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<#if requestAttributes.uiLabelMap??><#assign uiLabelMap = requestAttributes.uiLabelMap></#if>

<#assign logo><img src="<@contentUrl escapeAs='html'>/images/scipio/scipio-logo-small.png</@contentUrl>"/></#assign>

    <#-- NOTE: login_wrap contains grid size -->
    <@cell class="${styles.grid_large!}12 ${styles.grid_large!} ${styles.login_wrap!}" last=true id="login" style="margin-top: 50px">
      <div id="system-box-title">
        <@heading level=1>${logo} ${uiLabelMap.CommonScipioERP!}</@heading>
      <@section id="login-box-content">        
        <div class="${styles.login_body!}">
                We have detected that there is no <i>WebSite</i> record matching the webSiteId defined as a context-param in this webapp web.xml descriptor for <strong>${webSiteIdNotFound!""}</strong>. 
                This is due the system not being properly configured. In order to solve this, follow our <a href="${scipioSetupUrl!}" class="${styles.link_run_local_inline!} ${styles.text_color_alert!}">setup wizard</a> to fullfil all the missing gaps.                 
            <#-- <@serverUrl uri="main" webSiteId="setup" /> -->            
            <p class="${styles.text_left}">
                Alternatively you can load our demo data in order to have the system properly setup without requiring any further action. You must issue this command to do so:
                    cd &lt;your-working-copy&gt;
                    ./ant load-demo
            <p>Check our public <a href="/setup/control/main" class="${styles.link_run_local_inline!} ${styles.text_color_alert!}">guide</a> for further information.</p>