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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<services xmlns:xsi=""
    <description>Scipio Webapp Engine Services</description>
    <!-- SCIPIO: NOTE: 2018-02: This file was added for Scipio; did not exist in stock ofbiz -->

    <service name="expireOldVisits" engine="java"
            location="org.ofbiz.webapp.WebAppServices" invoke="expireOldVisits" auth="true" use-transaction="false" semaphore="wait">
        <description>SCIPIO: Expires all Visits with fromDate older than a certain cutoff date by setting their thruDate (added 2018-02-15)</description>
        <required-permissions join-type="AND">
            <check-permission permission="SERVICE_INVOKE_ANY"/>
        <attribute name="daysOld" mode="IN" type="Integer" optional="true">
            <description>Age of Visits to consider expired, substracted from current time.
                Default: value of</description>
        <attribute name="olderThan" mode="IN" type="Timestamp" optional="true">
            <description>Specific value to use as date cutoff, instead of daysOld.</description>
        <attribute name="singleDbOp" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="true">
            <description>If true, try to run all expires in a single database statement;
                if false, process row-by-row. Default: true (NOTE: service-specific default)</description>
        <attribute name="dryRun" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If true, don't perform actual updates.</description>
    <service name="purgeOldVisits" engine="java"
            location="org.ofbiz.webapp.WebAppServices" invoke="purgeOldVisits" auth="true" use-transaction="false" semaphore="wait">
        <description>SCIPIO: Deletes all Visits with fromDate older than a certain cutoff date (added 2018-02-15)</description>
        <required-permissions join-type="AND">
            <check-permission permission="SERVICE_INVOKE_ANY"/>
        <attribute name="daysOld" mode="IN" type="Integer" optional="true">
            <description>Age of Visits to consider removable, substracted from current time.
                Default: value of</description>
        <attribute name="olderThan" mode="IN" type="Timestamp" optional="true">
            <description>Specific value to use as date cutoff, instead of daysOld.</description>
        <attribute name="singleDbOp" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If true, try to run all purges in a single database statement (WARN: failure likely for this service);
                if false, process row-by-row. Default: false (NOTE: service-specific default)</description>
        <attribute name="dryRun" mode="IN" type="Boolean" optional="true" default-value="false">
            <description>If true, don't perform actual updates.</description>
