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<?xml version="1.0"?>
This file is subject to the terms and conditions defined in the
files 'LICENSE' and 'NOTICE', which are part of this source
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<project name="OFBiz - Entity" default="jar" basedir="." xmlns:ivy="antlib:org.apache.ivy.ant">
    <import file="../../common.xml"/>

    <!-- ================================================================== -->
    <!-- Initialization of all property settings                            -->
    <!-- ================================================================== -->

    <property name="desc" value="Entity Component"/>
    <property name="name" value="ofbiz-entity"/>

    <path id="local.class.path">
        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="${lib.dir}/jdbc" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="../base/lib" includes="*.jar"/>
        <fileset dir="../base/build/lib" includes="*.jar"/>

    <patternset id="src.exc.set">

    <target name="jar" depends="classes">
                <filename name="META-INF/services"/>
                <filename name="META-INF/services/*"/>

    <!-- SCIPIO: ivy confs to resolve (defaults to "*", meaning all) 
        This should include all the confs manually handled in do-lib-update task override below,
        or otherwise all ivy.xml configurations that are not optional. -->
        You can override the default driver - that gets updated in lib/jdbc/ automatically - using: 
          ./ant build -Dlib.entity.jdbc.conf.default=mysql
        or by setting the property in the main build or elsewhere. It must be an ivy.xml conf.
        For a one-time update you can use lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update instead.
        NOTE: If you added an extra (or unsupported) driver to ivy.xml and its jar filename does not start with the
            ivy config name, you will have to override lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update.filepat to "[something]-*.jar"
        Special setting: lib.entity.jdbc.deploy.current.always: when true, the jdbc driver directly under
        framework/entity/lib/jdbc/*.jar is updated even when the ivy libs have not changed; this can help prevent
        problems with git updates.
    <property name="lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default" value="derby"/>
    <property name="lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update" value="${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default}"/><!-- may be multiple, comma-separated -->
    <property name="lib.entity.jdbc.conf.all" value="jdbc,${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update}"/>
    <property name="" value="${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.all}"/>
    <property name="lib.entity.jdbc.deploy.current.always" value="true"/>

    <!-- Special file pattern mapping:[conf-name]
        If[conf-name] does not exist for conf-name, defaults to: [conf-name-*]-*.jar -->
    <property name="" value="jaybird-*.jar"/>
    <property name="" value="hsqldb-*.jar"/>
    <property name="" value="derby*.jar"/><!-- removed '-' for extra Derby 15 jars - see ivy.xml -->

    <target name="do-lib-update" description="Downloads all jars">
        <antcall target="do-lib-update-entity-general"/>
        <antcall target="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc"/>

    <target name="do-lib-update-always" description="Lib update callback run even if there was no need to update libs">
                <equals arg1="${lib.entity.jdbc.deploy.current.always}" arg2="true"/>
                <not><equals arg1="${lib.update.needed}" arg2="true"/></not>
                <!-- 2019-05-27: even if we didn't run lib update, we must honor build(.local).properties -->
                <echo message="Configured default JDBC driver (lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default): ${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default}" level="info"/>
                <echo message="Target JDBC driver for update (lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update): ${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update}" level="info"/>
                <!-- FIXME: do-lib-update-always should really not force-redeploy using do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-current here,
                        but for now this is less likely to cause real issues than trying to write the new code that detects current state -->
                <antcall target="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-current"/>

    <target name="do-lib-update-entity-general">
        <!-- NOTE: does nothing yet, but may in future... -->

    <target name="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc">
        <echo message="Configured default JDBC driver (lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default): ${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.default}" level="info"/>
        <echo message="Target JDBC driver for update (lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update): ${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update}" level="info"/>
        <antcall target="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-unused"/>
        <antcall target="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-current"/>

    <target name="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-unused">
            <contains string="${}" substring="jdbc"/>
                <ivy:retrieve pattern="lib/jdbc/unused/${lib.update.filename.pattern.ivy}" conf="jdbc"/>

    <target name="do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-current">
        <!-- TODO: want a version of do-lib-update-entity-jdbc-current that skips the delete and ivy:retrieve
                if the current state would not change by those actions -->
        <for list="${lib.entity.jdbc.conf.update}" delimiter="," param="">
                <var name="" value="@{}"/>
                    <not><equals arg1="" arg2="none"/></not>
                        <var name="entity.conf.filepat" unset="true"/><!-- ant-contrib kludge for lack of <varcopy/> -->
                            <isset property="${}"/>
                            <then><propertycopy name="entity.conf.filepat" from="${}"/></then>
                            <else><property name="entity.conf.filepat" value="${}-*.jar"/></else>
                        <echo message="entity.conf.filepat: ${entity.conf.filepat}" level="verbose"/>
                        <delete><fileset dir="lib/jdbc"><include name="${entity.conf.filepat}"/></fileset></delete>
                        <ivy:retrieve pattern="lib/jdbc/${lib.update.filename.pattern.ivy}" conf="${}"/>

    <!-- SCIPIO: Libraries manually committed to repo, excluded from ivy (or emulated) file cleanout/removal
        NOTE: This should be defined implicitly as an include (treated as exclude as needed) -->
    <selector id="lib.update.manual.files">
            <!-- Do not delete the JDBC driver directly under lib/jdbc/ -->
            <filename name="jdbc/*.jar"/>
