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<#assign errorMessage = requestAttributes._ERROR_MESSAGE_!>
<#if requestAttributes.errorMessageList?has_content><#assign errorMessageList=requestAttributes.errorMessageList></#if>

<#-- SCIPIO: NOTE: 2018-02-26: The error message variables below must now be HTML-escaped by this ftl file.
    They will no longer be hard-escaped by ControlServlet - the mechanism here is more thorough and does not interfere with javascript. -->

<@alert type="error">
    <@heading level=1><i class="${styles.icon!} ${styles.icon_error!}" style="font-size: 4rem;"></i> ${getLabel('PageTitleError')!}</@heading>
    <#if errorMessage?has_content || errorMessageList?has_content>
            <#if errorMessage?has_content>
                <li>${escapeEventMsg(errorMessage, 'htmlmarkup')}</li>
            <#if errorMessageList?has_content>
                <#list errorMessageList as errorMsg>
                    <li>${escapeEventMsg(errorMsg, 'htmlmarkup')}</li>