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Test Coverage
* Scipio FTL doc formatting template - External Website variant
* DEV NOTE: PLEASE COMMENT rather than delete.
* Invoke by running
*   ant docs-ftl-scipio-website
* OR
*   ant docs-ftl-scipio-website-ftlonly (no java build)
* in root project folder.
* Output folder:
*   /doc/scipio-website/templating/ftl/lib
* See ftlDocTemplate.ftl for more information.
<#assign hasContainer=false><#-- hasContainer overrides the default wrapping HTML to make the generated pages easier for parsing. When set to true, full pages will be generated. Default: false -->

<#if hasContainer>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
<#if (libFormat!"") == "scipio-lib">


<#-- DEV NOTE: Currently this is targeting only "templating" docs.
    There is some "theming" stuff still present that there's no easy mechanism to remove.
    Am also leaving "IMPL NOTE" comments in for the time being. -->

<#-- NOTE: currently targeting "templating" docs only -->
<#assign docPurposes = ["templating", "theming", "dev"]>
<#if !docPurpose?has_content || !docPurposes?seq_contains(docPurpose)>
  <#global docPurpose = "dev">

<#-- Uncomment this to see all:
<#global docPurpose = "dev">-->

<#-- Maps docPurpose to pat. This matches against the label part of the note, exluding "?" and ":" -->
<#assign notesToOmitPats = {
  <#--"templating" : "(DEV\\s+NOTES?|IMPL\\s+NOTES?|IMPLEMENTATION\\s+NOTES?|FIXME|TODO)",-->
  "templating" : "(DEV\\s+NOTES?|FIXME|TODO)",
  "theming" : "(DEV\\s+NOTES?|FIXME|TODO)",
  "dev" : false



<#-- UNCOMMENT THIS (and further below) if you want to make absolute links; COMMENT for relative links -->
<#global baseAbsInterLibUrl = "//">

<#include "ftlDocStdLibEmu.ftl">
<#include "ftlDocCommon.ftl">

    WARN: this will NOT match the physically output files, such that they won't be browsable locally.
        it's so you can copy-paste the output to the right location.
    TODO?: ideally this would be done in the compiler, so the output files match this,
        but this should be enough for us... -->
<#function transformDocUri uri>
  <#-- flatten the URI, remove any dir prefix, lowercase -->
  <#local ind = uri?last_index_of("/")>
  <#if (ind >= 0)>
    <#local uri = uri?substring(ind + 1)>
  <#return uri?lower_case + "/">

<#-- UNCOMMENT THIS if you want to make absolute links; COMMENT for relative links -->
<#assign makeInterLibUrl = makeAbsInterLibUrl>

* HEAD *
<#if hasContainer>
    <meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
    <#if pageTitle?has_content>

<style type="text/css">
.tmpldoc-content table.entry-parameters {
  width: 100%;
  border: 1px outset black;

.tmpldoc-content table.entry-parameters td {
  padding-left: 1em;
  padding-right: 1em;
  padding-top: 0.5em;
  padding-bottom: 0.5em;
  border: 1px solid black;

.tmpldoc-content table.entry-parameters td.entry-paramname {
  width: 20%;

.tmpldoc-content .lib-entry-detail {
  font-style: italic;
  font-size: 0.6em;

.tmpldoc-content .lib-entry-formalname {
  font-weight: bold;

.tmpldoc-content .lib-entry-param-desc-extradesc {
  font-size: 0.8em;

.tmpldoc-content .lib-entry-params-details {
  font-size: 0.8em;

.tmpldoc-content ul {
  margin-top: 0.3em;
  margin-bottom: 0.4em;

.tmpldoc-content pre {
  margin-top: 0.3em;
  margin-bottom: 0.4em;

<div class="tmpldoc-content">
  <div class="lib-page-intro">
      <#if hasContainer>
          <#if pageTitle?has_content>
            <h1 class="lib-pagetitle"><@labelText text=pageTitle /></h1>
    <#--  not present on website version; "templating" implied I guess
      <#if docPurpose == "templating">
        <h2>Templating Documentation</h2>
      <#elseif docPurpose == "theming">
        <h2>Theming Documentation</h2>
        <h2>Dev Documentation</h2>
      <#if libFilename?has_content>
        <p><em><span class="lib-filename">${escapeText(libFilename)}</span></em></p>

      <#if pageDesc?has_content>
        <div class="lib-pagedesc">
          <#list tmplHelper.splitToParagraphs(pageDesc) as part>
            <@complexContent text=part paragraphs=true/>
<#-- not present on website version
  <#if (sectionMap?size >= 2) && entryMap?has_content>
    <div class="lib-section-links">
        <#list sectionMap?keys as sectionName> 
          <#assign section = sectionMap[sectionName]>
          <#- -<#if section.entryMap?has_content>- ->
            <li><a href="#section-${sectionName}"><#rt>
                <#if section.title?has_content><@labelText text=section.title /><#t>
                <#elseif sectionName == "default"><@labelText text="MAIN" /><#t>
                <#else><@labelText text=sectionName /></#if><#t>
              <#if section.entryMap?has_content>
                <#list section.entryMap?keys?sort as entryName>
                  <a href="#entry-${entryName}">${entryName}</a><#if entryName_has_next>, </#if>
          <#- -</#if>- ->
  <#if entryMap?has_content>
    <div class="lib-entry-links">
      <h4><#if (sectionMap?size >= 2)>All </#if>Definitions:</h4>
      <#list entryMap?keys?sort as entryName>
        <a href="#entry-${entryName}">${entryName}</a><#if entryName_has_next>, </#if>

<#-- not present on website version
  <#if libMap?has_content>
    <div class="lib-links">
      <h4>All libraries:</h4>
      <#list libMap?keys?sort as libName>
        <#assign lib = libMap[libName]>
        <a href="${makeInterLibUrl(lib.libDocPath)}">${escapeText(libName)}</a><#if libName_has_next>, </#if>
    <#-- NOTE: there is a global entryMap, and each section also has its own entryMap -->

  <#list sectionMap?keys as sectionName> 
    <#assign section = sectionMap[sectionName]>
    <#-- print "none" below instead
    <#if section.entryMap?has_content>-->

    <#if section.title?has_content>
      <hr />  

    <#if section.entryMap?has_content || sectionName != "default">
      <a name="section-${sectionName}"></a>
      <div class="lib-section">
        <#if section.title?has_content> <#-- NOTE: default section has no title -->
          <h2 class="lib-section-title"><@labelText text=section.title /></h2>

        <#if section.comment?has_content>
          <p><@complexContent text=section.comment /></p>

      <#if section.entryMap?has_content>
        <#list section.entryMap?keys as entryName>
          <#assign entry = section.entryMap[entryName]>
          <#if entry.isImplemented>
          <hr />
          <a name="entry-${entryName}"></a>
          <div class="lib-entry lib-entry-type-${entry.type}">
            <#assign entryTitle = entry.title!"">
            <#if !entryTitle?has_content>
              <#assign entryTitle = entryName>

            <#-- NOTE: title is sometimes same as formal name (below), but not always -->
            <h3 class="lib-entry-title"><@labelText text=entryTitle /></h3>
            <div class="lib-entry-formal">
               <#-- type is "macro", "function" or "variable" -->
               <h4><span class="lib-entry-type-text">${entry.type}</span> <span class="lib-entry-formalname"><code>${entryName}</code></span><#if entry.isAbstract> (abstract/placeholder)</#if>
                  <#if entry.isDeprecated> <strong>(DEPRECATED)</strong></#if><#if entry.isOverride> <strong>(override)</strong></#if></h4>
            <#global parametersSectionRendered = false>
            <#-- Needs special handling -->
            <#macro parametersSection entry entrySection={}>
                <#if !parametersSectionRendered>
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-params">
                    <h4><@labelText text=entrySection.title!"Parameters" /></h4>
                  <#if false>
                    <div class="lib-entry-params-formal"><#--<em>All parameters:</em>-->
                      <#-- NOTE: do not sort -->
                      <#if entry.argList?has_content>
                        <#list entry.argList as argName>
                          <code>${escapeText(argName)}</code><#if argName_has_next>, </#if>
                    <#-- NOTE: there is an entry-wide paramDescMap, and each param section has one too -->
                    <#--<#if entrySection.paramDescMap?has_content>-->
                      <div class="lib-entry-params-doc">
                      <#assign exclude = ["(other)"]>
                      <#assign defaultDesc = (entry.paramDescMap["(other)"])!"">
                      <#if entry.type == "function" && !entry.isAdvancedArgs>
                        <#-- If it's a non-advanced function, the param order is pretty important,
                            so don't support sections and make sure argList order is followed and complete -->
                        <@parametersTable paramDescMaps=entry.argMapWithParamDescMapEntries exclude=exclude defaultDesc=defaultDesc/>
                        <#-- for macros and other: append unlisted params at end (in Other section if there were sections) -->
                        <#if entrySection.paramSectionMap?has_content && (entrySection.paramSectionMap?size >= 2)>
                          <#list entrySection.paramSectionMap?keys as paramSectionName>
                            <#assign paramSection = entrySection.paramSectionMap[paramSectionName]>
                            <div class="lib-entry-paramsection lib-entry-paramsection-${paramSectionName}">
                              <h5><@labelText text=paramSection.title /></h5>
                              <@parametersTable paramDescMaps=paramSection.paramDescMap exclude=exclude defaultDesc=defaultDesc />
                          <#if entry.argMapUnaccounted?has_content>
                            <div class="lib-entry-paramsection lib-entry-paramsection-unlisted">
                              <h5><@labelText text="Other" /></h5>
                              <@parametersTable paramDescMaps=entry.argMapUnaccounted exclude=exclude defaultDesc=defaultDesc />
                          <@parametersTable paramDescMaps=entry.paramDescMapPlusArgMapUnaccounted exclude=exclude defaultDesc=defaultDesc/>

                    <#if entry.isAdvancedArgs>
                      <div class="lib-entry-params-details">
                      <#if entry.type == "function">
                        <strong>NOTE:</strong> This function implements an advanced arguments interface emulating named
                            parameters using maps, and the parameters above may not be positional. See <a href="${makeInterLibUrl("standard/htmlTemplate")}">standard/htmlTemplate</a> for details.
                      <#elseif entry.type == "macro">
                        <strong>NOTE:</strong> This macro implements an advanced arguments interface supplementing
                            regular macro invocations. See <a href="${makeInterLibUrl("standard/htmlTemplate")}">standard/htmlTemplate</a> for details.
                <#global parametersSectionRendered = true>

            <#macro parametersTable paramDescMaps exclude=[] defaultDesc={}>
              <table class="entry-parameters">
                <#if !paramDescMaps?is_sequence>
                  <#local paramDescMaps = [paramDescMaps]>
                <#list paramDescMaps as paramDescMap>
                  <#if paramDescMap?has_content>
                  <#list paramDescMap?keys as paramName>
                    <#if !exclude?seq_contains(paramName)>
                      <#assign paramDesc = paramDescMap[paramName]!"">
                        <td class="entry-paramname">
                        <td class="entry-paramdesc">
                          <#-- TODO? the type str can be highlighted by is currently not parsed -->
                        <#if paramDesc?has_content || defaultDesc?has_content>
                          <#if !paramDesc?has_content>
                            <#local paramDesc = defaultDesc>
                          <#if paramDesc.typeStr?has_content>
                            <span class="lib-entry-param-desc-typeinfo"><code>${escapeText(paramDesc.typeStr!"")}</code></span>
                          <#if paramDesc.shortDesc?has_content>
                            <span class="lib-entry-param-desc-shortdesc"><@descText text=paramDesc.shortDesc!"" /></span>
                          <#if paramDesc.extraDesc?has_content>
                            <span class="lib-entry-param-desc-extradesc"><@complexContent text=paramDesc.extraDesc!"" paragraphs=false/></span>

            <#assign entrySections = entry.sections>
            <#list entrySections?keys as entrySectionName>
              <#assign entrySection = entrySections[entrySectionName]>
                <#if entrySectionName == "mainDesc">
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-maindesc">
                    <#if (entrySection.shortDesc)?has_content>
                      <p class="lib-entry-shortdesc"><@descText text=entrySection.shortDesc /></p>
                    <#if (entrySection.extraDesc)?has_content>
                      <div class="lib-entry-extradesc">
                        <#list tmplHelper.splitToParagraphs(entrySection.extraDesc) as part>
                          <@complexContent text=part paragraphs=true />
                <#elseif entrySectionName == "examples">
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-examples">
                    <h4><@labelText text=entrySection.title!"" /></h4>
                    <@preformedText text=entrySection.rawText!"" />
                <#elseif entrySectionName == "parameters">
                  <@parametersSection entry=entry entrySection=entrySection />
                <#elseif entrySectionName == "returnValues">
                  <@parametersSection entry=entry entrySection=entrySections.parameters!{} /><#-- Guarantee parameters before return values -->
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-return">
                    <h4><@labelText text=entrySection.title!"" /></h4>
                      <@descText text=entrySection.text!"" />
                <#elseif entrySectionName == "related">
                  <@parametersSection entry=entry entrySection=entrySections.parameters!{} /><#-- Guarantee parameters before related -->
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-related">
                     <h4><@labelText text=entrySection.title!"" /></h4>
                     <#list entry.relatedNames![] as name>
                       <@entryRef name=name /><#if name_has_next>, </#if>
                  <#--<@parametersSection entry=entry entrySection=entrySections.parameters!{} /> Don't force parameters before others -->
                  <div class="lib-entry-section-${} lib-entry-section-other">
                    <h4><@labelText text=entrySection.title!"" /></h4>
                    <@complexContent text=entrySection.text!"" paragraphs=true />
            <@parametersSection entrySection=entrySections.parameters!{} entry=entry />

            <#if entry.isTransform || (entry.isAdvancedArgs!false)>
              <div class="lib-entry-details">
                  <#if entry.isTransform><span class="lib-entry-detail">Implemented as transform.</span></#if>
          <p><em>(No public definitions in this section)</em></p>
<#if hasContainer>
    <footer id="footer">
        <hr />
          Copyright (c) 2014-${.now?string("yyyy")} <a href="" target="_blank">ilscipio GmbH</a>. Powered by <a href="" target="_blank">SCIPIO ERP</a> &amp; <a href="" target=_blank>OFBiz</a>.

  <body><p>ERROR: This doc template can only render scipio-lib format FTL lib docs.</p></body>
<#if hasContainer>