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# SCIPIO-ERP git-addons script configuration
# NOTE: This file is intended to be committed to version control (git), for shared project config.
# If you need machine/developer-specific config, you can create a file named "git-addons-config-local"
# beside this one and put your definitions there instead.

# Enterprise addons base folder [INPUT PURCHASED ADDONS BASE SSH ADDRESS HERE]
# Please set this to the address of the Ilscipio servers provided to you upon addon purchase.
# This will be an ssh:// address and end with /scipio-erp/ (including trailing slash).
# You will have to commit the change locally (git add git-addons-config && git commit -m "Updated git-addons-config").
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_EE}" ]; then
# Suffix added just before ".git" to all EE repo URLs
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_SUFFIX_EE}" ]; then
# Community addons base folder
# This is used for addons that are public on Github.
# Maintained by Ilscipio [DO NOT MODIFY]
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_CE}" ]; then
# Suffix added just before ".git" to all CE repo URLs
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_SUFFIX_CE}" ]; then
# Suffix added just before ".git" to all repo URLs *if* no more specific suffix (from above)
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_SUFFIX}" ]; then
if [ -z "${SCIPIO_ADDONS_OP_PUSH_ALL}" ]; then

# Addon definitions and target directories.
# Maintained by Ilscipio [DO NOT MODIFY - if you need custom definitions, override these further below (to avoid merge conflicts)]
# SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[addon-name]="[addon-name] [addon-directory] [addon-dist] [addon-repo] [branch-prefix] [addon-options]"
# * addon-name - name of the addon specified on the command line (must be same as array key) or detected by --all
# * addon-dir - addon directory, relative to project root, used as (--prefix for git subtree
# * addon-dist - (ce|ee) distribution type, used to select the correct SCIPIO_ADDONS_URL_* base url
# * addon-repo - addon repo name or url, with or without .git extension
# * branch-prefix - prefix of the branch, omitting the trailing /[master|2.x|...]; use '/' for no prefix
# * addon-options - comma-separated options, fstab format: [push]

SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[accountingat]="accountingat addons/accountingat ee accountingat /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[accountingde]="accountingde addons/accountingde ee accountingde /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[accountingde-skr03]="accountingde-skr03 addons/accountingde-skr03 ee accountingde-skr03 /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[accountinges]="accountinges addons/accountinges ee accountinges /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[angular-shop]="angular-shop addons/angular-shop ce angular-shop /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[angular-theme]="angular-theme themes/angular ee angular-theme /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-cas-client]="auth-cas-client addons/auth-cas-client ee auth-cas-client /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-cas-server]="auth-cas-server addons/auth-cas-server ee auth-cas-server /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-facebook]="auth-facebook addons/auth-facebook ee auth-facebook /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-google]="auth-google addons/auth-google ee auth-google /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-linkedin]="auth-linkedin addons/auth-linkedin ee auth-linkedin /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[auth-twitter]="auth-twitter addons/auth-twitter ee auth-twitter /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[bootstrap-theme]="bootstrap-theme themes/bootstrap ee bootstrap-theme /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[camel]="camel addons/camel ee camel /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[data-categorytree]="data-categorytree addons/data-categorytree ee data-categorytree /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[google-shopping]="google-shopping addons/google-shopping ee google-shopping /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[lightning]="lightning addons/lightning ee lightning /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[paypal]="paypal addons/paypal ee paypal /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[projectmgr]="projectmgr addons/projectmgr ee projectmgr /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[redsys]="redsys addons/redsys ee redsys /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[shopde]="shopde addons/shopde ee shopde /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[vue-theme]="vue-theme themes/vue ee vue-theme /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[stripe]="stripe addons/stripe ee stripe /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[mailchimp]="mailchimp addons/mailchimp ee mailchimp /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[matomo]="matomo addons/matomo ee matomo /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[wordpress]="wordpress addons/wordpress ee wordpress /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[amazon-selling-partners]="amazon-selling-partners addons/amazon-selling-partners ee amazon-selling-partners /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[algolia]="algolia addons/algolia ee algolia /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[openai]="openai addons/openai ee openai /"
SCIPIO_ADDON_MAP[maileon]="maileon addons/maileon ee maileon /"

# If you need to override any of the above definitions (for whatever reason, normally not),
# you may do so below this line.