link ResourceBundleProperties#from(String, URL, InputStream)}
     * <p>The format of the custom XML properties file is:</p>
     * <pre>
     * {@code
     * <resource>
     *     <property key="key">
     *     <value xml:lang="locale 1">Some value</value>
     *     <value xml:lang="locale 2">Some value</value>
     *     ...
     *     </property>
     *     ...
     * </resource>
     * }
     * </pre>
     * where <em>"locale 1", "locale 2"</em> are valid xml:lang values..
     * @param in XML file InputStream
     * @param locale The desired locale
     * @param properties Optional Properties object to populate
     * @return PropertyDefs instance or null if not found
    public static Properties xmlToProperties(InputStream in, Locale locale, Properties properties) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
        if (in == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream cannot be null");
        ResourceBundleProperties rbp = ResourceBundleProperties.from("unknown", null, in);
        if (rbp == null) {
            return null;
        Properties props = rbp.getProperties(locale);
        if (properties == null) {
            // TODO: REVIEW: does this need a copy?
            //return props;
            properties = new Properties();
        return properties;

     * Represents a full *Labels.xml with raw properties for all languages, with temporary cache to minimize file loads.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
    public static class ResourceBundleProperties implements Serializable {
         * ResourceBundleProperties cache.
         * <p>NOTE: Recommended to set expireTime in otherwise wastes memory if persisted.</p>
        private static final UtilCache<String, ResourceBundleProperties> rbpCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.ResourceBundlePropertiesCache");

        protected final String resource;
        protected final URL resourceURL;
        protected final Properties entryProperties;
        protected final Map<String, Properties> localeProperties;
        protected final Boolean globalLoad;

        protected ResourceBundleProperties(String resource, URL resourceURL, Properties entryProperties, Map<String, Properties> localeProperties, Boolean globalLoad) {
            this.resource = resource;
            this.resourceURL = resourceURL;
            this.entryProperties = entryProperties;
            this.localeProperties = localeProperties;
            this.globalLoad = globalLoad;

        public static ResourceBundleProperties from(String resource, URL resourceURL, boolean useCache, boolean log) {
            resource = normResourceName(resource);
            ResourceBundleProperties rbp;
            if (useCache) {
                String cacheKey = resource;
                rbp = rbpCache.get(cacheKey);
                if (rbp == null) {
                    rbp = from(resource, resourceURL, null, log);
                    if (rbp != null) {
                        rbp = rbpCache.putIfAbsentAndGet(cacheKey, rbp);
            } else {
                rbp = from(resource, resourceURL, null, log);
            return rbp;

        public static ResourceBundleProperties from(String resource, URL resourceURL, boolean useCache) {
            return from(resource, resourceURL, useCache, true);

        public static ResourceBundleProperties from(String resource, URL resourceURL, InputStream in, boolean log) {
            try {
                resource = normResourceName(resource);
                Properties entryProperties = new Properties();
                int locPropCount = 0;
                Map<String, Properties> localeProperties = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                if (in == null) {
                    try {
                        in = new BufferedInputStream(resourceURL.openStream());
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Debug.logError("XML file for resource [" + resource + "] url [" +
                                resourceURL + "] could not be loaded: " + e.toString(), module);
                Document doc;
                try {
                    doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "XML Properties file");
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Debug.logError("XML file for resource [" + resource + "] could not be loaded: " + e.toString(), module);
                    return null;
                Element resourceElement = doc.getDocumentElement();

                // Custom XML properties file format
                List<? extends Element> propertyElemList = UtilXml.childElementList(resourceElement, "property");
                if (propertyElemList != null) {
                    for (Element propertyElem : propertyElemList) {
                        List<? extends Element> valueElemList = UtilXml.childElementList(propertyElem, "value");
                        if (valueElemList != null) {
                            for(Element valueElem : valueElemList) {
                                String value = UtilXml.elementValue(valueElem);
                                if (value != null) {
                                    String name = propertyElem.getAttribute("key");
                                    String localeString = valueElem.getAttribute("xml:lang");
                                    if (localeString.isEmpty()) {
                                        entryProperties.put(name, value);
                                    } else {
                                        localeString = localeString.replace('_','-');
                                        Properties properties = localeProperties.get(localeString);
                                        if (properties == null) {
                                            properties = new Properties();
                                            localeProperties.put(localeString, properties);
                                        properties.put(name, value);

                // Java XML properties file format
                propertyElemList = UtilXml.childElementList(resourceElement, "entry");
                if (propertyElemList != null) {
                    for (Element propertyElem : propertyElemList) {
                        String value = UtilXml.elementValue(propertyElem);
                        if (value != null) {
                            String name = propertyElem.getAttribute("key");
                            entryProperties.put(name, value);
                if (log && Debug.infoOn()) {
                    int propCount = entryProperties.size() + locPropCount;
                    Debug.logInfo("ResourceBundleProperties: Loaded resource [" + resource + "]" +
                            ((Debug.verboseOn() && resourceURL != null) ? " url [" + resourceURL + "]" : "") + "; " +
                            localeProperties.size() + " locales, " +
                            propCount + " properties (" +
                            entryProperties.size() + " regular, " +
                            locPropCount + " localized)", module);
                return new ResourceBundleProperties(resource, resourceURL, entryProperties, localeProperties,
            } finally {
                if (in != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (IOException e) {
                        Debug.logError(e.toString(), module);

        public static ResourceBundleProperties from(String resource, URL resourceURL, InputStream in) {
            return from(resource, resourceURL, in, true);

        public String getResource() {
            return resource;

        public URL getResourceURL() {
            return resourceURL;

        public Properties getEntryProperties() {
            return entryProperties;

        public Map<String, Properties> getLocaleProperties() {
            return localeProperties;

        public Properties getProperties(String locale) {
            return getLocaleProperties().get(locale);

        public Properties getProperties(Locale locale) {
            return getProperties(locale.toString());

        public Boolean getGlobalLoad() {
            return globalLoad;

    /** Returns map of resource names to maps of locales to text values, all locales (SCIPIO). */
    public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> xmlToLocalePropertyMap(InputStream in, boolean sort, Map<String, Map<String, String>> out) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
        if (in == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("InputStream cannot be null");
        Document doc;
        try {
            doc = UtilXml.readXmlDocument(in, true, "XML Properties file");
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logWarning(e, "XML file could not be loaded.", module);
            return null;
        } finally {
        Element resourceElement = doc.getDocumentElement();
        List<? extends Element> propertyList = UtilXml.childElementList(resourceElement, "property");
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(propertyList)) {
            for (Element property : propertyList) {
                String propName = property.getAttribute("key");
                if (propName.isEmpty()) {
                Map<String, String> propMap = UtilGenerics.cast(out.get(propName));
                boolean newMap = false;
                if (propMap == null) {
                    propMap = sort ? new TreeMap<>() : new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    newMap = true;
                List<? extends Element> values = UtilXml.childElementList(property, "value"); // "xml:lang"
                for(Element value : values) {
                    String localeString = value.getAttribute("xml:lang");
                    String valueString = UtilXml.elementValue(value);
                    if (valueString != null && UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(localeString)) {
                        propMap.put(localeString, valueString);
                if (newMap && !propMap.isEmpty()) {
                    out.put(propName, propMap);
        return out;

    public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> xmlToLocalePropertyMap(URL url, boolean sort, Map<String, Map<String, String>> out) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
        InputStream in = null;
        try {
            in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
            return xmlToLocalePropertyMap(in, sort, out);
        } finally {
            if (in != null) {

    // SCIPIO
    private static Method entityResourceToPropertiesMethod = null;

    private static Properties entityResourceToProperties(String resourceName, Locale locale, Properties properties, Object delegator, boolean useCache) {
        // SCIPIO: Attempt to integrate LocalizedProperty entries
        if (entityResourceToPropertiesMethod == null) {
            try {
                entityResourceToPropertiesMethod = Class.forName("org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtilProperties")
                        .getMethod("entityResourceToProperties", String.class, Locale.class, Properties.class, Object.class, boolean.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
        if (entityResourceToPropertiesMethod != null) {
            try {
                return (Properties) entityResourceToPropertiesMethod.invoke(null, resourceName, locale, properties, null, useCache);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
        return properties;

    private static Method entityResourceToLocalePropertyMapMethod = null;

    public static Map<String, Map<String, String>> entityResourceToLocalePropertyMap(String resourceName, boolean sort, Object delegator, boolean useCache, Map<String, Map<String, String>> out) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
        if (entityResourceToLocalePropertyMapMethod == null) {
            try {
                entityResourceToLocalePropertyMapMethod = Class.forName("org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtilProperties")
                        .getMethod("entityResourceToLocalePropertyMap", String.class, boolean.class, Object.class, boolean.class, Map.class);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
        if (entityResourceToLocalePropertyMapMethod != null) {
            try {
                return UtilGenerics.cast(entityResourceToLocalePropertyMapMethod.invoke(null, resourceName, sort, delegator, useCache, out));
            } catch (Exception e) {
                Debug.logError(e, module);
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Returns all property names in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between.
     * Added 2017-07-10.
    public static <C extends Collection<String>> C getPropertyNamesWithPrefixSuffix(C out, Properties properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        int prefixLength = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
        int suffixLength = (suffix == null ? 0 : suffix.length());
        for(String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
            if ((prefix == null || name.startsWith(prefix)) && (suffix == null || name.endsWith(suffix))) {
                String middle = name.substring(prefixLength, name.length() - suffixLength);
                if (allowDots || !middle.contains(".")) {
                    out.add((returnPrefix ? prefix : "") + middle + (returnSuffix ? suffix : ""));
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Returns all property names in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between.
     * Added 2017-07-10.
    public static Set<String> getPropertyNamesWithPrefixSuffix(Properties properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        return getPropertyNamesWithPrefixSuffix(new LinkedHashSet<>(), properties, prefix, suffix, allowDots, returnPrefix, returnSuffix);

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between, to the given out map.
     * Added 2017-07-10.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(M out, Properties properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        int prefixLength = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
        int suffixLength = (suffix == null) ? 0 : suffix.length();
        for(String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
            if ((prefix == null || name.startsWith(prefix)) && (suffix == null || name.endsWith(suffix))) {
                String middle = name.substring(prefixLength, name.length() - suffixLength);
                if (allowDots || !middle.contains(".")) {
                    String value = properties.getProperty(name);
                    if (value != null) value = value.trim();
                    out.put((returnPrefix ? prefix : "") + middle + (returnSuffix ? suffix : ""), value);
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * with option to forbid dots in names, to the given out map.
     * Added 2017-07-10.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesWithPrefix(M out, Properties properties, String prefix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        int prefixLength = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
        for(String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
            if ((prefix == null || name.startsWith(prefix))) {
                String middle = name.substring(prefixLength, name.length());
                if (allowDots || !middle.contains(".")) {
                    String value = properties.getProperty(name);
                    if (value != null) value = value.trim();
                    out.put((returnPrefix ? prefix : "") + middle, value);
        return out;

     * Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between, to the given out map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static <M extends Map<String, ?>> M putPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(M out, Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        int prefixLength = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
        int suffixLength = (suffix == null) ? 0 : suffix.length();
        for(Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            if ((prefix == null || name.startsWith(prefix)) && (suffix == null || name.endsWith(suffix))) {
                String middle = name.substring(prefixLength, name.length() - suffixLength);
                if (allowDots || !middle.contains(".")) {
                    Object value = entry.getValue();
                    if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
                        value = ((String) entry.getValue()).trim();
                    out.put((returnPrefix ? prefix : "") + middle + (returnSuffix ? suffix : ""), UtilGenerics.cast(value));
        return out;

     * Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * with option to forbid dots in names, to the given out map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesWithPrefix(M out, Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        int prefixLength = (prefix == null) ? 0 : prefix.length();
        for(Map.Entry<String, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
            String name = entry.getKey();
            if ((prefix == null || name.startsWith(prefix))) {
                String middle = name.substring(prefixLength, name.length());
                if (allowDots || !middle.contains(".")) {
                    Object value = entry.getValue();
                    if (entry.getValue() instanceof String) {
                        value = ((String) entry.getValue()).trim();
                    out.put((returnPrefix ? prefix : "") + middle, UtilGenerics.cast(value));
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix,
     * stripping the prefix and allowing dots in names, to the given out map.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesWithPrefix(M out, Properties properties, String prefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(out, properties, prefix, true, false);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between, in an unordered map.
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(Properties properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, suffix, allowDots, returnPrefix, returnSuffix);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * with option to forbid dots in name, in an unordered map.
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefix(Properties properties, String prefix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, allowDots, returnPrefix);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix,
     * stripping the prefix and allowing dots in names, in an unordered map.
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefix(Properties properties, String prefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, true, false);

     * Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix,
     * stripping the prefix and allowing dots in names, to the given out map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesWithPrefix(M out, Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(out, properties, prefix, true, false);

     * Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * and end with given suffix, with option to forbid dots in between, in an unordered map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix, String suffix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix, boolean returnSuffix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefixSuffix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, suffix, allowDots, returnPrefix, returnSuffix);

     * Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix
     * with option to forbid dots in name, in an unordered map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefix(Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix, boolean allowDots, boolean returnPrefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, allowDots, returnPrefix);

     * Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that start with given prefix,
     * stripping the prefix and allowing dots in names, in an unordered map.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added.</p>
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesWithPrefix(Map<String, ?> properties, String prefix) {
        return putPropertiesWithPrefix(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, prefix, true, false);

     * SCIPIO: Extracts properties having the given prefix and keyed by an ID as the next name part between dots.
     * Added 2017-11.
    public static <T, M extends Map<String, Map<String, T>>> M extractPropertiesWithPrefixAndId(M out, Properties properties, String prefix) {
        return extractPropertiesWithPrefixAndId(out, (Map<?, ?>) properties, prefix);

     * SCIPIO: Extracts properties having the given prefix and keyed by an ID as the next name part between dots.
     * Added 2017-11.
    public static <T, M extends Map<String, Map<String, T>>> M extractPropertiesWithPrefixAndId(M out, Map<?, ?> properties, String prefix) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        if (prefix == null) prefix = "";
        for(Map.Entry<?, ?> entry : properties.entrySet()) {
            String name = (String) entry.getKey();
            if (name.startsWith(prefix)) {
                String rest = name.substring(prefix.length());
                int nextDotIndex = rest.indexOf('.');
                if (nextDotIndex > 0 && nextDotIndex < (rest.length() - 1)) {
                    String id = rest.substring(0, nextDotIndex);
                    String subName = rest.substring(nextDotIndex + 1);
                    String value = (String) entry.getValue();
                    Map<String, T> subMap = out.get(id);
                    if (subMap == null) {
                        subMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                        subMap.put(subName, (T) value);
                        out.put(id, subMap);
                    } else {
                        subMap.put(subName, (T) value);
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp,
     * with option to return names from the first numbered regexp group.
     * Added 2018-08-23.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesMatching(M out, Properties properties, Pattern nameRegexp, boolean returnFirstGroup) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        for(String name : properties.stringPropertyNames()) {
            Matcher m = nameRegexp.matcher(name);
            if (m.matches()) {
                String value = properties.getProperty(name);
                if (value != null) value = value.trim();
                out.put(returnFirstGroup ? : name, value);
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp.
     * The names are unchanged.
     * Added 2018-08-23.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesMatching(M out, Properties properties, Pattern nameRegexp) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(out, properties, nameRegexp, false);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp,
     * with option to return names from the first numbered regexp group.
     * Added 2018-08-23.
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesMatching(Properties properties, Pattern nameRegexp, boolean returnFirstGroup) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, nameRegexp, returnFirstGroup);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp.
     * The names are unchanged.
     * Added 2018-08-23.
    public static Map<String, String>  getPropertiesMatching(Properties properties, Pattern nameRegexp) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, nameRegexp, false);

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp,
     * with option to return names from the first numbered regexp group.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesMatching(M out, Map<?, ?> properties, Pattern nameRegexp, boolean returnFirstGroup) {
        if (properties == null) {
            return out;
        for(Object nameObj : properties.keySet()) {
            String name = (String) nameObj;
            Matcher m = nameRegexp.matcher(name);
            if (m.matches()) {
                String value = (String) properties.get(name);
                if (value != null) value = value.trim();
                out.put(returnFirstGroup ? : name, value);
        return out;

     * SCIPIO: Puts all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp.
     * The names are unchanged.
    public static <M extends Map<String, ? super String>> M putPropertiesMatching(M out, Map<?, ?> properties, Pattern nameRegexp) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(out, properties, nameRegexp, false);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp,
     * with option to return names from the first numbered regexp group.
    public static Map<String, String> getPropertiesMatching(Map<?, ?> properties, Pattern nameRegexp, boolean returnFirstGroup) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, nameRegexp, returnFirstGroup);

     * SCIPIO: Gets all property name/value pairs in the given Properties that match the given regexp.
     * The names are unchanged.
    public static Map<String, String>  getPropertiesMatching(Map<?, ?> properties, Pattern nameRegexp) {
        return putPropertiesMatching(new LinkedHashMap<>(), properties, nameRegexp, false);

     * SCIPIO: Cleans the given string value, following {@link #getPropertyValue} logic.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static String cleanValue(String value) {
        return value == null ? "" : value.trim();

     * SCIPIO: Returns the value or null.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static String valueOrNull(String value) {
        return (value == null || value.isEmpty()) ? null : value;

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a number type, following {@link #getPropertyNumber} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static <N extends Number> N asNumber(Class<N> type, String value, N defaultNumber) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) {
            return defaultNumber;
        } else {
            try {
                return (N)(ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(value, type.getSimpleName(), null, null));
            } catch (Exception e) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: use Exception here, because there may be unexpected RuntimeExceptions thrown here
                Debug.logWarning("Error converting String \"" + value + "\" to " + type + "; using defaultNumber " + defaultNumber + ".", module);
            return defaultNumber;

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a number type, following {@link #getPropertyNumber} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static <N extends Number> N asNumber(Class<N> type, String value) {
        return asNumber(type, value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a number type, following {@link #getPropertyNumber} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static <N extends Number> N asNumber(Class<N> type, Object value, N defaultNumber) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultNumber;
        } else if (type.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
            return (N) value;
        } else {
            return asNumber(type, (String) value, defaultNumber);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a number type, following {@link #getPropertyNumber} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static <N extends Number> N asNumber(Class<N> type, Object value) {
        if (value == null || type.isAssignableFrom(value.getClass())) {
            return (N) value;
        } else {
            return asNumber(type, (String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Boolean type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBoolean} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Boolean asBoolean(String value, Boolean defaultValue) {
        if ("true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            return Boolean.TRUE;
        } else if ("false".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
            return Boolean.FALSE;
        } else {
            return defaultValue;

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Boolean type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBoolean} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Boolean asBoolean(String value) {
        return asBoolean(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Boolean type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBoolean} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Boolean asBoolean(Object value, Boolean defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof Boolean) {
            return (Boolean) value;
        } else {
            return asBoolean((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Boolean type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBoolean} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Boolean asBoolean(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof Boolean) {
            return (Boolean) value;
        } else {
            return asBoolean((String) value);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Integer type, following {@link #getPropertyAsInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Integer asInteger(String value, Integer defaultValue) {
        return asNumber(Integer.class, value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Integer type, following {@link #getPropertyAsInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Integer asInteger(String value) {
        return asInteger(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Integer type, following {@link #getPropertyAsInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Integer asInteger(Object value, Integer defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        }  else if (value instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) value;
        } else {
            return asInteger((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Integer type, following {@link #getPropertyAsInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Integer asInteger(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof Integer) {
            return (Integer) value;
        } else {
            return asInteger((String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Long type, following {@link #getPropertyAsLong} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Long asLong(String value, Long defaultValue) {
        return asNumber(Long.class, value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Long type, following {@link #getPropertyAsLong} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Long asLong(String value) {
        return asLong(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Long type, following {@link #getPropertyAsLong} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Long asLong(Object value, Long defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof Long) {
            return (Long) value;
        } else {
            return asLong((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Long type, following {@link #getPropertyAsLong} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Long asLong(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof Long) {
            return (Long) value;
        } else {
            return asLong((String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Float type, following {@link #getPropertyAsFloat} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Float asFloat(String value, Float defaultValue) {
        return asNumber(Float.class, value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Float type, following {@link #getPropertyAsFloat} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Float asFloat(String value) {
        return asFloat(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Float type, following {@link #getPropertyAsFloat} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Float asFloat(Object value, Float defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof Float) {
            return (Float) value;
        } else {
            return asFloat((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Float type, following {@link #getPropertyAsFloat} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Float asFloat(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof Float) {
            return (Float) value;
        } else {
            return asFloat((String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Double type, following {@link #getPropertyAsDouble} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Double asDouble(String value, Double defaultValue) {
        return asNumber(Double.class, value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a Double type, following {@link #getPropertyAsDouble} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Double asDouble(String value) {
        return asDouble(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Double type, following {@link #getPropertyAsDouble} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Double asDouble(Object value, Double defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof Double) {
            return (Double) value;
        } else {
            return asDouble((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a Double type, following {@link #getPropertyAsDouble} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static Double asDouble(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof Double) {
            return (Double) value;
        } else {
            return asDouble((String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a BigInteger type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigInteger asBigInteger(String value, BigInteger defaultValue) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't warn if empty
            return defaultValue;
        BigInteger result = defaultValue;
        try {
            result = new BigInteger(value);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Debug.logWarning("Couldn't convert String \"" + value + "\" to BigInteger; using defaultNumber " + defaultValue.toString() + ".", module);
        return result;

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a BigInteger type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigInteger asBigInteger(String value) {
        return asBigInteger(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a BigInteger type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigInteger asBigInteger(Object value, BigInteger defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof BigInteger) {
            return (BigInteger) value;
        } else {
            return asBigInteger((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a BigInteger type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigInteger} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigInteger asBigInteger(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof BigInteger) {
            return (BigInteger) value;
        } else {
            return asBigInteger((String) value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a BigDecimal type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigDecimal} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigDecimal asBigDecimal(String value, BigDecimal defaultValue) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(value)) { // SCIPIO: 2018-09-26: don't warn if empty
            return defaultValue;
        BigDecimal result = defaultValue;
        try {
            result = new BigDecimal(value);
        } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) {
            Debug.logWarning("Couldn't convert String \"" + value + "\" to BigDecimal; using defaultNumber " + defaultValue.toString() + ".", module);
        return result;

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given string value to a BigDecimal type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigDecimal} logic.
     * NOTE: This assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigDecimal asBigDecimal(String value) {
        return asBigDecimal(value, null);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a BigDecimal type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigDecimal} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Object value, BigDecimal defaultValue) {
        if (value == null) {
            return defaultValue;
        } else if (value instanceof BigDecimal) {
            return (BigDecimal) value;
        } else {
            return asBigDecimal((String) value, defaultValue);

     * SCIPIO: Converts the given value to a BigDecimal type, following {@link #getPropertyAsBigDecimal} logic.
     * NOTE: If string, this assumes the string is already trimmed.
     * Added 2018-04-27.
    public static BigDecimal asBigDecimal(Object value) {
        if (value == null || value instanceof BigDecimal) {
            return (BigDecimal) value;
        } else {
            return asBigDecimal((String) value, null);

    /** Custom ResourceBundle class. This class extends ResourceBundle
     * to add custom bundle caching code and support for the OFBiz custom XML
     * properties file format.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Updated for global label namespace support.</p>
    public static class UtilResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle {
        private static final UtilCache<String, UtilResourceBundle> bundleCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.UtilPropertiesBundleCache");
        protected final Properties properties;
        protected final Locale locale;
        protected final int hashCode;
        protected final Set<String> resources; // SCIPIO

        public UtilResourceBundle(Properties properties, Locale locale, UtilResourceBundle parent, Set<String> resources) {
   = properties;
            this.locale = locale;
            String hashString = properties.toString();
            if (parent != null) {
                hashString +=;
            this.hashCode = hashString.hashCode();
            this.resources = (resources != null) ? resources : Collections.emptySet();

         * Gets bundle.
         * <p>SCIPIO: 2018-11-29: Added optional (usually default false).</p>
         * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added useCache (default true).</p>
        public static UtilResourceBundle getBundle(String resource, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader, boolean optional, boolean useCache, boolean log) throws MissingResourceException {
            String resourceName = createResourceName(resource, locale, true);
            String origResourceName = null;
            UtilResourceBundle bundle = useCache ? bundleCache.get(resourceName) : null;
            if (bundle == null) {
                Set<String> resources = UtilMisc.toSet(normResourceName(resource)); // SCIPIO
                // SCIPIO: 2018-10-02: Handle alias case
                String realResource = ResourceNameAliases.getSubstituteResourceNameAliasOrNull(resource);
                if (realResource != null) {
                    origResourceName = resourceName;
                    resource = realResource;
                    resourceName = createResourceName(resource, locale, true);
                    if (useCache) {
                        bundle = bundleCache.get(resourceName);
                        if (bundle != null) {
                            return bundle;
                double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                List<Locale> candidateLocales = getCandidateLocales(locale);
                UtilResourceBundle parentBundle = null;
                int numProperties = 0;
                while (candidateLocales.size() > 0) {
                    Locale candidateLocale = candidateLocales.remove(candidateLocales.size() - 1);
                    // ResourceBundles are connected together as a singly-linked list
                    String lookupName = createResourceName(resource, candidateLocale, true);
                    UtilResourceBundle lookupBundle = useCache ? bundleCache.get(lookupName) : null;
                    if (lookupBundle == null) {
                        Properties newProps = getProperties(resource, candidateLocale);
                        // SCIPIO: Allow empty properties file, but not null, to prevent issues with temporarily commented out files
                        //if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(newProps)) {
                        if (newProps != null) {
                            // The last bundle we found becomes the parent of the new bundle
                            parentBundle = bundle;
                            bundle = new UtilResourceBundle(newProps, candidateLocale, parentBundle, resources);
                            if (useCache) {
                                bundleCache.putIfAbsent(lookupName, bundle);
                            numProperties = newProps.size();
                    } else {
                        parentBundle = bundle;
                        bundle = lookupBundle;
                if (bundle == null) {
                    if (optional) {
                        // SCIPIO: optional; create dummy bundle in cache to prevent further lookups
                        if (log && Debug.infoOn()) {
                            Debug.logInfo("Optional resource [" + resource + "] locale [" + locale + "] not found", module);
                        bundle = new UtilResourceBundle(new ExtendedProperties(), locale, parentBundle, resources);
                    } else {
                        throw new MissingResourceException("Resource [" + resource + "] locale [" + locale + "] not found", null, null);
                } else if (!bundle.getLocale().equals(locale)) {
                    // Create a "dummy" bundle for the requested locale
                    bundle = new UtilResourceBundle(, locale, parentBundle, resources);
                double totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                if (log && Debug.infoOn()) {
                    Debug.logInfo("ResourceBundle " + resource + " (" + locale + ") created in " + totalTime / 1000.0 + "s with "
                            + numProperties + " properties", module);
                if (useCache) {
                    // SCIPIO: don't putIfAbsent because need both names to point to same bundle, not a serious issue anyway
                    //bundleCache.putIfAbsent(resourceName, bundle);
                    bundleCache.put(resourceName, bundle);
                    if (origResourceName != null) { // SCIPIO: also put the bundle under the alias (faster lookup) - TODO: REVIEW: always safe? looks like it
                        bundleCache.put(origResourceName, bundle);
            return bundle;

        public static UtilResourceBundle getBundle(String resource, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader, boolean optional) throws MissingResourceException {
            return getBundle(resource, locale, loader, optional, true, true);

        public static UtilResourceBundle getBundle(String resource, Locale locale, ClassLoader loader) throws MissingResourceException {
            return getBundle(resource, locale, loader, false, true, true);

         * Tries to clear all the caches related to the resource name/id (SCIPIO).
         * FIXME: Occasionally might clear unrelated caches due to approximate naming.
         * Also this does not properly support
        public static void clearCachesForResourceBundle(String resource) {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(resource)) {
            resource = StringUtil.removeSuffix(resource, ".properties", ".xml");
            Set<String> resources = new LinkedHashSet<>();
            List<String> aliases = getResourceNameAliasMap().get(resource);
            if (aliases != null) {
            aliases = getResourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap().get(resource);
            if (aliases != null) {
            Pattern urlCacheKeyPat = Pattern.compile("^(" + String.join("|", resources) + ")(_[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)?$");
            UtilResourceBundle.bundleCache.removeByFilter((key, value) -> urlCacheKeyPat.matcher(key).matches());

        public int hashCode() {
            return this.hashCode;

        public boolean equals(Object obj) {
            return obj == null ? false : obj.hashCode() == this.hashCode;

        public Locale getLocale() {
            return this.locale;

        protected Object handleGetObject(String key) {
            return properties.get(key);

        public Enumeration<String> getKeys() {
            return new Enumeration<String>() {
                Iterator<String> i = UtilGenerics.cast(properties.keySet().iterator());
                public boolean hasMoreElements() {
                    return (i.hasNext());
                public String nextElement() {

        public Properties getPropertiesObj() { // SCIPIO
            return properties;

        public Set<String> getResources() { // SCIPIO
            return resources;

        public boolean hasResource(String resource) { // SCIPIO
            return getResources().contains(resource);

        public Boolean getGlobalLoad() { // SCIPIO
            Properties properties = getPropertiesObj();
            return (properties instanceof ExtendedProperties) ? ((ExtendedProperties) properties).getGlobalLoad() : null;

     * Global resource/properties of all combined global="true" config/*Labels.xml files as a ResourceBundle.
     * <p>SCIPIO: 2.1.0: Added for global label namespace support.</p>
    public static class GlobalResourceBundle extends UtilResourceBundle {
        private static final UtilCache<String, GlobalResourceBundle> globalBundleCache = UtilCache.createUtilCache("properties.GlobalPropertiesBundleCache");

        public GlobalResourceBundle(Properties properties, Locale locale, UtilResourceBundle parent, Set<String> resources) {
            super(properties, locale, parent, resources);

        public static ResourceBundle getGlobalBundle(Locale locale, ClassLoader loader, boolean useCache, boolean log) {
            String cacheKey = useCache ? locale.toString() : null;
            GlobalResourceBundle bundle = useCache ? globalBundleCache.get(cacheKey) : null;
            if (bundle == null) {
                double startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                Properties properties = new ExtendedProperties(locale, null);

                Map<String, URL> resources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                for(URL resourceURL : ComponentConfig.getAllComponentsRootResourceFileURLs((dir, name) -> name.endsWith("Labels.xml"))) {
                    String resource = StringUtil.removeSuffix(new File(resourceURL.toString()).getName(), ".xml");
                    resources.put(resource, resourceURL);

                Map<String, URL> excludedResources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                Map<String, URL> invalidResources = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                for(Map.Entry<String, URL> resourceEntry : resources.entrySet()) {
                    String resource = resourceEntry.getKey();
                    URL resourceURL = resourceEntry.getValue();
                    UtilResourceBundle utilResourceBundle;
                    try {
                        utilResourceBundle = UtilResourceBundle.getBundle(resource, locale, loader, false, useCache, log && Debug.verboseOn());
                    } catch(MissingResourceException e) {
                        Debug.logError("GlobalResourceBundle (" + locale + "): Missing or invalid label resource [" + resource + "]: " + e.toString(), module);
                        invalidResources.put(resource, resourceURL);
                    if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(utilResourceBundle.getGlobalLoad())) {
                        excludedResources.put(resource, resourceURL);

                    for(String name : utilResourceBundle.keySet()) {
                        Object value = utilResourceBundle.getObject(name);
                        Object prevValue = properties.getProperty(name);
                        if (log && prevValue != null) {
                            if (!prevValue.equals(value)) {
                                Debug.logWarning("GlobalResourceBundle (" + locale + "): Duplicate differing property [" + name + "] detected in resource [" +
                                        resource + "] [" + resourceURL + "]", module);
                            } else if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
                                Debug.logWarning("GlobalResourceBundle (" + locale + "): Duplicate identical property [" + name + "] detected in resource [" +
                                        resource + "] [" + resourceURL + "]", module);
                        properties.put(name, value);
                for(String badResource : invalidResources.keySet()) {
                for(String excludedResource : excludedResources.keySet()) {

                bundle = new GlobalResourceBundle(properties, locale, null, new LinkedHashSet<>(resources.keySet()));
                double totalTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
                if (log && Debug.infoOn()) {
                    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                    if (Debug.verboseOn()) {
                        for (Map.Entry<String, URL> resourceEntry : resources.entrySet()) {
                        sb.append("\nexcluded resources: ");
                        for (Map.Entry<String, URL> resourceEntry : excludedResources.entrySet()) {
                        sb.append("\ninvalid resources: ");
                        for (Map.Entry<String, URL> resourceEntry : invalidResources.entrySet()) {
                    } else {
                        sb.append(" (excluded: ");
                        sb.append(" (invalid: ");
                    Debug.logInfo("GlobalResourceBundle (" + locale + ") created in " + totalTime / 1000.0 + "s with "
                            + properties.size() + " properties; component resources: " + sb, module);
                if (useCache) {
                    globalBundleCache.put(cacheKey, bundle);
            return bundle;

        public static ResourceBundle getGlobalBundle(Locale locale, ClassLoader loader, boolean useCache) {
            return getGlobalBundle(locale, loader, useCache, true);

        public boolean hasResource(String resource) {
            return GLOBAL_RESOURCE.equals(resource) || super.hasResource(resource);

    /** Custom Properties class. Extended from Properties to add support
     * for the OFBiz custom XML file format.
    public static class ExtendedProperties extends Properties {
        protected static final Map<String, Map<String, String>> COMMAND_LINE_PROPERTIES = Collections.unmodifiableMap(getCommandLinePropertyOverrides(true));

        private final URL url; // SCIPIO
        private final Locale locale; // SCIPIO
        private Boolean globalLoad; // SCIPIO: for use with global properties maps

        public ExtendedProperties() {
            url = null;
            locale = null;
            globalLoad = null;

        public ExtendedProperties(Locale locale, Boolean globalLoad) { // SCIPIO
            this.url = null;
            this.locale = locale;
            this.globalLoad = globalLoad;

        public ExtendedProperties(Properties defaults) {
            url = null;
            locale = null;
            globalLoad = null;

        public ExtendedProperties(URL url, Locale locale) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
            InputStream in = null;
            Boolean globalLoad = null;
            try {
                if (url.toString().endsWith(".xml")) {
                    String resource = normResourceName(url);
                    // SCIPIO: Improved, now uses extra caching layer
                    //xmlToProperties(in, locale, this);
                    ResourceBundleProperties rbp = ResourceBundleProperties.from(resource, url, true);
                    if (rbp != null) {
                        Properties props = rbp.getProperties(locale);
                        if (props != null) {
                        globalLoad = rbp.getGlobalLoad();
                    // SCIPIO: read from LocalizedProperty
                    entityResourceToProperties(resource, locale, this, null, false);
                } else {
                    in = new BufferedInputStream(url.openStream());
                    loadCommandLineProperties(url); // SCIPIO
            } finally {
                if (in != null) {
            // SCIPIO
            this.url = url;
            this.locale = locale;
            this.globalLoad = globalLoad;

        public synchronized void loadFromXML(InputStream in) throws IOException, InvalidPropertiesFormatException {
            try {
                // SCIPIO: Improved, now uses extra caching layer
                //xmlToProperties(in, null, this);
                URL url = getUrl();
                String resource = normResourceName(url);
                ResourceBundleProperties rbp = ResourceBundleProperties.from(normResourceName(url), url, true);
                if (rbp != null) {
                    Properties props = rbp.getEntryProperties();
                    if (props != null) {
                    globalLoad = rbp.getGlobalLoad();
                if (url != null && locale != null) {
                    // SCIPIO: read from LocalizedProperty
                    entityResourceToProperties(resource, locale, this, null, false);
            } finally {

        /** Replaces any entries with those from command line (SCIPIO). */
        protected synchronized void loadCommandLineProperties(URL url) throws IOException { // SCIPIO: Added support for reading from command line
            Map<String, String> cmdProps = COMMAND_LINE_PROPERTIES.get(getResourceFromUrl(url));
            if (cmdProps != null) {

        // SCIPIO
        public URL getUrl() {
            return url;

        public Locale getLocale() {
            return locale;

        public Boolean getGlobalLoad() {
            return globalLoad;

    private static String getResourceFromUrl(URL url) { // SCIPIO
        if (url == null) {
            return null;
        String path = url.toString();
        int i = path.lastIndexOf('/');
        if (i < 0) {
            return null;
        String resource = path.substring(i+1);
        if (resource.length() == 0) {
            return null;
        if (resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
            resource = resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".properties".length());
        return resource;

    private static Map<String, Map<String, String>> getCommandLinePropertyOverrides(boolean log) { // SCIPIO
        Map<String, Map<String, String>> allProps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
        Map<String, String> startupServices = UtilProperties.getPropertiesMatching(System.getProperties(),
                Pattern.compile("^scipio\\.property\\.(.+)"), true);
        for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : startupServices.entrySet()) {
            String fullName = entry.getKey();
            String resource = "";
            String property = "";
            String value = entry.getValue();
            int sepIndex = fullName.indexOf('#');
            if (sepIndex >= 0) {
                resource = fullName.substring(0, sepIndex);
                property = fullName.substring(sepIndex + 1);
            } else {
                sepIndex = fullName.indexOf('.');
                if (sepIndex >= 0) {
                    resource = fullName.substring(0, sepIndex);
                    property = fullName.substring(sepIndex + 1);
            if (resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
                resource = resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".properties".length());
            if (resource.length() > 0 && property.length() > 0) {
                Map<String, String> resourceProps = allProps.get(resource);
                if (resourceProps == null) {
                    resourceProps = new LinkedHashMap<>();
                    resourceProps.put(property, value);
                    allProps.put(resource, resourceProps);
                } else {
                    resourceProps.put(property, value);
            } else {
                if (log) {
                    Debug.logError("getCommandLinePropertyOverrides: Invalid command line property override name: " + fullName + "=" + value, module);
        if (log) {
            Debug.logInfo("getCommandLinePropertyOverrides: Parsed command line property overrides: " + allProps, module);
        return allProps;

     * SCIPIO: Returns a new Map containing the given properties, copied and sorted alphabetically by keys.
     * Added 2019-01-31.
    public static Map<String, String> makeSortedMap(Properties properties) {
        return new TreeMap<String, String>(UtilGenerics.<Map<String, String>>cast(properties));

     * SCIPIO: Returns a view of of the given properties as a Map, copied and sorted alphabetically by keys.
     * NOTE: This may return an adapter around the original properties OR a copy; if you need a copy
     * always, use {@link #makeSortedMap(Properties)}.
     * Added 2019-01-31.
    public static Map<String, String> asSortedMap(Properties properties) {
        return makeSortedMap(properties); // NOTE: In principle this should be an adapter, not a map copy, but this may work out faster...
     * SCIPIO: Returns all the resource name aliases (read-only).
     * <p>
     * NOTE: These generally are used in a best-effort fashion for compatibility reasons
     * rather than express support for aliases. It only PARTIALLY works with UtilProperties
     * and EntityUtilProperties classes.
    public static Map<String, List<String>> getResourceNameAliasMap() {
        return ResourceNameAliases.resourceNameAliasMap;

     * SCIPIO: Returns all the resource name aliases and reverse aliases (read-only).
     * <p>
     * NOTE: These generally are used in a best-effort fashion for compatibility reasons
     * rather than express support for aliases. It only PARTIALLY works with UtilProperties
     * and EntityUtilProperties classes.
    public static Map<String, List<String>> getResourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap() {
        return ResourceNameAliases.resourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap;

     * SCIPIO: Returns all the virtual resource name to real name alias map (read-only).
     * <p>
     * NOTE: These generally are used in a best-effort fashion for compatibility reasons
     * rather than express support for aliases. It only PARTIALLY works with UtilProperties
     * and EntityUtilProperties classes.
    public static Map<String, String> getResourceNameVirtualToRealAliasMap() {
        return ResourceNameAliases.virtualToRealResourceNameMap;

     * SCIPIO: Resource name alias support core handling.
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-10-02.
    private static class ResourceNameAliases {
        static final Map<String, List<String>> resourceNameAliasMap = readResourceNameAliasMap();
        static final Map<String, List<String>> resourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap = makeResourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap(resourceNameAliasMap);
        static final Map<String, String> virtualToRealResourceNameMap = makeVirtualToRealResourceNameMap(resourceNameAliasMap);
        static {
            Debug.logInfo("Determined properties file resource name alias map: " + resourceNameAliasMap, module);

        static Map<String, List<String>> readResourceNameAliasMap() {
            Map<String, Set<String>> aliasMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            ClassLoader loader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
            Enumeration<URL> resources;
            try {
                resources = loader.getResources("");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, "Could not load list of", module);
                throw UtilMisc.initCause(new InternalError(e.getMessage()), e);
            while (resources.hasMoreElements()) {
                URL propertyURL = resources.nextElement();
                Debug.logInfo("Loading properties: " + propertyURL, module);
                Properties props;
                try {
                    props = new ExtendedProperties(propertyURL, null);
                } catch (IOException e) {
                    Debug.logError(e, "Unable to load properties file " + propertyURL, module);
                Map<String, String> rawAliases = getPropertiesWithPrefix(props, "resource.aliases.");
                for(Map.Entry<String, String> entry : rawAliases.entrySet()) {
                    String resource = entry.getKey();
                    List<String> aliases = Arrays.asList(entry.getValue().trim().split("\\s*,\\s*"));
                    if (aliases.size() > 0) {
                        Set<String> existingAliases = aliasMap.get(resource);
                        if (existingAliases == null) {
                            existingAliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(aliases); // linked just so get semi-predictable order
                            aliasMap.put(resource, existingAliases);
                        } else {
            Map<String, List<String>> optAliasMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for(Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : aliasMap.entrySet()) {
                Collection<String> aliases = entry.getValue();
                if (aliases.size() > 0) {
                    optAliasMap.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(aliases));
            return optAliasMap;

        static Map<String, List<String>> makeResourceNameAliasAndReverseAliasMap(Map<String, List<String>> aliasMap) {
            Map<String, Set<String>> fullMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for(Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : aliasMap.entrySet()) {
                String resource = entry.getKey();
                List<String> aliases = entry.getValue();
                for(int i = 0; i < aliases.size(); i++) {
                    String alias = aliases.get(i);
                    List<String> reverseAliases = new ArrayList<>(aliases.size());
                    for(int j=0; j < aliases.size(); j++) {
                        if (i != j) {
                    Set<String> existingAliases = fullMap.get(alias);
                    if (existingAliases == null) {
                        existingAliases = new LinkedHashSet<>(reverseAliases);
                        fullMap.put(alias, existingAliases);
                    } else {
            Map<String, List<String>> optAliasMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for(Map.Entry<String, Set<String>> entry : fullMap.entrySet()) {
                Collection<String> aliases = entry.getValue();
                if (aliases.size() > 0) {
                    optAliasMap.put(entry.getKey(), new ArrayList<>(aliases));
            return optAliasMap;

        static Map<String, String> makeVirtualToRealResourceNameMap(Map<String, List<String>> aliasMap) { // SCIPIO
            Map<String, String> vtorMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();
            for(Map.Entry<String, List<String>> entry : aliasMap.entrySet()) {
                for(String alias : entry.getValue()) {
                    vtorMap.put(alias, entry.getKey());
            return vtorMap;

        static String getSubstituteResourceNameAliasOrNull(String resource) {
            return virtualToRealResourceNameMap.get(cleanResourceNameForAlias(resource));

        static String substituteResourceNameAlias(String resource) {
            String alias = getSubstituteResourceNameAliasOrNull(resource);
            return (alias != null) ? alias : resource;

        static String[] substituteResourceNameAliases(String[] resources) {
            String[] res = new String[resources.length];
            for(int i=0; i < resources.length; i++) {
                res[i] = substituteResourceNameAlias(resources[i]);
            return res;

        static String cleanResourceNameForAlias(String resource) {
            if (resource.endsWith(".xml")) {
                resource = resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".xml".length());
            } else if (resource.endsWith(".properties")) {
                resource = resource.substring(0, resource.length() - ".properties".length());
            return resource;

     * Tries to clear all the caches related to the resource name/id (SCIPIO).
     * FIXME: Occasionally might clear unrelated caches due to approximate naming.
     * Also this does not properly support
    public static void clearCachesForResourceBundle(String resource) {
