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* Scipio FTL doc common markup and utilities
* WARN: DO NOT MODIFY MARKUP HERE unless you are sure you want to change it for
*     ALL template types (basic html, website, ofbiz)
* WARN: These definitions CRUSH the standard API ones if they are present, by default!
*     Avoid macros/functions here with same names as live template API names!
* NOTE: if rendering from non-dynamic context, caller must include ftlDocStdLibEmu.ftl before this.


<#-- OVERRIDABLE callback that you can use the rewrite doc URIs manually.
    This affects only the links href, not their text. -->
<#function transformDocUri uri>
  <#return uri>

<#function makeRelInterLibUrl targetLibDocPath targetName=""><#-- default one -->
  <#if docOutFileExt?has_content>
    <#if !targetLibDocPath?ends_with(docOutFileExt)>
      <#local targetLibDocPath = targetLibDocPath + docOutFileExt>
  <#local targetLibDocPath = transformDocUri(targetLibDocPath)>
  <#local relLibDocPath = tmplHelper.getTargetRelLibDocPath(targetLibDocPath, transformDocUri(libInfo.libDocPath))!""><#t>
  <#if targetName?has_content>
    <#return relLibDocPath + "#" + targetName>
    <#return relLibDocPath>

<#-- NOTE: baseAbsInterLibUrl MUST be defined by caller as global IF this is used  -->
<#function makeAbsInterLibUrl targetLibDocPath targetName="">
  <#if docOutFileExt?has_content>
    <#if !targetLibDocPath?ends_with(docOutFileExt)>
      <#local targetLibDocPath = targetLibDocPath + docOutFileExt>
  <#local targetLibDocPath = transformDocUri(targetLibDocPath)>
  <#if targetLibDocPath?starts_with("/")>
    <#local absLibDocPath = baseAbsInterLibUrl + targetLibDocPath>
    <#local absLibDocPath = baseAbsInterLibUrl + "/" + targetLibDocPath>
  <#if targetName?has_content>
    <#return absLibDocPath + "#" + targetName>
    <#return absLibDocPath>

<#-- WE use the relative builder by default. template can override this with the other, or something else entirely. -->
<#assign makeInterLibUrl = makeRelInterLibUrl>

<#-- reference to another entry. name is either a full reference or name only, with or without @ or #. -->
<#macro entryRef name escape=true>
  <#local searchRes = tmplHelper.findEntryGlobal(name, entryMap, libMap)!false>
  <#if !searchRes?is_boolean>
    <@entryRef_markup entry=searchRes escape=escape/><#t>

<#macro entryRef_markup entry escape=true>
  <#if entry.libDocPath?has_content>
    <a href="${escapeVal(makeInterLibUrl(entry.libDocPath, "entry-" + entry.rawName), 'html')}">${escapeText(, escape)}</a><#t>
    <a href="#entry-${escapeVal(entry.rawName, 'html')}">${escapeText(, escape)}</a><#t>


<#-- escapes text as HTML, if escape true -->
<#function escapeText text escape=true>
  <#if escape>
    <#return escapeVal(text, 'html')>
    <#return raw(text)>

<#-- NOTE: some of these should be stripped completely, can't do it from here -->
<#assign keyIntroWords = ["WARN", "WARNING", "TODO", "FIXME", 
  <#-- this matches "NOTE" alone, but exclude the ones above -->
<#assign keyIntroWordsStr = keyIntroWords?join("|")>

<#-- DEPRECATED: use interpretedText -->
<#function highlightWords text>
  <#-- obsolete: this will be handled better by parser
  <#return text?replace("(("+keyIntroWordsStr+")([?]:|[?]|:))", "<strong>$1</strong>", 'r')>-->
  <#return text>

<#-- OBSOLETE: creates line breaks before key into words if they aren't at beginning of text. 
    hackish but should work out okay without having massive parsing attack.
    Have to do this in two calls due to overlapping patterns-->
<#function parseIntroWords text>
  <#-- obsolete: this will be handled better by parser
  <#return text?replace("(?<!^)(("+keyIntroWordsStr+")([?]:|[?]|:))", "<br/>$1", 'r')>-->
  <#return text>

<#-- DEPRECATED: use interpretedText -->
<#function substituteCode text>
  <#return text?replace("{{{", "<code>")?replace("}}}", "</code>")>

<#-- Does bold, underline, italic (rudimentary!)
   NOTE: some of this overlaps with interpretedText; that's okay -->
<#function decorateText text>
  <#return raw(text)?replace("{{{", "<code>")?replace("}}}", "</code>")
    ?replace("(((", "")?replace(")))", "")
    ?replace("'{3}(.*?)'{3}", "<strong>$1</strong>", "r")?replace("(&#39;){3}(.*?)(&#39;){3}", "<strong>$2</strong>", "r")
    ?replace("'{2}(.*?)'{2}", "<em>$1</em>", "r")?replace("(&#39;){2}(.*?)(&#39;){2}", "<em>$2</em>", "r")
    ?replace("_{2}(.*?)_{2}", "<u>$1</u>", "r")

<#-- NOTE: some of this overlaps with interpretedText; that's okay 
    NOTE: only pass escape=false if already escaped! must be escaped before this logic is applied -->
<#macro decoratedText text escape=true>
  ${decorateText(escapeText(text, escape))}<#t>

<#-- interprets {{{, ((( and auto-highlighted entry references -->
<#macro interpretedText text autoEntryRefs=true escape=true>
  <#list tmplHelper.splitByTextualElems(raw(text), entryMap, libMap, libInfo) as entry>
    <#if entry?is_hash>
      <#if entry.type == "entryref">
        <#-- NOTE: prevent duplicate refs via global record -->
        <#if autoEntryRefs && ((preventDuplicateEntryRefs!false) == false || !(currentRecordedEntryRefs!{})[]??)>
          <@entryRef_markup entry=entry escape=escape/><#t>
          <#-- Record the entry ref in global hashes for some custom stuff (NOTE: slow) -->
          <#global allRecordedEntryRefs = (allRecordedEntryRefs!{}) + { : "true"}>
          <#global currentRecordedEntryRefs = (currentRecordedEntryRefs!{}) + { : "true"}>
          <@decoratedText text=entry.origText escape=escape /><#t>
      <#elseif entry.type == "link">
        <#if (entry.isDocLink!false) == true>
          <a href="${makeInterLibUrl(entry.value)}">${escapeText(entry.text, escape)}</a><#t>
          <a href="${entry.value}">${escapeText(entry.text, escape)}</a><#t>
      <#elseif entry.type == "text-raw">
      <#elseif entry.type == "text-plain">
        ${escapeText(entry.value, escape)}<#t>
      <#elseif entry.type == "text-code">
        <code>${escapeText(entry.value, escape)}</code><#t>
        <strong style="font-color:red;">TEMPLATING ERROR: UNRECOGNIZED TEXTUAL ELEM ENTRY TYPE</strong><#t>
      <#-- it's just text, OR an entry that didn't resolve -->
      <@decoratedText text=entry escape=escape/><#t>


<#macro preformedText text>
  <#-- NOTE: don't decoratedText this because usually contains examples and code -->
  <pre>${escapeText(text)}</pre><#t><#-- ?replace("\n", "<br/>") -->

<#-- For titles and short labels -->
<#macro labelText text>

<#-- For longer descriptions -->
<#macro descText text>
  <@interpretedText text=text autoEntryRefs=true /><#t>


<#macro complexContentEntry entry paragraphs=false headingLevel=4 isFirst=false isLast=false>
    <#if entry?is_string>
      <#if entry?has_content>
        <#-- just text -->
        <#if paragraphs><p><#else><span></#if><#t>
          <@descText text=entry /><#t>
        <#if paragraphs></p><#else></span></#if><#t>
      <#if entry.type == "title">
        <#-- * My Title * -->
        <h${headingLevel}><@labelText text=entry.value!"" /></h${headingLevel}>
      <#elseif entry.type == "note">
        <#-- NOTE: my value -->
        <#if notesToOmitPats[docPurpose]?is_boolean || !entry.label?matches(notesToOmitPats[docPurpose]!"_NOTHING_")>
          <#-- have to use div instead of p even if paragraphs==true because may contain a list
              also use div instead of br/ too because simplifies a lot. -->
          <#if entry.ownLine><div class="lib-text-note"><#else><span class="lib-text-note"></#if>
            <strong><@labelText text=entry.labelAndSep!"" /> </strong>
            <#if entry.value?has_content>
              <#-- NOTE: we should always have a value in proper-formatted document, but if not, print
                  the title above anyway... -->
              <#if entry.value?is_string>
                <@descText text=entry.value!"" />
              <#elseif (entry.value.type!"") == "list">
                <#-- The note's value may be a list -->
                <@complexList listInfo=entry.value headingLevel=headingLevel />
                <strong style="font-color:red;">TEMPLATING ERROR: UNRECOGNIZED NOTE VALUE TYPE</strong>
          <#if entry.ownLine></div><#else></span></#if>
      <#elseif entry.type == "indent">
        <#-- indented, treat as pre/code -->
        <@preformedText text=entry.value!"" />
      <#elseif entry.type == "list">
        <#-- bullet lists -->
        <div><@complexList listInfo=entry headingLevel=headingLevel /></div>
        <strong style="font-color:red;">TEMPLATING ERROR: UNRECOGNIZED STRUCTURAL ELEM ENTRY TYPE</strong>

<#macro complexList listInfo topLevel=true headingLevel=4>
    <#list listInfo.items as item>
        <#if item?is_string>
          <@descText text=item />
          <#-- list item is complex, must iterate -->
          <#list item as entry>
            <@complexContentEntry entry=entry paragraphs=false headingLevel=headingLevel 
                isFirst=(entry_index == 0) isLast=(!entry_has_next)/>

<#macro complexContent text paragraphs=false headingLevel=4>
  <#list tmplHelper.splitByStructuralElems(text) as entry>
    <@complexContentEntry entry=entry paragraphs=paragraphs headingLevel=headingLevel 
        isFirst=(entry_index == 0) isLast=(!entry_has_next)/>

<#-- helps prevent over-linking. only the first entry ref in this related content is hotlinked (except for manual links). -->
<#macro contentGroup>
  <#local prevDups = preventDuplicateEntryRefs!false>
  <#local prevRefs = currentRecordedEntryRefs!{}>
  <#global preventDuplicateEntryRefs = true>
  <#global currentRecordedEntryRefs = {}>
  <#global currentRecordedEntryRefs = {}>
  <#global preventDuplicateEntryRefs = prevDups>
  <#global currentRecordedEntryRefs = prevRefs>