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<#include "htmlCommonMacroLibrary.ftl">
SCIPIO: NOTE: since macro renderer initial context mod, macros here now have access to a few widget context objects part of the initial
context, such as request, response, etc. however it is only from the initial context,
not "current" context (too intrusive in current renderer design). still relies on macro params.
2016-01-06: the globalContext is now also dumped into the data model, so uiLabelMap should be available.

NOTE: 2016-10-05: Widget early HTML encoding is now DISABLED for all HTML macros.
    As a result all macros here must take care to html-escape as well as js-escape values.
    Use escapeVal/escapeFullUrl for this.
<#macro renderNodeBegin style extraArgs...>
<#if style?has_content><ul class="${escapeVal(style, 'html')}"></#if>

<#macro renderLastElement style extraArgs...>
<ul<#if style?has_content> class="${escapeVal(style, 'html')}"</#if>>
<#macro renderNodeEnd processChildren isRootNode extraArgs...>
<#if processChildren?has_content && processChildren>
<#if isRootNode?has_content && isRootNode>
<#macro renderLabel id style labelText extraArgs...>
<span<#if id?has_content> id="${escapeVal(id, 'html')}"</#if><#if style?has_content> class="${escapeVal(style, 'html')}"</#if>><#rt/>
<#if labelText?has_content>${escapeVal(labelText, 'htmlmarkup')}</#if><#rt/>

<#macro formatBoundaryComment boundaryType widgetType widgetName extraArgs...>
<!-- ${escapeVal(boundaryType, 'html')}  ${escapeVal(widgetType, 'html')}  ${escapeVal(widgetName, 'html')} -->

<#macro renderLink id style name title targetWindow linkUrl linkText imgStr extraArgs...>
<#-- SCIPIO: 2018-05: detect the special collapse/expand links and set a simple "icon" here, 
    otherwise functionality loss - see also extra space at end -->
<#local expColl = false>
<#if linkText == " ">
  <#if style == "expanded">
    <#local expColl = true>
    <#local linkText = "[-]">
  <#elseif style == "collapsed">
    <#local expColl = true>
    <#local linkText = "[+]">
<a<#if id?has_content> id="${escapeVal(id, 'html')}"</#if><#rt/>
<#if style?has_content> class="${escapeVal(style, 'html')}"</#if><#rt/>
<#if name?has_content> name="${escapeVal(name, 'html')}"</#if><#rt/>
<#if title?has_content> title="${escapeVal(title, 'html')}"</#if><#rt/>
<#if targetWindow?has_content> target="${escapeVal(targetWindow, 'html')}</#if><#if linkUrl?has_content> href="${escapeFullUrl(linkUrl, 'html')}"<#else> href="javascript:void(0);"</#if>><#rt/>
<#if imgStr?has_content>${imgStr}<#elseif linkText?has_content/>${escapeVal(linkText, 'htmlmarkup')}<#else>&nbsp;</#if></a><#rt/>
<#if expColl> </#if><#rt/><#-- SCIPIO: extra space -->

<#macro renderImage src id style wid hgt border alt urlString extraArgs...>
<#if src?has_content>
<img<#if id?has_content> id="${escapeVal(id, 'html')}"</#if><#if style?has_content> class="${escapeVal(style, 'html')}"</#if><#if wid?has_content> width="${wid}"</#if><#if hgt?has_content> height="${hgt}"</#if><#if border?has_content> border="${escapeVal(border, 'html')}"</#if> alt="<#if alt?has_content>${escapeVal(alt, 'html')}</#if>" src="${escapeFullUrl(urlString, 'html')}" /><#rt/>