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Scipio Common Menu Widgets

This file provides base menu widgets for extending. They provide common styles and functionality.
Most menu widgets should extend one of these definitions using 
  <menu name="..." extends="CommonXxx" extends-resource="component://common/widget/CommonMenus.xml" ...>

Menu widget language is modified in Scipio with new additions. Please see
for documentation.

Also see Scipio Freemarker global styles hash.

NOTE (2016-09-01): The global style hash lookups are now all done from the FTL-backed implementation
    of the widgets (htmlMenuMacroLibrary.ftl) based on the menu type. The previous lookups that were done
    in widget attributes (e..g default-widget-style="${styles.menu_main_item}") are now
    all implied by the menu type specified in menu-container-style (e.g., menu-container-style="+menu-type-main").

Common menus NOTES:
* The widget attribute "selected" (default-selected-style) usually translates to "active target" (not just "active" in general) in 
  Scipio Freemarker standard macros terminology (@menu) ("selected" may have another meaning there).
  This is because there's only one highlight option for widgets and by convention the "selected" widget 
  attribute should practically always be used to select the active menu item.
  We have also added "selected-ancestor" attributes.
  In general, in widget -> (translates to) Scipio Freemarker standard macros terminology:
  * "selected" -> "active target" 
  * "selected ancestor" -> "active ancestor"
* menu-container-style is currently specially interpreted by htmlMenuMacroLibrary.ftl, and
  recognized names in the format "menu-type-xxx" as special values. These are used to identify
  the menu type, where "menu-type-xxx" is equivalent to <@menu type="xxx"...> in Scipio Freemarker
  standard macros, and where the menu type is defined in the global styles hash.
  * These names are stripped from the style string and not included in the file class.
    Instead, the implementing macro (htmlMenuMacroLibrary.ftl) will substitute them with
    classes looked up in the global styles hash, if any.
  * If "menu-type-xxx" is alone in a style string, it MUST be prefixed with "+" to prevent issues.
* All menu widget xxx-style attributes now support the "+/=" (class arg) prefix.
  See widget-menu.xsd for details.
* Be aware that the choice of base widget to extend affects more than style.
  For example, selected-menuitem-context-field-name controls the selected items.
<menus xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="">

    <!-- SCIPIO: Original stock Ofbiz base app bar menu, modified. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyAppBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'main'}"
        id="app-navigation" title="${applicationTitle}&amp;nbsp;"
        default-menu-item-name="main" selected-menuitem-context-field-name="activeMainMenuItem" items-sort-mode="displaytext-ignorecase">
    <menu name="CommonAppBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptyAppBarMenu">
        <menu-item name="main" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonDashboard}" sort-mode="off" widget-style="+${styles.menu_sidebar_itemdashboard}">
            <condition mode="omit"><not><if-empty field="userLogin"/></not></condition>
            <link target="main" link-type="anchor"/>
    <!-- SCIPIO: New dashboard app bar menu. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyAppBarDashboardMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'main'}"
        id="app-navigation" title="${applicationTitle}&amp;nbsp;"
        default-menu-item-name="main" selected-menuitem-context-field-name="activeMainMenuItem" items-sort-mode="displaytext-ignorecase">
    <menu name="CommonAppBarDashboardMenu" extends="CommonEmptyAppBarDashboardMenu">
        <menu-item name="main" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonDashboard}" sort-mode="off" widget-style="+${styles.menu_sidebar_itemdashboard}">
            <condition mode="omit"><not><if-empty field="userLogin"/></not></condition>
            <link target="main" link-type="anchor"/>
    <!-- SCIPIO: New menu for sidebars derived from main app bar menus. Should have mostly minor differences with CommonSideBarMenu. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyAppSideBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'sidebar'}"
        selected-menuitem-context-field-name="activeMainMenuItem" selected-menu-context-field-name="activeMainSubMenu" items-sort-mode="displaytext-ignorecase"
        ><!-- DEV NOTE: "remove-all" could be needed instead... -->
    <menu name="CommonAppSideBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptyAppSideBarMenu">
        <menu-item name="main" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonDashboard}" sort-mode="off" widget-style="+${styles.menu_sidebar_itemdashboard}" >
            <condition mode="omit"><not><if-empty field="userLogin"/></not></condition>
            <link target="main" link-type="anchor"/>

    <!-- SCIPIO: Original stock Ofbiz base tab bar menu, modified. 
        NOTE: Despite individual menu names, some "*ButtonBar"-named menus belong more as extending this CommonTabBarMenu instead of CommonButtonBarMenu. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyTabBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'tab'}"
    <menu name="CommonTabBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptyTabBarMenu"/>
    <!-- SCIPIO: New menu for sub-tar bars. 
        NOTE: 2016-09-22: selected-menuitem-context-field-name has been REMOVED from this menu by default because it rarely makes sense in scipio provided screens anymore -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptySubTabBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'tab'}" />
    <menu name="CommonSubTabBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptySubTabBarMenu"/>
    <!-- SCIPIO: Original stock Ofbiz base button bar menu, modified. 
        NOTE: Not all stock Ofbiz menus named "*ButtonBar" should extend CommonButtonBarMenu!
        WARN: This does not include a selected-menuitem-context-field-name. Menus must specify it themselves! -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyButtonBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'button'}"/>
    <menu name="CommonButtonBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptyButtonBarMenu" />    
    <!-- SCIPIO: New menu for sidebars, usually derived from tar bar menus. 
        NOTE: Screens expect this to be similar in function as CommonTabBarMenu. For sidebars that deviate, use/make another Common* base menu class. For menus whose contents derive from main app menus, use CommonAppSideBarMenu. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptySideBarMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'sidebar'}"
        selected-menuitem-context-field-name="activeSubMenuItem" items-sort-mode="displaytext-ignorecase">
    <menu name="CommonSideBarMenu" extends="CommonEmptySideBarMenu">
        <menu-item name="main" title="${uiLabelMap.CommonDashboard}" sort-mode="off" widget-style="+${styles.menu_sidebar_itemdashboard}">
            <condition mode="omit">
                    <not><if-empty field="userLogin"/></not>
                    <!-- this preserves compability, so CommonSideBarMenu can still be used top-level or nested for the time being -->
                    <if-compare field="currentMenuRenderState.currentDepth" operator="equals" type="Integer" value="1" />
            <link target="main" link-type="anchor"/>
    <!-- SCIPIO: New menu type. Makes a single drop-down button menu. -->
    <menu name="CommonEmptyButtonDropdownMenu" type="simple" menu-container-style="+menu-type-${groovy:context.menuCfgType?:'button-dropdown'}"/>
    <menu name="CommonButtonDropdownMenu" extends="CommonEmptyButtonDropdownMenu" />    