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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 * distributed with this work for additional information
 * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
 * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
 * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
 * specific language governing permissions and limitations
 * under the License.
package org.ofbiz.widget.model;

import java.math.BigDecimal;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.text.DateFormat;
import java.text.NumberFormat;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import org.codehaus.groovy.control.CompilationFailedException;
import org.ofbiz.base.conversion.ConversionException;
import org.ofbiz.base.conversion.DateTimeConverters;
import org.ofbiz.base.conversion.DateTimeConverters.StringToTimestamp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.Debug;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.GeneralException;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.GroovyUtil;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.ObjectType;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilCodec;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilDateTime;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilFormatOut;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilGenerics;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilHttp;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilMisc;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilProperties;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilValidate;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.UtilXml;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.FlexibleMapAccessor;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.collections.MapStack;
import org.ofbiz.base.util.string.FlexibleStringExpander;
import org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntity;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericEntityException;
import org.ofbiz.entity.GenericValue;
import org.ofbiz.entity.condition.EntityCondition;
import org.ofbiz.entity.finder.EntityFinderUtil;
import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelEntity;
import org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelUtil;
import org.ofbiz.entity.util.EntityUtil;
import org.ofbiz.widget.WidgetWorker;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.CommonWidgetModels.AutoEntityParameters;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.CommonWidgetModels.AutoServiceParameters;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.CommonWidgetModels.Image;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.CommonWidgetModels.Link;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.CommonWidgetModels.Parameter;
import org.ofbiz.widget.model.ModelForm.UpdateArea;
import org.ofbiz.widget.renderer.FormRenderer;
import org.ofbiz.widget.renderer.FormStringRenderer;
import org.ofbiz.widget.renderer.MenuStringRenderer;
import org.ofbiz.widget.renderer.ScreenRenderer;
import org.w3c.dom.Element;

 * Models the <field> element.
 * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
public class ModelFormField extends ModelWidget implements Serializable { // SCIPIO: 2019-05-21: now extends ModelWidget

     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
     *                     DEVELOPERS PLEASE READ
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------- *
     * This model is intended to be a read-only data structure that represents
     * an XML element. Outside of object construction, the class should not
     * have any behaviors. All behavior should be contained in model visitors.
     * Instances of this class will be shared by multiple threads - therefore

    private static final Debug.OfbizLogger module = Debug.getOfbizLogger(java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.lookup().lookupClass());

    public static ModelFormField from(ModelFormFieldBuilder builder) {
        return new ModelFormField(builder);

    private final FlexibleStringExpander action;
    private final String attributeName;
    private final boolean encodeOutput;
    private final String entityName;
    private final FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> entryAcsr;
    private final String event;
    private final FieldInfo fieldInfo;
    protected final String fieldName;
    private final String headerLink;
    private final String headerLinkStyle;
    private final String idName;
    private final FlexibleMapAccessor<Map<String, ? extends Object>> mapAcsr;
    protected final ModelForm modelForm;
    protected final String name;
    private final List<UpdateArea> onChangeUpdateAreas;
    private final List<UpdateArea> onClickUpdateAreas;
    protected final String parameterName;
    private final Integer position;
    private final Integer positionSpan; // SCIPIO
    private final Boolean combinePrevious; // SCIPIO
    private final String redWhen;
    private final Boolean requiredField;
    private final String requiredFieldStyle;
    private final boolean separateColumn;
    private final String serviceName;
    private final Boolean sortField;
    private final String sortFieldAscStyle;
    private final String sortFieldDescStyle;
    private final String sortFieldHelpText;
    private final String sortFieldStyle;
    private final FlexibleStringExpander title;
    private final String titleAreaStyle;
    private final String titleAreaInlineStyle; // SCIPIO
    private final String titleStyle;
    private final FlexibleStringExpander tooltip;
    private final String tooltipStyle;
    private final FlexibleStringExpander useWhen;
    private final FlexibleStringExpander ignoreWhen;
    private final String widgetAreaStyle;
    private final FlexibleStringExpander widgetStyle; // SCIPIO: now flexible
    private final String parentFormName;
    private final String tabindex;
    private final String conditionGroup;
     * SCIPIO: string expression representing a json-like map of extra form attributes.
     * It is stored without wrapping brackets.
    private final AttribsExpression attribsExpr;

    private ModelFormField(ModelFormFieldBuilder builder) {
        super(builder.getMetaInfo()); // SCIPIO
        this.action = builder.getAction();
        this.attributeName = builder.getAttributeName();
        this.encodeOutput = builder.getEncodeOutput();
        this.entityName = builder.getEntityName();
        this.entryAcsr = builder.getEntryAcsr();
        this.event = builder.getEvent();
        if (builder.getFieldInfo() != null) {
            this.fieldInfo = builder.getFieldInfo().copy(this);
        } else {
            this.fieldInfo = null;
        this.fieldName = builder.getFieldName();
        this.headerLink = builder.getHeaderLink();
        this.headerLinkStyle = builder.getHeaderLinkStyle();
        this.idName = builder.getIdName();
        this.mapAcsr = builder.getMapAcsr();
        this.modelForm = builder.getModelForm(); = builder.getName();
        if (builder.getOnChangeUpdateAreas().isEmpty()) {
            this.onChangeUpdateAreas = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            this.onChangeUpdateAreas = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(builder.getOnChangeUpdateAreas()));
        if (builder.getOnClickUpdateAreas().isEmpty()) {
            this.onClickUpdateAreas = Collections.emptyList();
        } else {
            this.onClickUpdateAreas = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(builder.getOnClickUpdateAreas()));
        this.parameterName = builder.getParameterName();
        this.position = builder.getPosition();
        this.positionSpan = builder.getPositionSpan(); // SCIPIO
        this.combinePrevious = builder.getCombinePrevious(); // SCIPIO
        this.redWhen = builder.getRedWhen();
        this.requiredField = builder.getRequiredField();
        this.requiredFieldStyle = builder.getRequiredFieldStyle();
        this.separateColumn = builder.getSeparateColumn();
        this.serviceName = builder.getServiceName();
        this.sortField = builder.getSortField();
        this.sortFieldAscStyle = builder.getSortFieldAscStyle();
        this.sortFieldDescStyle = builder.getSortFieldDescStyle();
        this.sortFieldHelpText = builder.getSortFieldHelpText();
        this.sortFieldStyle = builder.getSortFieldStyle();
        this.title = builder.getTitle();
        this.titleAreaStyle = builder.getTitleAreaStyle();
        this.titleAreaInlineStyle = builder.getTitleAreaInlineStyle(); // SCIPIO
        this.titleStyle = builder.getTitleStyle();
        this.tooltip = builder.getTooltip();
        this.tooltipStyle = builder.getTooltipStyle();
        this.useWhen = builder.getUseWhen();
        this.ignoreWhen = builder.getIgnoreWhen();
        this.widgetAreaStyle = builder.getWidgetAreaStyle();
        this.widgetStyle = builder.getWidgetStyle();
        this.parentFormName = builder.getParentFormName();
        this.tabindex = builder.getTabindex();
        this.conditionGroup = builder.getConditionGroup();
        this.attribsExpr = builder.getAttribsExpr(); // SCIPIO

    public FlexibleStringExpander getAction() {
        return action;

    public String getAction(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.action)) {
            return action.expandString(context);
        return null;

     * Gets the name of the Service Attribute (aka Parameter) that corresponds
     * with this field. This can be used to get additional information about the field.
     * Use the getServiceName() method to get the Entity name that the field is in.
     * @return returns the name of the Service Attribute
    public String getAttributeName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.attributeName)) {
            return this.attributeName;

     * getCurrentContainerId.
     * SCIPIO: NOTE: If idName is set, it is used as-is, to simply refer in JS scripts, otherwise a complex ID is generated.
     * SCIPIO: TODO: REVIEW: This uses getFieldName instead of getName, but this is inconsistent with FormRenderer.makeLinkHiddenFormName
     *          and less unique... It is left as-is for now due to _potential_ javascript compatibility problems from changing this.
    public String getCurrentContainerId(Map<String, Object> context) {
        ModelForm modelForm = this.getModelForm();
        // SCIPIO: This couldn't be right: If id-name is explicit, then we don't want to append the itemIndex stuff
        // below because it means someone is setting an ID to use in javascript, but then the itemIndex will make it unpredictable
        // In the other case, we need to append the "real" form ID with possible prefix, to ensure unique IDs
        //String idName = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(this.getIdName(), context);
        //if (modelForm != null) {
        //    Integer itemIndex = (Integer) context.get("itemIndex");
        //    if ("list".equals(modelForm.getType()) || "multi".equals(modelForm.getType())) {
        //        if (itemIndex != null) {
        //            return idName + modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator() + itemIndex;
        //        }
        //    }
        String id;
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(idName)) {
            id = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(idName, context);
            // Explicit ID, do not pass anything
        } else {
            String parentFormName = this.getParentFormName();
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parentFormName)) {
                // TODO: REVIEW: should parentFormName be passed through ModelForm.getFormName(context, parentFormName)??
                //  Do it for now because it will still be predictable for single forms, I think...
                //id = FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(parentFormName + "_" + this.FieldName(), context);
                id = ModelForm.getFormName(context, parentFormName) + "_" + this.getFieldName();
            } else { // SCIPIO: NOTE: This is the common case, the two previous are not often used
                // TODO: REVIEW: should this call modelForm.getContainerId(context) instead??
                id = this.modelForm.getFormName(context) + "_" + this.getFieldName();
            id += FormRenderer.getItemIndexIdSuffix(context, modelForm, "");
        return id;

    public boolean getEncodeOutput() {
        return this.encodeOutput;

    public String getEntityName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entityName)) {
            return this.entityName;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultEntityName();

     * Gets the entry from the context that corresponds to this field; if this
     * form is being rendered in an error condition (ie isError in the context
     * is true) then the value will be retrieved from the parameters Map in
     * the context.
     * @param context the context
     * @return returns the entry from the context that corresponds to this field
    public String getEntry(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        return this.getEntry(context, "");

    public String getEntry(Map<String, ? extends Object> context, String defaultValue, boolean allowEncode) { // SCIPIO: added allowEncode
        Boolean isError = (Boolean) context.get("isError");
        Boolean useRequestParameters = (Boolean) context.get("useRequestParameters");

        Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
        if (locale == null) {
            locale = Locale.getDefault();
        TimeZone timeZone = (TimeZone) context.get("timeZone");
        if (timeZone == null) {
            timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();

        //UtilCodec.SimpleEncoder simpleEncoder = (UtilCodec.SimpleEncoder) context.get("simpleEncoder"); // SCIPIO: not here, below...

        String returnValue;

        // if useRequestParameters is TRUE then parameters will always be used, if FALSE then parameters will never be used
        // if isError is TRUE and useRequestParameters is not FALSE (ie is null or TRUE) then parameters will be used
        if ((Boolean.TRUE.equals(isError) && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(useRequestParameters))
                || (Boolean.TRUE.equals(useRequestParameters))) {
            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            String parameterName = this.getParameterName(context);
            if (parameters != null && parameters.get(parameterName) != null) {
                Object parameterValue = parameters.get(parameterName);
                if (parameterValue instanceof String) {
                    returnValue = (String) parameterValue;
                } else {
                    // we might want to do something else here in the future, but for now this is probably best
                    Debug.logWarning("Found a non-String parameter value for field [" + this.getModelForm().getName() + "."
                            + this.getFieldName() + "]", module);
                    returnValue = defaultValue;
            } else {
                returnValue = defaultValue;
        } else {
            Map<String, ? extends Object> dataMap = this.getMap(context);
            boolean dataMapIsContext = false;
            if (dataMap == null) {
                dataMap = context;
                dataMapIsContext = true;
            Object retVal = null;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entryAcsr)) {
                if (dataMap instanceof GenericEntity) {
                    GenericEntity genEnt = (GenericEntity) dataMap;
                    if (genEnt.getModelEntity().isField(this.entryAcsr.getOriginalName())) {
                        retVal = genEnt.get(this.entryAcsr.getOriginalName(), locale);
                    } else {
                        //TODO: this may never come up, but if necessary use the FlexibleStringExander to eval the name first: String evaled = this.entryAcsr
                } else {
                    retVal = this.entryAcsr.get(dataMap, locale);
            } else {
                // if no entry name was specified, use the field's name
                if (dataMap.containsKey( {
                    retVal = dataMap.get(;

            // this is a special case to fill in fields during a create by default from parameters passed in
            if (dataMapIsContext && retVal == null && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(useRequestParameters)) {
                Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"));
                if (parameters != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entryAcsr)) {
                        retVal = this.entryAcsr.get(parameters);
                    } else {
                        retVal = parameters.get(;

            if (retVal != null) {
                // format string based on the user's locale and time zone
                if (retVal instanceof Double || retVal instanceof Float || retVal instanceof BigDecimal) {
                    NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(locale);
                    return nf.format(retVal);
                } else if (retVal instanceof java.sql.Date) {
                    DateFormat df = UtilDateTime.toDateFormat(UtilDateTime.getDateFormat(), timeZone, null);
                    return df.format((java.util.Date) retVal);
                } else if (retVal instanceof java.sql.Time) {
                    DateFormat df = UtilDateTime.toTimeFormat(UtilDateTime.getTimeFormat(), timeZone, null);
                    return df.format((java.util.Date) retVal);
                } else if (retVal instanceof java.sql.Timestamp) {
                    DateFormat df = UtilDateTime.toDateTimeFormat(UtilDateTime.getDateTimeFormat(), timeZone, null);
                    return df.format((java.util.Date) retVal);
                } else if (retVal instanceof java.util.Date) {
                    DateFormat df = UtilDateTime.toDateTimeFormat("EEE MMM dd hh:mm:ss z yyyy", timeZone, null);
                    return df.format((java.util.Date) retVal);
                } else if (retVal instanceof Collection) {
                    Collection<Object> col = UtilGenerics.checkCollection(retVal);
                    Iterator<Object> iter = col.iterator();
                    List<Object> newCol = new ArrayList<>(col.size());
                    UtilCodec.SimpleEncoder simpleEncoder = (allowEncode && this.getEncodeOutput()) ? WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context) : null; // SCIPIO: use our own encoder logic
                    while (iter.hasNext()) {
                        Object item =;
                        if (item == null) {
                        if (simpleEncoder != null) {
                        else {
                    return newCol.toString();
                } else {
                    returnValue = retVal.toString();
            } else {
                returnValue = defaultValue;

        if (allowEncode && this.getEncodeOutput() && returnValue != null) {
            returnValue = WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context).encode(returnValue); // SCIPIO: simplified

        // SCIPIO: TODO: REVIEW: from upstream, not always desirable (this does not exclusively deal with user input or config)...
        //if (returnValue != null) {
        //    returnValue = returnValue.trim();
        return returnValue;

     * SCIPIO: Determines if the entry is explicitly set, derived from {@link #getEntry(Map, String, boolean)}
     * but with special support for empty values.
     * <p>
     * Heuristic for empty values:
     * <ul>
     * <li>If list or multi form, always return true.
     * <li>If single form:
     *   <ul>
     *     <li>If service error, we assume error in a form submit, return true.
     *     <li>If from request parameters (but no error), returns true only if empty string.
     *     <li>If from an existing record (Map or GenericValue), returns true if either null or empty string.
     *     <li>If from context, returns true only if empty string.
     *   </ul>
     * </ul>
     * <p>
     * Added 2018-05-28.
    public boolean isExplicitEntry(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        Boolean isError = (Boolean) context.get("isError");
        Boolean useRequestParameters = (Boolean) context.get("useRequestParameters");

        if (this.getModelForm().isManyType()) {
            return true;

        if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(isError) && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(useRequestParameters)) {
            return true;
        } else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(useRequestParameters)) {
            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            String parameterName = this.getParameterName(context);
            if (parameters != null && parameters.get(parameterName) != null) {
                Object parameterValue = parameters.get(parameterName);
                if (parameterValue != null) {
                    return true;
        } else {
            Map<String, ? extends Object> dataMap = this.getMap(context);
            if (dataMap != null) {
                // map present means there is already some kind of record (usually a GenericValue)
                return true;
            dataMap = context;

            Object retVal = null;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entryAcsr)) {
                retVal = this.entryAcsr.get(dataMap);
            } else {
                if (dataMap.containsKey( {
                    retVal = dataMap.get(;

            // this is a special case to fill in fields during a create by default from parameters passed in
            if (retVal == null && !Boolean.FALSE.equals(useRequestParameters)) {
                Map<String, ? extends Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"));
                if (parameters != null) {
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entryAcsr))
                        retVal = this.entryAcsr.get(parameters);
                        retVal = parameters.get(;
            if (retVal != null) {
                return true;
        return false;

    public String getEntry(Map<String, ? extends Object> context, String defaultValue) {
        return getEntry(context, defaultValue, true);

    public String getEntryRaw(Map<String, ? extends Object> context, String defaultValue) {
        return getEntry(context, defaultValue, false);

    public String getEntryRaw(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        return getEntry(context, "", false);

    public FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> getEntryAcsr() {
        return entryAcsr;

    public String getEntryName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.entryAcsr)) {
            return this.entryAcsr.getOriginalName();

    public String getEvent() {
        return event;

    public FieldInfo getFieldInfo() {
        return fieldInfo;

     * Gets the name of the Entity Field that corresponds
     * with this field. This can be used to get additional information about the field.
     * Use the getEntityName() method to get the Entity name that the field is in.
     * @return return the name of the Entity Field that corresponds with this field
    public String getFieldName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.fieldName)) {
            return this.fieldName;

    public String getHeaderLink() {
        return headerLink;

    public String getHeaderLinkStyle() {
        return headerLinkStyle;

    /** getIdName.
     * SCIPIO: WARN: This does not currently generate anything matching what we want - see {@link #getCurrentContainerId(Map)}.
     * SCIPIO: TODO: REVIEW: This uses getFieldName instead of getName, but this is inconsistent with FormRenderer.makeLinkHiddenFormName
     *          and less unique... It is left as-is for now due to _potential_ javascript compatibility problems from changing this.
    public String getIdName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(idName)) {
            return idName;
        String parentFormName = this.getParentFormName();
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parentFormName)) {
            return parentFormName + "_" + this.getFieldName();
        return this.modelForm.getName() + "_" + this.getFieldName();

    public String getTabindex() {
        return tabindex;

    public String getConditionGroup() {
        return conditionGroup;

    public Map<String, ? extends Object> getMap(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.mapAcsr)) {
            return this.modelForm.getDefaultMap(context);

        Map<String, ? extends Object> result = null;
        try {
            result = mapAcsr.get(context);
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            String errMsg = "Got an unexpected object type (not a Map) for map-name [" + mapAcsr.getOriginalName()
                    + "] in field with name [" + this.getName() + "]: " + e.getMessage();
            Debug.logError(errMsg, module);
            throw new ClassCastException(errMsg);
        return result;

    public FlexibleMapAccessor<Map<String, ? extends Object>> getMapAcsr() {
        return mapAcsr;

    /** Get the name of the Map in the form context that contains the entry,
     * available from the getEntryName() method. This entry is used to
     * pre-populate the field widget when not in an error condition. In an
     * error condition the parameter name is used to get the value from the
     * parameters Map.
     * @return returns the name of the Map in the form context that contains the entry
    public String getMapName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.mapAcsr)) {
            return this.mapAcsr.getOriginalName();
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultMapName();

    public ModelForm getModelForm() {
        return modelForm;

    public void accept(ModelWidgetVisitor visitor) throws Exception { // SCIPIO: added for ModelWidget interface
        // TODO

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public List<UpdateArea> getOnChangeUpdateAreas() {
        return onChangeUpdateAreas;

    public List<UpdateArea> getOnClickUpdateAreas() {
        return onClickUpdateAreas;

    public String getParameterName() {
        return parameterName;

     * Get the name to use for the parameter for this field in the form interpreter.
     * For HTML forms this is the request parameter name.
     * @return returns the name to use for the parameter for this field in the form interpreter
    public String getParameterName(Map<String, ? extends Object> context) {
        String baseName;
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.parameterName)) {
            baseName = this.parameterName;
        } else {
            baseName =;

        Integer itemIndex = (Integer) context.get("itemIndex");
        if (itemIndex != null && "multi".equals(this.modelForm.getType())) {
            if (baseName.equals(UtilHttp.ROW_SUBMIT_PREFIX)) { // SCIPIO
                return baseName + itemIndex;
            return baseName + this.modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator() + itemIndex;
        return baseName;

    public int getPosition() {
        if (this.position == null) {
            return 1;
        return position;

    public Integer getPositionSpan() { // SCIPIO
        return positionSpan;

    public Boolean getCombinePrevious() { // SCIPIO
        return combinePrevious;

    public boolean isCombinePrevious(Map<String, Object> context, ModelFormField prevField) { // SCIPIO
        if (combinePrevious != null) {
            return combinePrevious;
        int fieldType = fieldInfo.getFieldType();
        if (fieldType == FieldInfo.SUBMIT || fieldType == FieldInfo.RESET || (fieldType == FieldInfo.HYPERLINK && this.isBlankTitle(context))) {
            if (modelForm.getDefaultCombineActionFields()) {
                if (prevField != null) {
                    int prevFieldType = prevField.getFieldInfo().getFieldType();
                    if (prevFieldType == FieldInfo.SUBMIT || prevFieldType == FieldInfo.RESET || (prevFieldType == FieldInfo.HYPERLINK && prevField.isBlankTitle(context))) {
                        return true;
        return false;

    public String getRedWhen() {
        return redWhen;

    public boolean getRequiredField() {
        return this.requiredField != null ? this.requiredField : false;

    public String getRequiredFieldStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.requiredFieldStyle)) {
            return this.requiredFieldStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultRequiredFieldStyle();

    public boolean getSeparateColumn() {
        return this.separateColumn;

    public String getServiceName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.serviceName)) {
            return this.serviceName;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultServiceName();

    public Boolean getSortField() {
        return sortField;

    public String getSortFieldAscStyle() {
        return sortFieldAscStyle;

    public String getSortFieldDescStyle() {
        return sortFieldDescStyle;

    public String getSortFieldHelpText() {
        return sortFieldHelpText;

    public String getSortFieldHelpText(Map<String, Object> context) {
        return FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(this.sortFieldHelpText, context);

    public String getSortFieldStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.sortFieldStyle)) {
            return this.sortFieldStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultSortFieldStyle();

    public String getSortFieldStyleAsc() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.sortFieldAscStyle)) {
            return this.sortFieldAscStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultSortFieldAscStyle();

    public String getSortFieldStyleDesc() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.sortFieldDescStyle)) {
            return this.sortFieldDescStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultSortFieldDescStyle();

    public FlexibleStringExpander getTitle() {
        return title;

    public String getTitle(Map<String, Object> context) {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.title)) {
            return title.expandString(context);

        // create a title from the name of this field; expecting a Java method/field style name, ie productName or productCategoryId
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty( {
            return ""; // this should never happen, ie name is required

        // search for a localized label for the field's name
        Map<String, String> uiLabelMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("uiLabelMap"));
        if (uiLabelMap != null) {
            String titleFieldName = "FormFieldTitle_" +;
            String localizedName = uiLabelMap.get(titleFieldName);
            if (!localizedName.equals(titleFieldName)) {
                return localizedName;
        } else {
            Debug.logWarning("Could not find uiLabelMap in context while rendering form " + this.modelForm.getName(), module);

        // create a title from the name of this field; expecting a Java method/field style name, ie productName or productCategoryId
        StringBuilder autoTitlewriter = new StringBuilder();

        // always use upper case first letter...

        // just put spaces before the upper case letters
        for (int i = 1; i <; i++) {
            char curChar =;
            if (Character.isUpperCase(curChar)) {
                autoTitlewriter.append(' ');

        String autoTitlewriterString = autoTitlewriter.toString();

        // For English, ID is correct abbreviation for identity.
        // So if a label ends with " Id", replace with " ID".
        // If there is another locale that doesn't follow this rule, we can add condition for this locale to exempt from the change.
        if (autoTitlewriterString.endsWith(" Id")){
                autoTitlewriterString = autoTitlewriterString.subSequence(0, autoTitlewriterString.length() - 3) + " ID";

        return autoTitlewriterString;

    public boolean isBlankTitle(Map<String, Object> context) { // SCIPIO
        String title = getTitle(context);
        if (title == null || title.trim().length() == 0) {
            return true;
        return false;

    public String getTitleAreaStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.titleAreaStyle)) {
            return this.titleAreaStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultTitleAreaStyle();

    public String getTitleAreaInlineStyle() { // SCIPIO
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.titleAreaInlineStyle)) {
            return this.titleAreaInlineStyle;
        return "";

    public String getTitleStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.titleStyle)) {
            return this.titleStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultTitleStyle();

    public FlexibleStringExpander getTooltip() {
        return tooltip;

    public String getTooltip(Map<String, Object> context) {
        String tooltipString = "";
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(tooltip)) {
            tooltipString = tooltip.expandString(context);
        if (this.getEncodeOutput()) {
            tooltipString = WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context).encode(tooltipString); // SCIPIO: simplified
        return tooltipString;

    public String getTooltipStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.tooltipStyle)) {
            return this.tooltipStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultTooltipStyle();

    public FlexibleStringExpander getUseWhen() {
        return useWhen;

    public String getUseWhen(Map<String, Object> context) {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.useWhen)) {
            return this.useWhen.expandString(context);
        return "";

    public FlexibleStringExpander getIgnoreWhen() { // SCIPIO
        return ignoreWhen;

    public String getIgnoreWhen(Map<String, Object> context) {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.ignoreWhen)) {
            return this.ignoreWhen.expandString(context);
        return "";

    public String getWidgetAreaStyle() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.widgetAreaStyle)) {
            return this.widgetAreaStyle;
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultWidgetAreaStyle();

    public FlexibleStringExpander getWidgetStyle() { // SCIPIO: modified to return FlexibleStringExpander instead of String
        return widgetStyle;

    public String getWidgetStyle(Map<String, Object> context) { // SCIPIO: new overload
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.widgetStyle)) {
            return this.widgetStyle.expandString(context);
        return this.modelForm.getDefaultWidgetStyle();

    public String getParentFormName() {
        if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.parentFormName)) {
            return this.parentFormName;
        return "";

    public AttribsExpression getAttribsExpr() { // SCIPIO
        return attribsExpr;

     * Checks if field is a row submit field.
    public boolean isRowSubmit() {
        if (!"multi".equals(getModelForm().getType())) {
            return false;
        if (getFieldInfo().getFieldType() != FieldInfo.CHECK) {
            return false;
        if (!CheckField.ROW_SUBMIT_FIELD_NAME.equals(getName())) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public boolean isSortField() {
        return this.sortField != null && this.sortField;

    public boolean isUseWhenEmpty() {
        if (this.useWhen == null) {
            return true;

        return this.useWhen.isEmpty();

    public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
            throws IOException {
        this.fieldInfo.renderFieldString(writer, context, formStringRenderer);

     * the widget/interaction part will be red if the date value is
     *  before-now (for ex. thruDate), after-now (for ex. fromDate), or by-name (if the
     *  field's name or entry-name or fromDate or thruDate the corresponding
     *  action will be done); only applicable when the field is a timestamp
     * @param context the context
     * @return true if the field should be read otherwise false
    public boolean shouldBeRed(Map<String, Object> context) {
        // red-when (never | before-now | after-now | by-name) "by-name"

        String redCondition = this.redWhen;

        if ("never".equals(redCondition)) {
            return false;

        // for performance resaons we check this first, most fields will be eliminated here and the valueOfs will not be necessary
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(redCondition) || "by-name".equals(redCondition)) {
            if ("fromDate".equals( || (this.entryAcsr != null && "fromDate".equals(this.entryAcsr.getOriginalName()))) {
                redCondition = "after-now";
            } else if ("thruDate".equals(
                    || (this.entryAcsr != null && "thruDate".equals(this.entryAcsr.getOriginalName()))) {
                redCondition = "before-now";
            } else {
                return false;

        boolean isBeforeNow = false;
        if ("before-now".equals(redCondition)) {
            isBeforeNow = true;
        } else if ("after-now".equals(redCondition)) {
            isBeforeNow = false;
        } else {
            return false;

        java.sql.Date dateVal = null;
        java.sql.Time timeVal = null;
        java.sql.Timestamp timestampVal = null;

        //now before going on, check to see if the current entry is a valid date and/or time and get the value
        String value = this.getEntry(context, null);
        try {
            timestampVal = java.sql.Timestamp.valueOf(value);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            // okay, not a timestamp...

        if (timestampVal == null) {
            try {
                dateVal = java.sql.Date.valueOf(value);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // okay, not a date...

        if (timestampVal == null && dateVal == null) {
            try {
                timeVal = java.sql.Time.valueOf(value);
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                // okay, not a time...

        if (timestampVal == null && dateVal == null && timeVal == null) {
            return false;

        long nowMillis = System.currentTimeMillis();
        if (timestampVal != null) {
            java.sql.Timestamp nowStamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(nowMillis);
            if (!timestampVal.equals(nowStamp)) {
                if (isBeforeNow) {
                    if (timestampVal.before(nowStamp)) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (timestampVal.after(nowStamp)) {
                        return true;
        } else if (dateVal != null) {
            java.sql.Date nowDate = new java.sql.Date(nowMillis);
            if (!dateVal.equals(nowDate)) {
                if (isBeforeNow) {
                    if (dateVal.before(nowDate)) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (dateVal.after(nowDate)) {
                        return true;
        } else if (timeVal != null) {
            java.sql.Time nowTime = new java.sql.Time(nowMillis);
            if (!timeVal.equals(nowTime)) {
                if (isBeforeNow) {
                    if (timeVal.before(nowTime)) {
                        return true;
                } else {
                    if (timeVal.after(nowTime)) {
                        return true;

        return false;

    static String getWidgetDefDefault(Map<String, Object> context, String propName, boolean expand) { // SCIPIO
        return ModelForm.getWidgetDefDefault(context, propName, expand);

    public boolean shouldUse(Map<String, Object> context) {
        String useWhenStr = this.getUseWhen(context);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(useWhenStr)) {
            // SCIPIO: lookup default useWhen behaviors
            String fieldType = getFieldInfo().getFieldTypeName();
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(fieldType)) {
                String formType = modelForm.getType();
                // SCIPIO: WARN: DEV NOTE: the expand flag here MUST be false, otherwise
                // it could jeopardize the caching logic below!
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(formType)) {
                    useWhenStr = getWidgetDefDefault(context, "byType." + formType + ".field.byType." + fieldType + ".useWhen", false);
                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(useWhenStr)) {
                    useWhenStr = getWidgetDefDefault(context, "field.byType." + fieldType + ".useWhen", false);
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(useWhenStr)) {
                return true;

        try {
            // SCIPIO: 2018-09-19: Now using Groovy as second interpreter
            // IMPORTANT: Only enable cache if the flexible expression was a constant, otherwise the cache could blow up!
            // DEV NOTE: BEWARE: The getWidgetDefDefault calls above must be using expand=false, otherwise will violate this caching logic
            final boolean useCache = this.getUseWhen().isConstant();
            Object retVal = GroovyUtil.evalConditionExpr(useWhenStr, context, useCache);
            boolean condTrue = false;
            // retVal should be a Boolean, if not something weird is up...
            if (retVal instanceof Boolean) {
                Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) retVal;
                condTrue = boolVal;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Return value from use-when condition eval was not a Boolean: "
                        + (retVal != null ? retVal.getClass().getName() : "null") + " [" + retVal + "] on the field " +
                        + " of form " + this.modelForm.getName());

            return condTrue;
        } catch (CompilationFailedException e) {
            String errMsg = "Error evaluating groovy use-when condition [" + useWhenStr + "] on the field " +
                    + " of form " + this.modelForm.getName() + ": " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);

    public String toString() { // SCIPIO: added 2018-03-02 (debugging help)
        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        ModelFieldVisitor visitor = new XmlWidgetFieldVisitor(sb);
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            Debug.logWarning(e, "Exception thrown in XmlWidgetFieldVisitor: ", module);
        return sb.toString();

    public String getContainerLocation() { // SCIPIO: added for ModelWidget interface
        return getModelForm().getContainerLocation();

    public String getWidgetType() { // SCIPIO: added for ModelWidget interface
        return "form-field";

     * Models the &lt;auto-complete&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class AutoComplete implements Serializable {
        private final String autoSelect;
        private final String choices;
        private final String frequency;
        private final String fullSearch;
        private final String ignoreCase;
        private final String minChars;
        private final String partialChars;
        private final String partialSearch;

        public AutoComplete(Element element) {
            this.autoSelect = element.getAttribute("auto-select");
            this.frequency = element.getAttribute("frequency");
            this.minChars = element.getAttribute("min-chars");
            this.choices = element.getAttribute("choices");
            this.partialSearch = element.getAttribute("partial-search");
            this.partialChars = element.getAttribute("partial-chars");
            this.ignoreCase = element.getAttribute("ignore-case");
            this.fullSearch = element.getAttribute("full-search");

        public String getAutoSelect() {
            return this.autoSelect;

        public String getChoices() {
            return this.choices;

        public String getFrequency() {
            return this.frequency;

        public String getFullSearch() {
            return this.fullSearch;

        public String getIgnoreCase() {
            return this.ignoreCase;

        public String getMinChars() {
            return this.minChars;

        public String getPartialChars() {
            return this.partialChars;

        public String getPartialSearch() {
            return this.partialSearch;

     * Models the &lt;check&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class CheckField extends FieldInfoWithOptions implements Serializable {
        public final static String ROW_SUBMIT_FIELD_NAME = "_rowSubmit";
        private final FlexibleStringExpander allChecked;
        private final boolean disabled;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander key; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for single check fields
        private final FlexibleStringExpander altKey; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for single check fields
        private final Boolean useHidden; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for single check fields

        private CheckField(CheckField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.allChecked = original.allChecked;
            this.disabled = original.disabled;
            // SCIPIO
            this.key = original.key;
            this.altKey = original.altKey;
            this.useHidden = original.useHidden;

        public CheckField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField, makeDefaultOptions(element, modelFormField));
            allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("all-checked"));
            this.disabled = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("disabled"));

            // SCIPIO: FIXME: duplication with KeyFields calls due to construction issues
            KeyFields fields = new KeyFields(element, modelFormField);
            useHidden = fields.useHidden;
            this.key = fields.key != null ? FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(fields.key) : null;
            this.altKey = fields.altKey != null ? FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(fields.altKey) : null;

        private static class KeyFields { // SCIPIO: workaround for constructor limits
            String key;
            String altKey;
            Boolean useHidden;

            public KeyFields(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
                key = element.hasAttribute("key") ? element.getAttribute("key") : null;
                altKey = element.hasAttribute("alt-key") ? element.getAttribute("alt-key") : null;
                useHidden = UtilMisc.booleanValue(element.getAttribute("use-hidden"));
                if (key == null) key = "Y";
                if (altKey == null && Boolean.TRUE.equals(useHidden)) altKey = "N";

        // SCIPIO: allow a different default WARN: duplication required due to java
        private static List<OptionSource> makeDefaultOptions(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            KeyFields fields = new KeyFields(element, modelFormField);
            return UtilMisc.<OptionSource> toList(new SingleOption(fields.key, fields.altKey, " ", modelFormField));

        public CheckField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.CHECK, modelFormField);
            this.allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
             // SCIPIO
            this.key = null;
            this.altKey = null;
            this.useHidden = null;

        // SCIPIO: Allow adding options to check fields
        public CheckField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField, List<OptionSource> optionSourceList) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.CHECK, optionSourceList);
            this.allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
            this.key = null;
            this.altKey = null;
            this.useHidden = null;

        public CheckField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.CHECK, modelFormField);
            this.allChecked = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
            this.key = null;
            this.altKey = null;
            this.useHidden = null;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new CheckField(this, modelFormField);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getAllChecked() {
            return allChecked;

        public Boolean isAllChecked(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String allCheckedStr = this.allChecked.expandString(context);
            if (!allCheckedStr.isEmpty()) {
                return "true".equals(allCheckedStr);
            return null;

        public boolean getDisabled() {
            return this.disabled;

        public String getKey(Map<String, Object> context) { // SCIPIO
            return key != null ? this.key.expandString(context) : null;

        public String getAltKey(Map<String, Object> context) { // SCIPIO
            return altKey != null ? this.altKey.expandString(context) : null;

        public Boolean getUseHidden(Map<String, Object> context) { // SCIPIO
            return useHidden;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderCheckField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;container&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class ContainerField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {

        private ContainerField(ContainerField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);

        public ContainerField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        public ContainerField(int fieldSource, int fieldType, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType, modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new ContainerField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderContainerFindField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;date-find&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class DateFindField extends DateTimeField implements Serializable {
        private final String defaultOptionFrom;
        private final String defaultOptionThru;

        private DateFindField(DateFindField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = original.defaultOptionFrom;
            this.defaultOptionThru = original.defaultOptionThru;

        public DateFindField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = element.getAttribute("default-option-from");
            this.defaultOptionThru = element.getAttribute("default-option-thru");

        public DateFindField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = "greaterThanEqualTo";
            this.defaultOptionThru = "lessThanEqualTo";

        public DateFindField(int fieldSource, String type) {
            super(fieldSource, type);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = "greaterThanEqualTo";
            this.defaultOptionThru = "lessThanEqualTo";

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new DateFindField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getDefaultOptionFrom() {
            return this.defaultOptionFrom;

        public String getDefaultOptionFrom(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String defaultOption = getDefaultOptionFrom();

            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parameters)) {
                String fieldName = this.getModelFormField().getName();
                if (parameters.containsKey(fieldName.concat("_fld0_value"))){
                    defaultOption = (String)parameters.get(fieldName.concat("_fld0_op"));
            return defaultOption;

        public String getDefaultOptionThru() {
            return this.defaultOptionThru;

        public String getDefaultOptionThru(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String defaultOption = getDefaultOptionThru();

            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parameters)) {
                String fieldName = this.getModelFormField().getName();
                if( parameters.containsKey(fieldName.concat("_fld1_value"))) {
                    defaultOption = (String)parameters.get(fieldName.concat("_fld1_op"));
            return defaultOption;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderDateFindField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;date-time&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class DateTimeField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final String clock;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander defaultValue;
        private final String inputMethod;
        private final String mask;
        private final String step;
        private final String type;

        protected DateTimeField(DateTimeField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.defaultValue = original.defaultValue;
            this.type = original.type;
            this.inputMethod = original.inputMethod;
            this.clock = original.clock;
            this.mask = original.mask;
            this.step = original.step;

        public DateTimeField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("default-value"));
            this.type = element.getAttribute("type");
            this.inputMethod = element.getAttribute("input-method");
            this.clock = element.getAttribute("clock");
            this.mask = element.getAttribute("mask");
            String step = element.getAttribute("step");
            if (step.isEmpty()) {
                step = "1";
            this.step = step;

        public DateTimeField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DATE_TIME, modelFormField);
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.type = "";
            this.inputMethod = "";
            this.clock = "";
            this.mask = "";
            this.step = "1";

        public DateTimeField(int fieldSource, String type) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DATE_TIME, null);
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.type = type;
            this.inputMethod = "";
            this.clock = "";
            this.mask = "";
            this.step = "1";

        public DateTimeField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.DATE_TIME, modelFormField);
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.type = "";
            this.inputMethod = "";
            this.clock = "";
            this.mask = "";
            this.step = "1";

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new DateTimeField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getClock() {
            return this.clock;

         * Returns the default-value if specified, otherwise the current date, time or timestamp
         * @param context Context Map
         * @return Default value string for date-time
        public String getDefaultDateTimeString(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.defaultValue)) {
                return this.getDefaultValue(context);

            if ("date".equals(this.type)) {
                return (new java.sql.Date(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString();
            } else if ("time".equals(this.type)) {
                return (new java.sql.Time(System.currentTimeMillis())).toString();
            } else {
                return UtilDateTime.nowTimestamp().toString();

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.defaultValue != null) {
                return this.defaultValue.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public String getInputMethod() {
            return this.inputMethod;

        public String getMask() {
            return this.mask;

        public String getStep() {
            return this.step;

        public String getType() {
            return type;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderDateTimeField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;display-entity&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class DisplayEntityField extends DisplayField implements Serializable {
        private final boolean cache;
        private final String entityName;
        private final String keyFieldName;
        private final SubHyperlink subHyperlink;

        private DisplayEntityField(DisplayEntityField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.cache = original.cache;
            this.entityName = original.entityName;
            this.keyFieldName = original.keyFieldName;
            if (original.subHyperlink != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(original.subHyperlink, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;

        public DisplayEntityField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.cache = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("cache"));
            this.entityName = element.getAttribute("entity-name");
            this.keyFieldName = element.getAttribute("key-field-name");
            Element subHyperlinkElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "sub-hyperlink");
            if (subHyperlinkElement != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(subHyperlinkElement, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;

        public DisplayEntityField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DISPLAY_ENTITY, modelFormField);
            this.cache = true;
            this.entityName = "";
            this.keyFieldName = "";
            this.subHyperlink = null;

        public DisplayEntityField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.DISPLAY_ENTITY, modelFormField);
            this.cache = true;
            this.entityName = "";
            this.keyFieldName = "";
            this.subHyperlink = null;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new DisplayEntityField(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getCache() {
            return cache;

        public String getDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            Locale locale = UtilMisc.ensureLocale(context.get("locale"));

            // rather than using the context to expand the string, lookup the given entity and use it to expand the string
            GenericValue value = null;
            String fieldKey = this.keyFieldName;
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(fieldKey)) {
                fieldKey = getModelFormField().fieldName;

            Delegator delegator = WidgetWorker.getDelegator(context);
            // SCIPIO: only encode after the lookup
            //String fieldValue = getModelFormField().getEntry(context);
            String fieldValue = getModelFormField().getEntryRaw(context);
            try {
                value = delegator.findOne(this.entityName, this.cache, fieldKey, fieldValue);
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                String errMsg = "Error getting value from the database for display of field [" + getModelFormField().getName()
                        + "] on form [" + getModelFormField().modelForm.getName() + "]: " + e.toString();
                Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);

            String retVal = null;
            if (value != null) {
                // expanding ${} stuff, passing locale explicitly to expand value string because it won't be found in the Entity
                MapStack<String> localContext = MapStack.create(context);
                // Rendering code might try to modify the GenericEntity instance,
                // so we make a copy of it.
                Map<String, Object> genericEntityClone = UtilGenerics.cast(value.clone());

                // expand with the new localContext, which is locale aware
                retVal = this.getDescription().expandString(localContext, locale);
            // try to get the entry for the field if description doesn't expand to anything
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(retVal)) {
                retVal = fieldValue;
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(retVal)) {
                retVal = "";
            } else if (this.getModelFormField().getEncodeOutput()) {
                retVal = WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context).encode(retVal); // SCIPIO: simplified
            return retVal;

        public String getEntityName() {
            return entityName;

        public String getKeyFieldName() {
            return keyFieldName;

        public SubHyperlink getSubHyperlink() {
            return this.subHyperlink;

     * Models the &lt;display&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class DisplayField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final boolean alsoHidden;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander currency;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander date;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander defaultValue;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander imageLocation;
        private final InPlaceEditor inPlaceEditor;
        private final String size; // maximum number of characters to display
        private final String type; // matches type of field, currently text or currency

        protected DisplayField(DisplayField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = original.alsoHidden;
            this.currency = original.currency;
            this.defaultValue = original.defaultValue;
            this.description = original.description;
            this.imageLocation = original.imageLocation;
            this.inPlaceEditor = original.inPlaceEditor;
            this.size = original.size;
            this.type = original.type;

        public DisplayField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("also-hidden"));
            this.currency = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("currency"));
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("date"));
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("default-value"));
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("description"));
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("image-location"));
            Element inPlaceEditorElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "in-place-editor");
            if (inPlaceEditorElement != null) {
                this.inPlaceEditor = new InPlaceEditor(inPlaceEditorElement);
            } else {
                this.inPlaceEditor = null;
            this.size = element.getAttribute("size");
            this.type = element.getAttribute("type");

        public DisplayField(int fieldSource, int fieldType, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType, modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = true;
            this.currency = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.inPlaceEditor = null;
            this.size = "";
            this.type = "";

        public DisplayField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DISPLAY, modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = true;
            this.currency = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.inPlaceEditor = null;
            this.size = "";
            this.type = "";

        public DisplayField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.DISPLAY, modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = true;
            this.currency = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.inPlaceEditor = null;
            this.size = "";
            this.type = "";

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new DisplayField(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getAlsoHidden() {
            return alsoHidden;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getCurrency() {
            return currency;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDate() {
            return date;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.defaultValue != null) {
                return this.defaultValue.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String retVal = null;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.description)) {
                retVal = this.description.expandString(context);
            } else {
                retVal = getModelFormField().getEntry(context);

            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(retVal)) {
                retVal = this.getDefaultValue(context);
            } else if ("currency".equals(type)) {
                retVal = retVal.replaceAll("&nbsp;", " "); // FIXME : encoding currency is a problem for some locale, we should not have any &nbsp; in retVal other case may arise in future...
                Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
                if (locale == null) {
                    locale = Locale.getDefault();
                String isoCode = null;
                if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.currency)) {
                    isoCode = this.currency.expandString(context);
                // SCIPIO (2010-14-03): if isoCode is null, take the system default one
                if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(isoCode)) {
                    isoCode = UtilProperties.getMessage("general", "", locale);

                try {
                    BigDecimal parsedRetVal = (BigDecimal) ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(retVal, "BigDecimal", null, null, locale,
                    retVal = UtilFormatOut.formatCurrency(parsedRetVal, isoCode, locale, 10); // we set the max to 10 digits as an hack to not round numbers in the ui
                } catch (GeneralException e) {
                    String errMsg = "Error formatting currency value [" + retVal + "]: " + e.toString();
                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
            } else if ("date".equals(this.type) && retVal.length() > 10) {
                Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
                if (locale == null) {
                    locale = Locale.getDefault();

                StringToTimestamp stringToTimestamp = new DateTimeConverters.StringToTimestamp();
                Timestamp timestamp = null;
                try {
                    timestamp = stringToTimestamp.convert(retVal);
                    Date date = new Date(timestamp.getTime());

                    DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale);
                    retVal = dateFormatter.format(date);
                } catch (ConversionException e) {
                    String errMsg = "Error formatting date using default instead [" + retVal + "]: " + e.toString();
                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                    // create default date value from timestamp string
                    retVal = retVal.substring(0, 10);

            } else if ("date-time".equals(this.type) && retVal.length() > 16) {
                Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
                TimeZone timeZone = (TimeZone) context.get("timeZone");
                if (locale == null) {
                    locale = Locale.getDefault();
                if (timeZone == null) {
                    timeZone = TimeZone.getDefault();

                StringToTimestamp stringToTimestamp = new DateTimeConverters.StringToTimestamp();
                Timestamp timestamp = null;
                try {
                    timestamp = stringToTimestamp.convert(retVal);
                    Date date = new Date(timestamp.getTime());

                    DateFormat dateFormatter = UtilDateTime.toDateTimeFormat(null, timeZone, locale);
                    retVal = dateFormatter.format(date);
                } catch (ConversionException e) {
                    String errMsg = "Error formatting date/time using default instead [" + retVal + "]: " + e.toString();
                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                    // create default date/time value from timestamp string
                    retVal = retVal.substring(0, 16);
            } else if ("accounting-number".equals(this.type)) {
                Locale locale = (Locale) context.get("locale");
                if (locale == null) {
                    locale = Locale.getDefault();
                try {
                    Double parsedRetVal = (Double) ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(retVal, "Double", null, locale, false);
                    String template = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("arithmetic", "accounting-number.format",
                    retVal = UtilFormatOut.formatDecimalNumber(parsedRetVal, template, locale);
                } catch (GeneralException e) {
                    String errMsg = "Error formatting number [" + retVal + "]: " + e.toString();
                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.description) && retVal != null && this.getModelFormField().getEncodeOutput()) {
                retVal = WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context).encode(retVal); // SCIPIO: simplified
            return retVal;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getImageLocation() {
            return imageLocation;

        public String getImageLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.imageLocation != null) {
                return this.imageLocation.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public InPlaceEditor getInPlaceEditor() {
            return this.inPlaceEditor;

        public String getSize() {
            return this.size;

        public String getType() {
            return this.type;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderDisplayField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;drop-down&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class DropDownField extends FieldInfoWithOptions implements Serializable {
        private final boolean allowEmpty;
        private final boolean allowMulti;
        private final AutoComplete autoComplete;
        private final String current;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander currentDescription;
        private final int otherFieldSize;
        private final String size;
        private final SubHyperlink subHyperlink;
        private final String textSize;

        private DropDownField(DropDownField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.allowEmpty = original.allowEmpty;
            this.allowMulti = original.allowMulti;
            this.autoComplete = original.autoComplete;
            this.current = original.current;
            this.currentDescription = original.currentDescription;
            this.otherFieldSize = original.otherFieldSize;
            this.size = original.size;
            if (original.subHyperlink != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(original.subHyperlink, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.textSize = original.textSize;

        public DropDownField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.allowEmpty = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("allow-empty"));
            this.allowMulti = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("allow-multiple"));
            Element autoCompleteElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "auto-complete");
            if (autoCompleteElement != null) {
                this.autoComplete = new AutoComplete(autoCompleteElement);
            } else {
                this.autoComplete = null;
            this.current = element.getAttribute("current");
            this.currentDescription = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("current-description"));
            int otherFieldSize = 0;
            String sizeStr = element.getAttribute("other-field-size");
            if (!sizeStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    otherFieldSize = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the size value of the text element: [" + sizeStr
                            + "], setting to the default of 0", module);
            this.otherFieldSize = otherFieldSize;
            String size = element.getAttribute("size");
            if (size.isEmpty()) {
                size = "1";
            this.size = size;
            Element subHyperlinkElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "sub-hyperlink");
            if (subHyperlinkElement != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(subHyperlinkElement, this.getModelFormField());
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;
            String textSize = element.getAttribute("text-size");
            if (textSize.isEmpty()) {
                textSize = "0";
            this.textSize = textSize;

        public DropDownField(int fieldSource, List<OptionSource> optionSources) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DROP_DOWN, optionSources);
            this.allowEmpty = false;
            this.allowMulti = false;
            this.autoComplete = null;
            this.current = "";
            this.currentDescription = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.otherFieldSize = 0;
            this.size = "1";
            this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.textSize = "0";

        public DropDownField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.DROP_DOWN, modelFormField);
            this.allowEmpty = false;
            this.allowMulti = false;
            this.autoComplete = null;
            this.current = "";
            this.currentDescription = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.otherFieldSize = 0;
            this.size = "1";
            this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.textSize = "0";

        public DropDownField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.DROP_DOWN, modelFormField);
            this.allowEmpty = false;
            this.allowMulti = false;
            this.autoComplete = null;
            this.current = "";
            this.currentDescription = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.otherFieldSize = 0;
            this.size = "1";
            this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.textSize = "0";

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new DropDownField(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getAllowMulti() {
            return allowMulti;

        public AutoComplete getAutoComplete() {
            return this.autoComplete;

        public String getCurrent() {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.current)) {
                return "first-in-list";
            return this.current;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getCurrentDescription() {
            return currentDescription;

        public String getCurrentDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.currentDescription == null) {
                return null;
            return this.currentDescription.expandString(context);

        public int getOtherFieldSize() {
            return this.otherFieldSize;

         * Get the name to use for the parameter for this field in the form interpreter.
         * For HTML forms this is the request parameter name.
         * @param context the context
         * @return returns the name to use for the parameter for this field in the form interpreter.
        public String getParameterNameOther(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String baseName;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(getModelFormField().parameterName)) {
                baseName = getModelFormField().parameterName;
            } else {
                baseName = getModelFormField().name;

            baseName += "_OTHER";
            Integer itemIndex = (Integer) context.get("itemIndex");
            if (itemIndex != null && "multi".equals(getModelFormField().modelForm.getType())) {
                return baseName + getModelFormField().modelForm.getItemIndexSeparator() + itemIndex;
            return baseName;

        public String getSize() {
            return this.size;

        public SubHyperlink getSubHyperlink() {
            return this.subHyperlink;

        public String getTextSize() {
            return this.textSize;

        public boolean getAllowEmpty() {
            return this.allowEmpty;

        public boolean getAllowMultiple() {
            return this.allowMulti;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderDropDownField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;entity-options&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class EntityOptions extends OptionSource implements Serializable {
        private final boolean cache;
        private final List<EntityFinderUtil.ConditionExpr> constraintList;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final String entityName;
        private final String filterByDate;
        private final String keyFieldName;
        private final List<String> orderByList;

        public EntityOptions(Element entityOptionsElement, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.cache = !"false".equals(entityOptionsElement.getAttribute("cache"));
            List<? extends Element> constraintElements = UtilXml.childElementList(entityOptionsElement, "entity-constraint");
            if (!constraintElements.isEmpty()) {
                List<EntityFinderUtil.ConditionExpr> constraintList = new ArrayList<>(
                for (Element constraintElement : constraintElements) {
                    constraintList.add(new EntityFinderUtil.ConditionExpr(constraintElement));
                this.constraintList = Collections.unmodifiableList(constraintList);
            } else {
                this.constraintList = Collections.emptyList();
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(entityOptionsElement.getAttribute("description"));
            this.entityName = entityOptionsElement.getAttribute("entity-name");
            this.filterByDate = entityOptionsElement.getAttribute("filter-by-date");
            this.keyFieldName = entityOptionsElement.getAttribute("key-field-name");
            List<? extends Element> orderByElements = UtilXml.childElementList(entityOptionsElement, "entity-order-by");
            if (!orderByElements.isEmpty()) {
                List<String> orderByList = new ArrayList<>(orderByElements.size());
                for (Element orderByElement : orderByElements) {
                this.orderByList = Collections.unmodifiableList(orderByList);
            } else {
                this.orderByList = Collections.emptyList();

        private EntityOptions(EntityOptions original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.cache = original.cache;
            this.constraintList = original.constraintList;
            this.description = original.description;
            this.entityName = original.entityName;
            this.filterByDate = original.filterByDate;
            this.keyFieldName = original.keyFieldName;
            this.orderByList = original.orderByList;

        public EntityOptions(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.cache = true;
            this.constraintList = Collections.emptyList();
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.entityName = "";
            this.filterByDate = "";
            this.keyFieldName = "";
            this.orderByList = Collections.emptyList();

        public void addOptionValues(List<OptionValue> optionValues, Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator) {
            // first expand any conditions that need expanding based on the current context
            EntityCondition findCondition = null;
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.constraintList)) {
                List<EntityCondition> expandedConditionList = new LinkedList<>();
                for (EntityFinderUtil.Condition condition : constraintList) {
                    ModelEntity modelEntity = delegator.getModelEntity(this.entityName);
                    if (modelEntity == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Error in entity-options: could not find entity [" + this.entityName
                                + "]");
                    EntityCondition createdCondition = condition.createCondition(context, modelEntity,
                    if (createdCondition != null) {
                findCondition = EntityCondition.makeCondition(expandedConditionList);

            try {
                Locale locale = UtilMisc.ensureLocale(context.get("locale"));
                ModelEntity modelEntity = delegator.getModelEntity(this.entityName);
                Boolean localizedOrderBy = UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.orderByList)
                        && ModelUtil.isPotentialLocalizedFields(modelEntity, this.orderByList);

                List<GenericValue> values = null;
                if (!localizedOrderBy) {
                    values = delegator.findList(this.entityName, findCondition, null, this.orderByList, null, this.cache);
                } else {
                    //if entity has localized label
                    values = delegator.findList(this.entityName, findCondition, null, null, null, this.cache);
                    values = EntityUtil.localizedOrderBy(values, this.orderByList, locale);

                // filter-by-date if requested
                if ("true".equals(this.filterByDate)) {
                    values = EntityUtil.filterByDate(values, true);
                } else if (!"false".equals(this.filterByDate)) {
                    // not explicitly true or false, check to see if has fromDate and thruDate, if so do the filter
                    if (modelEntity != null && modelEntity.isField("fromDate") && modelEntity.isField("thruDate")) {
                        values = EntityUtil.filterByDate(values, true);

                for (GenericValue value : values) {
                    // add key and description with string expansion, ie expanding ${} stuff, passing locale explicitly to expand value string because it won't be found in the Entity
                    MapStack<String> localContext = MapStack.create(context);
                    // Rendering code might try to modify the GenericEntity instance,
                    // so we make a copy of it.
                    Map<String, Object> genericEntityClone = UtilGenerics.cast(value.clone());

                    // expand with the new localContext, which is locale aware
                    String optionDesc = this.description.expandString(localContext, locale);

                    Object keyFieldObject = value.get(this.getKeyFieldName());
                    if (keyFieldObject == null) {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                                "The entity-options identifier (from key-name attribute, or default to the field name) ["
                                        + this.getKeyFieldName() + "], may not be a valid key field name for the entity ["
                                        + this.entityName + "].");
                    String keyFieldValue = keyFieldObject.toString();
                    optionValues.add(new OptionValue(keyFieldValue, optionDesc));
            } catch (GenericEntityException e) {
                Debug.logError(e, "Error getting entity options in form", module);

        public OptionSource copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new EntityOptions(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getCache() {
            return cache;

        public List<EntityFinderUtil.ConditionExpr> getConstraintList() {
            return constraintList;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getEntityName() {
            return entityName;

        public String getFilterByDate() {
            return filterByDate;

        public String getKeyFieldName() {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.keyFieldName)) {
                return this.keyFieldName;
            return getModelFormField().getFieldName(); // get the modelFormField fieldName

        public List<String> getOrderByList() {
            return orderByList;

    public static abstract class FieldInfoWithOptions extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {

        public static String getDescriptionForOptionKey(String key, List<OptionValue> allOptionValues) {
            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(key)) {
                return "";

            if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(allOptionValues)) {
                return key;

            for (OptionValue optionValue : allOptionValues) {
                if (key.equals(optionValue.getKey())) {
                    return optionValue.getDescription();

            // if we get here we didn't find a match, just return the key
            return key;

        private final FlexibleStringExpander noCurrentSelectedKey;
        private final List<OptionSource> optionSources;

        // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: added defaultOptions
        public FieldInfoWithOptions(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField, List<OptionSource> defaultOptions) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.noCurrentSelectedKey = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("no-current-selected-key"));
            // read all option and entity-options sub-elements, maintaining order
            ArrayList<OptionSource> optionSources = new ArrayList<>();
            List<? extends Element> childElements = UtilXml.childElementList(element);
            if (childElements.size() > 0) {
                for (Element childElement : childElements) {
                    if ("option".equals(childElement.getTagName())) {
                        optionSources.add(new SingleOption(childElement, modelFormField));
                    } else if ("list-options".equals(childElement.getTagName())) {
                        optionSources.add(new ListOptions(childElement, modelFormField));
                    } else if ("entity-options".equals(childElement.getTagName())) {
                        optionSources.add(new EntityOptions(childElement, modelFormField));
            } else {
                if (defaultOptions != null) { // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new
                } else {
                    // this must be added or the multi-form select box options would not show up
                    optionSources.add(new SingleOption("Y", " ", modelFormField));
            this.optionSources = Collections.unmodifiableList(optionSources);

        public FieldInfoWithOptions(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(element, modelFormField, null); // SCIPIO: now delegating

        // Copy constructor.
        protected FieldInfoWithOptions(FieldInfoWithOptions original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.noCurrentSelectedKey = original.noCurrentSelectedKey;
            if (original.optionSources.isEmpty()) {
                this.optionSources = original.optionSources;
            } else {
                List<OptionSource> optionSources = new ArrayList<>(original.optionSources.size());
                for (OptionSource source : original.optionSources) {
                this.optionSources = Collections.unmodifiableList(optionSources);

        protected FieldInfoWithOptions(int fieldSource, int fieldType, List<OptionSource> optionSources) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType, null);
            this.noCurrentSelectedKey = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.optionSources = Collections.unmodifiableList(new ArrayList<>(optionSources));

        public FieldInfoWithOptions(int fieldSource, int fieldType, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType, modelFormField);
            this.noCurrentSelectedKey = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.optionSources = Collections.emptyList();

        public List<OptionValue> getAllOptionValues(Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator) {
            List<OptionValue> optionValues = new LinkedList<>();
            for (OptionSource optionSource : this.optionSources) {
                optionSource.addOptionValues(optionValues, context, delegator);
            return optionValues;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getNoCurrentSelectedKey() {
            return noCurrentSelectedKey;

        public String getNoCurrentSelectedKey(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.noCurrentSelectedKey.expandString(context);

        public List<OptionSource> getOptionSources() {
            return optionSources;

     * Models the &lt;file&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class FileField extends TextField implements Serializable {

        public FileField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        private FileField(FileField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);

        public FileField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.FILE, modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new FileField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderFileField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;include-form&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class FormField extends FieldInfo {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander formName;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander formLocation;

        public FormField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.formName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("name"));
            this.formLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("location"));

        private FormField(FormField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.formName = original.formName;
            this.formLocation = original.formLocation;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new FormField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getFormName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.formName.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getFormName() {
            return formName;

        public String getFormLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.formLocation.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getFormLocation() {
            return formLocation;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            // Output format might not support menus, so make menu rendering optional.
            ModelForm modelForm = getModelForm(context);
            try {
                FormRenderer renderer = new FormRenderer(modelForm, formStringRenderer);
                renderer.render(writer, context);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering included form named [" + modelForm.getName() + "] at location [" + modelForm.getFormLocation() + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, modelForm, context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException

        public ModelForm getModelForm(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String name = this.getFormName(context);
            String location = this.getFormLocation(context);
            ModelForm modelForm = null;
            try {
                org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelReader entityModelReader = ((org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator)context.get("delegator")).getModelReader();
                org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext dispatchContext = ((org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher)context.get("dispatcher")).getDispatchContext();
                modelForm = FormFactory.getFormFromLocation(location, name, entityModelReader, dispatchContext);
            //} catch (RuntimeException e) { // SCIPIO: no
            //    throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering form named [" + name + "] at location [" + location + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, modelForm, context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException
            return modelForm;

     * Models the &lt;include-grid&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class GridField extends FieldInfo {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander gridName;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander gridLocation;

        public GridField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.gridName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("name"));
            this.gridLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("location"));

        private GridField(GridField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.gridName = original.gridName;
            this.gridLocation = original.gridLocation;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new GridField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getGridName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.gridName.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getGridName() {
            return gridName;

        public String getGridLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.gridLocation.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getGridLocation() {
            return gridLocation;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            // Output format might not support menus, so make menu rendering optional.
            ModelForm modelGrid = getModelGrid(context);
            try {
                FormRenderer renderer = new FormRenderer(modelGrid, formStringRenderer);
                renderer.render(writer, context);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering included grid named [" + modelGrid.getName() + "] at location [" + modelGrid.getFormLocation() + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, modelGrid, context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException

        public ModelForm getModelGrid(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String name = this.getGridName(context);
            String location = this.getGridLocation(context);
            ModelForm modelForm = null;
            try {
                org.ofbiz.entity.model.ModelReader entityModelReader = ((org.ofbiz.entity.Delegator)context.get("delegator")).getModelReader();
                org.ofbiz.service.DispatchContext dispatchContext = ((org.ofbiz.service.LocalDispatcher)context.get("dispatcher")).getDispatchContext();
                modelForm = GridFactory.getGridFromLocation(location, name, entityModelReader, dispatchContext);
            //} catch (RuntimeException e) { // SCIPIO: no
            //    throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering grid named [" + name + "] at location [" + location + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, modelForm, context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException
            return modelForm;

     * Models the &lt;hidden&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class HiddenField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander value;

        public HiddenField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.value = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("value"));

        private HiddenField(HiddenField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.value = original.value;

        public HiddenField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.HIDDEN, modelFormField);
            this.value = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");

        public HiddenField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.HIDDEN, modelFormField);
            this.value = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new HiddenField(this, modelFormField);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getValue() {
            return value;

        public String getValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.value)) {
                String valueEnc = this.value.expandString(context);
                valueEnc = WidgetWorker.getEarlyEncoder(context).encode(valueEnc); // SCIPIO: simplified
                return valueEnc;
            return getModelFormField().getEntry(context);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderHiddenField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;hyperlink&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class HyperlinkField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {

        private final boolean alsoHidden;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final Link link;

        public HyperlinkField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("also-hidden"));
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("description"));
            // Backwards-compatible fix
            element.setAttribute("url-mode", element.getAttribute("target-type"));
   = new Link(element);

        private HyperlinkField(HyperlinkField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.alsoHidden = original.alsoHidden;
            this.description = original.description;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new HyperlinkField(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getAlsoHidden() {
            return this.alsoHidden;

        public String getConfirmation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String message = getConfirmationMsg(context);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(message)) {
                return message;
            if (getRequestConfirmation()) {
                String defaultMessage = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("general", "default.confirmation.message",
                return FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(defaultMessage, context);
            return "";

        public String getAlternate(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (link.getImage() != null) {
                return link.getImage().getAlt(context);
            return "";

        public String getImageTitle(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (link.getImage() != null) {
                return link.getImage().getTitleExdr().expandString(context);
            return "";

        public String getImageLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (link.getImage() != null) {
                return link.getImage().getSrc(context);
            return "";

        public String getConfirmationMsg(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getConfirmationMsg(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getConfirmationMsgExdr() {
            return link.getConfirmationMsgExdr();

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.description.expandString(context);

        public boolean getRequestConfirmation() {
            return link.getRequestConfirmation();

        public Link getLink() {
            return link;

        public AutoEntityParameters getAutoEntityParameters() {
            return link.getAutoEntityParameters();

        public AutoServiceParameters getAutoServiceParameters() {
            return link.getAutoServiceParameters();

        public Boolean getEncode() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getEncode();

        public Boolean getFullPath() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getFullPath();

        public String getHeight() {
            return link.getHeight();

        public String getId(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getId(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getIdExdr() {
            return link.getIdExdr();

        public Image getImage() {
            return link.getImage();

        public String getLinkType() {
            return link.getLinkType();

        public String getName() {
            return link.getName();

        public String getName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getName(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getNameExdr() {
            return link.getNameExdr();

        public List<Parameter> getParameterList() {
            return link.getParameterList();

        public Map<String, String> getParameterMap(Map<String, Object> context, String defaultEntityName, String defaultServiceName) {
            return link.getParameterMap(context, defaultEntityName, defaultServiceName);

        public Map<String, String> getParameterMap(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getParameterMap(context);

        public String getPrefix(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getPrefix(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getPrefixExdr() {
            return link.getPrefixExdr();

        public Boolean getSecure() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getSecure();

        public Integer getSize() {
            return link.getSize();

        public String getStyle(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getStyle(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getStyleExdr() {
            return link.getStyleExdr();

        public String getTarget(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getTarget(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTargetExdr() {
            return link.getTargetExdr();

        public String getTargetWindow(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getTargetWindow(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTargetWindowExdr() {
            return link.getTargetWindowExdr();

        public String getText(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getText(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTextExdr() {
            return link.getTextExdr();

        public String getUrlMode() {
            return link.getUrlMode();

        public String getWidth() {
            return link.getWidth();

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderHyperlinkField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;ignored&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class IgnoredField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {

        public IgnoredField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        private IgnoredField(IgnoredField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);

        public IgnoredField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.IGNORED, modelFormField);

        public IgnoredField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.IGNORED, modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new IgnoredField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderIgnoredField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;image&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class ImageField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander alternate;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander defaultValue;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander style;
        private final SubHyperlink subHyperlink;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander value;

        public ImageField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.alternate = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("alternate"));
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("default-value"));
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("description"));
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("style"));
            Element subHyperlinkElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "sub-hyperlink");
            if (subHyperlinkElement != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(subHyperlinkElement, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.value = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("value"));

        public ImageField(ImageField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.alternate = original.alternate;
            this.defaultValue = original.defaultValue;
            this.description = original.description;
            if (original.subHyperlink != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(original.subHyperlink, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.value = original.value;

        public ImageField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.IMAGE, modelFormField);
            this.alternate = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
   = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.subHyperlink = null;
            this.value = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");

        public ImageField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new ImageField(this, modelFormField);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getAlternate() {
            return alternate;

        public String getAlternate(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.alternate)) {
                return this.alternate.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.defaultValue != null) {
                return this.defaultValue.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.description)) {
                return this.description.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public FlexibleStringExpander getStyle() {
            return style;

        public String getStyle(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty( {
            return "";

        public SubHyperlink getSubHyperlink() {
            return this.subHyperlink;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getValue() {
            return value;

        public String getValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.value)) {
                return this.value.expandString(context);
            return getModelFormField().getEntry(context);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderImageField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;in-place-editor&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class InPlaceEditor implements Serializable {
        private final String cancelControl;
        private final String cancelText;
        private final String clickToEditText;
        private final String cols;
        private final Map<FlexibleMapAccessor<Object>, Object> fieldMap;
        private final String fieldPostCreation;
        private final String formClassName;
        private final String highlightColor;
        private final String highlightEndColor;
        private final String hoverClassName;
        private final String htmlResponse;
        private final String loadingClassName;
        private final String loadingText;
        private final String okControl;
        private final String okText;
        private final String paramName;
        private final String rows;
        private final String savingClassName;
        private final String savingText;
        private final String submitOnBlur;
        private final String textAfterControls;
        private final String textBeforeControls;
        private final String textBetweenControls;
        private final String updateAfterRequestCall;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander url;

        public InPlaceEditor(Element element) {
            this.cancelControl = element.getAttribute("cancel-control");
            this.cancelText = element.getAttribute("cancel-text");
            this.clickToEditText = element.getAttribute("click-to-edit-text");
            this.fieldPostCreation = element.getAttribute("field-post-creation");
            this.formClassName = element.getAttribute("form-class-name");
            this.highlightColor = element.getAttribute("highlight-color");
            this.highlightEndColor = element.getAttribute("highlight-end-color");
            this.hoverClassName = element.getAttribute("hover-class-name");
            this.htmlResponse = element.getAttribute("html-response");
            this.loadingClassName = element.getAttribute("loading-class-name");
            this.loadingText = element.getAttribute("loading-text");
            this.okControl = element.getAttribute("ok-control");
            this.okText = element.getAttribute("ok-text");
            this.paramName = element.getAttribute("param-name");
            this.savingClassName = element.getAttribute("saving-class-name");
            this.savingText = element.getAttribute("saving-text");
            this.submitOnBlur = element.getAttribute("submit-on-blur");
            this.textBeforeControls = element.getAttribute("text-before-controls");
            this.textAfterControls = element.getAttribute("text-after-controls");
            this.textBetweenControls = element.getAttribute("text-between-controls");
            this.updateAfterRequestCall = element.getAttribute("update-after-request-call");
            Element simpleElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "simple-editor");
            if (simpleElement != null) {
                this.rows = simpleElement.getAttribute("rows");
                this.cols = simpleElement.getAttribute("cols");
            } else {
                this.rows = "";
                this.cols = "";
            this.fieldMap = EntityFinderUtil.makeFieldMap(element);
            this.url = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("url"));

        public String getCancelControl() {
            return this.cancelControl;

        public String getCancelText() {
            return this.cancelText;

        public String getClickToEditText() {
            return this.clickToEditText;

        public String getCols() {
            return this.cols;

        public Map<FlexibleMapAccessor<Object>, Object> getFieldMap() {
            return fieldMap;

        public Map<String, Object> getFieldMap(Map<String, Object> context) {
            Map<String, Object> inPlaceEditorContext = new HashMap<>();
            EntityFinderUtil.expandFieldMapToContext(this.fieldMap, context, inPlaceEditorContext);
            return inPlaceEditorContext;

        public String getFieldPostCreation() {
            return this.fieldPostCreation;

        public String getFormClassName() {
            return this.formClassName;

        public String getHighlightColor() {
            return this.highlightColor;

        public String getHighlightEndColor() {
            return this.highlightEndColor;

        public String getHoverClassName() {
            return this.hoverClassName;

        public String getHtmlResponse() {
            return this.htmlResponse;

        public String getLoadingClassName() {
            return this.loadingClassName;

        public String getLoadingText() {
            return this.loadingText;

        public String getOkControl() {
            return this.okControl;

        public String getOkText() {
            return this.okText;

        public String getParamName() {
            return this.paramName;

        public String getRows() {
            return this.rows;

        public String getSavingClassName() {
            return this.savingClassName;

        public String getSavingText() {
            return this.savingText;

        public String getSubmitOnBlur() {
            return this.submitOnBlur;

        public String getTextAfterControls() {
            return this.textAfterControls;

        public String getTextBeforeControls() {
            return this.textBeforeControls;

        public String getTextBetweenControls() {
            return this.textBetweenControls;

        public String getUpdateAfterRequestCall() {
            return this.updateAfterRequestCall;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getUrl() {
            return url;

        public String getUrl(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.url != null) {
                return this.url.expandString(context);
            return "";

     * Models the &lt;list-options&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class ListOptions extends OptionSource implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> keyAcsr;
        private final FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> altKeyAcsr; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for check fields only
        private final FlexibleMapAccessor<List<? extends Object>> listAcsr;
        private final String listEntryName;

        public ListOptions(Element optionElement, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.listEntryName = optionElement.getAttribute("list-entry-name");
            this.keyAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(optionElement.getAttribute("key-name"));
            this.altKeyAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(optionElement.getAttribute("alt-key-name")); // SCIPIO
            this.listAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(optionElement.getAttribute("list-name"));
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(optionElement.getAttribute("description"));

        private ListOptions(ListOptions original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.listAcsr = original.listAcsr;
            this.listEntryName = original.listEntryName;
            this.keyAcsr = original.keyAcsr;
            this.altKeyAcsr = original.altKeyAcsr; // SCIPIO
            this.description = original.description;

        public ListOptions(String listName, String listEntryName, String keyName, String altKeyName, String description,
                ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.listAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(listName);
            this.listEntryName = listEntryName;
            this.keyAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(keyName);
            this.altKeyAcsr = FlexibleMapAccessor.getInstance(altKeyName); // SCIPIO
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(description);

        public ListOptions(String listName, String listEntryName, String keyName, String description,
                ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(listName, listEntryName, keyName, null, description, modelFormField); // SCIPIO: now delegating

        public void addOptionValues(List<OptionValue> optionValues, Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator) {
            List<? extends Object> dataList = UtilGenerics.checkList(this.listAcsr.get(context));
            if (dataList != null && dataList.size() != 0) {
                for (Object data : dataList) {
                    Map<String, Object> localContext = new HashMap<>();
                    if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.listEntryName)) {
                        localContext.put(this.listEntryName, data);
                    } else {
                        Map<String, Object> dataMap = UtilGenerics.checkMap(data);
                    // SCIPIO: refactored for altKey support
                    String key = getKeyValue(keyAcsr, localContext);
                    String altKey = getKeyValue(altKeyAcsr, localContext);
                    optionValues.add(new OptionValue(key, altKey, description.expandString(localContext)));

        private String getKeyValue(FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> keyAscr, Map<String, Object> localContext) { // SCIPIO: refactored from above
            // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: factored out from main method
            if (keyAcsr == null) return null;
            Object keyObj = keyAcsr.get(localContext);
            String key = null;
            if (keyObj instanceof String) {
                key = (String) keyObj;
            } else {
                try {
                    key = (String) ObjectType.simpleTypeConvert(keyObj, "String", null, null);
                } catch (GeneralException e) {
                    String errMsg = "Could not convert field value for the field: [" + this.keyAcsr.toString()
                            + "] to String for the value [" + keyObj + "]: " + e.toString();
                    Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            return key;

        public OptionSource copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new ListOptions(this, modelFormField);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> getKeyAcsr() {
            return keyAcsr;

        public FlexibleMapAccessor<Object> getAltKeyAcsr() { // SCIPIO
            return altKeyAcsr;

        public FlexibleMapAccessor<List<? extends Object>> getListAcsr() {
            return listAcsr;

        public String getListEntryName() {
            return listEntryName;

     * Models the &lt;lookup&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class LookupField extends TextField implements Serializable {
        private final String descriptionFieldName;
        private final String fadeBackground;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander formName;
        private final String initiallyCollapsed;
        private final String lookupHeight;
        private final String lookupPosition;
        private final String lookupPresentation;
        private final String lookupWidth;
        private final String showDescription;
        private final String targetParameter;

        public LookupField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.descriptionFieldName = element.getAttribute("description-field-name");
            this.fadeBackground = element.getAttribute("fade-background");
            this.formName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("target-form-name"));
            this.initiallyCollapsed = element.getAttribute("initially-collapsed");
            this.lookupHeight = element.getAttribute("height");
            this.lookupPosition = element.getAttribute("position");
            this.lookupPresentation = element.getAttribute("presentation");
            this.lookupWidth = element.getAttribute("width");
            this.showDescription = element.getAttribute("show-description");
            this.targetParameter = element.getAttribute("target-parameter");

        public LookupField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.LOOKUP, modelFormField);
            this.descriptionFieldName = "";
            this.fadeBackground = "";
            this.formName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.initiallyCollapsed = "";
            this.lookupHeight = "";
            this.lookupPosition = "";
            this.lookupPresentation = "";
            this.lookupWidth = "";
            this.showDescription = "";
            this.targetParameter = "";

        public LookupField(LookupField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.descriptionFieldName = original.descriptionFieldName;
            this.fadeBackground = original.fadeBackground;
            this.formName = original.formName;
            this.initiallyCollapsed = original.initiallyCollapsed;
            this.lookupHeight = original.lookupHeight;
            this.lookupPosition = original.lookupPosition;
            this.lookupPresentation = original.lookupPresentation;
            this.lookupWidth = original.lookupWidth;
            this.showDescription = original.showDescription;
            this.targetParameter = original.targetParameter;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new LookupField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getDescriptionFieldName() {
            return this.descriptionFieldName;

        public String getFadeBackground() {
            return this.fadeBackground;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getFormName() {
            return formName;

        public String getFormName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.formName.expandString(context);

        //initially-collapsed status
        public boolean getInitiallyCollapsed() {
            return "true".equals(this.initiallyCollapsed);

        public String getLookupHeight() {
            return this.lookupHeight;

        public String getLookupPosition() {
            return this.lookupPosition;

        public String getLookupPresentation() {
            return this.lookupPresentation;

        public String getLookupWidth() {
            return this.lookupWidth;

        public Boolean getShowDescription() {
            return UtilValidate.isEmpty(this.showDescription) ? null : "true".equals(this.showDescription);

        public String getTargetParameter() {
            return targetParameter;

        public List<String> getTargetParameterList() {
            List<String> paramList = new LinkedList<>();
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(this.targetParameter)) {
                StringTokenizer stk = new StringTokenizer(this.targetParameter, ", ");
                while (stk.hasMoreTokens()) {
            return paramList;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderLookupField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;include-menu&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class MenuField extends FieldInfo {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander menuName;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander menuLocation;

        public MenuField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.menuName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("name"));
            this.menuLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("location"));

        private MenuField(MenuField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.menuName = original.menuName;
            this.menuLocation = original.menuLocation;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new MenuField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getMenuName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.menuName.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getMenuName() {
            return menuName;

        public String getMenuLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.menuLocation.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getMenuLocation() {
            return menuLocation;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            // Output format might not support menus, so make menu rendering optional.
            MenuStringRenderer menuStringRenderer = ModelScreenWidget.getMenuStringRendererForWidgetRender(context, "menu"); // SCIPIO: refactored
            if (menuStringRenderer == null) {
            ModelMenu modelMenu = getModelMenu(context);
            modelMenu.renderMenuString(writer, context, menuStringRenderer);

        public ModelMenu getModelMenu(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String name = this.getMenuName(context);
            String location = this.getMenuLocation(context);
            ModelMenu modelMenu = null;
            try {
                modelMenu = MenuFactory.getMenuFromLocation(location, name);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering menu named [" + name + "] at location [" + location + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, modelMenu, context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException
            return modelMenu;

    public static abstract class OptionSource implements Serializable {

        private final ModelFormField modelFormField;

        protected OptionSource(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.modelFormField = modelFormField;

        public abstract void addOptionValues(List<OptionValue> optionValues, Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator);

        public abstract OptionSource copy(ModelFormField modelFormField);

        public ModelFormField getModelFormField() {
            return modelFormField;

    public static class OptionValue implements Serializable {
        private final String description;
        private final String key;
        private final String altKey; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for check fields only

        public OptionValue(String key, String altKey, String description) { // SCIPIO: now with altKey
            this.key = key;
            this.altKey = altKey; // SCIPIO
            this.description = description;

        public OptionValue(String key, String description) {
            this(key, null, description); // SCIPIO: now delegating

        public String getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getKey() {
            return key;

         * SCIPIO: Off state key, for check fields only (new 2017-04-20).
         * May be null.
        public String getAltKey() {
            return altKey;

     * Models the &lt;password&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class PasswordField extends TextField implements Serializable {

        public PasswordField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        public PasswordField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.PASSWORD, modelFormField);

        private PasswordField(PasswordField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new PasswordField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderPasswordField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;radio&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class RadioField extends FieldInfoWithOptions implements Serializable {

        public RadioField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        public RadioField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.RADIO, modelFormField);

        public RadioField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.RADIO, modelFormField);

        private RadioField(RadioField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);

        // SCIPIO: new: Allow adding options to radio fields
        public RadioField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField, List<OptionSource> optionSourceList) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.RADIO, optionSourceList);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new RadioField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderRadioField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;range-find&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class RangeFindField extends TextField implements Serializable {
        private final String defaultOptionFrom;
        private final String defaultOptionThru;

        public RangeFindField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = element.getAttribute("default-option-from");
            this.defaultOptionThru = element.getAttribute("default-option-thru");

        public RangeFindField(int fieldSource, int size, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, size, null, modelFormField, FieldInfo.RANGEQBE);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = "greaterThanEqualTo";
            this.defaultOptionThru = "lessThanEqualTo";

        private RangeFindField(RangeFindField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOptionFrom = original.defaultOptionFrom;
            this.defaultOptionThru = original.defaultOptionThru;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new RangeFindField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getDefaultOptionFrom() {
            return this.defaultOptionFrom;

        public String getDefaultOptionThru() {
            return this.defaultOptionThru;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderRangeFindField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;reset&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class ResetField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {

        public ResetField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);

        public ResetField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.RESET, modelFormField);

        public ResetField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.RESET, modelFormField);

        private ResetField(ResetField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new ResetField(this, modelFormField);

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderResetField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;include-screen&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class ScreenField extends FieldInfo {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander screenName;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander screenLocation;

        public ScreenField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.screenName = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("name"));
            this.screenLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("location"));

        private ScreenField(ScreenField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.screenName = original.screenName;
            this.screenLocation = original.screenLocation;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new ScreenField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getScreenName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.screenName.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getScreenName() {
            return screenName;

        public String getScreenLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.screenLocation.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getScreenLocation() {
            return screenLocation;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            String name = this.getScreenName(context);
            String location = this.getScreenLocation(context);
            try {
                ScreenRenderer renderer = (ScreenRenderer)context.get("screens");
                if (renderer != null) {
                    MapStack<String> mapStack = UtilGenerics.cast(context);
                    ScreenRenderer subRenderer = new ScreenRenderer(writer, mapStack, renderer.getScreenStringRenderer());
                    writer.append(subRenderer.render(location, name));
            //} catch (RuntimeException e) { // SCIPIO: no
            //    throw e;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errMsg = "Error rendering included screen named [" + name + "] at location [" + location + "]";
                //Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module); // SCIPIO: Redundant logging
                throw new WidgetRenderException(errMsg + ": " + e, e, this.getModelFormField(), context); // SCIPIO: Changed RuntimeException to WidgetRenderException

     * Models the &lt;option&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class SingleOption extends OptionSource implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander key;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander altKey; // SCIPIO: 2017-04-20: new, for check field. NOTE: may be null

        public SingleOption(Element optionElement, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.key = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(optionElement.getAttribute("key"));
            String altKeyStr = optionElement.hasAttribute("alt-key") ? optionElement.getAttribute("alt-key") : null; // SCIPIO
            this.altKey = altKeyStr != null ? FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(altKeyStr) : null;
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(UtilXml.checkEmpty(optionElement.getAttribute("description"),

        private SingleOption(SingleOption original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.key = original.key;
            this.altKey = original.altKey; // SCIPIO
            this.description = original.description;

        public SingleOption(String key, String description, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(key, null, description, modelFormField); // SCIPIO: now delegating

        public SingleOption(String key, String altKey, String description, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.key = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(key);
            this.altKey = altKey != null ? FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(altKey) : null; // SCIPIO
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(UtilXml.checkEmpty(description, key));

        public void addOptionValues(List<OptionValue> optionValues, Map<String, Object> context, Delegator delegator) {
            optionValues.add(new OptionValue(key.expandString(context),
                    altKey != null ? altKey.expandString(context) : null, // SCIPIO: altKey

        public OptionSource copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new SingleOption(this, modelFormField);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getKey() {
            return key;

         * SCIPIO: Off state key, for check fields only (new 2017-04-20).
         * May be null.
        public FlexibleStringExpander getAltKey() {
            return altKey;

     * Models the &lt;sub-hyperlink&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class SubHyperlink implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander description;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander useWhen;
        private final Link link;
        private final ModelFormField modelFormField;

        public SubHyperlink(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.description = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("description"));
            this.useWhen = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("use-when"));
            // Backwards compatible support
            element.setAttribute("style", element.getAttribute("link-style"));
            element.setAttribute("url-mode", element.getAttribute("target-type"));
   = new Link(element);
            this.modelFormField = modelFormField;

        public SubHyperlink(SubHyperlink original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this.description = original.description;
            this.useWhen = original.useWhen;
            this.modelFormField = modelFormField;

        public AutoEntityParameters getAutoEntityParameters() {
            return link.getAutoEntityParameters();

        public AutoServiceParameters getAutoServiceParameters() {
            return link.getAutoServiceParameters();

        public Boolean getEncode() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getEncode();

        public Boolean getFullPath() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getFullPath();

        public String getHeight() {
            return link.getHeight();

        public String getId(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getId(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getIdExdr() {
            return link.getIdExdr();

        public Image getImage() {
            return link.getImage();

        public String getLinkType() {
            return link.getLinkType();

        public String getName() {
            return link.getName();

        public String getName(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getName(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getNameExdr() {
            return link.getNameExdr();

        public List<Parameter> getParameterList() {
            return link.getParameterList();

        public Map<String, String> getParameterMap(Map<String, Object> context, String defaultEntityName, String defaultServiceName) {
            return link.getParameterMap(context, defaultEntityName, defaultServiceName);

        public Map<String, String> getParameterMap(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getParameterMap(context);

        public String getPrefix(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getPrefix(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getPrefixExdr() {
            return link.getPrefixExdr();

        public Boolean getSecure() { // SCIPIO: changed from boolean to Boolean
            return link.getSecure();

        public Integer getSize() {
            return link.getSize();

        public String getStyle(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getStyle(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getStyleExdr() {
            return link.getStyleExdr();

        public String getTarget(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getTarget(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTargetExdr() {
            return link.getTargetExdr();

        public String getTargetWindow(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getTargetWindow(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTargetWindowExdr() {
            return link.getTargetWindowExdr();

        public String getText(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return link.getText(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getTextExdr() {
            return link.getTextExdr();

        public String getUrlMode() {
            return link.getUrlMode();

        public String getWidth() {
            return link.getWidth();

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDescription() {
            return description;

        public String getDescription(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return description.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getUseWhen() {
            return useWhen;

        public Link getLink() {
            return link;

        public String getUseWhen(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.useWhen.expandString(context);

        public ModelFormField getModelFormField() {
            return modelFormField;

        public boolean shouldUse(Map<String, Object> context) {
            boolean shouldUse = true;
            String useWhen = this.getUseWhen(context);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(useWhen)) {
                try {
                    // SCIPIO: 2018-09-19: Now using Groovy as second interpreter
                    // IMPORTANT: Only enable cache if the flexible expression was a constant, otherwise the cache could blow up!
                    final boolean useCache = this.getUseWhen().isConstant();
                    Object retVal = GroovyUtil.evalConditionExpr(useWhen, context, useCache);

                    // retVal should be a Boolean, if not something weird is up...
                    if (retVal instanceof Boolean) {
                        Boolean boolVal = (Boolean) retVal;
                        shouldUse = boolVal;
                    } else {
                        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Return value from target condition eval was not a Boolean: "
                                + retVal.getClass().getName() + " [" + retVal + "]");
                } catch (CompilationFailedException e) {
                    String errmsg = "Error evaluating groovy target conditions";
                    Debug.logError(e, errmsg, module);
                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(errmsg);
            return shouldUse;

    public boolean shouldIgnore(Map<String, Object> context) {
        boolean shouldIgnore = true;
        String ignoreWhen = this.getIgnoreWhen(context);
        if (UtilValidate.isEmpty(ignoreWhen)) {
            return false;

        try {
            // SCIPIO: 2018-09-19: Now using Groovy as second interpreter
            // IMPORTANT: Only enable cache if the flexible expression was a constant, otherwise the cache could blow up!
            final boolean useCache = this.getIgnoreWhen().isConstant();
            Object retVal = GroovyUtil.evalConditionExpr(ignoreWhen, context, useCache);

            if (retVal instanceof Boolean) {
                shouldIgnore =(Boolean) retVal;
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Return value from ignore-when condition eval was not a Boolean: "  + (retVal != null ? retVal.getClass().getName() : "null") + " [" + retVal + "] on the field " + + " of form " + this.modelForm.getName());

        } catch (CompilationFailedException e) {
            String errMsg = "Error evaluating groovy ignore-when condition [" + ignoreWhen + "] on the field " + + " of form " + this.modelForm.getName() + ": " + e.toString();
            Debug.logError(e, errMsg, module);
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(errMsg);

        return shouldIgnore;


     * Models the &lt;submit&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class SubmitField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final FlexibleStringExpander backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr;
        private final String buttonType;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander confirmationMsgExdr;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander imageLocation;
        private final boolean requestConfirmation;

        public SubmitField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element
            this.buttonType = element.getAttribute("button-type");
            this.confirmationMsgExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("confirmation-message"));
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("image-location"));
            this.requestConfirmation = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("request-confirmation"));

        public SubmitField(int fieldInfo, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldInfo, FieldInfo.SUBMIT, modelFormField);
            this.backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.buttonType = "";
            this.confirmationMsgExdr = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.imageLocation = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.requestConfirmation = false;

        public SubmitField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, modelFormField);

        private SubmitField(SubmitField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.buttonType = original.buttonType;
            this.imageLocation = original.imageLocation;
            this.backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr = original.backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr;
            this.requestConfirmation = original.requestConfirmation;
            this.confirmationMsgExdr = original.confirmationMsgExdr;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new SubmitField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getBackgroundSubmitRefreshTarget(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getBackgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr() {
            return backgroundSubmitRefreshTargetExdr;

        public String getButtonType() {
            return buttonType;

        public String getConfirmation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String message = getConfirmationMsg(context);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(message)) {
                return message;
            } else if (getRequestConfirmation()) {
                String defaultMessage = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("general", "default.confirmation.message",
                return FlexibleStringExpander.expandString(defaultMessage, context);
            return "";

        public String getConfirmationMsg(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.confirmationMsgExdr.expandString(context);

        public FlexibleStringExpander getConfirmationMsgExdr() {
            return confirmationMsgExdr;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getImageLocation() {
            return imageLocation;

        public String getImageLocation(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.imageLocation.expandString(context);

        public boolean getRequestConfirmation() {
            return this.requestConfirmation;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderSubmitField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;textarea&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class TextareaField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final int cols;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander defaultValue;
        private final boolean readOnly;
        private final int rows;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander visualEditorButtons;
        private final boolean visualEditorEnable;
        private final Integer maxlength;

        public TextareaField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            int cols = 60;
            String colsStr = element.getAttribute("cols");
            if (!colsStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    cols = Integer.parseInt(colsStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the size value of the text element: [" + colsStr
                            + "], setting to default of " + cols, module);
            this.cols = cols;
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("default-value"));
            this.readOnly = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("read-only"));
            int rows = 2;
            String rowsStr = element.getAttribute("rows");
            if (!rowsStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    rows = Integer.parseInt(rowsStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the size value of the text element: [" + rowsStr
                            + "], setting to default of " + rows, module);
            this.rows = rows;
            Integer maxlength = null;
            String maxlengthStr = element.getAttribute("maxlength");
            if (!maxlengthStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    maxlength = Integer.valueOf(maxlengthStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the max-length value of the text element: [" + maxlengthStr
                            + "], setting to null; default of no maxlength will be used", module);
            this.maxlength = maxlength;
            this.visualEditorButtons = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("visual-editor-buttons"));
            this.visualEditorEnable = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("visual-editor-enable"));

        public TextareaField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.TEXTAREA, modelFormField);
            this.cols = 60;
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.readOnly = false;
            this.rows = 2;
            this.maxlength = null;
            this.visualEditorButtons = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.visualEditorEnable = false;

        public TextareaField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, modelFormField);

        private TextareaField(TextareaField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.defaultValue = original.defaultValue;
            this.visualEditorEnable = original.visualEditorEnable;
            this.visualEditorButtons = original.visualEditorButtons;
            this.readOnly = original.readOnly;
            this.cols = original.cols;
            this.rows = original.rows;
            this.maxlength = original.maxlength;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new TextareaField(this, modelFormField);

        public int getCols() {
            return cols;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.defaultValue != null) {
                return this.defaultValue.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public int getRows() {
            return rows;

        public Integer getMaxlength() {
            return maxlength;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getVisualEditorButtons() {
            return visualEditorButtons;

        public String getVisualEditorButtons(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.visualEditorButtons.expandString(context);

        public boolean getVisualEditorEnable() {
            return this.visualEditorEnable;

        public boolean isReadOnly() {
            return readOnly;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderTextareaField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;text&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class TextField extends FieldInfo implements Serializable {
        private final boolean clientAutocompleteField;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander defaultValue;
        private final boolean disabled;
        private final String mask;
        private final Integer maxlength;
        private final FlexibleStringExpander placeholder;
        private final boolean readonly;
        private final int size;
        private final SubHyperlink subHyperlink;

        public TextField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            this.clientAutocompleteField = !"false".equals(element.getAttribute("client-autocomplete-field"));
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("default-value"));
            this.disabled = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("disabled"));
            this.mask = element.getAttribute("mask");
            Integer maxlength = null;
            String maxlengthStr = element.getAttribute("maxlength");
            if (!maxlengthStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    maxlength = Integer.valueOf(maxlengthStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the maxlength value of the text element: [" + maxlengthStr
                            + "], setting to null; default of no maxlength will be used", module);
            this.maxlength = maxlength;
            this.placeholder = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance(element.getAttribute("placeholder"));
            this.readonly = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("read-only"));
            int size = 25;
            String sizeStr = element.getAttribute("size");
            if (!sizeStr.isEmpty()) {
                try {
                    size = Integer.parseInt(sizeStr);
                } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
                    Debug.logError("Could not parse the size value of the text element: [" + sizeStr
                            + "], setting to the default of " + size, module);
            this.size = size;
            Element subHyperlinkElement = UtilXml.firstChildElement(element, "sub-hyperlink");
            if (subHyperlinkElement != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(subHyperlinkElement, this.getModelFormField());
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;

        protected TextField(int fieldSource, int size, Integer maxlength, ModelFormField modelFormField, int fieldType) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType == -1 ? FieldInfo.TEXT : fieldType, modelFormField);
            this.clientAutocompleteField = true;
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
            this.mask = "";
            this.maxlength = maxlength;
            this.placeholder = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.readonly = false;
            this.size = size;
            this.subHyperlink = null;

        protected TextField(int fieldSource, int size, Integer maxlength, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, FieldInfo.TEXT, modelFormField);
            this.clientAutocompleteField = true;
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
            this.mask = "";
            this.maxlength = maxlength;
            this.placeholder = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.readonly = false;
            this.size = size;
            this.subHyperlink = null;

        private TextField(int fieldSource, int fieldType, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, fieldType, modelFormField);
            this.clientAutocompleteField = true;
            this.defaultValue = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.disabled = false;
            this.mask = "";
            this.maxlength = null;
            this.placeholder = FlexibleStringExpander.getInstance("");
            this.readonly = false;
            this.size = 25;
            this.subHyperlink = null;

        public TextField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(fieldSource, FieldInfo.TEXT, modelFormField);

        public TextField(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            this(FieldInfo.SOURCE_EXPLICIT, FieldInfo.TEXT, modelFormField);

        protected TextField(TextField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original.getFieldSource(), original.getFieldType(), modelFormField);
            this.clientAutocompleteField = original.clientAutocompleteField;
            this.defaultValue = original.defaultValue;
            this.mask = original.mask;
            this.placeholder = original.placeholder;
            this.size = original.size;
            this.maxlength = original.maxlength;
            this.disabled = original.disabled;
            this.readonly = original.readonly;
            if (original.subHyperlink != null) {
                this.subHyperlink = new SubHyperlink(original.subHyperlink, modelFormField);
            } else {
                this.subHyperlink = null;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new TextField(this, modelFormField);

        public boolean getClientAutocompleteField() {
            return this.clientAutocompleteField;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getDefaultValue() {
            return defaultValue;

        public String getDefaultValue(Map<String, Object> context) {
            if (this.defaultValue != null) {
                return this.defaultValue.expandString(context);
            return "";

        public boolean getDisabled() {
            return this.disabled;

        public String getMask() {
            return this.mask;

        public Integer getMaxlength() {
            return maxlength;

        public FlexibleStringExpander getPlaceholder() {
            return placeholder;

        public String getPlaceholder(Map<String, Object> context) {
            return this.placeholder.expandString(context);

        public boolean getReadonly() {
            return this.readonly;

        public int getSize() {
            return size;

        public SubHyperlink getSubHyperlink() {
            return this.subHyperlink;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderTextField(writer, context, this);

     * Models the &lt;text-find&gt; element.
     * @see <code>widget-form.xsd</code>
    public static class TextFindField extends TextField implements Serializable {
        private final String defaultOption;
        private final boolean hideIgnoreCase;
        private final boolean hideOptions;
        private final boolean ignoreCase;

        public TextFindField(Element element, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(element, modelFormField);
            if (element.hasAttribute("default-option")) {
                this.defaultOption = element.getAttribute("default-option");
            } else {
                this.defaultOption = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("widget", "widget.form.defaultTextFindOption", "contains");
            this.hideIgnoreCase = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("hide-options"))
                    || "ignore-case".equals(element.getAttribute("hide-options")) ? true : false;
            this.hideOptions = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("hide-options"))
                    || "options".equals(element.getAttribute("hide-options")) ? true : false;
            this.ignoreCase = "true".equals(element.getAttribute("ignore-case"));

        public TextFindField(int fieldSource, int size, Integer maxlength, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, size, maxlength, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOption = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("widget", "widget.form.defaultTextFindOption", "contains");
            this.hideIgnoreCase = false;
            this.hideOptions = false;
            this.ignoreCase = true;

        public TextFindField(int fieldSource, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(fieldSource, modelFormField);
            this.defaultOption = UtilProperties.getPropertyValue("widget", "widget.form.defaultTextFindOption", "contains");
            this.hideIgnoreCase = false;
            this.hideOptions = false;
            this.ignoreCase = true;

        private TextFindField(TextFindField original, ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            super(original, modelFormField);
            this.ignoreCase = original.ignoreCase;
            this.hideIgnoreCase = original.hideIgnoreCase;
            this.defaultOption = original.defaultOption;
            this.hideOptions = original.hideOptions;

        public void accept(ModelFieldVisitor visitor) throws Exception {

        public FieldInfo copy(ModelFormField modelFormField) {
            return new TextFindField(this, modelFormField);

        public String getDefaultOption() {
            return this.defaultOption;

        public String getDefaultOption(Map<String, Object> context) {
            String defaultOption = getDefaultOption();

            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parameters)) {
                String fieldName = this.getModelFormField().getName();
                if (parameters.containsKey(fieldName)) {
                    defaultOption = (String) parameters.get(fieldName.concat("_op"));
            return defaultOption;

        public boolean getHideIgnoreCase() {
            return this.hideIgnoreCase;

        public boolean getHideOptions() {
            return this.hideOptions;

        public boolean getIgnoreCase() {
            return this.ignoreCase;

        public boolean getIgnoreCase(Map<String, Object> context) {
            Boolean ignoreCase = getIgnoreCase();

            Map<String, Object> parameters = UtilGenerics.checkMap(context.get("parameters"), String.class, Object.class);
            if (UtilValidate.isNotEmpty(parameters)) {
                String fieldName = this.getModelFormField().getName();
                if (parameters.containsKey(fieldName)) {
                    ignoreCase = "Y".equals(parameters.get(fieldName.concat("_ic")));
            return ignoreCase;

        public void renderFieldString(Appendable writer, Map<String, Object> context, FormStringRenderer formStringRenderer)
                throws IOException {
            formStringRenderer.renderTextFindField(writer, context, this);